Formation of moral-aesthetic competence of future specialists

Analyzes the problems of moral and aesthetic education in the process of personal and professional development of future engineering teachers in terms of the educational process. Acquaintance with the main tasks of higher education at the present stage.

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Дата добавления 26.04.2021
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Educational Scientific Professional Pedagogical Institute of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogical Academy

Formation of moral-aesthetic competence of future specialists

Inna Kokhan Senior Lecture

Bakhmut, Ukraine


The article analyzes the problems of moral and aesthetic education in the process of personal and professional development of future engineering teachers in terms of the educational process of higher education at the present stage.

Constant dynamic changes in the political, economic and socio-cultural structure of society require new approaches in the system of vocational education. The article proposes to consider an engineer-teacher of a new type as a person who has humanity, an awareness of the high value of human life; spirituality, the need for knowledge of the surrounding reality, self-knowledge, the search for the meaning of life and life credo, in communication with art, in understanding the intrinsic value of their inner world; creativity, developed intellect, striving for transforming activity and possession of the sense of the new, ability for active life and creativity; pragmatism, possession of the newest technologies, skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of professional knowledge in the new economic and socio-cultural situation.

The article substantiates that the main tasks of higher education at the present stage are the formation of the spiritual sphere of the student's personality and the education of its ethical and aesthetic qualities. The development of these qualities is impossible without creating an effective training system. In this regard, the search for new approaches to the organization of educational activities in higher education is being actualized, in particular, the implementation of the educational function of education, the creation of favorable conditions for professional, personal, cultural, creative self - development and self-education, assistance in the development of a competitive personality of a future specialist .

The article analyzes the current trends in the development of society, describes the contradictory attitude towards high aesthetic and moral ideals, as evidenced by the decline in the prestige of education and public culture; consumer attitude to artistic values, which affected the quality of print, television programs, the dominance of "mass culture" on the one hand and on the other - the creation of real conditions for the aesthetic education of people in a sovereign, independent state: an appeal to national sources, to the origins of folk culture wisdom; openness of society, which makes it possible to integrate into the world community, acquaintance with world achievements in various fields, in particular, in artistic creation; freedom of thought; alternative education system, increased attention to the capable and gifted.

Prospects for further research are to conduct a detailed analysis of the socio-psychological characteristics of students young people identified in this article, factors that influence the level of aesthetic and moral culture and education of future specialists.

Key words: spiritual and moral upbringing of students, aesthetic education of students, spiritual and moral development of personality, aesthetic and ethical culture of personality, aesthetic personality development, engineer - pedagogue.


Инна Ивановна Кохан, старший преподаватель Учебно-научного профессионально-педагогического института Украинской инженерно-педагогической академии, г. Бахмут


В статье проанализированы проблемы нравственного и эстетического воспитания в процессе личностного и профессионального развития будущих инженеров-педагогов в условиях учебно-воспитательного процесса высшей школы на современном этапе.

Постоянные динамические изменения в политическом, экономическом и социально-культурном устройстве общества требуют новых подходов в системе профессионально-технического образования. В статье предлагается рассматривать инженера-педагога нового типа как личность, которой присущи гуманность, осознание высокой ценности человеческой жизни, духовность, потребность в познании окружающей действительности, самопознании, поиске смысла жизни и жизненного кредо, в общении с искусством, в понимании самоценности своего внутреннего мира, творчество, развитый интеллект, стремление к преобразовательной деятельности, способность к активной жизни и творчеству, прагматичность, владение новейшими технологиями, умениями и навыками, необходимыми для реализации профессиональных знаний в новой экономической и социокультурной ситуации.

В статье обосновывается, что основными задачами высшей школы на современном этапе является формирование духовной сферы личности студента и воспитания ее этических и эстетических качеств. Развитие этих качеств невозможно без создания эффективной учебной системы. В связи с этим актуализируется поиск новых подходов к организации учебновоспитательной деятельности в высшем учебном заведении, в частности, реализации воспитательной функции обучения, создания благоприятных условий для профессионального, личностного, культурного, творческого саморазвития и самовоспитания, оказание помощи в становлении конкурентоспособной личности будущего специалиста.

В статье проанализированы сегодняшние тенденции в развитии общества, охарактеризовано противоречивое отношение к высоким эстетическим и нравственным идеалам, о чем свидетельствует падение престижа образования, общественной культуры; потребительское отношение к художественным ценностям, что отразилось на качестве печати, телепрограмм, засилье «массовой культуры» с одной стороны и с другой - создание настоящих условий для эстетического воспитания людей, в условиях суверенного, независимого государства: обращение к национальным истокам, к истокам народной культуры, мудрости; открытость общества, что дает возможность интегрировать в мировое сообщество, ознакомления с мировыми достижениями в различных областях, в частности, в художественном творчестве; свобода мысли; альтернативная система образования, повышение внимания к способным и одаренным. Перспективами дальнейших исследований является проведение детального анализа определенных в данной статье социально-психологических особенностей студенческой молодежи, факторов, под воздействием которых формируется уровень эстетической и нравственной культуры и воспитанности будущих специалистов.

Ключевые слова: эстетическое воспитание студентов, духовно-нравственное развитие личности, эстетическая культура личности, эстетическое развитие личности, инженер-педагог.


Інна Іванівна Кохан старший викладач Навчально-наукового професійно-педагогічного інституту Української інженерно-педагогічної академії, м. Бахмут


У статті проаналізовано проблеми морального та естетичного виховання в процесі особистісного та професійного розвитку майбутніх інженерів-педагогів в умовах навчально-виховного процесу вищої школи на сучасному етапі.

Постійні динамічні зміни у політичному, економічному і соціально- культурному устрої суспільства вимагають нових підходів в системі професійної-технічної освіти. Отже, в статті пропонується розглядати інженера-педагога нового типу як особистість, якій притаманні гуманність, усвідомлення високої цінності людського життя; духовність, володіння розвинутими потребами в пізнанні навколишньої дійсності, самопізнанні, пошуку сенсу життя і життєвого кредо, у спілкуванні з мистецтвом, у розумінні самоцінності свого внутрішнього світу; творчість, розвинений інтелект, прагнення до перетворювальної діяльності й володіння почуттям нового, здатність до активного життя і творчості; прагматичність, володіння новітніми технологіями, уміннями та навичками, необхідними для реалізації професійних знань у новій економічній і соціокультурній ситуації. В статті доводиться, що основними завданнями вищої школи на сучасному етапі є формування духовної сфери особистості студента та виховання її етичних та естетичних якостей. Розвиток цих якостей неможливий без створення ефективної навчально-виховної системи. В зв'язку з цим актуалізується пошук нових підходів до організації навчально-виховної діяльності у вищому навчальному закладі, зокрема, реалізації виховної функції навчання, створення сприятливих умов для професійного, особистісного, культурного, творчого саморозвитку й самовиховання, здійснення допомоги в становленні конкурентоспроможної особистості майбутнього фахівця.

В статті проаналізовано сьогоднішні тенденції в розвитку суспільства, охарактеризовано суперечливе ставлення до високих естетичних та моральних ідеалів, про що свідчить падіння престижу освіти, суспільної культури; споживацьке ставлення до художніх цінностей, що відбилося на якості преси, телепрограм, засилля «масової культури» з одного боку та з іншого - створення справжніх умов для естетичного виховання людей, в умовах суверенної, незалежної держави: звернення до національних витоків, до джерел народної культури, мудрості; відкритість суспільства, що надає можливості інтегрувати у світове співтовариство, ознайомлення зі світовими досягненнями в різних галузях, зокрема, в художній творчості; свобода думки; альтернативна система освіти, підвищення уваги до здібних, обдарованих.

Педагоги мають діяти за такими напрямками: визначально-діагностичний, у межах якого передбачено вивчення наявного рівня естетичної вихованості студентів, їхньої естетичної спрямованості, здатності до самовиховних дій, схильності до певних видів естетичної діяльності з використанням методів психолого-педагогічної діагностики (спостереження, опитування, анкетування, вивчення продуктів діяльності тощо); організаційно-діяльніший, що передбачає використання методів організації процесу професійно орієнтованої діяльності; спонукально-стимулюючий, за яким передбачене використання методів стимулювання до естетичного самовиховання, допомога в спільному складанні програм і планів колективного й індивідуального естетичного самовиховання та їхньої подальшої реалізації; регулятивно-корегувальний як допомога в організації колективного контролю та самоконтролю за виконанням спільно та індивідуально намічених планів колективної діяльності й подальшого естетичного самовиховання особистісно-професійних рис і якостей, його регулюванні й корекції в сполученні з саморегуляцією й самокорекцією кожного учасника. Взаємопов'язаність і взаємозалежність указаних напрямків вимагають від педагогів виважених комплексних дій у тісному творчому діалозі з усіма учасниками естетично-виховного процесу.

Перспективами подальших досліджень є проведення детального аналізу визначених у даній статті соціально-психологічних особливостей студентської молоді, факторів, під впливом яких формується рівень естетичної та моральної культури й вихованості майбутніх фахівців.

Ключові слова: естетичне виховання студентів, духовно-моральний розвиток особистості, естетична культура особистості, естетичний розвиток особистості, інженер-педагог.


Formulation of the problem in general. Necessary conditions for the formation of a modern harmoniously developed person are: the wealth of his inner spiritual culture, intellectual freedom, high moral potential, good aesthetic taste, tolerance in interpersonal, interethnic and social communication. Therefore, the main tasks of higher education at the present stage are the formation of the spiritual sphere of the student's personality, the cultivation of their spiritual, moral and aesthetic qualities. The development of these qualities is impossible without creating an effective system of training and education. In this connection, the search for new approaches to the organization of education and higher education, in particular, the implementation of the educational function of education is updated.

Enrichment of the emotional and cognitive sphere of a future specialist requires the use of opportunities for spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of a person and his role in personal and professional development. If the spiritual and moral upbringing involves the formation of a person with social qualities relevant to a particular society, then aesthetic education means not only a certain society, but ultimately all of humanity as a field, a guide, and a criterion for human life.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Problems of students' upbringing and students' education in various aspects were quite developed. Philosophical problems of the spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of the individual were revealed by V. Mazepa, G. Kvasov, V. Myhalov, V. Kudin, L.Levchuk, O. Semashko and others; general pedagogical and psychological - A. Aleksyuk, O. Kyrychuk, I. Zyazyun, V. Andrushenko, V. Galuzinsky, M.Yevtukh, A. Olexyuk, O. Gluzman and others. The problem of aesthetic education and aesthetic upbringing of students was studied by S. Zhupanin, M.Artemenko, I. Zyazyun, L. Koval, N. Miropolsk, A. Shcherbo, D. Jola, G.Shevchenko, V. Buteko, A. Kapskaya, L. Masol, A. Alexiuk, O. Rudnitskaya, G. Padalka, V. Dryapika and others.

Formulating the goals of the article (statement of the task). The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation of the role of spiritual-moral and aesthetic education as the main component in the process of formation and development of the personality of the future engineer-pedagogue in the conditions of the educational process of higher education at the present stage.

Presentation of the main research material

Today, a new stage in the development of society, associated with a change in the mentality of society and personality, change in value orientations in the younger generation. We ceased to think about spiritual enrichment, we began to ignore the moral nature of our deeds. Such manifestations of high morality, such as compassion, complicity, empathy, respect for others and themselves, unfortunately, go to the background. Everything is sharper felt the need to educate a spiritually rich, highly moral personality capable of creating and not just consuming. Thus, the spiritual and moral development and education of students is a priority task of the modern educational system and is an important component of the social order for education.

Constant dynamic changes in the political, economic and socio-cultural structure of society require new approaches in the system of vocational education. Therefore, there is a need to form a personality of engineer-pedagogue of a new type:

- humane, who realizes the high value of human life;

- the spiritual, which has developed needs in the knowledge of the surrounding reality, self-knowledge, the search for the meaning of life and life credo, in communicating with art, in understanding the self-worth of his inner world;

- creative, with the developed intelligence, which aspires to transforming activity and has a sense of a new, capable of active life and creativity;

- a pragmatic, possessing the latest technologies, skills and skills necessary for the implementation of professional knowledge in the new economic and socio-cultural situation.

Today's trends in the development of society contradict higher spiritual-moral and aesthetic ideals, incompatible with them, as evidenced by the fall of the prestige of education, social culture; consumer attitude to artistic values, which was reflected in the quality of the press, television and radio programs, the dominance of "mass culture".

From another point of view, in conditions of a sovereign, independent state there are real conditions for spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of people. Arguments are also significant: appeal to national origins, sources of folk culture, wisdom; openness of society, which provides an opportunity to integrate into the world community, acquaintance with world achievements in various fields, in particular, in artistic creativity; freedom of thought; an alternative system of education, increased attention to capable, gifted people.

In such contradictory conditions, the role of purposeful spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of modern youth grows. Accumulating in itself various aspects of the awakening of the creative forces and abilities of man to improve reality, it is able to act as an effective means of personal formation of modern youth, to strengthen the positive influences and to set up future engineers-teachers to correct perception and critique of negative, aesthetically and morally ugly and fight against it.

As the researchers point out, spiritual, moral and aesthetic education directly forms the sphere of consciousness: moral ideals, aesthetic taste, value orientations, attitudes, criteria, but it fixes in the field of its influence and the whole personality. Desirable, the optimum result of education is the formation of a holistic and harmonious, self-worthy and socially valuable creative person with a high individual aesthetic culture, which allows a person to live a humane, high moral life and to act with conviction, purposefully, selectively, productively, practically and universally humanly.

The set of established, well-adjusted value orientations forms a peculiar axis of consciousness, which ensures the stability of the personality of the future specialist, the continuity of a particular type of behavior and activities, expressed in the direction of needs and interests.

The moral and aesthetic education of future engineer-pedagogue involves the use of the spiritual and cultural potential of all academic disciplines. That is, each lecture or seminar session has an ethical and aesthetic potential, which is revealed through the creative approach to solving the cognitive task, the expressiveness of the teacher's words, the selection and design of visual material.

Educational impact on students should be systematic, purposeful and implemented on a daily basis. Excellent opportunities for the spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of students are laid out in various forms of non-auditing educational work: conversations on moral and aesthetic topics, lectures, concerts, discussion clubs, theatrical performances, art conferences etc. Formation of true spiritual, moral and aesthetic values of student youth is impossible without their awareness of the national foundations of culture. Aesthetic education of students is also carried out through the interpersonal influence between students, students and faculty in the educational process and during extracurricular time.

Extremely great potential for the realization of ethical and aesthetic education tasks are disciplines related to the study of native and foreign languages. During the study of languages, problems are encountered and discussed, which allow forming critical thinking skills that allow correlating their views with the norms of social morality. A pedagogue has the opportunity to form the student's worldview, his moral and aesthetic culture, because in addition to the area of specific linguistic and extra linguistic competences, the issues of attitude and behavior of an individual in one or another life or professional situation are discussed.

More and more often, among the topics discussed during the study of languages, there are many pressing issues. Among them are issues such as tolerance, the problems of the modern family, the problems of charity, the problems of materialism and national culture, the problems of poverty and the struggle against it etc. Communicative learning involves a fairly high level of use of tasks. One of the many and varied ways of teaching the means of language is the reading of sociopolitical, spiritual and artistic literature. What would be learned and thoughtful during the reading became valid, it was embodied in the daily life of students, it is useful for students to hold conferences and reports, present projects and write essays and essays. It is especially important if important current issues are discussed in the conversation.

The specificity of spiritual, moral and aesthetic education in a higher school is determined by the connection of the aesthetic and professional development of the personality of student youth, the peculiarities of students as a specific social group, the current state of socio-cultural, political and economic situation in Ukraine, the tendencies of the development of higher education in the direction of its exit into Western Europe space. The decisive role in solving the problem of educating of future engineer-pedagogue plays as the level of development of aesthetic theory as the basis of aesthetic education, as well as spiritual values of Ukrainian society, artistic and aesthetic and historical and pedagogical traditions of the Ukrainian people. moral professional engineering educational

The factors that determine the state of spiritual, moral and aesthetic education in high school at the present stage include the following: aesthetic education and aesthetic awareness; interest in art and the ability to perceive and evaluate it aesthetically from the point of view of the universal and national aesthetic ideal; aesthetic environment, educational and cultural environment; aesthetic and moral basis of the culture of communication; aesthetic attitude to work; participation of students in different types of artistic and aesthetic creativity; the media and features of the modern information space. The main aesthetic components that underline the implementation of aesthetization in the educational process of higher education should include the following: aesthetic orientation of the interaction between the teacher and the student; the aesthetic world, the general culture, the intelligence of the teacher and the student; emotional saturation, elegance, aesthetic expressiveness of material presentation; culture of thought and beauty of the word; figurative thinking, constant communication with art as a means of cognition and aesthetic experiences.

The information and technological capabilities of the global network, on the one hand, contribute to the spiritual and aesthetic development of youth, but, on the other hand, the consumption of Internet products is not entirely controlled and can't guarantee proper results in the development of world perception, the development of aesthetic needs and talents of young people. There is a certain vulgarization of the cultural and aesthetic environment; too much importance is attached to the subculture, spectacular arts at the level of cinema and television, which causes significant damage to the spiritual and aesthetic development of the student's personality. A peculiar counteraction to the aggressive and vulgar challenges of the modern world should be the introduction of a holistic system of artistic and aesthetic education of student youth, which would contribute to the development of creative thinking, expanded the possibilities in finding new ways and solutions, including in the field of science and production.


The problem of spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of future engineer-pedagogue is a complex problem, which includes psychological, cultural, general pedagogical and didactic-methodological aspects.

It is obvious that in the present conditions it is impossible to form the fully developed personality of the future engineer-pedagogue on the basis of dogmatic didactics, therefore, the development of spirituality and aesthetic culture of student youth should be based on a rather broad scientific socio-cultural foundation, with the aim of forming harmoniously developed in the ethical and aesthetic person's future plan for a future specialist. The effectiveness of the spiritual, moral and aesthetic education of future engineer-pedagogue depends on the skillful use of various forms and means in the educational system: creating conditions for creative self-realization of the student's own professional activity; priority development of cultural education functions; change of strategic guidelines for education, namely, the formation of integral integrative qualities of the personality of the future teacher-engineer against the background of providing the axiological, cognitive and activity aspects of its preparation; development of personal potential of a specialist; epistemological, creative, communicative, ethical and aesthetic approaches to the psychological and pedagogical awareness of the future specialist.


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  • Transfer to profile training of pupils of 11–12 classes of 12-year comprehensive school its a stage in implementation of differentiation of training. Approaches to organization of profile education and their characteristic, evaluation of effectiveness.

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  • The education system in the United States of America. Pre-school education. Senior high school. The best universities of national importance. Education of the last level of training within the system of higher education. System assessment of Knowledge.

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  • The basic tendencies of making international educational structures with different goals. The principles of distance education. Distance learning methods based on modern technological achievements. The main features of distance education in Ukraine.

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  • The impact of the course Education in Finland on my own pedagogical thinking and comparison of the Finnish school system and pedagogy with my own country. Similarities and differences of secondary and higher education in Kazakhstan and Finland.

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  • The applied science model. The basic assumptions underlying this model. Received and experiential knowledge. Oldest form of professional education. The most advanced modern teaching strategies. Projects for the development of creative abilities.

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