The application of the pedagogical training in the process of personal self-development of future preschool education teachers

Possibilities of pedagogical training in the process of personal self-improvement of future preschool education teachers. The pedagogical training usage in the pro cess of personal self-improvement of future preschool education teachers are outlined.

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Дата добавления 23.06.2021
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The application of the pedagogical training in the process of personal self-development of future preschool education teachers

Shaparenko C.A.

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Preschool and Special education and History Municipal Establishment “Kharkiv Humanitarian Pedagogical Academy ” of Kharkiv Regional Council


The article reveals the possibilities of pedagogical training in the process of personal self-improvement of future preschool education teachers. The directions of the pedagogical training usage in the pro cess of personal self-improvement of future preschool education teachers are outlined.

The types of pedagogical training are singled out: personal development training, creativity training, profes sional communication training.

The types of basic interactive learning methods used in the process of pedagogical training are characterized.

The role model method is described as a diagnostic, prognostic and correctional means of personal self-im-provement of future preschool education teachers.

Key words: personal self-improvement, future preschool education teacher, pedagogical training, self-edu cation of a person, self-development ofpersonality.


У статті розкриваються можливості педагогічного тренінгу у процесі особистісного са-мовдосконалення майбутніх педагогів дошкільної освіти. Окреслено напрями застосування педагогічного тренінгу у процесі особистісного самовдосконалення майбутніх педагогів дошкільної освіти.

Виокремлено види педагогічного тренінгу: тренінг особистісного розвитку, тренінг креативності, тре-нінг професійного спілкування. Охарактеризовано типи базових методів інтерактивного навчання які за-стосовуються у процесі проведення педагогічного тренінгу.

Описано рольовий метод як діагностичний, прогностичний і корекційний засіб особистісного самов-досконалення майбутніх педагогів дошкільної освіти.

Ключові слова: особистісне самовдосконалення, майбутній педагог дошкільної освіти, педагогічний тренінг, самовиховання особистості, саморозвиток особистості.

Formulation of the problem. The process of training the competitive specialists of the modern for mat, capable of self-development, the adoption of non standard decisions, the active perception of the new, is based on the personal readiness of the future specialist to continuous self-improvement. In the system of higher pedagogical education, the latest educational technologies of developmental training are adopted into the practice of education, successfully solving the as signed tasks of the qualified specialists' professional training.

First, this is achieved due to the openness, flexibil ity and high efficiency of the educational process at any stage, which allows talking about the implementation of the heredity principle at the level of construction and organization the education and training system.

At the same time, the provision of individual ca pabilities, abilities and, most importantly, needs of the individual in the system of vocational training is often understood formally and is not traced in the educational standards of the modern generation. pedagogical training education teachers

The effective form of individualization the educa tional process, ensuring the need for continuous self improvement, transforming teacher's inner world by him- or herself, which leads to a fundamentally new system and way of life, is a pedagogical training that allows purposefully create professional situations.

Analysis of actual research. Sources of infor mation in modern scientific and pedagogical literature show that proper attention has always been given to the problem of self-improvement at various stages of human life (A. Vladislavlyev, A. Darynsky, N. Nychkalo, S. Sysoeva, G. Tsvetkova, etc.). Theoret ical and practical questions of the formation the person ality themself are represented in works by S. Arkhipova, G. Balla, L. Rybalko, T. Cherkashina and others.

The use of training as a means of adapting a person to professional activity, reprogramming the behavior and human activity is represented in the schools of Leipzig (Manfred Forveg, Tradel Alber), Tallinn (H. Mikkin), Leningrad (L. Petrovska, Yu. Yemelianov, S. Makshanov).

The term "training" (from English train, training) has a number of meanings: education, upbringing, training. There are many definitions of this concept. For example, Y. Yemelyanov considers training as a group of methods aimed at developing the ability to study and mastering any complex activity [4, p.10]. Also, training is defined as a means of reprogramming the managing the behavior and activity model that al ready exists in humans [5, c.24]; as intensive training with practical orientation [2, p.291]; as a special method of obtaining knowledge that differs from its an alogs by the fact that all its participants learn from their own experience; as a specially created favorable envi ronment, where everyone can see and understand their pros and cons, achievement and defeat easily and with pleasure.

Today, researchers allocate several types of train ing: socio-psychological training, partner communica tion training, sensitivity training, creativity training as sociated with psycho-gymnastic exercises, which aimed at the formation and development of skills and guidance for effective communication [4, p. 10- 15].

The purpose of our research is to determine the possibilities of pedagogical training in ensuring the process of personal self-improvement of future pre school education teachers.

Presenting the main material. The feature of true educators at the higher level of «acme» development is the special, deeply realized need for self-improvement, the presence of motives for self-development and self education, the desire for self-realization and self-devel opment of the individual, the focus of ideological ori entations on the spiritual and moral values of being and the awareness of the importance of their own prep aration to the education of the future personality. Non standard solution of professional tasks, expanding the scope of professional activity will enable the future teacher to move to higher levels of personal develop ment (N. Kuzmina, M. Kukharev, A. Linenko, I. Sagada, and others).

As the analysis of educational practice shows, bar riers of personal self-improvement of the preschool ed ucation teacher can be:

* personal anxiety of a student who studies or works in the climate of authoritarian pedagogy;

* rigidity of thinking, which is caused by the lack of opportunities for creative activity in the struc ture of traditional education and professional activities;

* a tendency to conformism, which is caused by a shortfalls in the type of educational process, lack of conditions for the educational process' individualiza tion;

* failure to make independent decisions and to seek alternative approaches to solving various prob lems.

It is exactly in the process of organizing pedagog ical trainings the overcoming of the above-mentioned barriers and solving the main tasks of personal self-im provement of future preschool education teachers are possible, namely: increasing the students' self-esteem; direction of the cognition process of the "I"-concept; forecasting, planning of yourself, your own place in the surrounding world; formation of oneself in order to achieve their own aspirations; formation of skills in managing pedagogical communication in the process of professional and pedagogical situations.

We define pedagogical training as a means of in fluence on the personality of the teacher, focused on the use of active methods of group pedagogical activity in order to provide the process of personal self-improve ment, the formation of constructive behavior skills, working out the system of skills (organizational, com municative, gnostic, perceptual, etc.).

The training of personal development is aimed at the developing students' communication skills, discuss ing the problems of interaction with other people (both adults and peers) to prevent interpersonal conflicts.

In the process of organizing training sessions, the teacher solves the following tasks: to identify and over come the difficulties that for different reasons are expe rienced by students of the first year in communicating with teachers, parents, other adults, peers; students' training for communication, which prevents conflict situations; prevention of moral experiences, mental dis comfort of students during adaptation in an educational institution; creating an attitude for personal develop ment.

The purpose of the creativity training is to create a developing environment that encourages students to display creative thinking and behavior.

The main tasks that are solved during the training exercises are the following: formation of students' read iness for self-development and self-improvement; cre ation of a projection for the achievement of profes sional and personal "acme"; creation of conditions for revealing of initiative in making decisions about re thinking of own opportunities, solving creative tasks.

Professional training focuses on the students' at tention on the process of professional self-improve ment, the solution of intrapersonal conflicts, contradic tions; provides formation of practical skills of self-de velopment in educational activities and solves the following tasks: the disclosure of peculiarities of peda gogical interaction, actualization of the participants' needs in personal self-development and self-improve ment; creation of a reflexive environment, which pro motes the activation of all aspects of the participants' personality through co-creation.

Application of pedagogical training in the educa tional process helps to solve problems in the process of personal self-improvement in the following ways:

* the development of empathy, tolerance, socia bility, congruence, activity, autonomy, initiative, crea tivity and flexibility of thinking;

* the education of the need for self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement, interests, analysis of the socio-psychological situation in the educational process of future teachers, development of self-confi dence and communicative training;

* the formation of skills of random attention, ob servation, provision of muscular freedom; the develop ment of natural behavior skills in a children's staff, in another public place, emotionally appropriate behavior;

* the support of innovative pedagogical skills, observation of own behavior, actions of other students and teachers;

* solving staged tasks from different situations of teaching a subject;

* working out actions in certain circumstances; training methods: attracting children's attention, in creasing the interest to the subject being studied, mem orizing educational material, active work in the class room;

* increasing the culture of teaching: the study of pedagogical concepts - the tact, the discipline of com munication, etiquette and ways of including these con cepts into own style of interaction with preschoolers.

The purpose of pedagogical training is the for mation of students' knowledge, skills and abilities of self-organization, self-education, organization of vari ous types of pedagogical activity; working out of part ner skills in situations of educational interaction; the education of a personal relation to the components of self-improvement.

In the process of pedagogical training, each partic ipant has the opportunity to get some information about himself, which involves rethinking of the "I-concept", the concept of "Other", "I-ideal", thus initiating the nomination of tasks for personal self-improvement.

Therefore, pedagogical training as a means of fu ture educators' education creates real conditions for self-understanding, self-development, self-improve ment and self-realization in professional activities.

In modern literature, as a rule, there are three types of basic methods of interactive teaching that are used in the process of conducting a pedagogical training:

a) discussion methods - group discussions, exam ination of incidents from practice, analysis of the situa tion of moral choice, etc .;

b) game methods - didactic creative games, busi ness (managerial) games, role games, game psycho therapy, psychodrama correction), counter play (a method of awareness of communicative behavior);

c) sensitive training (training of interpersonal sen sitivity, perception, self-understanding, empathy).

It should be noted that such a division of pedagog ical training methods is rather conditional. These groups of methods complement and mutually satiate each other. For example, when practicing empathy it is appropriate to use the method of group discussion or game modeling.

In the process of communication-dialogue exploi tation, the most effective form will be group discussion. The objects of discussion can be personal, professional, managerial problems and interpersonal interactions of all participants of the educational process. Thanks to the group discussion, the individual position of each participant is shown; alternative approaches and points of view are demonstrated. Discussion methods involve the development of the following skills, meaningful in communication: to analyze real situations, to separate the main thing from the secondary one; to act crea tively, spontaneously, overcoming the propensity to old behavior patterns, self-doubt, negative attitude to pub lic speaking; prevention and solution of conflict situa tions; the development of spontaneity and attentive ness, the ability to adequately perceive another opinion, tolerance to other participants in the educational pro cess.

The effective means of organizing pedagogical training is the method of synectics, which we consid ered in the context of the small group theory. This method allows to influence the creative activity (crea tivity) of individuals effectively. At the same time, at tention was paid on attempts to surpass themselves, the refusal from standard approaches. The problem is to in tensify the thinking of participants through creative competition, where every student desire to take on the greatest part of creative decisions of non-standard ped agogical situations.

The effectiveness of the synectic session is en sured by its gradualization: problematization and pur pose-setting; discussion, which aims the "dismissal" from elementary decisions; critical analysis and selec tion of the most original ideas; summing up the creative work of the leader.

Role games allow you to extend the experience of participants in the pedagogical training by presenting them with a sudden situation in which it is proposed to take the position (role) of any of the participants and then develop a way that will lead to this situation to the logical conclusion (game). Thus, the role-playing game is a method of psychological modeling, which aims to obtain a psycho-correction effect due to intensive inter personal communication and the implementation of joint activities by a group of people in a gaming simu lation of real or imaginary events (Nikandrov V.). Role games create conditions for the establishment of feed back immediately after the end of the game interaction. With role games, new ideas are easier to accept and stu dent settings to change. Role games allow students to "try" a variety of behaviors, try their hand in challeng ing situations that require quick solutions.

Their advantage is that joining a game tends to be easier and faster than entering a genuine professional activity and the skills that are formed in it make it easier to establish contact with people in real life, achieve pedagogical goals, not get lost in difficult professional situations. In addition, the atmosphere in the audience, the equality of communication between students and teachers with trust and mutual respect allow students to increase their self-esteem, to be sure of their own forces for the formation of an individual style of pedagogical activity.

In addition, during the game participants are de veloping new modeling skills and learn to react to changing circumstances. Role games promote the de velopment of professional skills: constructive, organi zational, communicative, projective. They allow form ing the professional thinking and the ability to process information rapidly and objectively in a context of its constant change, as our observations evidenced.

In modern didactic practice, the role-based method is an influential diagnostic, prognostic and corrective tool for personal self-improvement of future preschool education teachers. Such game provides the oppor tunity to identify the individuality of each student, his creative abilities, develops the ability to put themselves into place of others, to understand their positions and feelings better, and also creates conditions for better un derstanding of norms and rules of behavior, communi cation. This, in turn, contributes to the awareness of the significance of socio-psychological and pedagogical factors in management of other people and in interac tion with them. In addition, there is a significant pro-fessional experience of more objective analysis of both own behavior and behavior of others, the professional competence of a specialist develops.

Conclusions and perspectives of further explo ration. Experience shows that the usage of pedagogical training helps the teacher to adapt students to practical activities, to teach them to communicate properly with their pupils, to prove the necessity of personal develop ment, and show the versatility of the pedagogical pro cess. Training exercises help to develop the students' pedagogical abilities and skills to master such complex activity as the activity of the educator. The introduction of training exercises in classes helps to reproduce the professional skills of the teacher practically, which is impossible during normal practical classes.

Pedagogical training helps students to learn the pe culiarities of paired and group forms of work. They practice exercises of the transferring and mastering of information in a pair. Work in groups activates stu dents, increases the efficiency of their activities. Con sequently, future teachers can, by operating a specific material of their discipline, apply these exercises to classes first into instructor-led conditions, and then in practice. Prospects for further research we see in the de velopment of training organization issues that will help to address the issues of prevention and correction of teachers' emotional burnout syndrome, the develop ment of the complex of exercises to overcome stress factors of different orientations.


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