University of the third age as an important component of adult education development in Poland

Experience of organization of adult education in different countries of the world. The activity of universities of the third age. Methods of organization of effective adults’ educational process in Poland. Mechanisms of education modernization.

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Дата добавления 03.01.2021
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Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University at Cherkasy


MYKHALCHUK Olena Olexandryvna,

PhD (Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences),

associate professor at the Department of

High School Pedagogy and Educational Management


Визначено, що подібно до інших європейських держав, польське суспільство старіє щораз у швидшому темпі, з огляду на це в статті проаналізовано діяльність університетів третього віку, які є важливими компонентами розвитку освіти дорослих у країні. Для організації ефективного процесу навчання дорослих у Польщі застосовують активні методи навчання. Проаналізовано, що до найпопулярнішого методу, що активізує процес навчання дорослих у Польщі, належить метод дискусії, до складу якого входить низка технік. В університетах третього віку найпопулярнішими техніками навчання, є: аналіз аргументів «за» і «проти» (дебати), метаплан, «шість капелюшків», покер критеріїв, дискусія на бали, дерево ухвалення рішень, аналіз СВОТ, інсценізація.

Ключові слова: освіта дорослих, університет третього віку, дорослі, андрагогіка, активні методи навчання.


Mykhalchuk O. O. University of the third age as an important component of adult education development in Poland.

Introduction. The scientific interest is made by experience of organization of adult education in different countries of the world, in particular the Republic of Poland. Adult education is adopted as the phenomenon of the XXI century. Like other European countries, Polish society gets older each time in more rapid rate, taking it into account in the article the activity of universities of the third age is analyzed, which are the important components of adult education development in the country.

Purpose of the article is to analyze the functioning of the universities of the third age in Poland.

Results. For organization of effective adults' educational process in Poland active methods of education are applied. To the most famous method which activates adults' educational process in Poland, belongs the method of discussion, in which row techniques enter. In the universities of the third age the most popular educational techniques are: analysis of pros and cons (debates), metaplan, «six hats», poker of criteria, discussion on marks, tree of making decision, analysis of SWOT, staging. education university poland adult

The important elements of formation of effective economic mechanisms of education modernization and development which provide new principles and system of field financing actually must become: the system of the state educational crediting; the development of adult education for budgetary facilities of all levels; the development of libraries and informative resources; direction of money to the in-plant teachers' training; providing of having a special purpose use of money, foreseen on the development of adult education of different levels; stimulation of establishments, which invested in adult education.

Conclusion. On the basis of analysis of the modern state of adult education in Poland, it is established that adult education takes place in formal and informal forms. The Polish legislation and educational system of the country spares large attention to adult education. The system of education avouches for adults the possibility to get universal education and get or change professional qualification.

Key words: adult education; university of the third age; adults; andragogy; active methods of education.


Formation of educational system during life becomes the characteristic feature of modern society. Taking it into account, bringing in of elderly people to educational activity, which is able to help them to form vital roles, develop social and professional mobility, must become one of the strategic directions of educational policy development of every country. Universities of the third age were founded over three decades ago in Europe (at first time the university of the third age was created in Tuluz (France) in 1973) activated the role of elderly people in society.

Problem statement

Interesting, in our point of view, there is experience of organization of adult and elderly people education in Poland universities of the third age. Polish society, like other European countries, gets older, each time in more rapid rate. Yes, in 2005 people by the age of 60 and more than years were 15,42 % from all population; 19,95 % were people by the age of 18 and more than years. Poland owns all necessary conditions for adult education, in the country the level of elderly people education grows incessantly. The state of health and physical form of population gets better, because of what the average length of life increase. People of this age have greater amount of time which can use in accordance with the aspirations and liking [3].

Analysis of recent researches

In Poland adult education is at high level: there is the widely developed network of universities of the third age, there is training in such specialty as «Andragogy and continuous education». To the problems of professional specialists' training, becoming of continuous education, development of the system of adult education, on the whole and Poland in particular such scientific works of O. Abdulina, S. Arkhipova, T. Brazhe, A. Verbickiy, S. Vershlovskiy, S. Goncharenko, T. Desyatov, O. Dubasenyuk, S. Zmeyov, I. Zyazyun, Yu. Kulyutkin, L. Luk'yanova, N. Nichkalo, O. Ogienko, V. Onushkin, N. Savchenko, L. Sigaeva, N. Kharitonov, Kh. Kvyatkovska, A. Maslou, M. Novak, K. Novakova, M. Knowls, D. Oldroyd, P. Pakochinskiy, E. Skibinska and many other scholars are devoted.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate functioning of the universities of the third age in Poland.


In the middle of the XX century in Poland it was hardness even to imagine, that it is possible to affect a question about the necessity of elderly people education. Such attempts would acknowledge senseless, and discussion of educational problems in the context of the last period of life was groundless. At that period of time adult education executed a replaceable function in relation to formal education. During many years a situation did not change in principle, though the whole system of initial, middle and higher schools was organized for those, who works, and not a single law on the system of national education did not contain forbid to get adult people education.

Traditionally the period of adulthood is not considered appropriate for strengthening of educational activity. In Poland fundamentally changed situation only universities of the third age, which appeared in the seventieth of the XX century. The first such university was founded in 1975 in Warsaw.

Universities which were created in Poland to the end of the eightieth of the XX century functioned in obedience to the so-called French model. The main task of educational establishments were permanent education, which engulfs mental activity, artistic, physical and sanitary education, and also conducting of scientific researches, directed on cognition of processes of senescence and functioning of a man in the period of the late adulthood. In the circle of university interests were also actions of local association, which could change life conditions of adult people.

The idea of functioning of the French universities of the third age caused in Poland many discussions, in the center of which there were the quality of knowledge, that would be the subject of interest of university listeners'. From one hand, the university was created for the mass reception of knowledge, first of all educational establishment had to organize spare time of listeners, from another hand - the university is an elitist establishment which would offer scientific knowledge of the greatest quality.

Another model was substantiated by professor O. Chernyavska. Scientist defended the idea of respect to the university listeners' and concern for educational quality. The universities of the third age should not give the substitutes of knowledge; they must create optimal conditions for meeting people and cultures. «Old age is such phase of life, in which time is irretrievable and gone. This phase creates emptiness and mental disorders. Therefore the universities of the third age must serve senior people». Part of the Polish universities of the third age realizes abovementioned model jointly with the French model [1].

Researches argue that in Polish universities of the third age about 40-45 % of listeners had middle and higher level of education, and only 1-2 % of listeners had lower level of education. This indicates that adults, getting education in the universities of the third age, create an intellectual elite in their age group. The analysis of demographic prognoses and lectures about the state of Polish society grounds for expectation that the amount of well and very well-educated adults will grow gradually. Such information encouraged to think, that the universities of the third age in the future will acquire greater popularity, there will study listeners, ready to independent mental work [2]. The process of adult education evolved from the identification of it with the process of education (the 60th of the XX century) to the lifelong education (the 90th of the XX century).

The efficiency of educational process substantially dependent from major link - teacher, called to prepare lecture in such a way, that adults, using their intellectual potential, have made most progress. Intellectual potential of adults is not identical with more early periods of life. Such characteristic features of intellectual potential, as intelligence, memory, attention, language abilities, during life test different transformations. Changes related to progress and effectiveness of education, a teacher cannot notice them or ignore. However received researches results in relation to cognitive processes, modifications in the field of general intelligence or special capabilities form the ambiguous picture of intellectual potential of adults. Reality complicated the education of potential and real listeners of the universities of the third age. If for many adult people a process of perception and understanding of such reality is difficult, for others - in general impossible.

Consequently, one of the global aims of adult education is the understanding of the modern world, related to ability of its interpretation. Without realization of this purpose the participation of senior generation in the actions of civil society is impossible. Senior people began all more frequently verbalize the necessity to be useful. Later this approach in adult education began to describe as emancipation leading to the interception control above own life; as growth and awareness of itself; process, directed on achievement of self-sufficiency.

There are notable shortcomings in the aspect of practical application of the obtained listeners' knowledge in Polish universities of the third age. It is necessary to form in adults the ability to solve problems of everyday life. To the group of such abilities belong things which broaden one's outlook - the ability to work with a computer, and also to use the Internet. Abilities of such type must additionally decrease an abyss between the generations of senior people and young people in the field of modern information technologies usage. Some universities in Lublin, Katowice and Olsztyn offered computer courses, that are popular among elderly people.

For the effective adult education it is necessary to align properly active methods of education. A lecture is a method of education, which is used by teachers already many millenniums. In order to use a lecture effectively in the active methods of education, it is necessary to align carefully its kinds: lecture-press-conference, lecture-dispute, lecture- visualization, etc. Andragogue must be able to conduct lectures, because the use of active methods of education is effective only then, when it is based on solid bases. Without a lecture it is impossible to hand on exact knowledge. Andragogue's lectures - it is not always an academic exposition of educational material, however reading even of short lecture which would concentrate attention of listeners - is a real art.

During lecture listeners try as good as possible to understand and memorize information, usually herein they are helped by note-taking. Nowadays more listeners begin to write down a lecture on a dictaphone, that is why valuable is the ability of andragogue to formulate exactly own ideas. A method in which a person expresses the opinions must guide thinking of listeners and help in mastering of new knowledge.

People attach significance to the words on the basis of individual combination with objects and experience which is accumulated during life. Only talk enables to specify, what implies interlocutor. It is not always possible during a lecture, as words pass only one-way.

Incontestably, after a lecture it is possible to appoint time for a question and discussion. D. Orvel said: «If an idea can change the form of language, a language can change the form of idea». Andragogue must carefully prepare to the lecture, because improvising can only real masters of the word [1].

Andragogue-beginner should write a sentence which he/she will start the lecture, after it by turns characterize each of questions and basic comments, and think at the end over completion of lecture, which must line result. At first andragogue meets with an audience. Every group of listeners has their own features. Planning a lecture, a teacher must even approximately know age, floor and social status of listeners; their interests and level of knowledge from theme (there is no need to re-evaluate professionalism, however take into account an intellect); amount of listeners; attitude toward education (it can be positive, neutral or negative).

It is also necessary to pay attention to place, where classes take place (what may prevent: people, phone calls, sounds from the street, music, repairing, etc); lightening (if the room is well-lit, if sunlight would not prevent, etc); acoustics of apartment (one may need a microphone); temperature (should not be too cold or too warm); a place for a teacher (distance of a teacher from the group depends on the amount of listeners, acoustics, type of acoustic apparatus). The more information andragogue finds about place where will be the classes, the more confidently will feel.

A teacher passes information to the listeners. If in a phone talk a leading role is played by verbal abilities, that is why on condition of personal meeting it is possible to use many other resources. In conversation happen situations which must be avoided.

For example, something can be said, but not heard (listeners do not pay attention on what a teacher wanted to mark); heard, but not clear (a teacher used not accurate formulations, difficult words); clear, but not perceived (a teacher talked very impulsively, used wrong arguments). Such problems can be solved, if consider the high concentration of listeners' attention; to understand uniquely their ideas; to promote the level of perception of maintenance which gives teacher.

In this context it is expediently, in our view, to analyze abilities, which are necessary for implementation each of these tasks, and verbal and nonverbal elements.

1. High concentration of listeners' attention. Verbal conduct. Andragogue's lecture must be short, well-aimed and simple. People lose concentration very quickly. Even adult listeners can listen lecture not longer than 45 minutes. It is better in all to concentrate listeners' attention by means of active lecture style, coming running to the rhetorical questions, making examples from life, which revive exposition. The efficiency of information depends on that, as far as it is interesting for listeners and related to their experience. It is necessary to speak directly to the audience, make such examples which would be close to them. Listeners like, if the elements of joke appear in exposition, however one should know when it is necessary to stop and not offend anybody. It is better to banter from itself, in such a way a teacher will conquer liking of many listeners [4].

In grammar aspect it is more expedient to use short simple sentences. If there is no direct necessity, it does not cost to complicate exposition, offering elegant constructions. Recipients hardness perceive the permanent use of words-jargons, many people dislike too free method of utterance, surplus of scientific terminology does not produce the pleasant impression.

It follows to give information by normal daily language, it is worth to make pushes and replace heavy scientific terms on clear words, accessible for listeners' perception. It is not necessary to use the surplus amount of foreign origin words.

Nonverbal lines of language. Voice is one of the main aspects of educational material exposition. It is necessary to pay special attention to the tone of voice, rate of story, intonation (high or low voice) and diction. Enthusiasm, decision and expressiveness of voice, encourage to the active listening and perception of maintenance. If a teacher talks droningly and indistinctly, listeners cannot be concentrated and lose interest to material maintenance. Voice is a remarkable instrument which must be correctly influenced. Listeners perceive deep tones better. A lot of people have stern or sharp voice, however it is possible to work with one's voice, writing down it on a dictaphone and comparing with radio anchorman or actor voice. Systematic exercises will enable to attain the desired results. The expressive speech, warm and pleasant timbre of voice, gives large advantages to every teacher [5].

Clear pronunciation of all vowels and consonants does our speech clean and expressive. It is necessary to remember, that separate people have problems with hearing (almost for everybody hearing gets worse after 35 years). If speech will be clear and expressive, ideas also will become richer in content.

It does not follow to talk neither quickly, nor slowly. Short, natural interruptions in broadcasting and dramatic pauses positively influence on lecture motion. Listeners are in a position to comprehend that heard, and a teacher can quietly put in order the opinions. Indisputably, it is necessary to get rid from words-vermin.

Visual contact. If a teacher wishes to produce the positive impression on listeners, he/she must hold nice visual contact with them - natural and free. It is not necessary to translate view to the walls or on ceiling, it is necessary to send it to the audience, sometimes not for a long time detaining it on one listener. It does not recommend to return the back to the listeners. If it is necessary to write something on a board, at first a teacher must do a record, then go back to the audience and continue the opinion. If a teacher looks at listeners, he/she can see their reaction, the degree of attention concentration.

Poses and gestures. Specialists' give a piece of advice to stand before an audience straight, with squaring shoulders, it gives the impression of equilibrium, confidence and calmness. Natural and free motions of hands revive lecture and help to do an accent on important information. It is impossible to exaggerate and come running to the dramatic gestures, they must be self-weighted. Listeners at once notice an artificial conduct. In addition, necessary dynamics, of every motion, for example, the demonstration of materials, a copy of a book which is necessary for a lecture, illustrations give more persuasiveness for words.

Teacher's appearance influences on that, how he/she is perceived. A dress, hair-do, make-up, - is also elements of information. A teacher must be dressed with application, neatly and comfortably, without surplus extravagance and originality. It is necessary for a man to have a tie and coat, women can dress a suit or simple shirt and skirt, more low from knees.

Psychologists accent attention on the value of dress color. Cold colors (navy blue, grey, blue) add respect; beige and brown - diminish feeling of distance, the red can cause timidity. Jewelry should be modest.

2. Synonymous understanding of the idea. It is necessary to evaluate actual knowledge of listeners for their better understanding of information (to ask directly where do people which will be present on lecture work, do they have previous experience in this sphere, how do they use the received knowledge); to talk clear and use simple sentences; to pay attention to all verbal and nonverbal features which testify to no understanding of the material; not to come running to the surplus counts, arguments or impersonal verbs [4].

For more lecture clearness, at first it is necessary to think over its structure. It is more easily to master and remember information which is well-organized and correctly given. Simple, transparent and logically expounded information will help distinctly to present that in other conditions will grow into the chaotic stream of knowledge.

Usually, listeners lose concentration of attention already in the middle of educational material exposition. Specialists who conducted professional presentations advice at first to report a theme, then to expound essence of question, and upon completion - summarize information. Main information must be given at the beginning and at the end of lecture, and then it will be well understood. This rule is used by journalists, when they prepare the informative issues of news. The structure of exposition is simple: entry, basic part, completion. An entry must come into a notice, in basic part main information is given, upon completion the results are summarized.

3. The increase of level of maintenance perception which is given by a teacher. For the optimization of material perception a teacher must find out, what purpose he/she and listeners wants to attain, whether such aims coincide, positively, negatively or neutrally recipients belong to the problem. A listener who has a positive relation will not be convinced. If there is neutral relation, it is necessary as quick as possible to interest a recipient, find out to him/her special carefulness. It is hardness to satisfy the negative listener on something that is why it costs at first to accept fact of different points of view on the problem, it is afterwards expedient to mark that in such situation it follows jointly to search a decision, to discuss a theme in other aspect.

Important are answers for a question about that, whether the lecture is adapted to the level of listeners, whether it will be for them interesting. Listeners' are stimulates only by the information which they will be able to use later, that is why it costs to evaluate own lecture exactly on this position.

Listeners' opinion about teacher depends on five factors: professionalism, authenticity, self-confidence, indifference, original appearance. It is formed on the basis that teachers talk (7%), as they talk (intonation, rate, speech, etc - 38%), what are their nonverbal conduct (appearance, face expression, posture, gestures, motions of body, visual contact, tone of voice, smile, etc - 55%) [5].

In analyzed way special attention is paid to the question about the usage of active methods of education in place of traditional methods of information presentation. As a rule, traditional methods of education are schematic, not always effective, though considerably easier. Classes which are conducting by active methods of education are considerably more difficult. On such classes it is possible quickly to find out the real level of knowledge and abilities of participants, their attitude toward different problems. It is not always succeeded to foresee all situations which can arise. Therefore a teacher must «have time» after group, be flexible, quickly react, sometimes to change the plan of classes, decide conflicts, and egotiate.

The active methods of education intensify not only the activity of the participants, much more work they require from a teacher. Researches proved that in three hours upon receipt verbal information a listener remembers 70%, in three days it remains only 10 % of information.

Separate teachers, working with adults, got used to undertake complete responsibility for that what will takes place in the process of education, it slows the application of active methods of education. In addition, there is often the absent desire to put right direct mutual relations with listeners. Infrequently teachers are afraid of an unexpected questions, ppearance of problem situations and unplanned themes.


On the basis of analysis of the modern state of adult education in Poland, it is established that adult education takes place in formal and informal forms. The Polish legislation and educational system of the country spares large attention to adult education. The system of education avouches for adults the possibility to get universal education and get or change professional qualification. Separate educational organizations - schools for adults (from the age of 18) and universities of the third age are created for this purpose.

The conducted research does not engulf all aspects of the problem, it is expedient to point subsequent scientific searches at the study of forms of increase and improvement of andragogue's qualification in Poland.


1. Czerniawska, O. (1987). Aktywnosc spoleczna i naukowa uniwersytetow trzeciego wieku, nr 2. W: Oswiata Doroslych (in Pol.)

2. Czerniawska, O. (1999). Edukacja osob «Trzeciego Wieku», W: Wprowadzenie do andragogiki, pod red. T. Wujka. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Technologii Eksploatacji (in Pol.)

3. Halicki, J. (2009). Edukacja seniorow w aspekcie teorii kompetencyjnej. Studium historyczno- porownawcze. Bialystok: Trans Humana Wydawnictwo Uniwersyteckie (in Pol.)

4. Polturzycki, J. (1994). Akademicka edukacja doroslych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (in Pol.)

5. Wesolowska, A. E. (1994). Akademickie programy ksztaicenia andragogicznego, nr 4. Torun: Biblioteka Edukacji Doroslych (in Pol.)

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