Future teachers’ personal-and-professional readiness to correction of pupils’ psychic states at school

The problem of negative mental states of students and ways to correct these states by teachers. Personally and professionally oriented principles of training future pedagogues at the university. Mastering the correctional and pedagogical activities.

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Future teachers' personal-and-professional readiness to correction of pupils' psychic states at school

Nagornova Anna, PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Senior Researcher, Tokyo, Japan

The article considers the problem of negative mental states of schoolchildren and the ways of solving it by teacher's correction of these states. The personal and professional principles of the preparation of future teachers in the university, aimed at mastering correctional and pedagogical activities to reduce the number of negative mental states of students, are revealed. The work describes the data of the experiment aimed at assessing the level offormation ofpersonal and professional qualities. The revealed levels of the formation ofpersonal and professional qualities of future teachers at the initial and final stage of the pedagogical experiment prove the effectiveness of the work.

Keywords: psychological properties of a person; negative mental states; professional activity of a teacher; professional education; correction; correctional and pedagogical activity; professional readiness; personal and professional qualities; self-evaluation of personal qualities; the formation of personal and professional qualities.

НАГОРНОВА Анна Юріївна,

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, старший науковий співробітник, Токіо, Японія


Розглянуто проблему негативних психічних станів школярів та шляхи коригування цих станів вчителями. Виявлено особистісно та професійно зорієнтовані принципи підготовки майбутніх учителів в університеті, спрямованих на освоєння виправно-педагогічної діяльності з метою зменшення негативних психічних станів учнів. У статті даються дані експерименту, спрямованого на оцінку рівня сформуванності особистих та професійних якостей майбутніх учителів щодо коригування психологічних станів учнів. Виявлені рівні формування особистих та професійних якостей майбутніх учителів на початковому та заключному етапах педагогічного експерименту дозволяють оцінити ефективність роботи.

Ключові слова: психологічні властивості людини; негативні психічні стани; професійна діяльність вчителя; професійна освіта; корекція; виправно-педагогічна діяльність; професійна готовність; особисті та професійні якості; самооцінка особистих якостей; формування особистих та професійних якостей.

1. The problem

The problem of diagnosis and development of personal and professional qualities was widely studied by such well-known psychologists and teachers as A. Adler, B.G. Ananiev, R.Bendler, A.A. Bodalev, L.I. Bozovic, D. Grayson, O.V. Dashkevich, V.G. Zazykin, R.B. Ketgell, E.A. Klimov, N.I. Konyukhov, V.F. Kovalevsky, R.L. Krichevsky, N.V. Kuzmina, G. Laptev, K. Leonhard, A.K. Markova, L.A. Maslow, V.S. Merlin, V.S. Mukhina, K.K. Platonov, A. N. Sukhov et al. The above-mentioned researchers proposed various definitions of the concept of "personal quality". In the interpretation of this concept, we adhere to the views of L.I. Bozhovich, which characterizes personal quality as a systemic education, which is a stable motive of the individual, along with the usual forms of its realization in behavior [1].

It is important to note that for each type of activity a set of significant personal and professional qualities can be quite specific. So the professional activity of the teacher gives him certain personal parameters that adequately reflect its functional structure and create subjective prerequisites for its productive realization. From the point of view of V.V. Bogoslovskii and V.A. Markelova, "every professional activity requires a certain set of personal qualities from a specialist, in which some universal qualities under the influence of specific activity begin to act as professionally significant" [2, p. 53]. Thus, professionally important qualities act as those internal conditions through which external influences and requirements of activity are refracted.

Formation of personal and professional readiness of future teachers to correct mental states of students is due to the fact that the process of improving teacher training in the context of modern education is determined by a variety of factors. One of such factors is the importance of accounting, self-regulation, management and correction of mental states in the "teacher-student" system. Thus,

N.D. Levitov revealed a regularity that is important for the educational process - the formation of new character traits in most cases is carried out through the transitional stage of mental states, and the repetition of states leads to the consolidation of the character trait.

Follow the reseach by A.B. Dobrovich, N.V. Zhgutikova and A.I. Zakharova, the number of children who fell ill with neuroses and neurosis-like disorders, does not decrease, but, on the contrary, increases. Questions of information overload of students are shown in the work of V.N. Kozlova, M.V. Anthropova et al. Khananashvili stressed the impact on the health of students of the increasing time deficit allocated to the reception, processing and assimilation of excessively large information, which often leads to deviations in higher nervous activity, diseases and neuroses[3].

On the study of the influence of traumatic mental states on the effectiveness of student learning activities, conducted by A.V. Koteneva, every third pupil suffers from a low level of mood, experiences disorders in the psychosomatic sphere (insomnia, nervous system nervousness, loss of emotional control, difficulty concentrating), differs from the desire to get away from his experiences and solve the problems that have remained after trauma [4, p. 53].

The works by A.M. Prikhozhan devoted the study of the nature of negative mental states. She described school anxiety, the reasons for its occurrence of anxiety, examined the peculiarities of anxious schoolchildren. Thus, a characteristic feature for children with high educational anxiety, following her opinion, is: the desire to take control of all the elements of activity at the same time, low self-esteem, disadvantage among peers, frequent refusals to solve the problem, high level of learning, at seemingly low [5; 6].

Thus, the above works show that in the educational process the problem of negative mental states of students occupies an important place, determining in many ways its success, which depends on the degree of readiness of future teachers to correct the mental states of students.

Correction is defined as a system of special and general pedagogical measures aimed at weakening or overcoming the shortcomings of psychophysical development and deviations in behavior.

Correctional and pedagogical activity is a complex psycho-physiological and socio- pedagogical phenomenon that encompasses the entire educational process (education, upbringing and development), which acts as a unified pedagogical system, its target, content , operational and activity appraisal and performance components. Therefore, along with the diagnostic-correctional, correction-prophylactic, correctional-developing, there are a correctional-educational, educational- correctional, and psychocorrectional activities. Proceeding from this interpretation of correctional work, it is legitimate to talk about the correctional-pedagogical process as a unified educational process, which includes education, upbringing and development.

Psychologically-pedagogical fundamentals of corrective activity and its preventive orientation, in our opinion, were revealed by psychologists and psychotherapists (S.A. Badmaev, G.V. Burmenskaya, O.A. Karabanova, A.G. Liders, А.S. Spivakovskaya, and others) who view correction as a specially organized psychological effect carried out in relation to groups of high risk and aimed at restructuring, reconstructing those unfavorable psychological new tendencies that are defined as psychological risk factors, in order to recreate the harmonious relationship of a person with the environment.

V.A. Kan-Kalik considers social and pedagogical correction in the context of the three main objectives of teaching: teaching, educating and developing. At the same time, the solution of the learning task makes it possible to provide good psychological contact with students, to formulate positive educational motivation, to create a psychological environment of cognitive collective search and joint reflection [7].

Correction and pedagogical activity is an integral part of the pedagogical process as a dynamic pedagogical system, as a specially organized, purposeful interaction of the teacher and pupils, aimed at solving developmental and educational problems.

Thus, teaching students methods and methods of correcting the mental states of students is the key to their successful professional work in modern education. To form the basis for corrective pedagogical activity, the specialists of the future specialists used sets of methods that allowed to solve the training problems consistently: the ability to see the problems and difficulties of students, to diagnose their severity, to classify, and to implement adequate corrective measures to minimize the negative mental states of students.

Willingness to correct mental states of students is not only the result, but also the goal of teacher training, the initial and basic condition for the effective realization of the capabilities of each individual, as well as the successful performance of any activity. This emphasizes the dialectical nature of readiness as a quality and as a state, as well as a dynamic process.

Preparedness as pre-start activization of future teachers arises as a result of mastering theoretical knowledge, certain practical experience based on the formation of a positive attitude to pedagogical activity, awareness of its motives.

Thus, the personal and professional readiness of future teachers to correct the mental states of students reflects the degree of formation of the professional sphere of students in the process of their education, the recognition of the personal and social significance of the future profession, the intensity of strong-willed efforts and emotional reactions of trainees. A. Yasiukova believes that for the successful mastery and implementation of a particular professional activity, the special importance is not so much the level of the expression of certain professionally important personality traits as the nature of the relationship between them. In the implementation of positive and close interrelationships of the majority of personal properties, the process of their mutual reinforcement arises, and in the event of antagonistic interrelationships between personality traits, the development of some aspects of the personality leads to the degradation of others [8].

Based on the research data, as well as on a number of methods (content analysis of documents, questionnaires, analysis of essays and conversations with students of the pedagogical faculty of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University), a list of significant personal and professional qualities of future teachers, conditionally divided into nine groups, was singled out:

1) intellectual qualities: flexibility of the mind, realism, predictability, judiciousness, plasticity, criticality, ingenuity, foresight;

2) strong-willed qualities: endurance, adherence to principles, determination, persistence, exactingness, courage, firmness, courage;

3) organizational qualities: discipline, diligence, objectivity, responsibility, self

organization, self-criticism, independence, self-confidence, efficiency;

4) communicative qualities: communicative, communicative, adaptive, participatory, empathic, listening, convincing, sense of humor;

5) didactic qualities: mastering the whole profession, the ability to explain, the ability to show actions and operations, the culture of speech, general erudition;

6) moral qualities: justice, honesty, tact, politeness, delicacy, goodwill, diplomacy, affability, tolerance, poise, respect for people, optimism;

7) creative qualities: imagery, associativity, imagination, imagination, sense of novelty, eccentricity, insight, ability to generate ideas, intuition;

8) quality of dynamism: initiative, enterprise, energy, resourcefulness;

9) the quality of mental and physical stability: physical fitness, self-hypnosis, self-control, self-relaxation.

In order to assess the level of formation of personal and professional qualities, the selfevaluation of personal qualities method by E.A. Yunina was applied. This method allows you to assess the formation of personal qualities of respondents in seven areas: 1) physical qualities; 2) thinking; 3) speech; 4) emotional and sensual qualities; 5) behavior; 6) communication; 7) creativity. Summation of the points obtained in accordance with the key to the methodology enabled us to determine the aggregate indicator of the formation of the personal and professional qualities of the future teacher at three levels:

Level 1 - low, indicating some problems related to sensation and loss of consciousness, problems associated with them, their rigidity of thinking, inability to solve non-standard tasks and generate new ideas, about unwillingness to establish emotional communication with another person;

Level 2 - medium, characterized by an insufficient level of self, lack of self-control and introspection, a certain passivity in the relationship with people, an inadequate desire for creative search;

Levels 3 - high, characterized by a high level of self-esteem of students, their independence, self-confidence, high activity and sociability, a tendency to rely on oneself in difficult situations, the ability to generate a large number of ideas and solve non-standard problems.

Comparative diagnostics of various criteria characteristics in different groups (experimental and control) was carried out. 165 students of the 5-day full-time course of training of the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University took part in the experiment; of them 81 students of the experimental group (who studied the basics of correctional activity in the framework of the educational process with students), and 84 people - a control group.

Analyzing the data obtained by this technique, we found out that at the initial stage of the pedagogical experiment, the students of the experimental group were characterized mainly by low (51.8%) and medium (42%) levels of personality-professional qualities, the number of subjects with a high level of personality-professional qualities was only 6.2%. The results of questioning the students of the control group at the initial stage of the experiment are somewhat more favorable than in the control group: 51.2% of the students have an average and 45.2% have a low level of personality-professional qualities (see Table 1).

Table 1 The distribution of respondents according to the levels of personal and professional qua ities of students



Exp e rimental group










































At the final stage of the pedagogical experiment, the number of respondents in the experimental group increased significantly, by 3.2 times, at a high level of personality-professional qualities, while the number of subjects with a low level decreased 2.3 - fold and in 1.4 times more the share of students with an average level of formation of personal and professional qualities.

Comparative characteristics of the obtained results of the control and experimental groups showed that in the experimental group a high level of formation of personality-professional qualities is 2.4 times higher than this result in the control group. The number of respondents with an average level is more for 6.8% in the respondents of the experimental group than in the control group. At a low level of the formation of personal and professional qualities, there are almost 1.8 times more control group subjects than students of the experimental group.


The obtained data allow to conclude that the respondents of the experimental group at the final stage of the experiment have the following personal characteristics: 1) high intellectual activity, flexibility of the mind; 2) the ability to make independent decisions in principle; 3) sufficiently high availability and efficiency; 4) active and sociable, mastering the skills of cultural speech; 5) the ability to put forward ideas that differ from the obvious, well-known, generally accepted; 6) physical fitness and good self-control; 7) tactfulness, benevolence, respect for people, etc. Thus, in the experimental group, compared to the control group, the student's personal and professional sphere significantly intensified, which had a positive effect on the process of professional training of future teachers in correcting the mental states of students.

negative mental teacher pedagogical


1. Bozhovich, L.I. (1995). Stages of personality formation in ontogenesis: Selected psychological works. In D.I. Feldstein (Ed.). Moscow, Voronezh: MODEC. (in Rus.).

2. Bogoslovsky, V.V., Markelova, V.A. (1980). Some professionally significant properties of the personality of the master of industrial training. Problems of improving the training of masters of industrial training for secondary vocational schools. Leningrad, 52-62 (in Rus.).

3. Hananashvili, M.M. (1978). Information neuroses. Moscow. 144 p. (in Rus.).

4. Koteneva, A.V. (1998). Mental state and activity efficiency. Mental traumatization in students. The world of psychology, 2, 50-57 (in Rus.).

5. Prikhozhan, A.M. (1997). Psychology of the loser: Training of self-confidence. Moscow: Sphere, 188 p. (in Rus.).

6. Prikhozhan, A.M. (2000). Anxiety in children and adolescents: psychological nature and age dynamics. Moscow: Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: MODEC, 304 p. (in Rus.).

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