The formation of value-normative competence of future social educators by means of training
Analysis of the concept of "competence", the main approaches to the formation of competence of future social educators. Value-normative and educational components of the competence approach, which consist in the formation of the worldview of specialists.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 03.01.2021 |
Размер файла | 22,6 K |
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The formation of value-normative competence of future social educators by means of training
Sayko Nataliya Alexandrovna,
candidate of Pedagogical Science, Docent of the Chair
of Special Education and Social Work, Poltava National
Pedagogical University named after Y.G. Korolenko
Проаналізовано поняття «компетентність», основні підходи до формування компетентності майбутніх соціальних педагогів. Розглянуто ціннісно-нормативний складник компетентнісного підходу, який полягає у формуванні світоглядної позиції фахівців і містить такі цінності, як позитив у житті, формування лідерських якостей, свобода, особистісне щастя, що досягається у професійній діяльності. Також обґрунтовано необхідність використання тренінгових методик у процесі формування професійної готовності фахівців. Наведені приклади тренінгів і вправ, розкрито принципи їх застосування.
Ключові слова: компетентність; компетентнісний підхід; ціннісно-нормативний компонент; філософська позиція; тренінг; цінності; орієнтація на позитив; свобода; лідерські якості; категорія щастя.
Sayko N. A. Formation of value-normative competence of future social educators by means of training.
Introduction The peculiarities of the modern practice future social workers preparations are analyzed. They are characterized by a number of innovations that influence the effectiveness of preparation, for example, the reduction of class hours, practical professional preparation course, forms of control, etc. and increase the percentage of independent student's work. As a result, it leads to the formalization of higher education superficial subject learning and lack of forming personal qualities of specialists, providing free functioning in the professional sphere, also mental and emotional overload of students.
Purpose. To substantiate and disclose peculiarities of using the preparation aimed to form valuable and normative social competence offuture social pedagogues. Such peculiarities are based on the concept analysis of the definition «competence» and different scientific approaches to its explanation.
Methods. Comparison, generalization, observation, systemic analysis, theoretical cognition, the method of analogy.
Results. The content of value-normative component in the realization of competence approach in professional preparation is disclosed, the necessity of using training for the formation ofpersonal qualities as responsible attitude to own health, feel of freedom, confidence in own forces and abilities, overcoming fear of mistakes, anxiety and doubts is sustained. In turn, it implies the formation of an appropriate professional world. In turn, it implies the formation of an appropriate professional worldview position, such as optimistic world understanding, determination in achieving goals, freedom of action, leadership skills. Training is understood as a method offormation of the worldview offuture social workers which will help prevent strains and professional psycho-emotional exhaustion of the specialist.
Originality. The content of value-normative readiness components offuture social workers to the profession activity is analyzed and researched. They are the following: a focus on the positive in life with the use of the main provisions of positive psychology and psychotherapy; formation the psychology of leadership that provides creating of internal leading position and appropriate style of behavior; formation of internal individual freedom and feeling life satisfaction and happiness as a norm of being. Also training methods that can be used in educational process of institutions are chosen to each component.
Conclusion. The necessity of improvement professional preparation of future social workers according to competence approach in education is proved. The significance of formation value-normative readiness to future professional activity of social pedagogues is revealed. The main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used in the system ofprofessional preparation ofsocial workers in Ukraine.
Key words: competence; competence approach; value-normative component; philosophical position; training; values; orientation on positive; freedom; leadership skills; category of happiness.
The posing of problems
Modern high education is characterized by hectic changes which should lead to its improvement, increase quality of preparation, entry into European community. One of the ways of such improvement is passing from knowledge to competence approach in the process of preparation of specialists with higher education. At this point of time the problem of implementation of competence approach is actively discussed by scientists, the notion «competence», «competency» are exploring, common and different features are discovered, the models of experts' professional training are developed.
Solving of outlined problem was established in works of J. Raven, A. Andreev, A. Akulov, I. Zymnia, K. Levin, A. Hutorskoy, I. Grishin, G. Selevko, O. Pometun, R. Postushenko, O. Ovcharuk and others national and foreign didacts.
N. Bibik [1, p. 408-410] understands competence in education as acquired characteristic of personality which provides successful joining of young person in the life of modern society. Competence in education is considered as integrated result that includes moving accents from accumulation normatively defined knowledge and skills to the formation and development in student the ability to act practically, apply an experience successful activity in particular sphere.
M. Levina [2] disclosing contemporary technology of preparation an educator has noticed that important component is operational and technological competence, which includes formation of aware and creative specialist, his learning of broadcast scientific knowledge, making decisions, analysis and selection of information.
Akulova, N. Radionova, A. Triapitsyna [3], regard professional competence as integrative characteristic which determines the ability to solve professional problems and typical tasks appeared in real situations of professional pedagogical activity with using of knowledge, professional and life experience, values and predispositions.
Grishyna [4] outlines that exactly personal structural components provide the formation of professional competence, its genetic connections at different points of time and real new entity in such components (both positive and negative). Important aspect of the problem of gaining the competence is definition of a real contradiction between requirements for the individual professional activity, his/her personal arising intentions and tasks.
O. Kokun [5] identifies the definition «professional competence» as complex of professional knowledge, skills and ways of fulfillment professional activity. Its main components are: 1) socio-legal competence (knowledge and skills in the sphere of interaction of social institutions and people, being acquainted with professional communication and behavior as well); 2) special competence (preparation to independent implementation specific forms of activity, ability to solve typical professional problems and estimate results of own work, capability to get new knowledge and skills according to specialty independently); 3) personal competency (ability to constant professional growth and qualification increase, as well as self-realization in professional work); 4) auto-competence (adequate imagination about own socio-professional characteristics and possession of overcome professional destructions); 6) extreme professional competence (ability to work in conditions that suddenly become complicated, in accidents, defection of technological process).
N. Zaveryko & Y. Matskevych [6, p. 259-262] define professional competence as alacrity of subject particular kind of activity for successful completion functions provided by standards of particular profession and one of the main ways of the improvement of professional competence is considered to be cinematography, if more exactly analysis of problem situations, finding ways of their solving.
Belenka [7, p. 26] is of the opinion that professional competence is a professional preparation and ability of the subject of the work to fulfil tasks and duties daily activities. It is conditioned by cognitive and active components of preparation of educator, is a measure and main standard of determination of his conformity to work conditions. In structured way professional competence of educator can be pictured as three-stage pyramid, basement of which consists of professional knowledge, skills and abilities is based on it, and individualization, interpretation becomes a basis of professional activity.
Competence at the modern stage is an indicator of quality of higher education, which forms foundations its professional aspects necessary for making a decision and activity in sphere of profession [8, p. 3].
Looking through the definition professional competence in preparation of social educators it is necessary to pay attention to catalog of professional competences of social educators that was created by International Association of Social Educators AIEJI in 2006, where is noticed that competence is an ability of social worker to act concerning particular task, situation or context..., which combines not only knowledge, skills, intellectual, practical and social competence but a position and motivation [9, p. 9].
Analyzing different points of view of specialists with competency approach, we can say that higher education need efficient forms and methods of preparation which will actively promote the formation first of all practical skills and will give an opportunity to try theoretical stuff on practice. One of such method is training, that becomes especially actual in the conditions of permanent cutback of class work in institutions of higher education, students' educational and production practices and gives an opportunity to use potential, knowledge and experience every participant to the limit. It is also important to mention that percent of independent student's work increased, which leads to overloading, especially emotional in a case if work is done well. So an obligatory component in realization a competency approach is value-normative, which provide the formation of appropriate attitude of own personality, own victories and defeats, life in general, optimistic position, formation feeling of freedom, happiness, confidence in own forces, overcome anxiety and doubts; deprivation of fear to lose or thoughts how to gain the aim, concentrations on confident and clear actions that makes a protective effect in professional activity. The easiest way to realize tasks of this approach is to use training methods of different aim and direction.
Analysis of recent research and publications
The definition «training» in professional preparation of future specialists can be reviewed from different positions: as systematic method of creation, implementation and determination of whole process of education and getting knowledge considering technical and human recourses and their collaboration, which makes as a task to optimize an education (S. Sysoeva, T. Poyasok); as training method of education (N. Nychkalo), means and way (organized action), with the purpose of getting particular result in the process of educational-disciplinary work (O. Padalka); method of united activity of the teacher and student, which includes social experience of humanity and control by teacher the educational-cognitive students' activity (A. Aleksiuk).
The purpose of the article - to justify the necessity of formation of value-normative readiness components of future social pedagogues with the use of trainings.
Presentation of basic stuff
competence social educators training
Training is understood as formation method of worldview positions of a future social educator that will help to avoid professional deformations and psychoemotional exhaustion of specialist.
First component of valuable-normative readiness is orientation on positive in life. With this aim it is important to make social educator acquainted with basis of positive psychology, principles of which are laid in such methods of social work as empowerment, facilitation and coaching, reliance on strong sides, etc. and use of therapeutic methods in students' educational process, addressed on shaping a positive direction in life. However, such positive direction should be supported by constructive practical acts to achieve success in life, gain professionalism and contentment in life. Otherwise, if person decreases the level of requirements, is satisfied with what he has, it will lead to regress in life. Organization of socio-pedagogical work without faith in positive changes in behaviour of clients and in own forces as professional and human who can help will lead to negative consequences, in the best case the results will relevant to zero. That's why future social educators should understand that formation of positive minds influences on quality of personal life and professional activity. Solving pointed tasks can be made as the result of use such training methods as «Believe in yourself», aim of such reservation of social educators' psychical health, updating of process positive self-reconstruction and strengthening psychologist microclimate of pedagogical collective or a students' one. The exercises that were chosen are used to form a confidence in own forces and to express individuality - «Look, it is me!», «My wonderful features», «Recourses», «My peculiarity and uniqueness», «Ability to think positive», «Strive to success or afraid to fail?». Training of development a positive motivation «How to gain an aim or when dreams will come true?» involves the use of such exercises «Define a difference between aim and dream», «William James' Success Formula», «Success journal», exercises for social stability, exercises of group psychodrama («Game of the Future», «Duplicate roles», «Mind, feeling, body»), exercise of Gestalt psychology group («Here and Now», «I have to... I cannot...», «Your ability to frankness»), exercise «Pessimist, Optimist, Buffoon» aim of which is to create a complete attitude of person to problem situation, receiving an experience of looking threw the problem from different points of view.
Selection and set of exercises can be different but it is necessary to follow general principles of positive psychotherapy:
- The principle of hope, posited-approach - every person is capable, so has a chance to change existing state of things to the better;
- The principle of balance and harmonization - problems, conflicts and disorders that we full our life with, arise because of misbalance between effective factors of different nature and if we react on problem negatively, only make it stronger, we need to react in such way, with such abilities and from such position that we can to renew our balance and improve the situation;
- The main aim of positive psychotherapy coincides with the aims of socio-pedagogical work - not only to solve the problem of person but also to teach him/her to solve other problems and be always ready to make a decision as one of the life's norms [10].
The next component of value-normative readiness is formation of leadership philosophy. Italian scientist Antonio Meneghetti understands the notion «leader» as vector person, personality, controlling operations and is able to synthesize the context of relationships, it is an operational center of numerous relationships and functions [11]. A person with leadership qualities is able to control, coordinate, manage and change society. The development of such qualities is not possible without formation of inner leading position, involving deprivation of fear, dependence on external evaluations, expression of their individuality, confidence in own knowledge's and skills, etc. Internal leadership position also assumes a certain attitude to own mistakes and failures. To do not stay on the same place and keep going it is important to be able to take a positive experience and increase own inner world.
Next training methods can help with formation of leadership qualities: «Qualities of the Leader», «Portrait of the leader», «leader - is...», «Auction of leadership qualities», Exercise 3. «Through self improvement to the leader», «Point of support», «Manipulator or actualize», «Melt circle», etc. The basic principles the formation of leadership qualities of students can be defined as follows: 1) purposefulness position of the individual; 2) presence of internal readiness to be a leader, which implies the absence of fear of mistakes, new kind of activities, external evaluations, so no walls, barriers and hierarchy; 3) constant work on increasing self-esteem; 4) systematic improvement of own skills; 5) every time to fix own successes and enable to be proud of them, but then move on.
Also important is such value as freedom. In a professional activity freedom is implemented in the right to freely choose the direction of activities, methods, techniques that specialist believes to be essential to achieve a chosen goal. Freedom of professional work involves freedom of creativity, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of the internal position of human limitations, from fears, complexes, etc., and formation of skills to use the right of freedom. Future social workers need to understand that feeling of freedom is formed for humans on the basis of moral, democratic, humane values. When a person knows that his/her acts are within the law, moral and pedagogical standards, he/she feels right, protected and free. Morality, religion, traditions - a first glance regulatory factors of our freedom, but they are core, a landmark in personal life and professionally serve as a starting point and make it possible to distinguish positive freedom from negative one, practically implement the right of freedom of every individual.
Freedom is formed in ontogenesis in the process of acquisition by a person rights on the activity and value orientations. Critical period of transformation the child's spontaneity into freedom as conscious activity is teenage, when under favourable circumstances integration of freedom (forms of activity) and responsibility (forms of regulation) is made in a single mechanism of autonomous self-determination of a mature personality. Psychologically unfavourable conditions of personality development in ontogenesis, connected with unstable relationships and absence of right to personal activity, lead to perception of life as being completely conditioned with external demands, expectations and circumstances. Level of development of personal freedom is the foundation of personal choices [12].
Training methods aimed to develop students' individual positions free personality can be divided by means of influence and by ways of forming the freedom to methods, which use physical exercises for the purpose of relaxation and those, which use psychological influence on the individual. For example, it can be used relaxation training, bioenergetic, rhythms stimulation, sensitivity, favourable conditions for such training - is educational PT lessons, it will also increase their actuality and create the motivation for students to attend them.
Trainings freedom of speech, which is aimed to form skills speaking freely in public, to build quickly high-quality, influential speech, to respond successfully to acute and complex questions, etc; learning how to make a choice in life, aim of which is to develop skills to analyze the situation critically, determine the motives, interests, goals, form readiness for action, establish a moral and emotional peace; socio-psychological theatre «Action - the key to success!».
The main principles of using training of inner freedom are: the principle of pluralism, the principle of dignity, the principle of equality; the principle of unity of rights, freedoms and duties. One more value that it is important to be oriented on in preparation of social educators is the category of happiness and sense of life satisfaction. The norm of human life - is to be happy, this is noted in different sources, as well as in the Bible. In case of absence of satisfaction, joy of life lost its meaning. As the modern psychologist, who teaches positive psychology and leadership courses at Harvard University Tal Ben-Shahar noticed that in modern school children are taught many complex mathematical, physical laws, and other possible and necessary knowledge, but the modern student has no idea how to apply them for the benefit of himself and society. However, if parents were asked: «What they want for their children?» or «How they see their child?» They would have answer, «happy», but there is no school that teaches it [13].
There is a notion «Happy Planet Index» which shows the welfare of people and environmental conditions around the world. Happy Planet Index is based on general values, concerning the desire of people to live a long and full life. Happy Planet Index calculation takes into account subjective life satisfaction, the expected duration and ecological footprint generation. Happiness rating is formed by independent experts including GDP per capita, social development, health and life expectancy, freedom of choice, life satisfaction, level of corruption, as well as the adjustment factor. The happiest country in the world in 2016 became Denmark, in last place according to the index of happiness is Burundi, and Ukraine took place 123-d in that rating, dynamics of Happiness factor from 2006 to 2016 has a negative tendency.
The category «happiness» in philosophy is quite complicated, according to modern scientist G. Vasyanovych [14], it can be defined as a human condition, characterized by feelings inner satisfaction of its own existence, completeness and meaningfulness of his life, achieved accordance vital important goals and dreams.
The feeling of happiness is closely connected with the feeling of freedom, which is based on the ability to make freewill choice according to own desires, interests and goals, independence from the opinions of others and their assessment, absence of fear to solve creatively certain issues, the perception of necessity and that you are valued in a particular collective. It is the absence of mentioned components is pushing children, especially teenagers, to search their own liberty and appropriate conditions for their development. Freedom provides not only a position and attitude to own life, but also freedom of opinion, expressions and the most important - the ability to act.
Ruut Veyenhoven [15], one of the famous contemporary happiness researchers, notes that the level of happiness that people show in parallel with the level of health and welfare, is one of the most important indicators of how much a particular society and the environment is suitable and comfortable for people's life.
Nowadays there are many recommendations in the information space how to bring the category of happiness in own life and worldview, however it is important for every person decide and answer the question: «What is happiness and how to achieve it?». Herewith, social educators should not understand the category of «happiness» as the highest goal, more than aim of professional activity, as filling the notion of «happiness» should always change; it provides individual movement forward and constantly improving the quality of life. To form the mentioned valuable position the following training can be used: social-psychological theatre «Store Happiness» socio-psychological training «In Search of Happiness», aim of which is to provide the formation of mechanism differentiation in relation to life values, develop the ability to make choices, to activate the role of the individual in search of happiness, exercise «My Happiness», «What do I need to be happy» and so on. The main principles of using happiness trainings can be defined taking into account key recommendations of positive psychology master T. Ben-Shahar - let yourself to be a human; Happiness formed in a combination of pleasure and meaning; body and mind are interconnected; state of the soul is more important than amount in the account; express appreciation for your life situations more often.
Conclusions and prospects for future research
To sum up, the use of training methods for formation mentioned values should encourage the creation of life norms, shaping method and determination of the professional activity style. To prevent emotional burnout and protect from negative effects of professional influences. The problem of developing pedagogical conditions of using the trainings in educational process in higher school needs further researches.
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