Prerequisites and factors of pedagogical biographistics formation
The emergence and formation of pedagogical biographistics as a separate, complex phenomenon. The European traditions of the historical and biographical genre. The biographical approach itself in history of philosophy and psychology, literary studies.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.10.2021 |
Размер файла | 50,4 K |
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Mukachevo State University М
Ph. D.(Pedagogy), Associate Professor
biographical pedagogical psychology history
Comprehensive understanding of a particular cultural, educational and historical-pedagogical phenomenon requires clarification of its preconditions, that is the factors that determined its emergence and development. The emergence and formation of pedagogical biographistics as a separate, complex phenomenon was determined by a complex of interrelated social, socio-cultural, educational and scientific factors. There are prerequisites and factors for the formation of pedagogical biographistics.
The prerequisites include the European traditions of the historical and biographical genre (the ages of Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Modern Times); Ukrainian biographical tradition (“chronicle of life” end of X-XVI centuries; cossack-chronicle the end of XVI-XVIII centuries; “empirical- scientific” of XIX century; imperial (Russian and Austro-Hungarian) and Western and Soviet 20-30 XX century and the biographical approach itself in history of philosophy and psychology, literary studies.
The factors are separated into socio-political and state-political ones, which determined the ideological doctrines of the development of education and science; scientific and methodological directions; models; reflections of knowledge and research of social development (personalism, Freudism); development trends and institutional structure of historical-pedagogical science and stages of pedagogical thought development.
A concentrated retrospective look at the development of the European biographical tradition allows us to draw a number of intermediate conclusions. The development of biography has always been conditioned by the existing socio-political and socio-cultural conditions and immediately responded to the next changes in social moods, ideological paradigms, worldview expectations. This circumstance and the general advancement of the humanities stimulated and depended on the modification of the types, species, genera of biographical works and their methodological foundations, which in the general dimension evolved between the artistic and scientific genres.
The tradition of the Ukrainian biographical genre, its development and historical and pedagogical conditions, based on close interconnection, laid the foundation for the emergence, development and development of pedagogical biography in the last third of the XX - beginning of the XXI century.
Key words: Phenomenon, biography, scientific and methodological approach, development of biography.
Зародження і становлення педагогічної біографістики як окремого, складного феномену детермінувалося комплексом взаємопов'язаних суспільних, соціокультурних, освітньо-наукових факторів. Існують передумови та чинники формування педагогічної біографістики.
До передумов належать європейські традиції історико-біографічного жанру (доба Античності, Середньовіччя, Відродження, Просвітництва, Новітнього часу); українська біографічна традиція («літописна житійна» кінця Х-ХУІ ст, козацько-літописна кінця ХУІ- ХУІІІ ст, «емпірично-наукова» ХІХ с.; імперська (російська і австро-угорська) та західноукраїнська та радянська 20-30 рр. ХХ ст. та саме біографічний підхід в історії філософії та психології, літературознавства.
Чинники виокремлено на суспільно-політичні та державно-політичні, що визначило ідеологічні доктрини розвитку освіти і науки; науково-методологічні напрями; моделі; рефлексії пізнання і дослідження суспільного розвитку (персоналізм, фрейдизм); тенденції розвитку та інституційна структура історико-педагогічної науки та етапи розвитку педагогічної думки.
Концентровано-ретроспективний погляд на розвиток європейської біографічної традиції дозволяє зробити низку проміжних висновків. Розвиток біографії завжди обумовлювався існуючими суспільно -політичними і соціокультурними умовами і відразу реагував на чергові зміни у суспільних настроях, ідейних парадигмах, світоглядних очікуваннях. Ця обставина та загальний поступ гуманітарних наук стимулювали й узалежнювали модифікацію типів, видів, родів біографічних творів і їхніх методологічних засад, які в загальному вимірі еволюціонували між художнім і науковим жанрами.
Традиція українського біографічного жанру, її розвиток та історико- педагогічні умови, опираючись на тісний взаємозв'язок, заклали основу для виникнення, розвитку та становленню педагогічної біографістики в останній третині ХХ - на початку ХХІ століття.
Ключові слова: феномен, біографістика, науково-методичний підхід, розвиток біографії.
The above mentioned prerequisites and factors for the formation of pedagogical biographistics in their totality in the system of different temporal and territorial coordinates formed the general background, the basis for the accumulation of informative and methodological potential for the development of personalistics direction of historical and pedagogical science in Ukraine in the second half of ХХ - early ХХІ centuries. The peculiarities of structural and content research determine the expediency of substantive disclosure in this section of a group of prerequisites concerning the European and Ukrainian traditions of biographical genre development and concise expression of other groups of prerequisites (historical, socio-political, scientific, historical-pedagogical).
Research methods and techniques
The problem of the origin and development of periods has been comprehensively understood in the studies of Ukrainian and foreign scholars (Belen'ky'j, 1988), (Valevsky'j, 1995), (Golubovy'ch I., 2009), (Menzhulin, 2011), (Svyashhenko, 2010), (Chy'shko, 2016) and others). Their synthesized reading shows that modern notions of biography as a historical and cultural phenomenon, which accumulates the diversity of literary and biographical sources, typologically date back to the Antiquity. Their ancestral differences developed in the Middle Ages, and the species began to differ during the Renaissance. The basis of the different types of biography of these periods is the model of “orderliness”, which reflects the author's efforts to gather in a single corpus all the real and mythical evidence of a person's life and to give them a consistent image and logical explanation (Valevsky'j, 1995). To identify the prerequisites and factors for the study of pedagogical biography we used the method of research, comparison, classification of provisions of pedagogical scientific sources of literature and the development of the problem under study.
In the process of accumulation of an array of scientific, educational and popular science, reference literature on the life activity of pedagogical personalities in the Ukrainian historical and pedagogical science formed a separate interdisciplinary research-personalized direction - pedagogical biographistics. This, on the one hand, led to the need for a substantive determination of its substantive and semantic parameters and status, role and place in the system of pedagogical and humanitarian sciences. On the other hand, complex, dynamic processes of learning life, scientific creativity, professional experience of teachers, scientists, educational figures, actualized the need for special development of methodological foundations of pedagogical biographistics, determining the information and cognitive potential of its source complex, comprehension of scientific work and definition of gaps and prospects of further studies in this direction.
The purpose of the article
To analyze the prerequisites and factors of the formation of pedagogical biography in relation to the main periods of society development, focusing on the development of Ukrainian, which determined and marked the emergence of European science as its integral component.
Results and discussions
The universal inclusive group of historical, cultural and socio-political prerequisites outlines the periods, conditions and factors that have determined and characterized the emergence of European and Ukrainian culture as its integral component. In the development of European civilization it is customary to distinguish cultural and historical epochs of Antiquity (VIII century BC - VI c.); The Middle Ages (VI-XIV/XV centuries); Renaissance (XIV/xV - XVI centuries); Enlightenment (XVII-XVIII centuries); Romanticism (late 18th - 19th centuries); Modern History (XX century) (although this simplified scheme has numerous modifications).
Within them, original systems of values, humanitarian doctrines and worldviews of human and his social role were developed.
And in such context we are considering at the history of Ukraine. It should be borne in mind that in modern humanities the state-political approach to its periodization prevails, according to which the following are distinguished: the era of Kievan Rus (IX - the middle of the XIII century); Polish-Lithuanian (XIV - first half of XVI c.); Cossack Day (XVI - XVIII centuries); imperial time, when from the end of XVIII - to the beginning of XX century Eastern Ukrainian lands were part of the Russian and Western Ukrainian - Austro-Hungarian empires; the restoration of Ukrainian statehood in 1917-1919; the interwar period of the 20-30's of the twentieth century, when the Soviet regime was established in the eastern part of Ukraine and the western part was a part of the European states. Under such historical conditions, the state of culture and intellectual development of the Ukrainian nation was significantly influenced by its stateless status and foreign political regimes, which imposed their ideological doctrines.
The socio-cultural humanitarian space of Europe and Ukraine was formed within the designated temporal and territorial coordinate system. On its bases the tradition of the historical and biographical genre was producing, by which we understand the totality of sources, research tools, and intellectual reflections presented in various types of literature accumulated over a period of time. In her womb, the creative potential that led to the genesis of Ukrainian historical and pedagogical biographistics was accumulated.
The concept of “change of basic models of biographical discourse” proposed by O. Valevsky is interesting for the scientifically synthesized understanding of the history of the development of the biographical genre, reflecting the consistent change of the “problematic range of consciousness of the biographer, the tools and procedures of interpretation, the mental space within the horizons of which the fact of individual life became the property of culture” (Valevsky'j, 1995). It is about a sequence of changes in the conceptual paradigms of biographical genre in the process of intellectual evolution of human civilization.
Formed during the Antiquity, the foundations of biographistics in many aspects determine its modern development. It is about the emergence of two types of biographical genre: the biography as a means of describing the individual, separated from the historical process and the historical and biographical narrative, in which the person acts as a part and illustration of the historical process. Since then, stylistic varieties of so-called biographies have been preserved ("biographical works"): biography-certificate, biographycharacteristic, biography-praise, etc. (Svyashhenko, 2010).
To date, a number of theoretical and methodological aspects of biographical knowledge, formed during the Antiquity, have not lost their relevance. First, there are two types of biography that have either been fully subjected to the author and his or her self-expression, or have provided a detailed description of the individual, his or her psychological characteristics through the analysis of sources. Secondly, there are two principles of presentation of the material: chronological - for historical and biographical works and linear - for literary works, where a clear temporal conditionality of events presentation was not necessary. Third, these are methodical canons and requirements for the structure of a biographical text: consideration of a person within the time limits of life and death; focus on the characteristics of its appearance, habits, inclinations; emphasis on achievements, shortcomings, failures in social activity and bright original creative ideas; understanding the likelihood of one biographer's estimates and characteristics as such that may not match the views and be refuted by another author. Fourth, these are the main thematic vectors of biography: didactic, entertaining, political.
By the middle of the nineteenth century. the status of a "classical methodical guide" in biography was retained by Plutarch's "Comparative Biographies" (nearly 46 - 119). For centuries, this work has been the most popular secular reading for Europeans. Modern scholars, including historians of pedagogy, use the principle of "pairwise typological classification" of personalities developed by him, which the author used to compare 46 biographies of the outstanding Greeks and Romans. Plutarch formulated a number of classic ideas and approaches to biography, in particular showing the need to distinguish the purpose of the historian from the goals of the biographer, who should not only reveal brilliant victories, successes, but also to expose the negative features and flaws of historical figures (Plutarx, 1991). Therefore, in the biographical tradition, it has also become a symbol of morality.
It is not necessary to imagine the Middle Ages as a time of continuous decline of biography. In fact, it received a new distinctive expression in the form of hagiography, which represented the genre of life, which until the beginning of the XVI century. remained the only canonical kind of biography. It identified a kind of holistic phenomenon of spiritual and religious culture, but given the detachment from the historical process, the inadmissibility of criticism of sources, creative attitude to the person and expression of the author's individuality, became a symbol of "conservatism" and "dogmatism" in the European biographical tradition.
The situation changed during the Renaissance, when with the return of public opinion to the realities of human life, biography became one of the main genres of secular literature. Thanks to the immortal works of F. Petrarch ("On Famous Men" and others) and his followers, the biographical tradition has gained new character traits - humanism and anthropocentrism, which put the center of human being as the highest self-esteem with limitless creative potential.
Age of Enlightenment XVIII century marked another shift in the development of biography. Its isolation into the independent direction of history and literature was accompanied by the formation of national biographical traditions. Creativity of J.J. Rousseau, F. Voltaire, S. Johnson, J. Stanfield became the basis for developing scientific and methodological approaches to writing biography as a separate type of intellectual production. This process was marked by conceptually important analytical imperatives: the transition from biographical observation to biographical analysis; the desire to collect as many sources as possible and their unbiased criticism; affirmation of the principle of moral virtues in the selection of historical figures as objects of historical description; their understanding in the context of the historical process, etc. (Chy'shko, 2016).
Emerging trends intertwined in the development of biography during the Romanticism of the nineteenth century are also identified. With her isolation into independent research direction and intensified discussion of biographical issues among philosophers, historians, literary critics, she became the arena of struggle between the representatives of two dominant trends: "conservative," which continued to "heroize" historical figures (T. Carlyle) and "modernistic," which relied on the tenets of L. Ranke's skeptical theory. The idealization and absolutization of the biographical genre led to the attempt to replace history as an independent science. With the updating of authorship problems of biographical text and development of biographical method, the discourse on the interpretation of person as an object of biographical creativity intensified. One of his manifestations was the attempt to select in the biography the "right to the scientific genre" and to retain exclusively promotional functions (Yusy'm, 2016). The skepticism about its scientific and cognitive capabilities has not disappeared to this day, in particular, it is also reflected in the attitude towards research on pedagogical personalities.
In the first quarter of the twentieth century on the background of total crisis of European culture, which caused the "revaluation of all values", there was a so-called L. Strechy's "new biography", which was characterized by psychologism, a focus on the inner world of human, minimization of value judgments. Its emergence and mass interest in biography led to the instability of life, so in the past it began to seek answers to contemporary challenges and solutions to the contradiction between the "old" and "new" knowledge of the nature of human, which under the influence of Darwinism, Marxism, Freudism began to be considered as material being that can be explored by the methods of the natural sciences. As a result, there was a theoretical and methodological division of the biography into fiction (A. Moruis) and documentary (I. Stone) and its new directions were established: psychobiographical (Z. Freud, E. Erikson, G. Alloport and others); historical- sociological, traditional-historical, etc. (Berezan', 2013).
The split of the world into two socio-political and ideological systems led to profound disintegration processes in the biographical genre of the twentieth century. This became the arena of intense ideological struggle that caused a "struggle for methodology" which led to a mix of moral and political principles and styles and approaches in biographical research. Crisis phenomena have shown the impossibility of creating a unified theory of scientific and artistic-biographical genre.
With the dynamics of social development, when fundamental sociocultural and technological shifts began to take place within a generation, "life trajectories" changed. This was recorded in biographies, the main subject of which is not individual historical progress, but individual life histories (Golubovy'ch, 2009). During the interwar period, the biographical genre received a new impetus in the bosom of the Annals school (M. Block, L. Febr). It was based on the basis of anthropo-oriented historiography and interdisciplinary approach to the study of human. Thus, the postulate of human individuality became the pillar of the new in the biographical genre of historical and anthropological perspective (Golubovy'ch, 2009. This laid the ground for its rise after the Second World War and the design of biographistics as a separate scientific direction.
A concentrated retrospective look at the development of the European biographical tradition allows us to draw a number of intermediate conclusions. The development of biography has always been conditioned by the existing socio-political and socio-cultural conditions and immediately responded to the next changes in social moods, ideological paradigms, worldview expectations. This circumstance and the general advancement of the humanities stimulated and depended on the modification of the types, species, genera of biographical works and their methodological foundations, which in the general dimension evolved between the artistic and scientific genres. As a result of this intellectual experience, the theoretical and methodological foundations of scientific biographistics have been determined, which define, in a priori, the guidelines, approaches, tools for studying pedagogical personalities. It is important to comprehens the understanding of the main features and features of the biography developmen in these socio-cultural periods, which allows to compare the sign and symbolic concepts, ideas, postulates with analogues of modern pedagogical biographistics.
The above also applies to the Ukrainian biographical tradition, which, developing in the pan-European direction, produced its national characteristics. Based on the analysis of scientific work, we focus on its main aspects in the context of the problem under study. By the way, the division of biographistics into "pre-scientific" (empirical development of its theoretical principles and practical rules from the Antiquity period to the end of the eighteenth century) and "scientific" is considered relative and conditional, since in the first period, the cornerstones of modern biography were elaborated, and its development in the second period was accompanied by many pseudoscientific ideas and theories.
Scientists associate the starting milestones in the formation of Ukrainian biographistics with the elements of biographical description in the chronicle and life literature of the late X - early XI centuries. and the Kiev-Pechersk Paterik of the first half of the ХІІІ century, and the approval of its original forms - with the Volyn short chronicle of the XVI century, which restored the genre of princely life. Foundations for the unification of biographical data were laid in such way according to certain criteria and schemes for distinguishing a person from the historical process and understanding of his life. Gap in Ukrainian chronicle in the XIV - XVI centuries fills in the original personification of the historical and cultural process in the form of folk epic creativity that deserves research in the dimension of ethnopedagogy.
The characteristic features of the second stage of the biographical chronicle, which belongs to the Cossack age of the end of XVI - XVIII centuries, became critical attitude to the sources; rejection of the "doom fate"; consideration of a person in the context of cause and effect; not only her real appreciation, but also her unique personality and so on. The main varieties of this humanistic-patriotic biographistics were the biographical narrative, the political portrait, the obituary as a separate panegyric direction, etc.
Prospects for the birth of national pedagogical biographistics were stimulated by the social situation in Ukraine in the second half of XVIII century, when representatives of the Cossack elders began to investigate their genealogy in order to prove the "antiquity", "nobility" of the families to obtain privileges, which intensified the formation of a source base for the national pantheon of Ukraine. This new stage of development of Ukrainian biographistics was also stimulated by the emergence of nationally oriented scientific and educational institutions (seminaries, colleges, typography, book collections, etc.); increasing the overall literacy rate of the population; the emergence of a galaxy of writers and scholars who contributed to the development of biographical studies (P. Berynda, I. Velychkovskij. K. Sakovych, M. Smotrytskij, etc.) and under modern conditions have become the subject of study as pedagogical personalities. Formation of scientific and theoretical foundations of Ukrainian biographistics in the first half of the ХІХ century took place in the context of the accumulation of literary, historical, ethnographic knowledge, which synthesized the ideas of European Enlightenment and Romanticism, the Slavic spiritual revival and the Ukrainian national movement.
The next stage of its development in the second half of ХІХ century marked by the expansion of the range of biographical studies, which covered the names of figures of the national liberation movement, culture, literature, education, art, science and economy, representing different segments of the population, ethnic minorities, expatriates, foreigners-Ukrainians, etc. It was characterized by species and genre diversity (scientific-analytical, popular scientific historical and literary-biographical articles, explorations, essays, materials to biographies, collecting documents, etc.) and a wide problem- thematic spectrum. This process of empirical accumulation of biographical knowledge was marked by the first attempts at a comprehensive study, which was embodied in the catalog of famous Ukrainian figures (1883) prepared by V. Antonovych, O. Levytskyi, and V. Bets. The biographies in it were presented in the context of the national historical process and the expression of personal contribution to the development of Ukrainian direction. Important work in this direction was carried out by the "Southwestern Division of the Russian Geographical Society" (1873), a Ukrainian cell that started fundamental studies in the field of history, ethnography, and economy of Ukraine. The Nestor-Chronicler Historical Society and the Historical- Philological Society, established at the Kyiv and Kharkiv Universities, contributed to the intensification of interest in the biographical studies. The leading figures of these institutions were V. Antonovych, M. Drahomanov, P. Zhytetskyi, I. Luchytskyi, O. Lazarevskyi, O. Rusov, P. Chubynskyi, other well- known scientists, educators, cultural and educational figures.
When, according to the Ems Decree of 1876, all public, cultural, educational, literary, scientific activities in the Ukrainian language and national scientific-pedagogical and cultural-educational organizations were outlawed, studies in the field of biographistics continued in Russian language. One of their leading centers in the Dnieper region was the magazine "The Kiev past" ("Kievskaya staryna", 1882 - 1907), on the pages of which were actively printed materials on biographistics and genealogy.
Conclusions and perspectives for further research
Thus, the Ukrainian tradition of the biographical genre, the development of national education and pedagogical thought, in their close relationship, laid the foundation for the emergence and largely served the development of pedagogical biographistics in Ukraine in the last third of ХХ and early ХХІ centuries. They led to the formation of a galaxy of cultural and social figures, enlighteners, scientists and educators, who became the subject of study as pedagogical personalities. Understanding these issues allows us to clarify a complex of questions concerning the factors, stages, trends of formation and development of historical and pedagogical biographistics in the period under study.
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