The concept of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers

The professionally oriented communicative training concept of future civil protection service officers in the education institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is substantiated. The pedagogical concept is built on a certain theoretical.

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The concept of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers

Julia Nenko

Юлія Ненько

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри іноземних мов, Черкаський інститут пожежної безпеки імені Героїв Чорнобиля Національного університету цивільного захисту України

Обґрунтовано концепцію професійно орієнтованої комунікативної підготовки майбутніх офіцерів служби цивільного захисту в закладах вищої освіти ДСНС України. Педагогічну концепцію вибудовано на певній теоретико-методологічній основі й узагальненні сучасного педагогічного досвіду, зокрема власного, експериментально перевіреного.

Композиційне викладення педагогічної концепції представлено такими структурними складниками: передумовами становлення й розвитку проблеми дослідження, понятійно-категорійним апаратом, теоретико-методологічними засадами, ядром концепції, її змістовно-смисловим вираженням, педагогічними умовами ефективного функціонування й розвитку досліджуваного педагогічного феномену та межами застосування концепції.

Ключові слова: концепція, професійно орієнтована комунікативна підготовка, офіцер, курсант, заклад вищої освіти.


Обоснована концепция профессионально ориентированной коммуникативной подготовки будущих офицеров службы гражданской защиты в учреждениях высшего образования ДСНС Украины. Педагогическая концепция выстроена на определенной теоретико-методологической основе и обобщении современного педагогического опыта, в том числе собственного, экспериментально проверенного.

Композиционное изложения педагогической концепции представлено такими структурными составляющими: предпосылками становления и развития проблемы исследования, понятийно-категориального аппарата, теоретико-методологическими принципами, ядром концепции, ее содержательно-смысловым выражением, педагогическими условиями эффективного функционирования и развития исследуемого педагогического феномена и пределами применения концепции.

Ключевые слова: концепция, профессионально ориентированная коммуникативная подготовка, офицер, курсант, учреждение высшего образования.


The professionally oriented communicative training concept of future civil protection service officers in the higher education institutions of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine is substantiated. The pedagogical concept is built on a certain theoretical and methodological basis and a synthesis of modern pedagogical experience, in particular, the author's own, experimentally verified.

The compositional presentation of the pedagogical concept is represented by the following structural components: the preconditions for the formation and development of the research problem, the conceptual- categorical apparatus, theoretical and methodological principles, the core of the concept, its content and semantic expression, the pedagogical conditions for the effective functioning and development of the investigated pedagogical phenomenon and the limits of the application of the concept.

The proposed pedagogical concept served as a theoretical and methodological basis for the development of a structural andfunctional model of the professionally oriented communicative training system for future officers of the Civil Protection Service. The structural-functional model of the professionally oriented communicative training system of future officers of civil protection service is developed. The structural components include: target, conceptual-strategic, organizational-designing, procedural-technological, control-evaluative, resultative subsystems. communicative pedagogical officers

The pedagogical conditions of effective professionally oriented communicative training offuture civil protection service officers are identified: formation of a value attitude to the future profession; introduction of interactive teaching methods; improvement of teaching and methodical provision of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers; optimization of the participants ' subject-subjective interaction in the educational process during simulated situations of professional communication.

Key words: concept, professionally oriented communicative training, officer, cadet, institution of higher education.

The absence in the scientific circulation of a holistic system of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers in the higher educational establishments of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine directs us to the scientific substantiation of the concept of professionally oriented communicative training these officers.

In the development of the conceptual framework of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers we highlight the following aspects of scientific research:

- theoretical - to understand the essence of the key concepts and fundamental ideas of the concept of professionally oriented communicative training of future officers;

- methodological - to find out the feasibility of applying methodological approaches to the development of the author's concept;

- organizational-methodical - to substantiate the methodical principles of the concept;

- practical - for the implementation of the structural-functional model of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers in the departmental institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, developed within the framework of the concept.

Explaining the theoretical aspect of the problem under study, we should first of all find out the essence of the term "concept", which is one of the key terms of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of our scientific research.

According to the Dictionary of foreign language words, concept is "a system of views on a certain phenomenon; a way of understanding or interpreting it"; "the basic idea of any theory of artistic or scientific work" (Словник іншомовних слів (за ред. О.С. Мельничука), 1977, p. 450).

Consequently, under the concept of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers in higher educational establishments of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine we understand the set of author's ideas about the regularities and essence of the pedagogical process of professionally oriented communicative training of cadets, the principles of its organization and methods of implementation, grounded on a certain theoretical and methodological basis and generalization of modern pedagogical experience, including the author's own, experimentally tested experience.

The effectiveness of the implementation of any concept is influenced by the need to comply with such requirements as: orientation to active learning; emphasis on in-depth study and understanding; increasing the responsibility of the cadet; increasing independence of the cadet while studying; the interdependence of the teacher and the cadet; mutual respect; reflexive teacher's approach to teaching and cadet's approach to learning (O'Neill G., McMahon, 2016, p. 28).

The purpose of the pedagogical concept of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers determines the definition and achievement of the goal as an expected result. In our case, the result is the formation of the readiness of the future officer to professionally oriented communicative activities in the process of professional training in higher educational establishments of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

To check the result of achieving this goal, the criteria for this phenomenon and their indicators have been determined, in particular:

- motivational-value (interest in the future profession, the need for communication, the desire for self-improvement);

- cognitive (knowledge of the basic concepts, types and functions of professionally oriented communicative activities, knowledge of moral and ethical norms and rules of professionally oriented communicative activities of the officer of the civil protection service, knowledge of the professional terminology apparatus);

- communicative-activity (ability to establish and maintain contacts with the subjects of professional activity, ability to solve professional conflicts, mastering information and communication technologies.

Dynamics of the pedagogical concept of professionally oriented communicative training of the future civil protection service officers means, first of all, the relativity of the presented knowledge, that is, the substantiated pedagogical concept is not completely unchanged in the future and can be supplemented and corrected.

The validity of the pedagogical concept of professionally oriented communicative training of the future civil protection service officers is provided by the theoretical and methodological substantiality of the components of the concept; consistency with universally accepted ideas, scientific experience and normative basis of pedagogical theory and practice; integrated use of scientific research methods, adequate research object and logic of problem solving; a long comprehensive study of the pedagogical phenomenon.

The compositional presentation of the pedagogical concept is represented by the following structural components: preconditions for the formation and development of the research problem, conceptually categorical apparatus, theoretical and methodological basis, the core of the concept, its content- semantic expression, pedagogical conditions of effective functioning and development of the studied pedagogical phenomenon and the limits of application of the concept.

1. The formation and development of the research problem is represented by three groups of prerequisites:

a) the analyzed the state of readiness of the cadets of higher educational establishments of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine for professionally oriented communicative activities;

b) social order of the society of the officers with a high level of readiness for professionally oriented communicative activities;

c) the results of the theoretical study of the problem of professionally oriented communicative training of the future civil protection service officers.

2. The concept-categorical aparatus of the concept is represented by two groups:

a) the main category directly related to the conceptual direction - "communication", "communicative activity", "professionally oriented communicative activity", "readiness", "readiness for activity", "readiness of the future civil protection service officer to professionally oriented communicative activity";

b) a group of auxiliary categories that provide the expression of certain aspects of the pedagogical concept - "training", "vocational training", "professionally oriented communicative training", "methodological principles", "approaches", "concept" etc.

3. Theoretical and methodological basis of the concept.

The concept of scientific research includes three interrelated components-concepts that optimize the implementation of the priority scientific idea about professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers in the institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

The methodological concept forms the basis for constructing the theoretical foundations of scientific research. Its core - a set of integrative, humanistic, personally oriented, communicative-activity, professionally- oriented, competence, culturological, and information-communication approaches and principles of consciousness, practical orientation of professional training, systemicity and consistency, the strength of learning knowledge, skills and competences, professional mobility.

The theoretical concept involves substantiating and clarifying the definitions of the main terms of the study ("readiness", "readiness for activity", "readiness of the civil protection service officer to a professionally oriented communicative activity"); definition of specificity of professional training in the institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and pedagogical conditions of effective professional-oriented communicative training of future officers.

The technological concept is considered in the area of the search for a method of professionally oriented communicative training of future officers of civil protection service in departmental institutions of higher education, focused on ensuring the quality of the results of professional training of cadets.

4. The core of the concept is presented in the conceptual framework, which is the understanding of professionally oriented communicative training of future officers of civil protection service in departmental institutions of higher education as a pedagogical system in which:

- the goal is aimed at forming the readiness of future officers to professionally oriented communicative activities;

- the main task is to master the universal communicative knowledge, acquisition of the necessary skills and abilities to perform professionally oriented communicative activities through its different types, shapes and means in educational, vocational, scientific and future professional communicative activities;

- content of the system of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers reflects the complex of theoretical and practical directions, so far as professionally-oriented communication focus of the process of professional training in the institutios of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine plays a special role;

- the substantive content of the system covers the study of language, social, humanitarian, professional disciplines, educational practices, research work, extracurricular activities;

- the means used are to integrate such methods and forms of organization of professional training: active methods, Internet technologies, information and communication technologies, as well as motivational and reflexive methods of educational activity;

- professionally oriented communicative training of future officers is organized taking into account the specifics of professional training in the institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and involves a combination of classroom and non-auditing work; integrates individual, interpersonal and cooperative forms of education, as well as the coordination of the work of teachers of language training, teachers of disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle, professional disciplines, curators, course officers and others.

5. The content-semantic expression of the concept is presented by the pedagogical system of professionally oriented communicative training:

a) scientific substantiation and development of the model of the system of professionally oriented communicative training of future civil protection service officers is carried out on the basis of analysis of the basic concepts and positions of the general theory of systems, which allowed the most meaningful and accurate description of the formation of the designated values as a system (Roman S.V., 2013, p. 16-21);

b) on the basis of the analysis of existing models of pedagogical systems, the basic rules (requirements and criteria) formulated by us, on which the development of systems models is based, consideration of the hierarchy of pedagogical systems in the context of the analyzed scientific problem the structural-functional system of professionally oriented communicative training of future officers was created, its structural components were defined, for each of them new content was developed and interconnections established.

6. Pedagogical conditions of effective functioning and development of the studied pedagogical phenomenon include: formation of value attitude to future profession; activation of interactive teaching methods; improvement of teaching and methodological support; optimization of the subject- subject interaction of the participants of educational process in the simulated situations of professional communication.

7. The scope of the concept is presented by:

a) characteristics of the specificity of professional training of cadets in the institutions of higher education of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, which are subject to the validity of substantiated conceptual provisions;

6) components of the readiness of future officers to professionally oriented communicative activities;

b) meaningful content of the process of teaching the subjects of the pedagogical process - the teaching staff - for professionally oriented communicative training of future officers;

г) the above mentioned conditions of effective functioning and development of the studied pedagogical phenomenon.

The proposed pedagogical concept served as a theoretical and methodological basis for the development of a structural-functional model of a system of professionally oriented communicative training of the future civil protection service officers.

Список використаних джерел

1. Словник іншомовних слів / за ред. О.С. Мельничука. К.: Головна редакція УРЕ, 1977. 775 с.

2. O'Neill G., McMahon T. Student-Centred Learning: What does it mean for students and lecturers? URL: investigacion/centros_investigacion/innovacion_aprendizaje/literatura_esp ecializada/Student%20centered%20learning.pdf (дата звернення:

3. Роман С.В. Применение системного подхода к формированию эколого-гуманистических ценностей в процессе школьного химического образования. Вестник Казахского национального ун-та. 2013. № 2(39). С. 16-22. (Серия "Педагогические науки").

4. References

5. Slovnyk inshomovnykh sliv (Dictionary of foreign words) / ed./ za red.

6. O. S. Mel'nychuka. K.: Holovna redaktsiya URE, 1977. 775 s. (ukr).

7. O'Neill G., McMahon T. Student-Centred Learning: What does it mean for students and lecturers? URL: investigacion/centros_investigacion/innovacion_aprendizaje/literatura_esp ecializada/Student%20centered%20learning.pdf (data zvernennya:

8. Roman S. V. Primeneniye sistemnogo podkhoda k formirovaniyu ekologo- gumanisticheskikh tsennostey v protsesse shkol'nogo khimicheskogo obrazovaniya (Application of a systematic approach to the formation of environmental and humanistic values in the process of school chemical education.). Vestnik Kazakhskogo natsional'nogo un-ta. 2013. № 2(39).

9. S. 16-22. (Seriya "Pedagogicheskiye nauki") (rus).

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