On the pedagogical competence of a high school teacher

Disclosure of the essence, content and forms of manifestation of pedagogical competence of a teacher of higher educational institution. Means and methods of teaching, a set of pedagogical information and educational experience in higher school pedagogy.

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On the pedagogical competence of a high school teacher

Nasibova Sevinj Khalil,

PhD in Philology, lecturer,

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Azerbaijan Republic

The article discusses the basic concepts of the competence of a teacher of a higher educational institution. The essence of the ability of a teacher of a higher educational institution as a subject of the educational system, the key components of relations with students are revealed.

Keywords: competence; teacher; upbringing; higher educational institution; pedagogy of higher education.


НАСИБОВА Севиндж Халил гызы,

доктор философии по филологии, преподаватель,

Азербайджанский государственный университет нефти и промышленности, Azerbaijan


В статье рассматриваются основные составляющие компетентности преподавателя высшего учебного заведения. Раскрывается сущность способностей преподавателя высшего учебного заведения как субъекта образовательной системы, показаны ключевые компоненты взаимоотношений со студентами.

Цель статьи - охарактеризовать сущность, содержание, формы проявления педагогической компетенции преподавателя высшего учебного заведения, средства и методы обучения в вузе, совокупность педагогической информации и образовательного опыта, которые находят отражение в педагогике высшей школы.

Оригинальность. В статье уделяется внимание проблемам всестороннего воспитания и обучения студентов, компетентности педагога, образовательным требованиям, которые реализуются в тех педагогических условиях, где происходит взаимодействие педагога и студентов.

Результаты. Педагогическая компетенция преподавателя играет важную роль в его постоянном стремлении к инновациям в повседневной работе и творческой деятельности. Они должны прежде всего сочувствовать студентам и относиться к ним с пониманием и единым требованием. Солидарность и коллективизм в работе учителя также играют важную роль во взаимоотношении со студентами.

Вывод. Автор приходит к выводу, что миссия преподавателя вуза в современном обществе расширяется и усложняется. От него зависит не только передача знаний, но и обучение профессиональным навыкам. Студентами раскрывается потребность в образовании как в систематическом целостном овладении профессиональными навыками с развитием опыта социального взаимодействия и раскрытием своих возможностей, своей роли в мультикультур- ном обществе.

Ключевые слова: компетентность; педагог; воспитание; высшее учебное заведение; педагогика высшей школы.

Formulation of the problem. One of the vital problems for students is the problem of life in a dynamically renewing society. Today's youth, having less social experience and unclear prospects for civil and professional self-determination in comparison with other categories of citizens, faced the reality of being “thrown out” from strategically important highways of social development. They are faced with the need to creatively use not only the system of knowledge and skills they mastered in secondary and higher education, but their own individual experience for successful socialization, professionalization and selfrealization in the intercultural space.

Purpose of the study. To characterize the essence, content, forms of competence of a teacher of a higher educational institution, means and methods of education in a higher educational institution, the totality of pedagogical information and educational experience, which are reflected in the pedagogy of higher education.

educational experience teacher higher school

Presentation of the main material

Higher education, as a specific social institution, occupies a special place in the education system, since educational institutions are designed to provide professional training for future specialists. Teachers of higher educational institutions do not deal with children, but with adults, with their established goals and life values. “The analysis of everyday pedagogical practice shows that higher education does not always form in the future specialists a full readiness to work in new conditions. Most university graduates lack such personal qualities and competencies that would help them to emerge from dignity in difficult professional situations, allowing them not to lose themselves in crisis situations, to avoid deformation and degradation of their personality, and they often have a low level of moral stability. The elimination of deficiencies in preparing students for professional activities necessitates the involvement of unused resources in improving the quality of university education. Such a resource is the professional image of a university teacher” [1, p. 125]

Teachers, who are one of the main figures of pedagogical activity, perform a responsible job, such as educating the younger generation. Pedagogical activity arises from demand and is formed by meeting needs. In the process of pedagogical activity, the teacher's personality is formed, enriched and developed. Pedagogical activity is an activity aimed at educating the younger generation. In other words, professional activity aimed at the implementation of the process of training, education, development, as well as the formation of the student's personality. The structure of pedagogical activity consists of the following aspects.

1. The purpose of pedagogical activity is to bring up citizens who are useful, comprehensive and harmoniously developed for this society.

2. The subject of pedagogical activity is considered to be the one who imparts knowledge, educates and directs.

3. The object and subject of pedagogical activity is considered to be the one who acquires knowledge, skills, conducts research.

4. The conditions of pedagogical activity include the care of the society for the upbringing of the growing generation, the presence of factors determining the effectiveness of education, solidarity of the staff, high knowledge and skills of school teachers, etc.

5. The results of pedagogical activity are a relatively late process. At the end of the school year, it is possible to distinguish this by conducting various inspections and comparisons. This includes the formation of high qualities in students. Pedagogical activity is complex and multifaceted. Depending on the tasks ahead, pedagogical activity includes teaching, educating, organizing, advocacy, self-education, etc. Each of them has a certain structure.

The mission of a higher education teacher in modern society is expanding and becoming more complex. A teacher can no longer be just a lecturer, setting out the foundations of scientific knowledge. The students reveal the need for education as the need for a systematic integral mastering of professional skills with the development of the experience of social interaction and the discovery of their capabilities, their role in a multicultural society.

As we have mentioned, the subject of pedagogical activity is the teacher, that is, the one who teaches, imparts knowledge, gives direction, advises, guides, educates. There are many definitions of teacher in pedagogical literature. A teacher is defined in a limited and broad sense as follows: In a limited sense, a teacher is a person who teaches, advises and guides someone; something - history, literature, mathematics, etc.; can be understood the person who teaches, gives the right advice and directions in this area. In the broadest sense, a teacher is a person with a special education, an educated, knowledgeable, cultured, broad and comprehensive outlook who arranges, guides people with knowledge, skills and habits in one of the educational institutions. There is another definition: A teacher is a pedagogically educated worker who purposefully and systematically arranges the young generation and other students with systematized national and universal values, creates spiritual ties between generations, and gives a strong impetus to the further development of national economy, science, culture and art. From the very beginning of the teaching profession, many opinions have been expressed about how a teacher should be and what qualities he should have. Aristotle, in his Politics of Athens, showed that Athenian teachers were chosen in cerem- ?nies. These teachers had to train young people physically and morally, and instill in them such qualities as class loyalty, discipline, and readiness to govern. The harmonious combination of scientific and pedagogical work in the activities of the teacher contributes to the success of teaching, increasing creativity in it. The participation of a teacher in research work increases the effectiveness of his teaching activity, promotes his growth as a scientist, enhances his creative potential [2].

Along with the types of competence, many experts note the criteria for the professional competence of a teacher, such as: general cultural, communicative, personal, general professional and self-education. In more detail, to focus on the teacher's selfeducation and self-development. The concept of a teacher's professional competence expresses the unity of a teacher's theoretical and practical readiness to carry out pedagogical activities and characterizes his professionalism in a specific subject area and in the field of pedagogy [3, p. 19-21].

Prominent Czech pedagogue Y.A. Komen- sky showed that the moral education of children begins with a positive example of the teacher. The great pedagogue developed the school charter and the teacher's pedagogical code in his own way. He showed that the teacher who brought up the children had to be straightforward, steadfast in achieving his goals, discipline in the classroom, serious and confident, and self-respecting. J.J. Russo, I.H. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg and others valued the spiritual world of the teacher in the formation of the new generation. The work of a teacher differs from all professions in its respect and profession, in its responsibility and complexity. The work of a teacher is multifaceted. “Author's courses taught by professors and teachers, through the novelty of the content and methods of activity, the creative atmosphere of joint life of the teacher and students stimulate young people to interest in personal and profe- ?sional self-improvement, the development of civic qualities (social responsibility, tolerance, etc.)” [4, p. 396]. When working with students, the teacher uses both natural phenomena and techniques, as well as artistic image and sign systems. Thus, the art of teaching has certain requirements for a person's physical, intellectual and emotional development, spiritual qualities, and in general, all areas of personality. Above all, this art, which requires high work capacity and hard work, requires the complete health of the teacher and the calmness of the nervous system. Abilities are not limited to skills and abilities and distinguish one person from another with regard to the success of a certain activity [5, p. 284].

The criteria for self-education and selfdevelopment of the professional competence of a teacher of higher education are to be considered:

- self-exactingness, self-criticism,

- a tendency to innovative activities, the need to update the practical and theoretical experience of pedagogical activity,

- style of activity - research [6].

One of the main features of a teacher's work is his object. The object of the teacher of higher school education is the student. The product of a teacher's work is embodied in another person's behavior, knowledge, morals, skills and habits. The student who is the object of the teacher is at the same time the subject. Because students also influence the teacher, analyze and evaluate his work. The nature of a teacher's work is related to time and space at the same time: time regulated by the hour and non-regulated time. Teachers' auditorium activities are regulated by the hour, and extracurricular activities are not regulated by time. One of the main factors for the effective work of a teacher is his mastery of a system of special and general knowledge. The skill of a teacher is determined by a sense of proportion, the unity of care, respect and exactingness in relation to the students. Pedagogical skills are also determined by pedagogical abilities [6, p. 115].

Because the teaching profession is a mass profession, perhaps this profession is sometimes overlooked by young people, who turn more to other professions. Teaching is a unique profession. This profession is not only popular, but also a rare profession. Because even though there are many teachers, there are only one or two who are remembered. They also play a big role in our lives. It is thanks to the teacher that people acquire basic science and knowledge, and are able to choose the right path in life. A teacher is a carrier of science and knowledge, without which there can be no progress and development. A competitive specialist must possess not only advanced technologies, independently solve the tasks assigned to him, but also key competencies, among which communicative competence occupies a special place [7, p. 79].

Teaching is a responsible profession. Because a teacher works on a person and it is impossible to make a mistake here. The mistake made in this case, although not immediately, will inevitably show its consequences after a while. Teaching is a complex profession. This complexity is due to its creativity. The teacher has to act in different roles at once. To achieve the best work results, improve the quality of education, and achieve the goals set, a teacher in the modern educational space needs to pay attention to his level of competence development. “The mission of a university teacher in modern society is expanding and becoming more complex. A university teacher can no longer be only a lecturer, setting out the foundations of scientific knowledge. Young people reveal the need for education as a need for a systematic integral mastering of professional skills with mastering the experience of social interaction and discovering their capabilities, their role in the intensively changing natural and social world” [8, p. 88].

Mobilization skills are associated with the development of students' stable interests in learning, work, activity; with the formation of a need for knowledge, a creative attitude to the world around. Successful social and intercultural adaptation of a student is achieved by scientifically grounded planning, organization and motivation of the future specialist, high-quality implementation of various forms of students' life in the social and pedagogical space in higher education. The faster a student adapts to higher education, the more successful his participation in the new social and pedagogical system, in the social life of the university will be [9; 10].

Modern social experience in the field of psychological and pedagogical practice and theory dictates the need for self-education and self-development of the teacher. Due to the growth and increase in the volume of professional information, there is a moral “obsolescence” of pedagogical knowledge, which should lead to a systematic replenishment of the teacher of his professional education.

Today, the spiritual image of a teacher is more important than ever. That is, in many ways, state building begins with the construction of a new school, the training of new teachers. Such a teacher can bring up and educate generations who can lead the society to brighter and happier days. In this regard, just as each profession has its own principles, so the teaching profession has its own principles. Every teacher should be based on these principles in their pedagogical activity. The teacher should strive to not only recognize and understand the feeling, but also to understand the reasons for its occurrence, the context in which it was formed. This ability is called “emotional clarity” [11, p. 39]. The principle of patriotism is the most important principle of a teacher's pedagogical activity. He must devote all his pedagogical activity and labor to the strengthening and development of the country. Teachers must instill in their students a great and a deep love for the motherland. Since love for the motherland begins with teaching it well, regardless of the profession of the teacher, he must introduce children to every mixture of the native land and give them enough information about it. Just as a teacher teaches to protect the homeland from enemies, he must also introduce the enemies of the homeland to children. A teacher must always be close to the people and close to his nation with the zeal of a citizen. The improvement of the teacher in the course of accumulating practical experience should be carried out on the basis of the teacher's demanding and critical attitude to his work and to himself [12].

The teacher's self-sacrifice plays an important role in his constant desire for innovation, in his daily work and creative activity. That is, teachers must first of all be sympathetic to students and treat them with a single demand. Solidarity and collectivism in the teacher's collective also affect the student's collective. Teachers must always protect their peers and increase mutual respect and prestige among students. It is not appropriate for a teacher to praise his own subject and look down on other subjects. The principle of solidarity requires that the teacher be sincere and kind in the teaching staff. He must not tolerate group gangs, intrigue and individualism in the collective. The principle of collectivism and solidarity is reflected in the teacher's attitude to the collective. For solidarity and collectivism to exist, there must be a proper moral climate in the collective. In this case, there is solidarity and collectivism in the team, and criticism and self-criticism are not painfully encountered by teachers, and those who accept criticism are engaged in selfeducation in order to eliminate their shortcomings. The principle of humanism is an integral part of the teaching profession. A teacher must love and respect people, including his own upbringing. Only with love can the most difficult and painful things can be taught and conveyed to children. Humanism is the teacher's extreme attention and care for students, sensitivity. The principle of humanism requires that teachers take care of student's comfort, teach and educate them without beating, cursing or insulting them. “Communicative competence is a certain set of qualities necessary for the optimal implementation of interpersonal com-munication” [13, p.205]

Conclusions and prospects for further research

We can interpret the characteristics of the teaching profession as follows: The teaching profession is a mass profession in our society. Because it is very important to teach and educate generations. Therefore, there is always a need for the teaching profession. Because the teaching profession is a mass profession, perhaps this profession is sometimes overlooked by young people, who turn more to other professions. Teaching is a unique profession. This profession is not only popular, but also a rare profession. Because even though there are many teachers, there are only one or two who are remembered. They also play a big role in our lives. It is thanks to the teacher that people acquire basic science and knowledge, and are able to choose the right path in life. A teacher is a carrier of science and knowledge, without which there can be no progress and development. Teaching is a responsible profession. Because a teacher works on a person and it is impossible to make a mistake here. Teaching is a complex profession. This complexity is due to its creativity. The teacher has to act in different roles at once. He works with different intonations, different gestures and movements. He speaks with student “his own language”. He communicates and interacts with students of different character. The teacher works not with ready-made recipes, but only with the model he created.


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