The bio (eco) ethical activity of a future primary school in the conditions of the new ukrainian school: practical vector
The article notes that the modern approach to understanding the role of environmental education has a defining feature, according to which it is not considered as a component of education, but becomes the goal of the modern educational process.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 29.08.2021 |
Размер файла | 22,6 K |
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The bio (eco) ethical activity of a future primary school in the conditions of the new ukrainian school: practical vector
Alla Kramarenko doctor of Pedagogics, Professor,
Berdiansk State Pedagogical
Zaporozhye region
environmental education new ukrainian school
The article notes that the modern approach to understanding the role of environmental education has a defining feature, according to which it is not considered as a component of education, but becomes the goal of the modern educational process, and can not be a mechanical supplement to general education. what level or system of education; the purpose of education is the formation of environmental consciousness. Accordingly, bio (eco) ethics as a modern science is able to take into account the challenges of modern education in the formation of personality.
The paper reveals the practical vector of the discipline “Bio(eco)ethical activities of primary school teachers”. The author notes the importance of the process of forming the readiness of undergraduates for the introduction of the technology of bio(eco)ethical activity in the conditions of the New Ukrainian school and the structural components of the outlined process.
It is pointed out that during the transfer and acquisition of bio (eco) ethical competencies during the educational process of the course “I explore the world” it is important to influence the motivational sphere of primary school students, which will gradually have practical consolidation in ordinary life situations.
According to the author's position, the value component of the course is represented by ideals, ideas and goals that define nature as a universal value, as selfworth. These ideas are based on the realization of the inseparable, organic relationship of man with the biosphere of the planet, with the cosmos as a whole. Thus, it can be argued that this course is educational and methodological support for the purpose of modern environmental education of future primary school teachers - the formation of ecological culture of the individual and society as a set of spiritual and practical experience of human interaction with nature, ensuring its survival and development. At the same time, mastering this course, the future specialist will have the opportunity to successfully influence the formation of environmentally oriented primary education in the New Ukrainian school.
Key words: bio(eco)ethical activity of primary school teacher, bio (eco) ethics, future specialists of primary education, applicants of primary education, New Ukrainian school.
Бердянський державний педагогічний університет
м. Бердянськ,Запорізька область
доктор педагогічних наук, професор,
У статті зазначається, що сучасний підхід до усвідомлення ролі екологічної освіти має визначальну ознаку, згідно з якою вона розглядається не як складова освіти, а стає метою сучасного освітнього процесу, і не може бути механічним додатком до загальної освіти, а має вписуватися органічною складовою будь-якого рівня або системи освіти; метою освіти стає формування екологічної свідомості. Відповідно біо(еко)етика як сучасна наука здатна враховувати виклики сучасної освіти у становленні особистості.
У роботі розкривається практичний вектор навчальної дисципліни “Біо(еко)етична діяльність учителя початкової школи ". Автором зазначається важливість процесу формування готовності магістрантів до впровадження у цілісний освітній процес ЗВО технології біо(еко)етичної діяльності в умовах Нової української школи та структурні компоненти окресленого процесу.
Вказується, що під час передачі й засвоєння біо(еко)етичних компетентностей під час освітнього процесу з курсу “Я досліджую світ" важливим є вплив саме на мотиваційну сферу здобувачів початкової освіти, яка поступово матиме практичне закріплення у звичайних життєвих ситуаціях учнів.
Відповідно позиції автора, ціннісний компонент курсу представляють ідеали, ідеї та цілі, що визначають природу як універсальну цінність, як самоцінність. Ці уявлення базуються на усвідомленні нерозривного, органічного взаємозв'язку людини з біосферою планети, з Космосом в цілому. Таким чином, можна стверджувати, що цей курс є навчально -методичним забезпеченням з реалізації мети сучасної екологічної освіти майбутнього вчителя початкової школи - формування екологічної культури особистості й суспільства як сукупності духовного та практичного досвіду взаємодії людства з природою, що забезпечує його виживання та розвиток. Разом з тим, опановуючи зазначений курс майбутній фахівець матиме можливість успішно впливати на формування еколого орієнтованого здобувача початкової освіти в умовах Нової української школи.
Ключеві слова: біо(еко)етична діяльність учителя початкової школи, біо(еко)етика, майбутні фахівці початкової освіти, здобувачі початкової освіти, Нова українська школа.
Among all the factors that ensure the development of environmental education in modern conditions, a prominent place is occupied by scientific and methodological support. The scientific approach is based on basic and applied research on environmental education. The issues of the content of education, which are embodied in three leading documents: the curriculum, the curriculum and the textbook, occupy a significant place in the New Ukrainian school.
Literature Review. The meaning of the concept of “ethical” (moral) education. Classical teachers of the past (V. Sukhomlinsky, K. Ushinsky) and outstanding scientists of the present (I. Bekh, E. Bondarevskaya, V. Galuzyak, M. Smetansky, M. Stelmakhovych, M. Fitsula, V. Shakhov) about moral education, which should not be limited to the assimilation by students of the theory, norms and rules of conduct in the learning process and a specially organized school of moral education. The scientists proved that the ethical education in not formed spontaneously; it is the result of the purposeful and systematic work (А. Kramarenko, О. Horbenko, I. Syladii (2017)), (А. Kramarenko, V. Chernii, O.Shevchenko, O.Nieverova, A. Melnyk (2020).
Discussion. The western researchers link the emergence of the Biotic especially during the second half of the 20th century with one of the most crisis period of the history of the Western-European and American societies; with the considering of the danger which appears during the interaction of the human and nature at the developed stages of the scientific-technical progress; with the aggravation of the ecological problems; with the arising of the evolutional, synergetic and systematic approaches within the cognition (Troitska T., Krylova A., Taranenko G., Troitska E., Popravko O. (2019).
The views of national and foreign scientists on the Biotic's state are represented in the chart 1 (Kramarenko A. (2017).
Chart1 The views of scientists on the Bioethic's state
The source and name of the scientist |
Point of view on the essence of the concept “ bioethic ” |
Varga A. (USA) |
The Bio-ethic analyses the morality of the human actions within the biological-medical plan; it comprises the medical ethics and deals not only with the moral problems of the medicine, but also with those problems which arise during the development of the biological sciences. |
Kellagan А. (USA) |
Bioethics becomes the domain in which meet different conceptions of the world, life and human. Bioethics is the new discipline which trie to develop the methodology which would be able to help scientists and doctors within the process of making correct decisions, considering social, psychological and historical point of view. |
Potter V.R. (USA) |
Bioetichs is the effort to use the biological sciences with the aim of serving to the humankind and to improve the conditions of the human's life (“Bioethics: the bridge to the future” (1971)). Bioethics must be built on the multi-disciplinary basis. I suggest two branches, which have different interests, but they demand each other: medical and ecological ethics (“Global bioethics; the structure based on the Leopold's heritage” (1988)). |
Artamonova О. (Ukraine) |
It is used to understand the notion “bioethics” as the systematic analysis of the personality's actions within the biology and medicine, considering the ethical values and principles. |
Boreiko V. (Ukraine) |
Examines bioethics as one of the directions of the ecological ethics. Research works connected with the personality as the biological creature could be considered as the direction of the ecological ethics (biotic). These are the ethical problems of using methods of genetic engineering, moral aspects of the abortion, cloning, transplantology, biotechnologies, moral aspects of the interaction of the doctor and his patient. |
Gruzin Yu. (Ukraine) |
The bioethics is considered as the rights of the patient and the human's rights as the possible object of studies within the branch of biology. |
Demchenko V. (Ukraine) |
The bioethics is the complex of means which are connected with the systematic analysis and coordination of human's actions within the branch of biology, medicine and ecology, considering widely recognized moral values and principles which are oriented on the protection physical, mental integrity of the personality and his or her genome; on the protection of fauna and flora, on the protection of the environment. |
Zaporozhan V. (academic of Ukraine) |
Bioethics is the logical continuation of the medical ethic's history. But within the medical-biological theory and practice the bioethics could not be considered as the final stage of the ethical thought's development. |
Kramarenko A. (Ukraine) |
The biological ethics becomes the important component of the ethical-mental fundamentals of the human civilization (Kramarenko А. (2019) |
The analysis of the mentioned definitions proves that within opinions of different authors there is no common point of view on the problem of the Bioethics state but these opinions are not contradictive. We understand the bio(eco)ethics, sharing the position of (Troitska О. 2015) as the new scientific and ethical direction which deals with the formulation and solving of the certain ethical problems which are connected with the manipulating with the life at all stages of its organization. We refer certain problems to such range of issues: 1) rapport of the personality with the alive nature; 2) interaction of people (influence of one subjects on the another, on the social systems of different levels of organization).
The author's course provides the consideration of such topics: Bio(eco)ethics as the conceptual basis of the ethical education of pupils; the problem of formation of ecological values of future teachers of primary school as the components of the bio(eco)ethical education in modern research works; Formation of bio(eco)ethically oriented younger pupil during the Natural science's lessons; Formation of the bio(eco)ethical skills of primary school pupils during the “Lessons of the stable development. The school of planet's friends ” (1st -2nd grades of school), “My happy planet" (3rd -4th grades of the school)”; The bio(eco)ethical education of younger pupils during the Natural science's lessons in the New Ukrainian school; Nature- therapy as the technology within the bio(eco)ethically oriented pedagogical process of the primary school; Training of future teachers of primary school on the fundamentals of the bio(eco)ethics.
The practical work №1 (2 hours)
The topic: Bio(eco)ethics within the social-philosophical and pedaaoaical conceptions
The goal: to develop students' skills of research, creative work with the scientific literature; to develop and to up-bring the value attitude of students to the educational activity.
The process of work
The theoretical part
Questions for the discussion
The ethical(moral) education: analysis of the components of the definition “bio(eco)ethics”.
The Bio-central conceptions within the incipience of the bio(eco)ethically oriented personality.
The ecological ethics and bio-ethics at modern stage of the society's development.
The practical part
Task 1. Analyze the literature mentioned below and fill the chart “Essence of the term “bio(eco)ethics” in works of modern researchers "(watch the chart):
Author |
The definition of the concept “bio(eco)ethics” |
The practical work №2 (2 hours)
The topic: Formation of bio-ecoloaical values of teachers of primarv school: the modern vector of research works
The goal: to develop students' skills of research, creative work with the pedagogical literature; to up-bring the value attitude of students to the educational activity.
The process of work
The theoretical part
Questions for the discussion
The legal framework of the bio(eco)ethical education and upbringing.
The essence of the definitions “ecologically oriented personality”, “bio(eco)ethical education” and “bio(eco)ethical up-bringing”.
The place of the ecological values of the personality within the research works of the foreign scientists.
The bio(eco)ethical training of specialists of different branches in scientific research works of the Ukrainian scientists (L. Lukyanova, V.Onoprienko, Yu. Pelekh, G.Pustovit, N.Ridei, T.Sayenko, G.tarasenko).
The goal and the task of the course “Ecological pedagogics” and “ecological psychology ” and their place in the process of formation of the ecological values of future teachers of primary school.
Training of the future teachers of primary school: bio(eco)ethical aspect.
The practical part
Task 1.
Analyze the main state documents of the ecological orientation and determine the place of education in these processes and determine the foundation of the bio(eco)ethical education and up-bringing.
The law of Ukraine “About the main fundamentals (strategy) of
the state ecological policy of Ukraine till 2020th”. URL: ZU pro strategiu ecopolity
ky. pdf.
The collection of the ecological legislation in Ukraine (2000). 3rd edition, added and improved. Kharkiv.
The practical work №3 (2 hours)
The topic: Bio(eco)ethical education during the lessons of the course “I'm in the world "
The goal: to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students on bio(eco)ethical education of younger pupils during the learning of the subject “I'm in the world ".
Equipment: programs of the course "I'm in the world " (3rd -4th grades of the school).
The process of work
The theoretical part
Questions for the discussion
Determine the main tasks of the bio(eco)ethical education and upbringing within the primary school in the conditions of the stable development of the education.
Determine the directions of work oriented on the formation of ecological values of primary school pupils.
The practical work
Task 1.
Analyze the programs on course “I'm in the world“ about the problem of the bio(eco)ethical education of primary school pupils (watch the chart 2):
Chart 2
Titles of the programs |
The content of the bio(eco)ethical knowledge |
"I'm in the world " (3rd -4th grades of the school), (N. Bibik) "I'm in the world" (3rd -4th grades of the school), (О. Taglina, G. Ivanova) |
Task 2.
Develop the fragment of the conspectus of the lesson on course “I'm in the world” (with the bio(eco)ethical orientation.
The practical work №4 (2 hours)
The topic: Bio(eco)ethical education during the lessons for the stable development at primarv school
The goal: to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students about the bio(eco)ethical education of primary school pupils during the lessons for the stable development at primary school.
The process of work
The theoretical part
Questions for the discussion
Reveal the content and the structure of the bio(eco)ethically oriented course “Lessons for the stable development. School of the planet's friends”(according to the pupils' choice) for the pupils of the 1st -2nd grades of the school.
Determine the directions of work on the formation of the bio(eco)ethical skills of primary school pupils at lessons on the stable development.
The practical work
Task 1.
Develop the fragment of the lesson's conspectus on course “My happy planet. Lessons of the stable development” (class according to the choice); this lesson must be bio(eco)ethically oriented.
The practical work №5-6 (4 hours)
The goal: Bio(eco)ethical education during lessons at primary school
The goal: to consolidate the theoretical knowledge of students about the bio(eco)ethical education of primary school pupils during the lessons on Nature science at primary school.
The process of work
The theoretical part
Questions for the discussion
Describe the essence of the bio(eco)ethical education of primary school pupils during the lessons of Nature science.
Characterize the methodical ways of bio(eco)ethical education of primary school pupils.
The practical work
Task 1.
Develop the fragment of the lesson's conspectus on course “Natural science” (the grade is according to your choice), using the methodical ways of bio(eco)ethical education of primary school pupils.
Practical work №7-8 (4 hours)
The topic: “The system “bio(eco)ethically oriented teacher of the primary school - bio(eco)ethically oriented pupil of the primary school ”: directions of the interaction
The goal: to consolidate students' skills of research, creative work with the pedagogical literature; to up-bring the students' value attitude to the educational activity.
The process of work
The theoretical part
Questions for the discussion
The essence of methodic off organization of the direct communication of younger pupils with the nature. The teacher's role in the excursion's conducting.
The directions of the improvement of the effective interaction of the teacher and pupils during the process of the bio(eco)ethically oriented activity.
The forms and methods within the training of the ecologically- oriented primary school pupil. The monitoring of the ecologically expedient pupil's activity.
The practical part
Task 1
Develop 3-5 tasks of the bio(eco)ethically oriented character on the pedagogical practice for the students of specialty “Primary education” (educational field “Nature science”, conducting excursions within the primary school).
During the pedagogical practice future specialists of the primary education realized the conditions of the effective and successful organization of the process of education younger pupils, considering the fundamentals of the bio(eco)ethics (subjectification of the wildlife's objects; axiologicalization of the life's forms) provide the formation of the bio-ethically educated pupil's personality. A.Kramarenko (2019) underlines that within such conditions the cognitive and educational goal of the lesson could be re-oriented from the anthropocentric outlook on the bio-centric one; from the pupils' pragmatic activity on the non-pragmatic one.
In the context of the formation of the New Ukrainian School, the process of forming bio(eco)ethical training of primary school students depends entirely on the appropriate training of primary school specialists, and during the teaching of the course "I explore the world" this process will require modern forms and methods.
Kramarenko Alla, Horbenko Olena, Syladii Ivan (2017). Pedagogy Students' Professional Competence Formation. Science and Education. №10. pp. 188-193. [in English].
Kramarenko, A. (2016). Methodical Basis of Forming of Ecological Values of Future Primary School Teachers During the Process of Professional Training. Wspotczesne trendy w gospodarce i sektorze publicznym : monohrafiia. Opole, рр. 342-383. [in English].
Kramarenko, A. (2017). Bio(eko)etychna diialnist uchytelia pochatkovoi shkoly: navch. posib. Berdiansk: Vydavets Tkachuk O.V. [in Ukrainian].
KRAMARENKO, Alla & CHERNII, Valentyna & SHEVCHENKO, Olha, NIEVOROVA, Оlena & MELNYK, Anastasiia (2020). Development of Professionally Important Physical Qualities in Engineering Students. Revista Romвneasca pentru Educate Multidimensionale. Vol. 12, Issue 1 Sup. 1, p.93-105. [in English].
Kramarenko, А. (2019). To the problem of educational values of future professional educational institutions in the context of the New Ukrainian school. Territories' development: social, economic and humanitarian issues. 8th International Scientific Conference Problems and Prospects of Territories' Socio-Economic Development (May 10-12, 2019). Monograph. Opole: The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, p. 223-233. [in English].
Troitska, T.S. & Krylova, A.M. & Taranenko, G.G. & Troitska, E.M. & Popravko, O.V. (2019). Historical reconstruction of the reproduction of axiology of nature in ukrainian philosophical tradition: methodological reference points. History, philosophy, archaeology, history of art, performing and visual arts, architecture and design, literature and poetry, language and linguistics: 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities, (Albena, 26 August-1 September, 2019), 6 (1). с. 106-112. [in English].
Troitska, О. М. (2015). Conceptual foundations of dialogue idea impromentation into cultural educational space. Canadian scientific journal International multidisciplinary scientific Journal. Issue 1.2015. P. 87-92. [in English].
Kramarenko Alla. Pedagogy Students' Professional Competence Formation / Kramarenko Alla, Horbenko Olena, Syladii Ivan //Наука і освіта (Science and Education). - 2017. - №10. - С. 188-193.
Kramarenko A. Methodical Basis of Forming of Ecological Values of Future Primary School Teachers During the Process of Professional Training / А. Kramarenko // Wspotczesne trendy w gospodarce i sektorze publicznym. - Opole, 2016. - p.342-383.
Крамаренко А. Біо(еко)етична діяльність учителя початкової школи: навч. посіб. [для студ. вищ. пед. навч. закладів спеціальності 013 "Початкова освіта"] / Алла Крамаренко. - Бердянськ : Видавець Ткачук О.В., 2017. - 192 с.
KRAMARENKO Alla. Development of Professionally Important Physical Qualities in Engineering Students /KRAMARENKO Alla, CHERNII Valentyna, SHEVCHENKO Olha, NIEVOROVA Olena, MELNYK Anastasiia // Revista Romвneasca pentru Educaяe Multidimensionalд. 2020. Vol. 12, Issue 1 Sup. 1, p.93-105.
Kramarenko А. To the problem of educational values of future professional educational institutions in the context of the New Ukrainian school. Territories' development: social, economic and humanitarian issues. 8th International Scientific Conference Problems and Prospects of Territories' Socio-Economic
Development (May 10-12, 2019). Monograph. - Opole: The Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2019. 223-233.
Troitska T.S. Historical reconstruction of the reproduction of axiology of nature in ukrainian philosophical tradition: methodological reference points / Troitska T.S., Krylova A.M., Taranenko G.G., Troitska E.M., Popravko O.V. // History, philosophy, archaeology, history of art, performing and visual arts, architecture and design, literature and poetry, language and linguistics: 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, (Albena, 26 August-1 September, 2019), 6
(1). - p. 106-112.
Troitska О. М. Conceptual foundations of dialogue idea impromentation into cultural educational space / О. Troitska // Canadian scientific journal International multidisciplinary scientific Journal. - Issue 1. - 2015. - P. 87-92.
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