The role of a pedagogical staff for providing the quality of higher education
The notion of quality of higher education and the role of the teaching staff in the education processes. There have been featured the key trends that influence the activity of the departments of higher education institutions and increase their importance.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.12.2021 |
Размер файла | 19,0 K |
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The role of a pedagogical staff for providing the quality of higher education
Svitlana Bebko
Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Senior Teacher of the Department of Business Foreign Language and International Communication
National University of Food Technologies
The article analyzes the notion of quality of higher education and the role of the teaching staff in the education processes. There have been featured the key trends that influence the activity of the departments of higher education institutions and increase their importance for providing quality of higher education. The theoretical foundations of the department functioning in the higher education system of Ukraine are generalized. In the process of research the author can conclude that: innovative changes occurring in higher education need to address the important issues of ensuring the quality of higher education; the effectiveness of the quality of higher education depends largely on the teaching staff of the departments; during the years of Ukraine's independence, both the negative and the positive phenomena occurred in the teaching staff of the department; it is important to improve the system of remuneration of teachers of higher education institutions, their social security, and to improve the conditions of their professional activity in accordance with European standards; efficiency of use of modern information technologies requires considerable financial and modern logistical supportfrom the state.
Key words: pedagogical staff, higher education, quality, higher education institutions, key trends.
Роль педагогического коллектива в обеспечении качества высшего образования
Светлана Бебко
В статье проанализированы понятие качества высшего образования и роль профессорско-преподавательского состава в учебно-научном процессе. Охарактеризованы ключевые тенденции, влияющие на деятельность кафедр высших учебных заведений, которые повышают их значение в обеспечении качества высшего образования. Обобщены теоретические основы функционирования кафедры в системе высшего образования Украины. Сформулированы выводы: инновационные изменения, которые происходят в сфере высшего образования, требуют решения важных вопросов обеспечения высокого качества высшего образования; эффективность качества высшего образования в значительной степени зависит от профессорско-преподавательского состава кафедр; за годы независимости Украины в работе профессорско-преподавательского состава кафедры состоялись как негативные, так и позитивные явления; важно усовершенствовать систему оплаты труда преподавателей высших учебных заведений, их социальное обеспечение, улучшение условий их профессиональной деятельности в соответствии с европейскими стандартами; эффективность использования современных информационных технологий требует значительной финансовой поддержки со стороны государства, современного материально-технического обеспечения.
Ключевые слова: педагогический коллектив, высшее образование, качество, высшие учебные заведения, ключевые тренды.
Роль педагогічного колективу в забезпечення якості вищої освіти
Світлана Бебко
Сьогодні система вищої освіти в Україні знаходиться під впливом світових тенденцій. В умовах конкуренції на світовому ринку освітніх послуг виникають нові вимоги до якості вищої освіти. Забезпечення якості вищої освіти завжди було важливим питанням, але на сьогодні це особливо важливо для інтеграції національної вищої освіти в європейський освітній простір.
Особливу роль у роботі вищих навчальних закладів (ВНЗ) відіграють науково-педагогічні працівники кафедр. Добре відомо, що підготовка висококваліфікованих спеціалістів визначається якістю роботи науково-педагогічних кадрів. В сучасних умовах вимоги до роботи кафедри ускладнювалися, ставились нові виклики та завдання. Значення науково-педагогічних кадрів у пошуку форм і методів підвищення ефективності навчального процесу зростає.
Опубліковано низку наукових праць, присвячених актуальним проблемам сенсу кафедри у забезпеченні якості вищої освіти. Провідні українські вчені - І. Грищенко, І. Каленюк, О. Куклін, Д. Кучеренко, І. Мельникова, А. Марчук та інші - вивчають цю проблему.
Метою є узагальнення теоретичних основ функціонування кафедр у системі вищої освіти України.
Інноваційні процеси, що впливають на роботу кафедр вищих навчальних закладів, включають:
- демократичні зміни у діяльності вищих навчальних закладів та науково-педагогічних колективів, що формують сучасне освітнє середовище на основі альтернатив освіти, предметної взаємодії, гуманізації студентського життя, підвищення попиту на вищу освіту;
- децентралізація вищої освіти, що активізує розвиток регіональних систем, надає їм право самостійно визначати способи організації навчання та виховання студентів;
- необхідність оновлення системи підготовки вчителів з урахуванням інноваційних перетворень та впровадження альтернативних форм навчання;
- необхідність збереження вітчизняних освітніх традицій вищої школи та пошуку механізмів їх трансформації у нове соціально-технологічне середовище;
- освіта відповідно до інформаційно-технологічних змін, зокрема впровадження дистанційних форм навчання тощо;
- врахування нових освітніх технологій, що сформувалися в інших галузях наукових та практичних знань;
- здійснення моніторингу як засобу діагностичного вивчення ефективності функціонування та розвитку вищих навчальних закладів, науково-педагогічних процесів, професорсько-викладацького складу кафедр тощо. pedagogical staff higher education
Сучасними тенденціями, які суттєво впливають на діяльність науково-педагогічних працівників вищих навчальних закладів, є:
- перебудова української національної школи, зміна статусу та форм власності вищих навчальних закладів;
- впровадження інноваційних технологій та прийомів навчання;
- перехід до нової освітньої парадигми, яка передбачає нові компетенції у професійній діяльності майбутніх фахівців.
Європейський напрям вищої освіти в Україні спричинив певні зміни в роботі кафедр вищих навчальних закладів. Зроблено такі висновки:
- інноваційні зміни, які відбуваються у галузі вищої освіти, потребують вирішення важливих питань високої якості вищої освіти;
- якість вищої освіти значною мірою залежить від викладацького складу кафедр;
- за роки незалежності України в роботі педагогічного колективу кафедр мали місце як негативні, так і позитивні явища;
- важливо вдосконалити систему оплати праці викладачів вищих навчальних закладів, їх соціальне забезпечення, покращення умов для їх професійної діяльності відповідно до європейських стандартів;
- ефективність використання сучасних інформаційних технологій потребує значної фінансової підтримки з боку держави, сучасної логістики.
Ключові слова: педагогічний колектив, вища освіта, якість, вищі навчальні заклади, ключові тре- нди.
Today, Ukrainian higher education system is influenced by global trends. Under the conditions of competition in the world market of education services new requirements for quality of higher education have appeared. The assurance of quality of higher education has always been an important issue, but at present it is particularly relevant for the integration of national higher education into the European education space.
Scientific and teaching staff of the departments has the special importance for the effectiveness of higher education institutions (HEIs). It is well known that the training of highly qualified specialists is determined by the quality of work of the scientific and pedagogical staff. In today's conditions the requirements for the work of the department are complicated, new challenges and tasks are posed. The role of scientific and pedagogical staff in the search for forms and methods of raising the efficiency of the educational process is increasing.
A number of scientific papers have been published on topical issues of importance of the department in quality assurance of higher education. Famous Ukrainian scientists - I. Gryshchenko, I. Kaleniuk, O. Kuklin, D. Kucherenko, I.Melnykova, A. Marchuk and others - have been fruitfully studying this issue.
The objective of the article is to generalize the theoretical basics of functioning of departments in the system of higher education.
In the context of research, an important methodological issue is to determine the quality of functioning of the higher education system.
If we consider higher education as a public good, the quality of education as a social institution is one of the key indicators of higher education performance. From an individual's point of view, the quality of education is the total result of the knowledge, skills that increase the value of the labor force in the labor market, at a fair (reasonable) price.
There are several methodological approaches to understanding the quality of education in the scientific literature and official sources.
`World Declaration on Higher Education for the 21st Century: Vision and Action” states that the quality of education is an aggregate of such elements as sys- tematicity, multifactorial manifestation, multifaceted practical outcome, etc. [1]. There is such a criterion for evaluating the quality of higher education, as the ability of a graduate of a higher education institution to meet their material and spiritual needs, as well as the needs of society.
According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", the system of providing the quality of educational institutions is evaluated by National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance [2].
The Encyclopedia of Education of Ukraine states that "quality of higher education" should be considered by means of two concepts - "quality of education" and "quality of preparation". The quality of education includes the state of material and laboratory base, the amount of scientific and methodological literature, the qualification of teachers, the quality of the educational base, the effectiveness of student's practices and more. The quality of preparation includes the ability of the graduate to absorb the material in full, positive motivation to study, responsibility of the student for the level of knowledge and experience, interest in employment in the profession, etc. [3, p.1016].
Another feature of higher education quality is the so-called "quality instability". This is related to the high share of subjectivity in the production of education services (teaching activities of the teacher) and in the perception of this service by consumers (cognitive activity of students). The quality of higher education depends on a number of factors - obvious (teacher qualification, availability of education equipment, conditions for access to library funds, etc.) and non- obvious (teacher behavior, audience placement, weather conditions, rumors, etc.). It is considered that the most influential factor in the high quality of education is the motivation of the student (desire to learn and acquire knowledge).
Therefore, the qualification of the teachers of the departments is an important component of the quality of higher education. The Encyclopedia of Education of Ukraine gives the following definition of "department": "In Ukrainian universities of the III and IV levels of accreditation the department is the basic structural unit of universities (its branches, institutes, faculties) carrying out educational and methodical activity in one or more related specialties, specialization or educational disciplines and carries out scientific, research and scientific-technical activity in a certain direction. ”[4, p.380]. The main task of the teaching staff of the department is to conduct educational, methodical, scientific, research and scientific-technical activity in a certain direction.
The main functional responsibilities of the teacher include [3, p.84]:
- preparation of training courses and their methodological support;
- delivering lectures;
- conducting practical, seminars and other classes;
- individual work with students and improvement of scientific and pedagogical skills;
- preparation of educational and methodological literature.
It is worth noting that the work of a teacher of a higher education institution is a creative and intellectual activity. Its features are complexity and versatility.
Modern innovation processes, fierce competition in the field of education services require some changes in teaching. According to the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", new world programs provide for reduction of one ECTS credit to 30 hours. Due to the reduction of lectures and classroom activities, the functions of teaching staff are changing. Modern teacher should perform more scientific and methodological work, actively master the functions of tutor, expert and coordinator.
The teaching staff should have not only professionalism but also high mobility, flexibility to adapt to new changes. To meet the requirements of the present, the teacher must have an active scientific work, be able to speak the language of international communication - English, as well as be able to work with education information technologies.
In 2018, significant changes took place in the education work of the departments of the universities of Ukraine. The legislative framework for the functioning of higher education, including the work of the departments of universities, has been updated. Documents governing the activities of the scientific and pedagogical staff of universities are the Law of Ukraine "On Education", the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", "Regulations on the certification of teaching staff", etc. According to these documents, the participants of the education process (including teachers) face strategic tasks - transition to a step-by-step system of training specialists in order to improve the educational and cultural level of society, raise higher education in Ukraine to the level of achievement of the most developed countries of the world through the implementation of a number of international projects and investments [4, 2, 5].
The updated laws provide for a significant expansion of the academic organizational and personnel autonomy of higher education institutions. This provides more opportunities for democratization of participants in the education process, including the teaching staff of the departments.
Today, some negative phenomena of functioning of the teaching staff are observed in Ukraine. Due to the difficult economic conditions in the country, one of the problems is the low pay of teachers. In this regard, there is such a widespread phenomenon as part-time work. As a result, there is a decrease in the creative potential of teachers, overstressing of intellectual and physical forces. Also, some representatives of the teaching staff resort to additional earnings, which undermine the authority of the department and higher education as a whole (writing graduation thesis and term papers for students, etc.).
Due to the low pay for teaching, not enough highly qualified teachers are involved in the teaching process, which requires considerable theoretical and methodological assistance. Teaching is losing its high status in society [6, p.225]. The financial difficulties of the higher education institutions caused the deterioration of the educational and methodological quality assurance of the educational process and material and technical base.
At the same time, there have been positive developments in the work of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the departments. During the years of independence, the departments of higher education institutions gained greater independence in the formation of education programs, methods and forms of teaching. Due to the global Internet, scientific and pedagogical staff have increased the level of access to global information resources, and increased opportunities to get acquainted with the organization of training at leading universities in the world.
After having implemented a Ph.D. degree in Ukraine, more mobility in the European education and scientific space has appeared for a teaching staff. It is also possible to note an increase in the internal mobility of the national education system.
Positive changes were caused by the credit- modular system implemented in accordance with the basic principles of the Bologna Declaration. Credit- modular system facilitates the transition from collective forms and methods of working with students to individual [7, p. 418-419].
According to Ukrainian scientists I. Kaleniuk and O. Kuklin, the modern higher education system is featured by innovative processes that, in particular, influence the work of the departments of higher education institutions. They include [8, p. 256]:
- democratic changes in the activity of higher education institutions and scientific and pedagogical staffs that form the modern education environment on the basis of educational alternatives, subjective interaction, humanization of student's life, increased demand for higher education;
- decentralization of higher education, which activates the development of regional systems, provides them with the right to independently determine the ways of organizing education and upbringing of students;
- the necessity of updating the system of professional training of teachers, taking into account innovative transformations and on the basis of introduction of alternative forms of training;
- the need to carry out social and pedagogical initiatives in accordance with a scientific system of managing innovation processes;
- the need to save the national educational traditions of higher education and search for mechanisms for their transformation to the new socio-technological environment;
- carrying out education in accordance with information and technological changes, in particular the introduction of distance forms, virtual models of learning, etc.;
- taking into account new educational technologies that have emerged in other fields of scientific and practical knowledge - psychology, sociology, linguistics and others;
- implementation of monitoring as a mean of diagnostic study of the functioning and development of higher education institution, scientific-pedagogical processes, educational achievements and results of student's development, teaching staff of the departments, etc.
Other modern tendencies that significantly influence the activity of scientific and pedagogical workers of higher educational institutions include [9, 10]:
- restructuring of Ukrainian national school, changing the status and ownership of universities;
- the transition from a knowledge paradigm to a competency that involves the introduction of innovative teaching technologies and techniques;
- transition to a new educational paradigm, which implies new competences in the professional activity of future specialists.
Summarizing the results of our research, we can conclude that the European orientation of higher education in Ukraine has necessitated some changes in the work of the departments of universities. Based on the synthesis of the results of the study, we can draw the following conclusions:
- the innovative changes taking place in the field of higher education need to address the important issues of ensuring the high quality of higher education;
- the quality of higher education quality depends largely on the teaching staff of the departments;
- during the years of Ukraine's independence, both the negative and the positive phenomena occurred in the teaching staff of the department;
- it is important to improve the system of remuneration of teachers of higher education institutions, their social security, to improve the conditions of their professional activity in accordance with European standards;
- the efficiency of the use of modern information technologies requires considerable financial support from the state, modern logistical support, etc.
1. World Declaration on Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century: Vision and Action and Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development in Higher Education (1998). Retrieved from: [in English].
2. Zakon Ukrainy pro vyshchu osvitu (2019) [Law of Ukraine on Higher Education]. Retrieved from: laws/show/1556-18 [in Ukrainian].
3. Kremen, V.G. (2008). Entsyklopediia osvity [Education Encyclopedia] . Kyiv: Jurinkom Inter, 1040 [in Ukrainian]
4. Zakon Ukrainy pro osvitu (2019) [The Law of Ukraine on Education]. Retrieved from: show/1556-18 [in Ukrainian]
5. Polozhennia pro sertyfikatsiiu pedahohichnykh pratsivnykiv (2019) [Regulations on the Certification of Pedagogical Staff]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].
6. Gryshchenko, I.M. (2012). Ekonomichni umovy zabezpechennia yakosti osvitnikh posluh u systemi vyshchoi osvity: kolektyvna monohrafiia [Economic Conditions of Providing Quality of Economic Services in the System of Higher Education: collective mono- graphy]. Kyiv: Pedagogichna dumka, 364 [in Ukrainian].
7. Gryshchenko, I.M. (2010). Ekonomichni aspekty problem rozvytku vyshchoi osvity v Ukraini: kolektyvna monohrafiia [Economic Aspects of Higher Education Development Problems: collective monography] Khmelnytskyi: Khmelnytskyi National University, 478 [in Ukrainian].
8. Kalenjuk, I.S. & Kuklin, O.V. (2012). Rozvytok vyshchoi osvity ta ekonomika znan [Development of Higher Education and Economics of Knowledge]. Kyiv: Znannia, 343 [in Ukrainian].
9. Marchuk, A.M. (2011). Hlobalizatsiia ta yii vplyv na rozvytok vyshchoi osvity [Globalisation and its Influence on the Development of Higher Education]. Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education. Retrieved from: portal/Soc_Gum/Pippo/2011_1/Marchuk. htm.
10. Stryha, E.V (2013). Roli vykladacha vyshchoho navchalnoho zakladu [The Role of Teachers of Higher Education Institutions]. Science and Education, 5. 48-50.
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