The CDIO-FCDI-FFCD rubrics for evaluation of three-cycle engineering programs

Self-assessment of master's and postgraduate study programs in engineering and technology based on FCDI standards. Application of CDIO-FCDI-FFCD standards in the design and implementation of three-level programs for the preparation of graduates.

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Kuban State Technological University

The CDIO-FCDI-FFCD Rubrics for Evaluation of Three-Cycle Engineering Programs

Alexander I. Chuchalin - Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Prof.


The aim of the paper is to propose Rubrics for self-evaluation of graduate and postgraduate engineering programs based on the FCDI (Forecast, Conceive, Design, Implement) Standards and FFCD (Foresight, Forecast, Conceive, Design) Standards by analogy with Rubrics for self-evaluation of undergraduate engineering programs based on the CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) Standards. The FCDI Standards and FFCD Standards were developed for Master's and Doctoral engineering programs as a result of the CDIO approach evolution and by analogy with the CDIO Standards originally developed for Bachelor's engineering programs. The CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standards are recommended for the design and implementation of three-cycle engineering programs to train graduates for complex, innovative and research engineering activities, respectively, taking into account the features of the division of labor in the engineering profession. The 6-level scale Rubrics are helpful for evaluation the degree of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral engineering programs compliance with the recommendations of the CDIO, FCDI and FFCD Standards, respectively.

Keywords: engineering education, CDIO Bachelor, FCDI Master, FFCD Doctor, Rubrics for evaluation


CDIO-FCDI-FFCD- рубрики для оценки трёхуровневых инженерных программ

Чучалин Александр Иванович - д-р техн. наук, проф.

Кубанский государственный технологический университет

Аннотация. В статье предложены рубрики для са,мооценки образовательных программ магистратуры!, и аспирантуры в области техники и технологий на основе стандартов FCDI (Forecast, Conceive, Design, Implement) и FFCD (Foresight, Forecast, Conceive, Design) по аналогии с рубриками для самооценки программ бакалавриата на основе стандартов CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate). Стандарты FCDI и FFCD разработаны для про- гра,мм ма,гистратуры и аспирантуры по техническим направлениям в результате эволюции подхода CDIO по ана,логии со станда,рта,ми CDIO, изначально созданными для программ бакалавриата. Стандарты CDIO/FCDI/FFCD рекомендуется применять при проектировании и реа,лизации трёхуровневых программ в области техники и технологий для подготовки выпускников, соответственно, к комплексной, инновационной и исследовательской инженерной деятельности, принимая во внимание особенности разделения труда в инженерной профессии. Рубрики с 6-уровневой шкалой полезно использовать для оценки степени соответствия инженерных программ бакалавриата, магистратуры и аспирантуры рекомендациям стандартов CDIO, FCDI и FFCD, соответственно.

Ключевые слова.: инженерное образование, CDIO Бакалавриат, FCDI Магистратура, FFCD Аспирантура, рубрики для оценки программ


At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the CDIO concept of improving engineering education was developed, taking into account the realities of time and providing a balance between theory and practice. This concept was aimed at training engineers capable of working on the CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate) stages of the life cycle of products, processes and systems. The CDIO Standards, containing recommendations on the planning of graduate's learning outcomes, curriculum design, learning technologies application, as well as the creation of material resources for program support and faculty development were offered to universities implementing basic (Bachelor's) engineering programs [1]- From the very beginning each of the 12 CDIO Standards was accompanied by Description, Rationale and Rubric for engineering program evaluation aligned with the CDIO Standards [2]. Universities that decide to implement the recommendations of the CDIO Standards using Rubrics carry out a selfevaluation of the programs for compliance with these standards. The Rubrics have been designed deliberately to encourage planning and allow universities various styles of CDIO Standards implementation and adoption. The Rubric is a table with the help of which on a 6-level scale it is possible to determine the degree of compliance of an engineering program with the recommendations of one or another CDIO Standard.

The CDIO Standards have become popular in universities of various countries. Currently, more than 140 universities located on all continents have united in the Worldwide CDIO Initiative organization and exchange best practices in applying the CDIO approach to the design and implementation of engineering programs. More than a dozen Russian universities are among the participants of the organization [3]. Some of them actively use the CDIO Standards for the modernization of engineering programs and share their experience with foreign colleagues [4-10]. Universities that implement the CDIO Standards use Rubrics both for self-evaluation of the programs as a whole and for selfassessment of the curriculum elements ensuring the achievement of intended learning outcomes by students [11-15].

In 2014, the CDIO Standards have been revised and Rubrics have been further modified. However, these modifications have been relatively minor and have not changed the scope or the main contents of the standards. At the same time, as a result of widespread use of the CDIO Standards, proposals for their more significant modification began to appear [16; 17] including proposals to supplement the existing standards with new ones related to digital learning, diversity, engineering entrepreneurship, engineering ethics, internationalization & mobility, leadership, Master-level CDIO programs, multidisciplinary, collaborative skills, research-integrated education, sustainable development, etc. The need for the evolution of the CDIO approach has become apparent. The issue is being discussed in publications and at regular meetings of collaborators - participants of the Worldwide CDIO Initiative.


In 2013, some Russian universities - participants of the Worldwide CDIO Initiative became members of “elite” group of 15 leading Russian universities - participants of so called “5-100 Russian academic excellence project”. The goal of the project was to improve the quality and prestige of Russian higher education and bring at least 5 Russian universities from among the project participants into the 100 best universities in the world according to the three most authoritative world rankings: QS, TIMES and ARWU. After some time, 6 more Russian universities entered the project.

As part of the “5-100 Russian academic excellence project”, 21 Russian universities have focused on graduate and postgraduate higher education including Master's (MSc) and Doctoral (PhD) programs in engineering and technology. To implement the strategy focusing on graduate and postgraduate engineering education, universities needed a conceptual and methodological basis for improving the quality of MSc and PhD engineering programs. The CDIO approach could become such a basis. However, the CDIO Standards, originally developed for basic (undergraduate) engineering education and well-proven in the process of upgrading Bachelor's (BEng) programs, did not fully comply with MSc and PhD engineering programs. At Tomsk Polytechnic University with the participation of representatives of other Russian universities - Worldwide CDIO Initiative collaborators, relevant studies were conducted and it was proposed to evolve the CDIO approach and adapt it to graduate and postgraduate engineering education [18]. Further developments led to the creation of the CDIO-FCDI-FFCD Models for three-cycle engineering education [19].

Firstly, by analogy with the CDIO Syllabus (CDIO Standard 2), lists of intended learning outcomes (LOs) for graduates of MSc and PhD engineering programs were developed, which, unlike BEng programs graduates trained for complex engineering, should be focused on innovative and research engineering activities, respectively. In the formation of a list of intended LOs for Master's engineering programs, it was proposed to use the abbreviation FCDI (Forecast, Conceive, Design, Implement) instead of the abbreviation CDIO (Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate). The absence of “Operate” in a new abbreviation indicates that this kind of engineering activity (operation and maintenance of products, processes and systems) is not a priority for MSc program graduates. The presence of “Forecast” emphasizes the importance of forecasting potential needs of society in new products, processesity for PhD program graduates. The presence of “Foresight” emphasizes the importance of technological foresight to anticipate potential needs of society and to create a scientific basis for conceiving and designing new products, processes and systems in the research activity.

Secondly, by analogy with the CDIO Standards, the FCDI Standards and FFCD Standards were developed. The standards give appropriate recommendations for the design and implementation of MSc and PhD engineering programs providing graduate's LOs required for innovative and research engineering activities. Based on the CDIO Standards, FCDI Standards and FFCD Standards it is possible to develop, design, implement and evaluate Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs aimed at graduate's training for complex, innovative and research engineering activities, respectively. Based on the CDIO-FCDI-FFCD Triad, a new generation of BEng, MSc and PhD engineering programs can be designed. The CDIO-FCDI-FFCD Models were piloted at Tomsk Polytechnic University and further developed at Kuban State Technological University [20; 21].


As already noted, the application of the CDIO Standards begins with self-evaluation of Bachelor's programs using appropriate Rubrics. When creating new versions of the CDIO Standards, new Rubric versions were created accordingly [22-24]. For self-evaluation of Master's and Doctoral engineering programs for compliance with the FCDI Standards and FFCD Standards, corresponding Rubrics have been developed by analogy with the updated Rubrics for the CDIO Standards (v.2.1) [23]. The Rubrics for the CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standards are presented below. Each Rubric is provided with a description of a CDIO/FCDI/FFCD/Standard, summarized in a single table.


The CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 1 regarding the context of undergraduate/graduate/ postgraduate engineering education is presented in Table 1. Table 2 shows the priority activities of the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral program graduates at the Foresight - Forecast - Conceive - Design - Implement - Operate stages, taking into account the system of division of labor in the engineering profession.

The degree of compliance of three-cycle engineering programs with the CDIO/FCDI/ FFCD Standard 1 is determined with the use of a 6-point scale based on the criteria presented in the Rubric (Table 3). Similar Rubrics (Tables 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26) are used to determine the degree of compliance of three-cycle engineering programs with other standards (Tables 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21,23, 25).

Table 1 CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 1 - The Context




Adoption of the principle that product, process, and system lifecycle development and deployment - Conceiving, Designing, Implementing and Operating are the context for undergraduate engineering education (Bachelor's cycle)

Adoption of the principle that innovative product, process, and system design and development lifecycle - Forecasting, Conceiving, Designing and Implementing are the context for graduate engineering education (Master's cycle)

Adoption of the principle that creation of scientific basis for the development and design of innovative product, process, and system lifecycle - Foreseeing, Forecasting, Conceiving and Designing are the context for postgraduate engineering education (Doctoral cycle)

Table 2 Priority activities of three-cycle engineering program graduates


Bachelor (CDIO)

Master (FCDI)

Doctor (FFCD)


Future study; long-term vision; analyses of the society needs; research & innovation planning; technological foresight; analyses of “critical” technologies


Analyzing the market trends; making predictions of future customer needs; estimating risk and uncertainty; determining the most demanded and competitive innovative products, processes, and systems

Knowledge management; research and new knowledge generation; critical analyses of scientific data; assessment of knowledge-intensive technology needs


Defining customer needs; considering technology, enterprise strategy, and regulations; and developing conceptual, technical, and business plans

Feasibility study; modelling and simulation; development of advanced technique and technology; assessment of the economic impact of innovations; planning and creation of R&D resources for innovative product, process, or system design

Creation of scientific basis for the development and design of innovative product, process, or system; development of new technique and technology based on up-to-date knowledge


Creating the design, that is, the plans, drawings, and algorithms that describe what will be implemented

Designing & developing of innovative product, process, or system taking into consideration severe limitations

Scientific support ofknowledge- intensive innovative product, process, or system design and development


Transformation of the design into the product, process, or system, including manufacturing, coding, testing and validation

Production management when implementing innovative projects, as well as controlling of the advanced technology when manufacturing, coding, testing and validating


Using the implemented product or process to deliver the intended value, including maintaining, evolving and retiring the system

and systems. In the formation of a list of intended sight, Forecast, Conceive, Design). The absence LOs for Doctoral engineering programs it was of “Implement” in the abbreviation indicates that proposed to use the abbreviation FFCD (Fore- participation in manufacturing is not a prior-

Table 3 Rubric for CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 1


Criteria for Standard 1


Evaluation groups where all relevant stakeholders are represented endorse CDIO/FCDI/FFCD as the context of the Bachelor/Master/Doctor program and use this principle as a guide for continuous improvement


There is a documented evidence that the CDIO/FCDI/FFCD principle is the context of the Bachelor/Master/ Doctor program and is implemented in all years of the program


The CDIO/FCDI/FFCD principle is implemented in one or more years of the Bachelor/Master/Doctor program


There is an explicit plan to transition to a CDIO/FCDI/FFCD context for the Bachelor/ Master/Doctor program


There is a willingness to adopt to a CDIO/FCDI/FFCD context for the Bachelor/Master/Doctor program


There is no plan to adopt the principle that CDIO/FCDI/FFCD is the context of education for the Bachelor/ Master/Doctor program

Table 4 CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 2 - Syllabi




Specific, detailed learning outcomes for personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and system building skills, as well as disciplinary knowledge, consistent with program goals and validated by program stakeholders

Specific, detailed learning outcomes for personal and interpersonal skills, and innovative product, process, and system design and development skills based on forecasting stakeholder needs, as well as interdisciplinary knowledge and teaching skills, consistent with program goals and validated by program stakeholders

Specific, detailed learning outcomes for personal and interpersonal skills, and abilities to create scientific basis for innovative product, process, and system design and development, as well as transdisciplinary knowledge and pedagogical skills, consistent with program goals and validated by program stakeholders

Table 5 The Syllabi Structure - Intended Learning Outcomes (LOs)


CDIO Syllabus (Bachelor's LOs)

FCDI Syllabus (Master's LOs)

FFCD Syllabus (Doctoral LOs)


Technical disciplinary knowledge as well as personal and interpersonal skills for product, process, and system building

Interdisciplinary scientific and technical knowledge as well as personal and interpersonal skills for innovative product, process, and system design and development based on forecasting stakeholder's needs

New scientific and technical knowledge as well as personal and interpersonal skills, and abilities to create scientific basis for innovative product, process, and system design and development, transdisciplinary knowledge and pedagogical skills


Personal LOs focusing on individual students' cognitive and affective development (engineering reasoning and problem solving, experimentation and knowledge discovery, system thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking, and professional ethics)

Professional competences and personal qualities focusing on analytical study and solution of innovative problems, experimentation, research and acquisition of deep knowledge, systematic innovation thinking, attitude, critical analysis and creativity, ethics, equity and other types of liability

Professional competences and personal qualities focusing on analytical study and solution of scientific problems, experimentation, research and generation of new knowledge, systematic scientific thinking, attitude, critical analysis of the scientific data and own research findings, ethics, equity and other types of liability


Interpersonal LOs focusing on individual and group interactions (teamwork, leadership, communication, and communication in foreign languages)

Personal competences focusing on team leadership, communication, communication in foreign languages

Personal competences focusing on research team leadership, communication, communication in foreign languages


Product, process, and system building skills focusing on conceiving, designing, implementing, and operating systems in enterprise, business, and societal contexts

Innovative product, process, and system design and development skills focusing on forecasting, conceiving, designing, and implementing systems in the enterprise, societal and environmental context - the innovation process

Abilities to create scientific basis for innovative product, process, and system design and development focusing on foreseeing, forecasting, conceiving, and designing in the enterprise, societal and environmental context - the research process


Pedagogical skills focusing on development and implementation of educational resources

Pedagogical skills focusing on design and delivery of higher education programs

Table 6 Rubric for CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 2


Criteria for Standard 2


Internal and external groups regularly review and revise program LOs and/or program goals based on CDIO/ FCDI/FFCD Syllabus and changes in stakeholder needs


Program LOs are aligned with CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Syllabus, and institutional vision and mission, and levels of proficiency are set for each outcome


Course and/or program LOs are validated with key program stakeholders, including faculty, students, alumni, and other stakeholders, and levels of proficiency are set for each outcome


A plan to incorporate explicit statements ofLOs at course/module level as well as program outcomes is accepted by program leaders, faculty, and other stakeholders


The need to create or modify LOs at course/module level and program outcomes is recognized and such a process has been initiated


There are no explicit program LOs at course/module level nor program outcomes that cover knowledge and skills aligned with CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Syllabus

Table 7 CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 3 - Curricula




A curriculum designed with mutually supporting disciplinary courses, with an explicit plan to integrate personal and interpersonal skills, and product, process, and system building skills

A curriculum designed with mutually supporting interdisciplinary courses, as well as other elements (projects, internships, etc.), innovation and teaching activities with an explicit plan to integrate personal and interpersonal skills, and innovative product, process, and system design and development skills based on forecasting stakeholder needs

A curriculum designed with mutually supporting transdisciplinary courses, as well as research and pedagogic activities with an explicit plan to integrate personal and interpersonal skills, and abilities to create scientific basis for innovative product, process, and system design and development using the methods of technological foresight

Table 8 Rubric for CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 3


Criteria for Standard 3


Internal and external stakeholders regularly review the integrated curriculum and make recommendations and adjustments as needed


There is an evidence that the students have achieved the intended LOs aligned with CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Syllabus


The approved integrated curriculum concerning intended LOs aligned with CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Syllabus is in use


The curriculum that integrates LOs aligned with CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Syllabus is approved and a process has been initiated to implement the curriculum


The need to analyze the curriculum is recognized and initial mapping of LOs aligned with CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Syllabus is underway


The curriculum has no courses known to integrate LOs aligned with CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Syllabus

Table 9 CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 4 - Introduction to Engineering




An introductory course that provides the framework for engineering practice in product, process, and system building, and introduces essential personal and interpersonal skills

An introductory workshop that provides the framework for engineering practice in innovative product, process and system design and development based on forecasting the needs of stakeholders, as well as introduces essential personal and interpersonal skills

An introductory seminar that provides the framework for engineering practice in creation of scientific basis for innovative product, process, and system design and development using the methods of technological foresight, as well as introduces essential personal and interpersonal skills


The CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 2 regarding intended learning outcomes of the undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate engineering programs is presented in Table 4.

Table 5 shows the list of intended learning outcomes (LOs) of the Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral program graduates. The list can be supplemented by universities, taking into account the needs of key stakeholders, labor market requirements and other features of the university's mission.

Setting specific learning outcomes helps to ensure that students acquire the appropriate foundation for their future. Professional engineering organizations and industry representatives identified key attributes of Bachelors, Masters and Doctors of engineering both in technical and professional areas. Moreover, many evaluation and accreditation bodies expect engineering programs to identify program outcomes in terms of their graduates' knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The Rubric for evaluating programs for compliance with the recommendations of CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 2 is given in Table 6.


The CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 3 regarding undergraduate/graduate/postgraduate engineering education curricula is presented in Table 7. study standard postgraduate

An integrated curriculum includes learning experiences that lead to the acquisition of personal and interpersonal skills, interwoven with the learning of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledge and its application in professional engineering. The Rubric for evaluating programs for compliance with the recommendations of CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standard 3 is given in Table 8.


Based on the presented Rubrics that form the hierarchy of levels of compliance of Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral programs in the field of engineering and technology with the recommendations of the CDIO/FCDI/FFCD Standards, one can assess the quality of three-cycle training of graduates for complex, innovative and research engineering activities, respectively, taking into account the features of the division of labor in the engineering profession.


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