Dual model of professional training of the future specialists: by the example of Ukraine, the Republic of Poland and Romania

The main feature of modernization of educational programs. Improving the quality of professional training and bringing education closer to the requirements of the labor market. Strengthening the main role and influence of employers on education.

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Khmelnytskiy Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy Yaroslav Nahornyi

Dual model of professional training of the future specialists: by the example of Ukraine, the Republic of Poland and Romania

Kateryna Binytska, Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Associate Professor of the Pedagogy Department


Certain aspects of introduction of the dual model of professional training of the future specialists in higher education systems of the Republic ofPoland, Romania and Ukraine have been considered in the article. It is noted that the models of professional training of the future specialists of the countries of Eastern Europe have a common experience, which should be studied and used in the domestic system of higher education. It is mentioned that the dual education system, also known as a variable or double model of education, is based on the training ofstudents for the profession, which is conducted both in educational institutions through classroom and extracurricular forms of work, and also by employers in practical training.

The domestic normative-legal base on this issue has been analysed, according to which the dual form of education was introduced and it has been accentuated that the following requirements for the professional training of the future specialists are legally established: modernization of educational programs; improving the quality of training specialists; convergence ofeducation with labour market requirements; strengthening the role and influence of employers on education; increase of motivation for learning among pupils and students; growth of youth employment rate; reduction of the adaptation period, which graduates have at work; increasing the competitiveness of workers.

It is emphasized that in the European countries the dual system is also called alternate, bilateral, parallel, which is organizedjointly by the employers and educational establishments. Characteristic features ofsuch a model of education are: the applicant of education studies for a certain profession, specialty or qualification; the educational process takes place at the employer or in the enterprise; temporary education under the employment contract is used and there is a certain remuneration for the work done; theoretical training is organized in classroom or in extracurricular forms; the educational process ends with the receiving of qualification - profession; there is (optional) possibility to obtain additional certificates. It is generalized that the dual model ofprofessional training should provide the student with theoretical knowledge, and there is direct contact with the labour market, which consists of: alternating educational training of students who study at the workplace and receive education at the higher education institution.

Keywords: dual education; professional training; a specialist; higher education.


Катерина Біницька, доктор педагогічних наук, доцент кафедри педагогіки

Хмельницької гуманітарно-педагогічної академії Ярослав Нагорний, кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри іноземних мов

Хмельницької гуманітарно-педагогічної академії


У статті розглянуто окремі аспекти впровадження дуальної моделі професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців у системах вищої освіти Республіки Польща, Румунії та України. Проаналізовано вітчизняну нормативно-правову базу з цієї проблеми, відповідно якої було впроваджено дуальну форму освіти та акцентовано, що законодавчо закріплені такі вимоги до професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців: модернізація освітніх програм; підвищення якості підготовки фахівців; зближення освіти до вимог ринку праці; посилення ролі та впливу роботодавців на освіту; підвищення мотивації до навчання серед учнів і студентів; зростання рівня зайнятості молоді; скорочення адаптаційного періоду, який проходять випускники на роботі; підвищення конкурентоспроможності працівників.

Ключові слова: дуальна освіта; професійна підготовка; фахівець; вища освіта.

Formulation of the problem

Education and training, apart from what is “as a means of comprehensive human development, tools for participation in public life” (UNESCO), are also the key factors that determine the results in this area, help young people to find employment; obtaining the necessary professional skills and competencies that facilitate the transition from the stage of training to the stage of employment [9].

The competitiveness of any state in the world market and the quality of life of its population directly depend on the level of professional training of personnel. Today, the European Union remains one of the leading world leaders in the field of training qualified personnel, thanks to the dual system of professional education and training [2].

The professional experience of a specialist is highly valued by enterprises, and this is a major obstacle for graduates of higher education institutions who look for their first place of work. Many young people fall into a closed circle: they cannot find their first job because they have no work experience, and since they do not have a job, they do not have any work experience. Therefore, the actual problem of the modern system of professional and higher education is the development of such models of professional training that will promote employment of young people. Such model of professional training is the dual form of education, due to which there is almost no youth unemployment in developed European countries.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

The problem of development of dual model of professional training of specialists has been studied by V. Artemchuk, N. Bazeluk, O. Borodiyenko, N. Korchynska, S. Leu, L. Pukhovska, V. Radkevych, O. Radkevych and others.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the models of dual forms of professional training of the future specialists in Ukraine, the Republic of Poland and Romania.

Presentation of the main research material

Models of professional training of the future specialists from the countries of the Eastern Europe have a lot of common positive experience that need to be studied and used in the domestic education system. This is, first of all, orientation of the content of professional training of specialists for the needs and requirements of the labour market, the expansion of the relationship with social partners, the increase in the volume of practical training of students and adults, the introduction of dual system of professional training almost in all the countries, the development of new qualifications, professional and educational standards on the competence basis, etc. At the same time, there is the desire of these countries to improve the quality of professional education and training, to optimize the network of educational institutions, to balance the demand and supply of skilled workers, to bring national qualifications systems in line with the European needs for educational reforms. Their results are: renewal of educational legislation, modernization of the content and structural components of professional education and training, increase of the role and responsibility of the state, employers, and business for creating conditions for the professional training of different segments of the population according to their needs, abilities and opportunities [5, 115].

It should be noted that in 2018 in Ukraine the Concept of Training Specialists was adopted by the dual form of education. https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/ laws/show/660-2018-%D1%80. The reasons for introducing the elements of the dual system of education were the following legal documents: Law of Ukraine “On Education”, Medium-Term Plan of Priority Actions of the Government for the Period of 2017-2020, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated March 16, 2015 No. 298 “On the Introduction of Elements of the Dual System of Training in the Professional Training of Skilled Workers”, Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated September 19, 2011 No.660-r “On Approval of the Concept of Training Specialists by the Dual Form of Education” [2].

The concept of dual education has been the result of lengthy discussions between experts, scientific and pedagogical workers, employers, representatives of institutions of higher education and government. It includes the following measures: modernization of educational programs; improving the quality of training of specialists; convergence of education with labour market requirements; strengthening the role and influence of employers on the education system; increase of motivation for learning among pupils and students; increase of youth employment rate; reducing the adaptation period of graduates to their first job; increasing the competitiveness of workers.

The concept of dual education involves spatial and time combination based on the principle of 50% to 50% of studies in the educational institution and internships at enterprises in the chosen specialty [3].

The dual system of education, also known as a variable or double, is based on the training of specialists to the profession organized by theoretical training in educational institutions (classroom and extracurricular forms, training in practical). The dual system of education is very popular in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Norway and France. Thus, the model of professional education, called the dual system, involves the combination of practice and theoretical training. In this form of training, practice is defined as employment under the agreement between the employer and the employee.

Today, in European countries, the dual system is called alternate, bilateral, parallel, organized by the employers and educational institutions. Characteristic features of this model of education are:

the student studies by the particular profession, specialty or qualification;

the educational process takes place at the employer or in the enterprise;

temporary education under the employment contract is used and a certain remuneration for the work performed is paid;

theoretical training is organized in classroom or extracurricular forms;

the educational process ends with receiving qualification - profession;

there is (optional) possibility to obtain additional certificates and specialization. modernization educational professional

The main tasks of dual education are the following:

strengthening and improving the practical component of the educational process, while preserving the sufficient level of theoretical training that ensures compliance with educational standards;

training of personnel that corresponds to the modern requirements of the labour market and employers;

increase of students' motivation for obtaining qualification (specialty) and employment opportunities;

rise of professional mobility and competitiveness of the graduate at the labor market;

ensuring interconnection, interpenetration and mutual influence of different systems (science and education, science and production), which will allow to make qualitative changes in the education system;

promoting the adaptation of higher education graduates to the conditions of production [3].

Thus, the dual system should provide the student with theoretical knowledge, while providing direct contact with the labour market, which consists of: alternating educational training of students who study at their workplace and receive education at the higher education institution (the fifth and the sixth levels in accordance with ISCED 2011) [5].

It should be noted that the new trends in the professional development of the future specialists are reflected in the International Standard Classification of Education adopted by the 36th session of the UNESCO General Conference in 2011. In particular, the classifier focuses on moving the professional direction of education in the structure of higher education and introduces the distinction between academic and professional programs during the acquisition of higher qualification levels. At the same time, the question of what is meant by “higher professional education” has been actualized. In the context of cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, the study of modern models of professional education and training of citizens of the European Union countries can be considered as a source of innovative experience that will help to raise the prestige and status of national professional education and, at the same time, promote its reformation and integration into the European and world educational-scientific space [5, 5].

The dual model of education is a practice-oriented learning based on the social partnership aimed at creating the new model of professional training of students with mandatory periods of production training and production practice, which takes place on the basis of enterprises, institutions, organizations and involves strengthening the process linkages with production, determining the leading role and increasing the responsibility of employers for the quality of training of skilled personnel [3]. The experience of professional training in Poland and Romania, built on the dual model of education, suggests that such an organization of the educational process is the most effective.

For example, today in the Polish academic community, the problem of persuasion in the prevalence of teaching with a general academic profile over practical classes is relevant. One of the ways to solve this problem is to introduce the dual education.

It should be noted that the dual education model since 2018 has already been defined in the normative legal acts of the Republic of Poland, in particular, the innovations are that according to these documents some of the classes in the process of training the future teachers will be held by the employer. To support the dual education model, the Polish government has increased funding for higher education since 2019, and the universities that decide on the implementation of this model of education will receive more financing [7]. For example, the Ministry of Development of the Republic of Poland, in cooperation with other ministries, prepared a draft Strategy for Responsible Development (SOR) and sent it for public discussion. Among conceptual ideas of the Strategy is the implementation of the comprehensive policy for the development of qualification and professional skills of employees, in particular:

distribution of the dual model of education in professional education, combination of knowledge acquisition in educational institutions with practical professional training;

increasing the influence of companies and organizations that unite enterprises on the functioning of the system of professional education - the development of the basic curriculum;

monitoring of the labour market from the point of view of the needs of education policy, classification of occupations, introduction of new professions and qualifications that better meet the future needs of the society;

development of the training system for teaching pedagogical staff taking into account the new needs of the society and the state [8].

The dual model of education is also used in Romania. In 2011, the Law “On Education” was amended in relation to the professional training of teachers in different specialties, which should contain the theoretical course of study in the specialty of the chosen profession at universities (master's degree (2 years), pedagogical practice (one educational year) conducted at school under the guidance of a teacher- counselor. The students studying in the course during one academic year on practical training programs are guided by the current legislation, and according to it such teaching positions are considered temporary employment. Often this compulsory practical pedagogical training occurs on the future place of work of the students [1].

In order to do practical training, the permanent network of schools is created in the country based on the standard agreements between the units (educational institutions providing pedagogical training) and school inspections under the conditions determined by the order of the Minister of Education.

Interesting experience with the practical training of the future primary school teachers in Romania is doing the pedagogical internship in the form of the step-by-step pedagogical practice abroad within the framework of the European Union's international programs, which is a special component for the initial training of teachers certified by the Europass Mobility document [1].

Consequently, the modern education system requires new educational technologies, innovations and the models of professional training capable of providing high quality training of specialists in accordance with the demands of the modern labour market. The dual model of professional training in the higher education system represents the innovative model of organization of the educational process at the institution of higher education [3].


The experience of introducing the dual system of training of the future specialists in the Eastern European countries is important for Ukraine, where modernization processes, including the introduction of the dual model of education, have begun.


1. Біницька К. Підготовка майбутніх учителів початкової освіти у країнах Східної Європи: теорія і практика за наук. ред. Г. Терещука: монографія. Хмельницький: ФОП Цюпак А. А., 2018. 376 с.

2. Дуальна система навчання в Економіко- технологічному інституті імені Роберта Ельворті.

3. Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України.

4. Про схвалення Концепції підготовки фахівців за дуальною формою здобуття освіти. 660-2018-р. Прийняття від 19.09.2018.

5. Сучасні моделі професійної освіти і навчання в країнах Європейського Союзу: порівняльний досвід: монографія / В. О. Радкевич, Л. П. Пуховська,

6. О.В. Бородієнко, О. П. Радкевич, Н. В. Базелюк, Н. М. Корчинська, С. О. Леу, В. В.Артемчук; за заг. ред. В. О. Радкевич. Київ: ІПТО НАПН України, 2018. 223 с.

7. Ksztalcenie nauczycieli po nowemu.

8. Szkoly zawodowe, ksztalcenie dualne i nauczycieli. Morawiecki odkryl karty.

9. Temat przewodni: Dualny system ksztalcenia: rozwiqzanie na trudne czasy?


1. Binytska, K. (2018). Pidhotovka maibutnikh uchyteliv pochatkovoi osvity u krainakh Skhidnoi Yevropy: teoriia i praktyka [Training of the Future Primary School Teachers in the Countries of the Eastern Europe]. (Ed.). H. Tereshchuk. Khmelnytskyi: FOP Tsiupak A. A. 376 p. [in Ukrainian].

2. Dualna osvita (2019). [Dual Education].

3. Dualna systema navchannia v Ekonomiko- tekhnolohichnomu instytuti imeni Roberta Elvorti (2019). [Dual System of Education in Economic- Technological Institute Named after Robert Elvorti]. Available at: https://eti.kr.ua/dualna-osvita (Accessed 02 Feb. 2019). [in Ukrainian].

4. Rozporiadzhennia Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy. Pro skhvalennia Kontseptsii pidhotovky fakhivtsiv za dualnoiu formoiu zdobuttia osvity [On the Approval of the Concept of Specialists' Training by the Dual Form of Education]. 660-2018-r. Pryiniattia vid 19.09.2018.

5. Radkevych, V O., Pukhovska, L P, Borodiienko, O. V, Radkevych, O. P, Bazeliuk, N. V, Korchynska, N. M., Leu, S. O. and Artemchuk, V. V. (2018). Suchasni modeli profesiinoi osvity i navchannia v krainakh Yevropeiskoho Soiuzu: porivnialnyi dosvid [Modern Models of Professional Education and Training in the Countries of the European Union: Leading Experience]. (Ed.). V. O. Radkevych. Kyiv: IPTO NAPN Ukrainy, 223 p. [in Ukrainian].

6. Dualny system ksztaicenia [Dual System of Education].

7. Ksztalcenie nauczycieli po nowemu [Teaching in the New Way].

8. Szkoly zawodowe, ksztalcenie dualne i nauczycieli. Morawiecki odkryl karty [Professional- Technical Schools, Dual Education and Teachers] morawiecki-odkryl-karty.36394.html (Accessed 15 Feb. 2019). [in Polish].

9. Temat przewodni: Dualny system ksztaicenia: rozwiqzanie na trudne czasy? [The main topic: Dual System of Educatian: is a difficult time solution]

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