The theoretical justification of the components of the model of management of monitoring the quality of education of the future managers

The modeling is used in pedagogy, theory and methodology of education management as one of the methods of research. A didactic model like a system of forms of representation of some essential aspects of the learning process or its individual parts.

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Дата добавления 28.12.2020
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The theoretical justification of the components of the model of management of monitoring the quality of education of the future managers

Lutsenko Kateryna Oleksandrivna

Introduction. Complicated processes that take place in modern society, the increase of education role in its further transformation based on innovative principles which are related to the solution of the problem of monitoring of the quality modern economic specialists' training. The modeling is used in pedagogy, theory and methodology of education management as one of the methods of research. This method is integration, it combines empirical and theoretical pedagogical studies. The study of identified problem will help to illuminate theoretically the selected components and show the way of their further implementation in practice.

Purpose. The article is aimed at theoretical justification of the basic components of the model of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers as the way of insuring the competitiveness of economic education.

Results. In our scientific research we consider the model of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers as an artificially created object in the form of a diagram reflecting the structure, relations, and interrelationships between elements of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers in order to study the changes of this object. Models are simpler than real objects; their advantage is in destabilization of the main elements.

The model of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers represents a combination of the following components:

- methodologically-target component contains goals, objectives, principles, patterns, functions, scientific management approaches to monitoring the quality of education for future managers;

- content-technology component includes the following main stages of management monitoring the quality of education for future managers: design, gathering of information, analysis of information, making of decisions, organization of work, performance of monitoring, analysis of effectiveness;

- organizational-procedural component represents the subjects and objects of management monitoring the quality of education for future managers, methods and forms of management monitoring the quality of education for future managers;

- evaluative-effective component including criteria, indicators and levels of performance management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers, the methods and techniques of research the efficiency of the management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers.

Originality. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact of determination of the components of the model of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers and author's definition to the term «model of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers».

Conclusion. Therefore, an important step of the conducted research was to identify combination of the following model components as: methodologically-target, content-technology, organizational-procedural and evaluative-effective components. It was made an attempt to give their detailed characteristics.

Key words: model; modeling; monitoring; methodologically-target component; contenttechnology component; organizational-procedural component; evaluative-effective component; quality of education.

Анотація. Розкрито сутність понять «модель», «моделювання». Запропоновано авторське визначення поняття «модель управління моніторингом якості навчання майбутніх менеджерів». Визначено і теоретично обґрунтовано, що основними компонентами моделі упpaвлiння моніторингом якості навчання майбутніх менеджерів є мeтoдoлoгiчнo-цiльoвий, змicтoвo-технологічний, opгaнiзaцiйнo-процесуальний, oцiнювaльнo-результативний.

Ключові слова: модель; моделювання; моніторинг; мeтoдoлoгiчнo-цiльoвий компонент; змicтoвo-технологічний компонент; opгaнiзaцiйнo-процесуальний компонент; oцiнювaльнo- результативний компонент; якість навчання.

Introduction. The modeling method is used in the study of social-pedagogical phenomena, which is a complex system, and their functioning and development depends on many factors and interrelationships. Modeling penetrates deeply into the theoretical understanding and practical human activity and also in teaching science.

The study of identified problem will help to illuminate theoretically the selected components and show the way of their further implementation in practice.

Analysis of relevant researches. Problems of modeling in the theory and methodology of education management have been studied by a great number of domestic and foreign scientific researchers. In the context of the methodological and theoretical basis of the modeling the significant interests have the works by V. Maslova [1], V. Pikelnoi [2] and other scientists. N. Aleksieiev [3], V. Yasvin [4] considers the modeling as a component of the pedagogical design. Great attention is paid to the modeling as the method of scientific studies in research of O. Popova [5]. Without taking into account given significant scientific and practical developments concerning the presented problem, it is necessary to note that insufficient attention is paid to the theoretical aspects of model components management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers in new social-economic and cultural conditions of society development.

Purpose. Thus, the article is aimed at theoretical justification of the basic components of the model of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers as the way of insuring the competitiveness of economic education.

Results. The modeling is used in pedagogy, theory and methodology of education management as one of the methods of research. This method is integration; it combines empirical and theoretical pedagogical studies. The theoretical analysis of the investigated problem shows that there is no definite scientific position in relation to the interpretation of the meaning of the notions «model» and «modeling» in scientific sources.

From the point of M. Amosov's view, modeling is obligatory condition of information extraction [6, p. 240]. A key concept of the modeling method is a model.

In Russian pedagogical encyclopedia the modeling is recognized as a method of research of the objects on their models - analogues of certain fragments of natural or social reality [7, p. 580-581]. The form of the modeling depends on the used models and the sphere of the modeling usage. The models are divided into substantive and symbolic modeling. The substantive modeling is a simulation, in which the study is based on models that reproduce certain characteristics of an object. During symbolic modeling models are used as diagrams, formulas, drawings.

The model as a key concept of modeling is an artificially created object in the form of diagrams, physical constructions, symbolic forms, or formulas, which, are similar to the studied object (or phenomenon), and displays and reproduces in a simpler and summarized structure, properties, relationships and interrelationships between elements of the studied object [8, p. 28].

According to V. Polonskoho, a didactic model is a system of forms of representation of some essential aspects of the learning process or its individual parts [9, p. 67]. From an economic point of view, the model is a representation of a system, object or idea [10, p. 484].

Pedagogical models are descriptive. I. Lohvinova suggests [11] attempts of the formalization of the model. According to the researchers, the constructed model should be considered successful if it makes the explanation of the facts, proved experimentally, allows revealing the existence of yet undiscovered facts, and facilitating their purposeful search.

The practical value of the model in any pedagogical research is mainly determined by its conformity to the sides of the object the correctness of the basic principles of modeling at the stages of model building such as clarity, certainty, objectivity, which define opportunities, the type of model, its functions in pedagogical research.

In our scientific research we consider the model of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers as an artificially created object in the form of a diagram reflecting the structure, relations, and interrelationships between elements of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers in order to study the changes of this object. Models are simpler than real objects; their advantage is in destabilization of the main elements. didactic model pedagogy

We consider that the choice of modeling as the leading means of research is determined by the provisions of a systematic approach to the construction of structures for monitoring the quality of education. In the perception of the studied object as a system it is necessary to point out that the model must be a system and solid. The unity of objective and subjective factors in the model is achieved by resolving contradictions between the practical need (the subjective side) and the objectively given structure of the model. The modeling is used for the description of complex systems, which are owned and controlled by monitoring the quality of education for future managers.

In our study, we identify a set of the following components: methodologically-target, content-technological, organizational-procedural, evaluative-effective, each of which is the element of the management process of the monitoring the quality of education for future managers.

1. Methodologically-target component contains the purpose and objectives, functions, principles of scientific management approaches to monitoring the quality of education for future managers.

The purpose of the model is to increase the effectiveness of management by monitoring the quality of education for future managers.

The model is aimed at solving such kind of tasks as.

1. To study continuously and predict the requirements to the quality of education for future managers.

2. To improve the quality of education for future managers and conform it with modern European standards, based on the effective use of the potential resources of each division of the educational institution, coordination and consolidation of the efforts of all subjects of the educational process.

3. To aware the administration with the necessity to improve the quality of education for future managers and constant monitoring the quality of education for future managers.

4. To modernize the organizational structure of the educational institution.

5. To monitor the quality of education for future managers comprehensively and systematically at all stages.

6. To design qualimetric techniques and procedures for improving control functions, testing and improvement of the means of quality assessment.

7. To increase the level of transparency of monitoring the quality of education for future managers.

8. To facilitate in the educational institution modern educational technologies.

The following principles are taken into consideration when develop a model for monitoring the quality of education for future managers: the principle of harmonization of normative-legal, organizational and scientific provision of its components; the principle of objectivity when all results (positive and negative) are taken into account and equal conditions for all participants of educational process are created; the principle of reflexivity, which is evident in the reflection of the quality of results of educational activities, the implementation of self-evaluation and self-control; the principle of records of psycho- pedagogical features means learning the level of education, professionalism, development, individual features, conditions and specific situations, providing for the differentiation of control and diagnostic tasks; the principle of systematic monitoring of the state of the quality of education and factors that affect it; the principle of humanistic orientation of the monitoring for creation a climate of goodwill, trust, respect for the individual, the most favorable conditions, a positive emotional climate.

It should be noted that the implementation of each principle of the functioning of the model at different levels have features due to the goals and objectives of each level, the purpose of the individual studies. Since the educational process is holistic in nature, monitoring and evaluation provide a comprehensive study of their aspects, the use of a set of criteria, methods and control methods.

The management model of monitoring the quality of education for future managers performs the following functions: organizational (creation of the educational environment), analytical-prognostic (information gathering about the effectiveness of management monitoring the quality of education for future managers), innovative-introductive (learn and generalize the advanced pedagogical experience, organizational and financial support for experimental activities in the educational institution, link educational institution with other educational institution, organize and participate in expert evaluation of innovation efficiency), methodological (software units, regulatory, and instructional information), evaluative- diagnostic (systematic evaluation of the quality of education for future managers and the analysis of the dynamics of detected changes, monitoring the quality of education for future managers on the basis of a combination of administrative and public control and introspection of the teaching staff), correctional (management decisions and their implementation).

All functions are interlinked and gradually change each other, forming a single management cycle. Underestimation of any of the functional elements leads to a change in the whole management process and reduce the final results.

2. Content-technological component includes the following main phases of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers: design, gathering of information, analysis of information, making of decisions, organization of work, and performance of monitoring, analysis of effectiveness.

The first phase of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers is its design. The design is intended to give certainty and focus of participants of the educational process. In terms of standardization of education design involves the creation of models of the future manager. The next step in the management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers is diagnosis and control. Targeted management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers is possible only with valid, reliable and comprehensive information about educational process and its results. The information will be collected in the following areas, which are integral parts of the educational process: quality of educational process, quality of professional competence of teachers, the quality of managerial competence of the management, the quality of the results of the educational process.

The third phase of the management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers is analysis of the collected information. The results of the diagnostics are analyzed and interpreted in three ways: the quality of education of each student; provision of the quality of education by every teacher; provision of the quality of education by administration. Only the system gives a complete picture of the quality of the educational process and allows determining the strategy and tactics of development of the educational institution. Comparative analysis of the results allows identifying the factors which influence the quality of education and make an adequate decision to address shortcomings in education and create conditions for improving the educational environment of educational institution.

The fourth and fifth phases of the control monitoring the quality of education for future managers: the preparation and adoption of management decisions and organization of work decision. The system of diagnostics and analysis indicates deviations in the system state from the standard and thus indicates the emergence of a situation required a decision. Management solution is aimed at eliminating the causes of deviations. The diversity of these reasons affects the differences in managerial decisions to improve the quality of the educational process.

The sixth and seventh phases of the monitoring implement and analyze the results of the implementation of management decisions.

3. Organizational-procedural component includes subjects (leadership, administration, teachers, the future managers) and closes the process and the results of management monitoring the quality of education for future managers, contains forms individual (interviews, consultations), group (workshops, round tables, scientific-practical conferences), psycho-pedagogical support and methods (administrative, criticism and encouragement, service supervision and control over the results of work, directives, orders and instructions) and psycho-pedagogical (group discussion, brainstorming, «case studies», dilemmas, coaching, problem and role-playing games) management, monitoring the quality of education for future managers. Organizational-procedural component connects all system elements together and enables communication with the external environment.

4. Evaluative-effective component has a special place in the proposed system and includes the criteria, indicators and levels of performance management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers, the methods and techniques of research management efficiency monitoring the quality of education for future managers, the expected results. The evaluative-effective component is needed in the list of key elements of the model for accurate diagnosis and analysis of management information, providing feedback.

Conclusion. To sum up, the model of management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers provides the creation of the educational environment of the educational institution and represents a combination of the following components: methodologically-target component contains goals, objectives, principles, patterns, functions, scientific management approaches to monitoring the quality of education for future managers; content-technology component includes the following main stages of management monitoring the quality of education for future managers: design, gathering of information, analysis of information, making of decisions, organization of work, performance of monitoring, analysis of effectiveness; organizational-procedural component represents the subjects and objects of management monitoring the quality of education for future managers, methods and forms of management monitoring the quality of education for future managers; evaluative-effective component including criteria, indicators and levels of performance management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers, the methods and techniques of research the efficiency of the management of monitoring the quality of education for future managers.

We see the conducting of the formative experiment as the prospects of further researches.


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