Traditions and innovations in the organization of the educational process of the academy of public administration under the aegis of the president of Republic of Belarus

Achieving the level of content of educational standards as a task of higher education. Analysis of the peculiarities of the organization of the educational process at the Academy of Public Administration under the auspices of the President of Belarus.

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Traditions and innovations in the organization of the educational process of the academy of public administration under the aegis of the president of Republic of Belarus

Yurashevich Nadezhda Mikhailovna, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of Republic of Belarus, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor

Minko Natalia Sergeevna, Associate Professor, Chair of Theory and History of State and Law, The Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of Republic of Belarus, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor


educational administration public

The most important task of higher education is the achievement of the current level of the content of educational standards, the use of innovative forms of education, orientation to the comprehensive development of the individual, the formation of a system of values of life, social norms and other elements of culture. In the Republic of Belarus, each higher educational institution creates its own unique model of the educational process, taking into account those tasks that are before the training of specialists of a certain profile, the requirements of society and the state. In this regard, the article analyzes the traditions and innovations of training specialists in public administration in the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of Republic of Belarus

Key words: traditions and innovations of the educational process, training of specialists, public administra tion, higher education, innovative educational technologies.


Currently, higher education provides inheritance of culture, further socialization and personal develop ment, the formation of certain managerial skills. Edu cation is the subject of research in various fields of knowledge: philosophy, sociology, psychology, peda gogy, economics, jurisprudence. The right to education refers to the basic inalienable human rights that belong to everyone from birth. The constitutional rights to ed ucation, teaching and research are recognized as one of the most significant social human rights that create the prerequisite for the development of both the individual and the whole society. The functions of education in clude social, communicative, cultural and humanistic, cognitive, worldview, economic, security function. The system of these functions is implemented in the educa tional process of the Academy of Public Administration under the aegis of the President of Republic of Belarus (hereinafter - the Academy of Public Administration). The main goal of the organization of the educational process in the Academy of Public Administration is the training of a qualified specialist of the appropriate pro fessional level, taking into account the managerial pro file, competitive in the labor market, ready for constant growth, social and professional mobility.

Main part

On the basis of the legislation regulating the edu cational process, all the participants in this relationship have legal relations that arise, change and terminate, which determine the specifics of interaction, for exam ple, the teacher - the student, the pedagogic - the edu cational institution, the teacher - the parents of the stu dents, the educational institution - the parents, the edu cational institution - the corresponding educational management body. In this sphere, all stages of legal regulation are manifested - from the national and inter national educational legislation to all forms of realiza tion of law. The provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus on basic social, cultural and eco nomic rights - on the right to education and the right to obtain a free education on a competitive basis on a com petitive basis - are the core of the system of norms and principles that legally formalize the education system, higher education in particular (Article 49), freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other forms of creativity, as well as teaching, the protection by law of intellectual property (Article 51), on the right to free choice of activities and activities, etc. [1].

The Code of the Republic of Belarus on Education No. 243-З of January 13, 2011 regulates public rela tions in the sphere of education, including relations on the realization of the right of citizens to education, the purpose of which is to learn the content of educational programs (educational relations); as well as relations related to educational relations, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the realization of citizens' right to education [2].

Problems of education in general, higher educa tion in particular, are at the center of attention of the Head of State and Belarusian civil society. One of the most important problems of higher education is the achievement of a modern world level of the content of education, humanization, orientation to the comprehen sive development of the personality, the formation of a system of values of life, social norms and other ele ments of culture. Analysis of the current educational situation makes it possible to assert that one of the most important tasks of training management specialists is to increase the efficiency and intensification of the prac tice-oriented educational process, conditioned by the trends of scientific and technological progress and globalization in the world, the interpenetration of cul tures and legal systems, the development of legal in formatization, communication, computerization, tele communications, etc. In this connection, the problem of choosing and using appropriate educational technolo gies, methods, teaching methods to enhance the quality of the learning process of students, as well as the use of pedagogical diagnostics.

Training of specialists in the field of public admin istration has its own characteristics. Mastering this spe cialty involves acquiring, in addition to a high profes sional culture, knowledge, skills and abilities in the

field of jurisprudence, economics, information technol ogy, as well as special managerial competencies with the possibility of their effective implementation in the employment of positions in the state apparatus.

As many modern researchers and experts note, in the modern information society, management technol ogies are recognized as increasingly important [3, p. 83], therefore, there is a growing need to improve the training of specialists in management.

Training, retraining and advanced training of man agement personnel are conducted by the Academy of Public Administration, taking into account the priori ties of the social and economic development of the Re public of Belarus, global trends, including the require ments of the Bologna Process [4], and qualification re quirements for the respective positions of civil servants.

One of the central tasks of improving the educa tional process in the Academy of Public Administration is to ensure the necessary correspondence of the quali tative and quantitative results of the higher education institution's activities to the needs of the society and the state in the field of training specialists in the manage ment profile. Of particular importance is the search for new approaches to a significant improvement in the quality of the training of specialists in the management profile, the orientation of the higher education system on its fundamental nature, on the satisfaction with the education of students, society and the state.

Traditionally, when mastering disciplines, teach ers of the Academy of Public Administration use the following educational technologies:

traditional (reproductive) technology, focused on the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities, ensuring the assimilation of learning content for students, testing and evaluation of its quality at the reproductive level;

technology of developmental learning, character ized by teaching at a high level of difficulty, suggesting the stimulation of the reflection of students in various learning situations;

technology of collective interaction, involving the organization of a dialogue, the work of students in tem porary microcollectives;

technology of different levels of instruction, which presupposes the creation of pedagogical condi tions for the inclusion of each student in activities cor responding to the zone of his immediate development;

technology of problematic learning, aimed at the development of cognitive activity, the creative inde pendence of students, and assuming consistent and pur poseful advancement of cognitive tasks for learners, re solving which learners actively learn knowledge; tech nology of project training, characterized by the fact that the educational process has an individual experience of productive activity [5];

educational technology of olympiads, involving the integration of training in cooperation and training in competition in preparation for creative innovation ac tivities;

technology of active (contextual) training, aimed at organizing active learning activity of students and as suming modeling of the subject and social content of future professional activity at innovative enterprises;

the technology of game training, aimed at provid ing the personality-activity character of learning knowledge, skills, assuming independent cognitive ac tivity and aimed at finding, processing, assimilating ed ucational information in the form of business games and other pedagogical technologies.

Innovative processes in the education system are understood as controlled processes of creation, percep tion, evaluation, development and application of peda gogical innovations. Pedagogical innovation can be seen as a purposeful change that brings to the educa tional environment stable elements (innovations) and improves the characteristics of individual parts, com ponents and the educational system as a whole; the pro cess of mastering innovation (a new tool, method, methodology, technology, program); search for ideal methods and programs, their introduction into the edu cational process and their creative rethinking [4, p. 26 27].

The basis of innovative activity of a competitive specialist is professional creativity. The formation of the creative component of the competence of students is given great attention. Thus, in the Academy of Public Administration, the following main trends and objects of innovative pedagogical transformations were intro duced into practice and demonstrated their effective ness:

designing new models of the educational process; continuous updating of the content of education;

change and development of new technologies for teaching and upbringing;

improvement of training / retraining of pedagogi cal and managerial staff;

providing psychological, physiological, ecologi cal safety, the success of education and upbringing;

monitoring, diagnostics of the educational process and the development of trainees;

development of specialized modules, textbooks, teaching aids, electronic educational-methodical com plexes of a new generation;

contextual (professionally-directed) study of dis ciplines, combining the study of theoretical foundations with the solution of practical problems, for example, the resolution of collisions;

distance education system;

practice-oriented educational process with the di rect participation of public authorities, including the creation of innovative sites.

The management of the Academy of Public Ad ministration noted the need to develop concepts, strate gies for the development of education, in particular, the Concept of Management Education.

Also in the pedagogical practice of the Academy of Public Administration the following innovative edu cational technologies are used: gaming technology, health and resource-saving technologies, technology of differential training, active learning technology, active learning, project method, integrated learning technol ogy, student rating (rating system of knowledge assess ment).

Let us dwell in more detail on active methods of teaching, which understand such methods and means of teaching, which are aimed at active participation and direct involvement of students in the educational pro cess. In the context of active learning, knowledge takes on different forms. On the one hand, they represent cer tain information about the world around us. The pecu liarity of this information is that the student receives it not in the form of a ready-made system from the teacher, but in the process of his own activity. He inter acts with other students and the teacher, learns a system of tried and tested ways of working himself, with the society, the state organs, and assimilates various mech anisms for finding knowledge. Therefore, the acquired knowledge is also an instrument for independent pro duction. The basis of most methods of active learning is made up of various options for individual and group work, discussions, use of gaming technologies, organi zation of seminars on various disciplines in the form of debates, «round tables», and educational conferences [7].

In recent years, the method of situational analysis or case study, which involves using real or close to real administrative situations, which students should inves tigate and offer possible solutions, becomes increas ingly popular in the educational process in the post-So viet space [8; 9]. In the Academy of Public Administra tion in 2013 appeared the first case-club in the country.

Currently, the case method is rightly considered to be a very effective educational technology, which has such advantages in comparison with the traditional methods of conducting seminars, such as:

interactivity: the case method assumes active in volvement of students in the situation, increases interest in the training session and thus provides more effective mastering of the material;

practical orientation: the method of cases is based on actual and concrete factual material and makes it possible to apply the theoretical knowledge obtained in solving a real practical problem;

the development of specific skills: the case method focuses not on mastering the ready knowledge, but on its development in the process of finding a solution to a problematic issue.

The application of the case method becomes more effective when the trainees have a certain amount of knowledge and skills that allow them to successfully solve the set tasks: theoretical knowledge in various disciplines, the ability to work with regulatory legal acts, and the possession of primary skills in the infor mation retrieval systems of legislation.

Thus, the case method is ideal for completing the study of large topics or sections on discipline, since it allows to improve and consolidate the knowledge gained, and in the course of this, to develop new knowledge, skills and competencies in accordance with the requirements of training programs. The use of the case method facilitates the introduction of interdiscipli nary projects into the educational process, since the de cision of cases, as a rule, requires the connection of knowledge in various disciplines.

In solving specific situations (cases), the student develops and improves many skills: critical thinking skills, comprehensive analysis, public speaking, discus sion, teamwork, leadership skills, ability to act and make quick decisions in unusual situations with data shortages, to consider and analyze various factors. On the example of solving cases, students get acquainted with the essence and features of managerial work.

Practical orientation of the managerial competen cies being developed is provided by business and role plays, which have a special potential in the educational process, since they make it possible to apply the re ceived theoretical knowledge and realize their general professional culture in situations as close to real as pos sible reflecting the work of state bodies. Between the students there is a distribution of roles within the con text of the situation, which allows to diversify the learn ing process, using the example of one situation to ana lyze possible scenarios of actions for different partici pants.

The use of these methods allows future specialists in the field of public administration to develop the abil ity to conduct a dialogue, to argue, to motivate their choice and decisions, to listen to the needs of others; to arrive at a consensus; establish intersubject communi cations; apply the acquired knowledge in practice; To cultivate a humane attitude to others; develop logical thinking; improve the ability to ask questions; supple ment the professional terminological dictionary; im prove the skills of working in a group and managing it; develop the ability to promptly implement an independ ent choice and to argue the chosen position.

Thus, there is a motivation of future specialists in the field of public administration to independently search for correct managerial decisions, self-confi dence is formed when making non-standard decisions. The use of such forms of education as dialogue, coop eration, reflection, as well as the use of pedagogical di agnostics by teachers, makes it possible to encourage students to independently search for correct solutions and conduct a mutual evaluation within organized small groups.

Learning to think without problem training is not possible, and it cannot become universal. The neces sary combination of different types of education and different types of questions - information, innovation, problem, evaluation, practice-oriented, rhetorical - is one of the indicators of the pedagogical culture and the high quality of the educational process in general in the Academy of Public Administration.

At present, specific approaches to the organization of the educational process are relevant and in demand. Such traditional forms of conducting classes as a lec ture and seminar are combined with managed inde pendent work on modular technology. Independent work on the mastering of educational material on a par ticular subject can be performed by students in the read ing room of the library, classrooms (laboratories), com puter classes, and also at home. When organizing inde pendent work using technical means that provide access to information (for example, computer data bases, etc.), it is envisaged that the students will receive the necessary consultation or assistance from special ists. The organization of independent work assumes the obligatory methodological provision of educational modules, electronic educational-methodical com plexes, etc. on the basis of electronic presentation of educational information.

An important place in the general professional training of specialists in public administration is occu pied by extracurricular forms of the educational pro cess, which include the activities of student scientific clubs, the organization of student meetings with practi tioners, the work of a public legal reception, field visits to enterprises and organizations that allow students to obtain representations about their work and directly communicate with practitioners, and so on.

Particularly important is the study of the labor market and interaction with direct customers, which in cludes organization of practice on the basis of state or ganizations, consultation and information exchange, joint scientific and practical activities, development and coordination of scientific and methodological sup port of the educational process (including curricula, plans for seminars and practical classes, subject of course and diploma papers, master's theses).

The innovative sites of the departments play an important role in training specialists in public admin istration. Innovative sites are a new form of interaction between the Academy of Public Administration and state bodies (organizations) aimed at bringing the edu cational process and scientific activity closer to prac tice, implementing a practice-oriented educational pro cess, effectively using the experience of leading practi tioners, organizational and material-technical opportunities in the educational process, improving the quality of training specialists.

Interaction between the departments and state bodies (organizations) is carried out in various forms: the organization of training, consulting and information events, round tables, seminars, other scientific and practical events with representatives of state organiza tions, conduct of relevant special courses, exchange of consultations, review of scientific papers on relevant directions, conducting master classes, retreats on the basis of innovative sites, etc. Through participation in various projects (according to the competence model [10]), access to relevant information in the course of educational, industrial, pre-graduation practice and other acquaintance with the activities state bodies and organizations. Practice is organized in conditions of professional activity under the organizational and methodological guidance of university teachers and practitioners in this direction.


educational administration public

The needs and priorities of the social and eco nomic development of the Republic of Belarus deter mine the direction of the educational process in the Academy of Public Administration.

Organized in the Academy of Public Administra tion activities largely ensure the practical orientation and management focus of the educational process, im prove its quality, contribute to the integration of theo retical and practical knowledge, skills, skills of stu dents.

In the educational process, there is a significant development of professional culture and managerial thinking, legal communication, consistent and system atic execution of management tasks, in-depth study of political, legal, socio-economic phenomena with op portunities for their further prediction.

During the adaptation of students to the educa tional space, an understanding of the specifics, essence and significance of the future profession is developed, professionally important competences are formed, stu dents acquire practical experience that allows them to competently approach the choice of a specific sphere within their profession and quickly adapt to the condi tions of activity.

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