The formation level of the components of the reflective experience as a factor of the students’ educational success
The purpose of the article is to verify the hypotheses about an effect of the formation level of the system of reflective experience and some of its components on the success of students’ learning. The author has offered a structural-functional model.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 30.10.2020 |
Размер файла | 26,6 K |
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Размещено на
success student learning model
O.V. Savchenko
The purpose of the article is to verify the hypotheses about an effect of the formation level of the system of reflective experience and some of its components on the success of students' learning. The author has offered a structural-functional model of the reflective experience as an open, dynamic system that integrates three components: the reflective potential, the reflective competence and the procedural components of the experience. Each component performs its function, which is needed for reflexivity, the general ability of the person to observe, analyze and manage the internal processes of his life. The reflective potential that is presented by the reflective resources system provides internal activity by the necessary resources and information, the reflective competence manages the processes of a functioning and development of the experience's system, the procedural components implement activity as a process. The results obtained by a one-factor and two-factor schemes of the dispersion analysis, have identified the significance of the effect of each component of the system and the general formation level of the reflective experience on the educational success. It is proved that the formation level of the personality's reflective competence has the most significant effect on the educational success through the activation of the knowledge system about the reflection, about the basis of the reflective activity and the advantages of its using, about the methods of its regulation and development. It was found that a high level of the educational success is demonstrated by those students, who have a high formation level of the system of the abilities to predictive own activity (actively planning its internal operations, determine the prospects of own future) and actively use the strategy of “Deep processing and critical analysis of information that are based on a rational approach to a searching solution”. The author has shown that the destructive effects of reflexivity depends primarily on the mobilization of the inadequate amount of the reflective resources, that promotes a complicating of the subject's internal activity, an excessive dipping into the inner world.
Keywords: reflexivity, reflective experience, reflective potential, reflective competence, reflective activity, educational success.
Савченко О.В. Рівень сформованості компонентів рефлексивного досвіду як фактор успішності навчання студентів. Мета статті - перевірити припущення про вплив рівня сформованості системи рефлексивного досвіду та окремих її компонентів на успішність навчання студентів. Запропоновано структурно-функціональну модель рефлексивного досвіду як відкритої, динамічної системи, що інтегрує три компоненти: рефлексивний потенціал, рефлексивну компетентність, процедурні складники досвіду. Кожний компонент виконує свою функцію, потрібну для забезпечення рефлексивності, загальної здатності особистості спостерігати, аналізувати й управляти внутрішніми процесами своєї життєдіяльності. Рефлексивний потенціал, представлений системою рефлексивних ресурсів, забезпечує внутрішню активність ресурсами й інформацією, рефлексивна компетентність здійснює управління процесами розгортання та розвитку системи досвіду, процедурні складники реалізують активність у процесуальному аспекті. Результати, отримані за процедурою однофакторного та двофакторного дисперсійного аналізу, виявили значущість впливу кожного компонента системи та рівня сформованості всього рефлексивного досвіду на успішність навчання студентів. У роботі доведено, що найбільш значущий вплив здійснює рівень сформованості рефлексивної компетентності особистості через активізацію системи знань про рефлексію, про переваги її застосування, про засоби регуляції та розвитку. Виявлено, що високий рівень у навчанні демонструють ті студенти, які мають високий рівень сформованості системи здібностей до прогнозування власної активності (активно планують свою внутрішню діяльність, визначають перспективи розвитку власного майбутнього), а також активно використовують стратегію глибинної обробки та критичного аналізу інформації на підставі раціонального підходу до пошуку розв'язання завдання. Показано, що деструктивні прояви рефлексивності пов'язані передусім із мобілізацією неадекватної кількості рефлексивних ресурсів, що сприяє ускладненню внутрішньої діяльності суб'єкта, надмірному зануренню у власний внутрішній світ.
Ключові слова: рефлексивність, рефлексивний досвід, рефлексивний потенціал, рефлексивна компетентність, рефлексивна активність, успішність навчання.
Савченко Е.В. Уровень сформированности компонентов рефлексивного опыта как фактор успешности обучения студентов. Целью статьи является проверка гипотезы о влиянии уровня сформированности системы рефлексивного опыта и отдельных ее компонентов на успешность обучения студентов. Предложена структурно-функциональная модель рефлексивного опыта как открытой, динамичной системы, интегрирующей три компонента: рефлексивный потенциал, рефлексивную компетентность, процедурные составляющие опыта. Каждый компонент выполняет свою функцию, необходимую для обеспечения рефлексивности, общей способности личности наблюдать, анализировать и управлять внутренними процессами своей жизнедеятельности. Рефлексивный потенциал, представленный системой рефлексивных ресурсов, обеспечивает внутреннюю активность ресурсами и информацией, рефлексивная компетентность осуществляет управление процессами разворачивания и развития системы опыта, процедурные составляющие реализуют активность в процессуальном аспекте. Результаты, полученные с помощью процедур однофакторного и двухфакторного дисперсионного анализа, выявили значимость влияния каждого компонента системы и уровня сформированности всего рефлексивного опыта на успешность обучения студентов. В работе доказано, что наиболее значимое влияние оказывает уровень сформированности рефлексивной компетентности личности через активизацию системы знаний о рефлексии, о преимуществах ее применения, о способах ее регуляции и развития. Выявлено, что высокий уровень в обучении демонстрируют те студенты, которые имеют высокий уровень сформированности системы способностей к прогнозированию собственной активности (активно планируют свою внутреннюю деятельность, определяют перспективы развития собственного будущего), а также активно используют стратегию глубинной обработки и критического анализа информации на основании рационального подхода к поиску решения задачи. Показано, что деструктивные проявления рефлексивности связаны прежде всего с мобилизацией неадекватного количества рефлексивных ресурсов, что способствует усложнению внутренней деятельности субъекта, чрезмерному погружению его в свой внутренний мир.
Ключевые слова: рефлексивность, рефлексивный опыт, рефлексивный потенциал, рефлексивная компетентность, рефлексивная активность, успешность обучения.
Formulation of scientific problem and its significance. In modern psychology new humanistic technologies of the personality's development are formed. The activity of the mature personality is aimed at selfrealization and effective self-regulation. The reflexivity is an important feature in this person's inner structure. We show it as the personality's ability to stand in the position of “observer”, “controller” and “constructor” in relation to his activities, to his own inner world. In adolescence the level of reflexivity is an important factor of the success of the activities, because people are accumulating the sufficient experience of reflection. It is important to investigate how are the components of the reflective experience affecting the success level of the learning activities, which is considered to be leading in juvenescence.
Analysis of recent studies on this issue. The reflective experience is an open dynamic system that provides a deployment of the mental space within which the subject defines and solves the reflective task through a mobilizing personality's reflective potential, a implementation of the various forms of reflective activity and an actualization elements of the reflective competence. The significance of study of the reflective experience to understanding of the personality's internal factors was proved in the works of the pedagogical (O. Gerasimova, V. Martynenko, M. Prokofyeva, O. Savchenko etc.) and psychological (A. Veremchuk, Ye. Isayev, Zahray, Z. Karpenko, M. Savchyn, V. Slobodchikov etc.) approaches. Thus L. Zahray revealed the role of the reflective experience in overcoming egocentrism, modeling own personality's identity. The reflective experience, according to the researcher, is the factor that contributes to the formation of the general “picture of life”, constructing “self-concept” [1].
M. Savchyn proposed to consider the reflective experience as an important part of the personal spiritual experience. One of the main tasks of the reflective experience is building of the adequate expectations of the future (identifying of the variant of events that corresponds the external circumstances and the personality's physical and mental possibilities). “The adequate prediction and assessment of own resources allows to form the psychological readiness for the future events, to organize activities to prevent possible negative situations” [6, p. 307]. So often the reflective experience is seen as a condition of the personality's formation and development, as a component of a highly organized mental phenomenon.
The purpose of work is a verification of the hypothesis about an effect of the levels of formation of the reflective experience's system and some of its components on the success of students' learning. We need to solve the following tasks to achieve this: 1) the definition of the components of the internal structure of the personality's reflective experience; 2) the analyses of the effects of the formation level of the reflective experience's components on the indicator of the students' educational success.
We have proposed the internal structure of the reflective experience that integrates three components. The functioning of this holistic system ensures the implementation of the reflexivity as the general capacity. The system of the reflective experience includes the reflective potential, which provides the functioning of system by the necessary resources and information, the various forms of reflective activity, which realize the reflexivity in its procedural aspect, and the reflective competence that performs the functions of control and management of the inner processes of functioning and development of the reflective experience's system. The reflective experience is the space, in which the subject defines reflective tasks and organizes a process of search their solutions through an actualization the reflective abilities (the elements of the reflective competence) that mobilize necessary reflective resources, organize some forms of activity and assimilate obtained results. The spreading of the reflective experience's system occurs precisely through assimilation the obtained results of the reflective activity, through the transfer of actual forms in the potential structure (knowledge, skills, strategies).
So we identify three structural components of the reflective experience performing various functions, which are necessary for the efficient functioning of the experience as an integrated system: 1) the reflective potential - a system of the individual psychological features that ensure personality's ability to retain a stability of the reflective activity against the backdrop of pressures and changing of external conditions due to the presence of stable internal criteria and orientations of own life activity; 2) the procedural components of the reflective experience - the forms the internal activity, that reveal the relationship of the personal “Self' and external reality in the process of mental or practical activities; 3) the reflective competence - a personal integrative formation that combines some reflective skills, which coordinate the activities of the components reflective experience, provide a high performance level of the various forms of the reflective activity, the personality's mental and practical activities.
The reflective experience operates at three levels (cognitive, metacog- nitive and personal), the nature of its functioning depends on the complexity of the problem that the subject solves and the specificity of the reflective task that is defined and solved by the subject during the execution of the basic activity forms. We define the reflective task as a subject's intermediate purpose, which directs his activity in the internal plan on an analysis of his actions, an awareness of the grounds of obtained results, a rethinking of the acquired knowledge and skills, a reorganization of his self-representations (“self-concept”) and reality (“world image”). The solution of a reflective task allows determining the means of problems solving.
In our previous studies were defined the types of the reflective task, which are solved by subject at different levels of the reflective experience's functioning [5]. At the cognitive level subject solves the tasks of an awareness of tools and mechanisms of the solving problems, an analysis of the formed knowledge system and an interrelation the means of problems solving with the task's conditions and requirements. At the metacognitive level of functioning of the reflective experience's system the subject performs transformations of the model “process of solving problems”, analyzes and regulates his mental search processes, supports the self-regulation of own reflective activity. At the highest level (personal) of the reflective experience the individual resolves the task on the self- determine, self-knowledge, self-identify, self-designing and self-realization. The object of the inner activity in these tasks is the content of own “selfconcept”.
The effective functioning of the components of reflective experience is a considerable condition of the productive implementation of the reflexi- vity as personality's general capacity in various activity forms. In juvenescence the learning activity remains one of the dominant forms of personality's activity. Therefore, we hypothesized that the components of the reflective experience are internal factors of the students' educational success.
Methods and techniques. The formation level of each component of the reflective experience is defined by developed procedure [4]. For determination of the formation level of the reflective competence we used the developed comprehensive program of psychodiagnostic research, which included twelve procedures and methods suitable for definition of the levels formation of each item. According to our structural-functional model, the reflective competence combines the following components: 1) the knowledge system about a reflection and different forms of the reflective activity (application form “Reflection, personality's reflective abilities” (O. Savchenko)); 2) the metacognitive awareness regarding the subject's own reflective activity (the procedure of the special semantic differential, developed by O. Savchenko); 3) the model of “self-reflective subject” (the procedure of the special semantic differential, developed by O. Savchenko); 4) the system of cognitive reflective skills (“The reflective skills (a cognitive level)” (O. Savchenko)); 5) the system of metacognitive reflective skills (“The reflective skills (a metacognitive level)” (O. Savchenko)); 6) the system of personal reflective skills (“The reflective skills (a personal level)” (O. Savchenko)); 7) the system of the evaluation criteria of the reflective activity (the procedure of the special semantic differential, developed by O. Savchenko); 8) the system of the abilities to predictive own activity (“The prognostic task” (L. Regush, N. Somova), modificated by O. Savchenko); 9) the system of life tasks (“The life task of selfdevelopment” (O. Savchenko, Ya. Domanova)); 10) the system of reflective strategies (“The reflective strategies of problems solving” (O. Savchenko, M. Makiyenko)); 11) the reflectivity as a cognitive style (“Matching Familiar Figures Test”, MFFT (J. Kagan)); 12) the reflective style of internal conflicts resolving (“The personal style of problem-conflict situations solving” (O. Savchenko, D. Studentsova)).
The indicator of a representation of the reflective activity takes into account the activity forms which are the most important for the internal organization of the reflective experience at the three levels. We used the method of content-semantic analysis of the speech statements' functions in the discourses of problems solving by the instruction “thinking aloud” (S. Stepanov, I. Semenov, V. Zaretskiy) to determine the characteristics of the reflective activity forms at cognitive and metacognitive levels. We carried out the scheme proposed in M. Naydonov's paper [2] to define the functional elements of the speech products' analysis. We have developed the categories of narrative analysis for quantitative and qualitative assessment of texts, in which the subjects describe their own behavior in problem-conflict situations, to analyze the shapes of the reflective activity at the personal level. We distinguished 41 categories, which provided information on the following features: 1) the general characteristics of the narrative as text; 2) the nature of the characters; 3) the author's position towards the problem-conflict situation and attitude to himself as a participant; 4) the image format of problem-conflict situations; 5) the features of narrative (a consistency, a sequence, a presence of contradictions) [5]. The general indicator takes into account three standardized assessments that reflect the level of activity and complexity of the procedural components of experience at the three levels.
In the structure of the reflective potential we defined two components: the reflective resources system and the reflective mechanisms. The reflective resources combine the mental structures and personal features, which are activated during mental activity by the subject to provide conditions for the effective decision of the reflective tasks. In the reflective resources system we have identified the structural, operational, motivational and behavioral components, which provide the necessary basis for decision of the actual reflective task due to functioning in co-operation. The specific reflective resources actualize at each level of the reflective experience's functioning. The general formation indicator of the reflective resources system encompasses three standardized assessments. So structural resources in our study were presented by the cognitive structures of different levels of complexity (a schematic (“Index of Learning Styles”, ILS (A. Soloman, R. Felder)), the metacognitive knowledge system (“Metacognitive Awareness Inventory”, MAI (G. Schraw, R. S. Dennison)), the “self-concept” (“Twenty Statement Test”, TST (M. Kuhn, T. McPartland), “Adaptive strategies of behavior”, ASB-1 (N. Melnikova), “Purpose in Life Test”, PIL (J. Crumbaugh, L. Maholick), modificated by D. Leontiev). The operational resources are represented by the intellectual (“Complicated analogies”, “Identifying of patterns” (B. Pokrovskiy)), regulative (MAI (G. Schraw, R. S. Dennison), “State Metacognitive Inventory”, SMI (H. O'Neil, J. Abedi)), senseperformative (PIL, modificated by D. Leontiev) and self-regulative (“Style of self-regulation of behavior”, SSB-98 (V. Morosanova)) operations, which are unconscious automated forms of personality's activity. The operational resources provide the necessary tools for performance of the basic activities. The motivational resources are subjective orientations, which stimulate and direct the subject's activity on the search for the means of problems solving (the intellectual and metacognitive emotions (the procedure of absolute estimates), the personal values (Research method of the vital senses system (V. Kotlyakov)). The behavioral resources can be viewed as a system of the formed techniques of mental activity (the reflective procedures (“Procedures of mental activity” (O. Savchenko)), the metacognitive strategies (“Metacognitive strategies of problems solving” (O. Savchenko, M. Makiyenko)), the reflective practices (“Reflective practices” (O. Savchenko)).
The main material and substantiation of the results of research. We carried out the verification of the proposed hypotheses by one-factor and two-factor schemes of the dispersion analysis. This statistical method allows analyzing the nature of the variability of certain features, which are influenced by the controlled factors. We are studying the causal relationships between the variables, considering some of them as factors and other variables as effective characteristics. In Table 1 we present the data, which reflect the extent of influence of the formation levels of the reflective experience's components on the index of the students' educational success (GPA).
Table 1
The results of approximation of the indicator of the students' educational success (by one-factor scheme of dispersion analysis)
№ |
Internal factors |
Empirical value for the Fisher's criterion (Femp.) |
The level of significance |
1 |
The formation level of the reflective experience |
13,25 |
0,99 |
2 |
The formation level of the reflective competence |
12,12 |
0,99 |
3 |
The formation level of the reflective resources system |
5,94 |
0,95 |
4 |
The representation level of the reflective activity |
4,49 |
0,95 |
Consequently the level formation of each component of the reflective experience impacts on the level of the students' educational success, but measures of these impacts are different. Among all the components of the reflective experience exactly the formation level of the reflective competence is the most influential (F = 12,12; a > 0,99). Based on these data, we argue that the success of learning activities is determined by the reflective activity level (F = 4,49; a > 0,95) and the formation level of the personal features, which make up the reflective resources system (F = 5,94; a > 0,95), as well. These components of the experience determine a stability of the mental activity passing. However, the increase of the educational success level depends on the development level of the reflective abilities, which organize and manage the unfolding processes of the reflective experience's system as a space, in which the internal mental activity is implemented by a personality. According to the results of correlation analysis, the educational success level correlates with the general formation level of the subject's knowledge system about the reflection in the greatest extent (r = 0,45; a > 0,999) and with the level of completeness of the knowledge about the reflective activity peculiarities (r = 0,34; a > 0,999), about the means of regulation and development of the different reflection's forms (r = 0,39; a > 0,999), about the basis of the reflective activity and the advantages of its using (r = 0,39; a > 0,999). These data confirm the importance of the information component of the reflective competence to organize and control of the subject's activity. The availability of knowledge, which are ready to a reproduction, forms the basis for the sense of own awareness of this issue, and the metacognitive “knowledge about knowledge” activates the favorable to work emotional background, it's based on a confidence, a sense of self-efficacy. Thus, the knowledge system determinates the educational success level through a forming the metacognitive awareness regarding the subject's own reflective activity and reflective skills (r = 0,29; a > 0,99).
The elements of the value-motivational component of the reflective competence, namely the system of the evaluation criteria of the reflective activity (r = 0,37; a > 0,999), and the structural parts of the behavioral component, namely the system of the reflective strategies (r = 0,35; a > 0,999), correlate with the educational success level significantly. The indicator of educational success depends on the formation level of abilities to plan own activity (r = 0,27; a > 0,99) and to determine the prospects of own future (r = 0,41; a > 0,999) in the greatest extent. If the young people perceive a stage of learning as an important part of their future life, they are more aware of the need to actively engage in the educational process, to move on the position of an active subject of learning activities. In this case the stage of the learning is harmoniously integrated in the system of the life prospects. The lack of the priority future plans leads to a devaluation of obtained results and acts of own activity planning. The reduction of the needs in the self-organization and self-regulation of own activities, the blocking of activation of the self-development's motivation are the consequences of the lack of prospects. According to L. Regush, that positive image of the future ensures an activation of the positive emotions, which increase the achievement motivation, activate the creativity [3]. Among the cognitive strategies the formation level of strategy “Deep processing and critical analysis of information that are based on a rational approach to a searching solution” (r = 0,42; a > 0,999) has the most significant impact on the educational success. An increasing of the personality's rational radical contributes to a more economical using of own resources, a reinforcing of the flexible control in situations with high uncertainty or emotional stress, a formation the attitude at ordering own actions and verifying the hypothesis and the obtained results. These constructive techniques give the subject opportunity to collect more information by the problem, to be better guided in situation and to make more informed decision thinking about different alternatives. The attitude at the rational actions allows to control impulsivity, that is a negative factor in the intellectual activities even in juvenescence, because it blocks activity of the metacognitive processes [8, p. 82].
The empirical facts, which were received by two-factor schemes of dispersion analysis, clarify the character of the correlation the reflective experience components and the educational success level. They are shown in Table 2.
The results (see Table 2) show that the formation level of the reflective competence is the most dominant factor of the educational success compared with the representation level of the reflective activity and the formation level of the reflective resources system. Moreover, the high formation level of the reflective competence eliminates the impact power of the formation level of the reflective resources. According to the results of the study, we can say that the students, who have the developed reflective abilities and whose reflective resources operate at the middle level, have the highest rating in the group. These data can be explained by the fact that the high formation level of the reflective competence stimulates to economical use of the subject's own resources, to save them for unforeseen circumstances, to select such operation mode, in which resources are quickly restored by their optimal using. B. S. Frey and K. Foppa identified a new type of “economic man”, who solves problems not only by a reducing of the unnecessary costs, but also by a maximizing of the own usefulness, which is based on a reasonable relating of the estimates and the expectations [9]. Consequently, the reflective competence supports the subject's internal activity at the stable level through an activation of the formed symptom-complexes, that provides an economical operation mode. The arising dysfunctions are leveled through a strengthening of the stimulating factors. Thus high formed elements of the reflective competence operate at the sufficiently high efficiency level. A functioning of reflective competence as a single system allows subject to compensate the defects in the operation those components that are not formed by others, who operate effectively. First of all, the reflectivity as a cognitive style and the reflective style of internal conflicts resolving are the most important components in the work of the reflective competence.
Table 2
The results of approximation of the indicator of the students' educational success (by two-factor scheme of dispersion analysis)
The first condition (competence & resources system) |
Empirical value for the Fisher's criterion |
The second condition (competence & procedural components) |
Empirical value for the Fisher's criterion |
The third condition (resources system & procedural components) |
Empirical value for the Fisher's criterion |
The impact of the competence level |
24,82*** |
The impact of the competence level |
13,09** |
The impact of the reflective resources level |
4,15* |
The impact of the reflective resources level |
3,62 |
The impact of the reflective activity level |
8,09** |
The impact of the reflective activity level |
14,35** |
The combined effect of competence and resources |
1,67 |
The combined effect of competence and procedural components |
1,60 |
The combined effect of resources and procedural components |
1,18 |
Note: * - the empirical values for the Fisher's criterion is significant at a > 0,95; is significant at a > 0,99; *** - is significant at a > 0,999.
The personality, who has a low level of the reflective competence, makes more impulsive decisions in uncertain situations, using untested or stereotyped heuristic techniques, which are resulted, according to
D. Kahneman and A. Tversky, to simplify the task or to underestimate the probability of the certain outcomes [10]. In such cases, the person mobilizes insufficient amount of efforts needed to solve the problem, or vice versa spends much more resources, solving compatible problems, which also lowers the productivity of his current activity. The mobilization of excessive amounts of the reflective resources is one of the causes of the excessive dipping into the inner world, the transition to the level of “self- focusing cognitive processing” of information, in which rigid strategies of the metacognitive control are prevalent [7].
The representation level of the reflective activity is more significant factor of the educational success (F = 14,35; a > 0,99) than an indicator that reflects the extent of a mobilization of the reflective resources system (F = 4,15 ; a > 0,95). So, we can suppose that destructive effects of the reflexivity arise because a person tends to mobilize the inadequate amount of the reflective resources, which should ensure the stability of the processes of a reflecting, not because of the high mental activity. The activation of excessive amount of efforts and resources is nonadaptive factor of behavior because it complicates the internal activities. The sense of complexity fosters the emergence of the negative emotional feelings (anxiety, feelings helplessness, confusion or restlessness, anger and others), which destroy activity, changing the focus of the subject's attention on other internal objects.
Conclusions and prospects for further research. So, we have found that the formation levels of the reflective experience and the reflective competencies are significant factors of the success of students' learning. The personality becomes able to solve effectively a wide range of problems arising in educational activities through the development of own reflective abilities. The development of the reflective knowledge and skills provides formation of the adequate representations of problem situations, high performance of analyzing information, flexible and efficient control of the mental activity passing, the organizing of coordinated actions in the uncertain situations. These date prove that the reflective competence is a metacompetence for the educational activities, and its development is the actual and promising direction of the preventive work with young people to increase their level of the academic competence, to prevent a failures of the vocational training and formation of the future professional deformations. The development of such programs is the purpose of our further research.
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