Theoretical and methodological basis of the practical and pedagogical education of the future and current teachers developed by A.D. Bondar
Work in the field of theoretical foundations, methodological bases for the preparation and conduct of various types of pedagogical practice of students. Methodology for the conduct of pedagogical practice of future pedagogical and scientific personnel.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 20.09.2020 |
Размер файла | 50,8 K |
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Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Y. Spitsyn, Dr. of Sci. (Pedagogies), Prof.
pedagogical practice student scientific
The article is devoted to the lecturers of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Pedagogy Chair of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Work in the field of theoretical foundations, methodological bases for the preparation and conduct of various types of pedagogical practice of students. The relevance of the return to the origins of the development and methodology for the conduct of pedagogical practice of future pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical personnel with the aim of raising the level of education and adopting appropriate changes.
Keywords: pedagogical practice of students, content of practice, methods of preparation and conduct of practice.
Є. Спіцин, канд. пед. наук, проф.,
Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, Київ, Україна
Присвячено внеску доктора педагогічних наук, професора педагогічного факультету Київського державного університету імені Тараса Шевченка А.Д. Бондаря в розробку теоретичних основ, методичних засад підготовки та проведення різних видів педагогічної практики студентів. Актуальність проблеми визначено, по-перше, незадовільним станом практичної підготовки майбутніх учителів у сучасних закладах вищої освіти; по-друге, відсутністю належної науково-методичної підтримки цієї важливої форми організації освітнього процесу. Проведено аналіз сучасних документів Міністерства освіти і науки України (рішення КолегіїМОН, накази, Положення, листи Міністерства освіти і науки тощо), узагальнено досвід організації педагогічної практики в закладах вищої освіти. Проведене дослідження дозволяє стверджувати, що існують декілька причин такого стану педагогічної практики:
- нова Інструкція про педагогічну практику студентів вищих навчальних закладів України не розроблена і не затверджена;
- розроблено, але до цього часу не затверджено психолого-педагогічну складову державного стандарту вищої педагогічної освіти;
- автономія закладів вищої освіти при визначенні змісту навчання призвела до того, що психолого-педагогічна складова в цілому, і педагогічна практика зокрема, зведені до мінімуму. Це стосуються як номенклатури, так і тривалості педагогічної практики, а також норм часу на керівництво нею з боку психолого-педагогічних кафедр;
- недотримання вимог Інструкції про студентську педагогічну практику щодо оплати праці керівників шкіл призвело до повної втрати інтересу педагогічних працівників баз практики до участі в її організації та проведенні.
Тому звернення до витоків теорії та практики підготовки, проведення та узагальнення практичного навчання студентів закладів вищої освіти, які розробив проф. А.Д. Бондар майже півстоліття тому, може допомогти визначити шляхи відновлення такого важливого компонента підготовки майбутньої вчителів, як педагогічна практика.
Ключові слова: педагогічна практика студентів, зміст практики, методика підготовки та проведення практики.
Formulation of the problem
The Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education" stipulates that one of the main tasks of higher education is the formation of skills and practical skills of students (future young specialists) in the corresponding field of knowledge of a certain qualification. Undoubtedly, the most important condition for improving the quality of training of any specialist is the successful passing of professional practice, for the effective conduct of which clear organization is required. In accordance with the normative provisions of the Article 50 (part 1) of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher education" one of the forms of the organization of educational process is practical training. Provisions of the Article 51 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher education" provides that the main normative requirements for the implementation of the practical training of the persons studying in higher educational institutions, are namely:
* practical training of the persons studying in higher educational institutions, is carried out by internship in enterprises, institutions and organizations according to the concluded higher educational institutions in the treaties or in its structural units that provide practical training.
• managers of enterprises, institutions and organizations must provide proper conditions for passing of the practice in production, observance of rules and norms of labor protection, technology safety and production sanitation in accordance with the law.
• internship of the student is carried out in accordance with the law [3].
"Regulations on the practice of students of higher educational institutions of Ukraine", approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine of April 8, 1993. Provided that the aim of this practice is mastering modern methods, forms of organization and tools of the work in the industry of their future professions, forming them on the basis of the knowledge, obtained in the higher educational institution, professional skills and abilities to find independent solutions during a specific work in real market and production conditions, the need to systematically update your knowledge and creativity to apply them in practical activities [10].
The purpose of the publication is to analyze the current state, the problems of organizing the pedagogical practice of students taking into account the experience of A.D. Bondar, to identify possible ways to improve the pedagogical practice of students.
Study presentation
One of the most mass types of industrial practice is pedagogical practice, which is provided by educational programs aimed at conferring a pedagogical qualification. In the second half of the twentieth century (especially in the 60's and 80's) the faculty of pedagogy at the Kiev State University named after T.G. Shevchenko paid a lot of attention to improving the pedagogical practice of students as an important component of the professional training of future teachers. The greatest contribution was made by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Andriy Danilovich Bondar (1913-1983). At first as a co-author of educational aids that were developed at the Department of Pedagogy of the KSU: "A Manual for Students in Pedagogical Practice" (1962, 1966, 1968) [11-13], "A Manual for Students in Pedagogy" (1969) [14] and others, then as the head of the author's collective, including well-known teachers B.S. Kobzar, B.N. Mityurov, V.Z. Smal, psychologist I.M. Varave, specialists in school hygiene S.S. Poznansky and N.G. Shumilo, The textbook "Pedagogical Practice of Students", published in the publishing house "Higher School of 1972 [9]. This manual was the largest both in volume (252 c.) and in the circulation (9500 copies), which have even been published in Ukraine on problems of pedagogical practice of students. In this work, in our opinion, the theoretical foundations and methodical principles of preparation and conducting of various types of pedagogical practice of students are most fully disclosed. A solid copy of this manual allowed to provide students with pedagogical practice in all institutions of higher education of Ukraine at that time, which trained pedagogical and scientific and pedagogical staff. It is on the basis of this manual for decades, Ukrainian pedagogical institutes and universities have developed specific methodological recommendations for students and pedagogical practice leaders.
The value and demand of such a manual in modern conditions cannot be overestimated, firstly, that nothing more extensive was published after it, and secondly, the deplorable condition of the practical training of future teachers in modern universities requires radical changes both in relation to the pedagogical practice of heads of higher education of different ranks, and in the proper scientific and methodological provision of this important form of organization of educational process. Indeed, an analysis of the state of organization and conducting of pedagogical practice of students in the leading classical and even pedagogical (!) Universities of the country shows a significant decrease in the role and place of pedagogical practice in the educational programs of bachelors and masters. Almost everywhere there was a continuous pedagogical practice at junior courses, that significantly decreased the scope and content of the pedagogy at the final course of the bachelor's degree, and the pedagogical practice of masters in most of the universities ceased to be pedagogical in terms of content and essence. Quite realistically, the state of practical training of students is described in the decision of the Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine N 7/2-18 of July 5, 2001 "On the state of practical training of students in higher educational institutions". The current "Regulations on the practice of students of the higher educational establishments of Ukraine" that was approved by the order of the Ministry education of Ukraine from 08.04.93, № 93 does not satisfy the requirement of the current legislative and normative regulations, financial opportunities of the higher educational institutions and changes that have happened to social and economic-economic relations in the country
The absence of educational-professional Program (EPP) of the practical training in the specialization of 0101 "Educational education" led to the significant differences in both volumes of hours for practical training of specialists in in general and on individual disciplines. If the proportion of hours devoted to the practical training of the students in specialty 7.010103 "Ukrainian language and iterature "at Kherson State pedagogical university is 39 %, then in Nikolaev State pedagogical Institute - 30 %. To the study of teaching methods of the school math course in Kherson State University 600 hours were allocated, of which 256 - are practical training, in Zhytomyr State Pedagogical University - 462 and 244 hours respectively. In the National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanov while studying the course "General psychology" for the seminars are allocated 2.5 times more hours than in Zhytomyr State Pedagogical University.
There are no cross-cutting programs of practical training in Cherkasy State University named after B. Khmelnitsky, with individual specialties - in Uman State pedagogical university named after P. Tychyna" [16].
In addition in the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science from 07.02.09 № 1/9-93 a more profound analysis of the state of practical training of students in the country's universities has been conducted: "Analysis of the results of monitoring the quality of providing educational services in the field of higher education, labor market requirements to the skills of graduates of higher educational institutions, appeals and proposals of employers on issues of quality assurance of graduates' professional training shows that in conditions of a market economy, the situation with the organization of practical training in higher educational establishments significantly deteriorated.
As a result, between the requirements of the labor market and the practical results of the educational activity of higher education institutions there was a marked gap, resulting in numerous complaints from consumers of educational services and employers, in particular the lack of practical skills in the chosen direction or specialty and, consequently, growth time of adaptation of graduates in primary positions, complication of employment and decrease of the prestige of higher education in general. Volumes of practical training, despite the established norms of higher education standards, are often reduced at all stages of study, in relation to the correction of curricula. The special situation in teacher education: the vast majority of the existing curriculum with relation between theoretical studies and practice is 85-15 percent, can not form a willingness to graduate teaching activities.
Together with the uncertainty of today's bachelor's professional qualification, all this reduces the effectiveness of the final outcome of higher education and is another indication of the need for a substantial restructuring of the higher education sector, accelerating the introduction of European schemes for higher education" [15]. Despite the fact that the decision of the Ministry took place over 17 years ago, a letter was sent in more than 9 years ago, any changes in the practical training of students were not observed, this fully applies to the teaching practice of students.
Our analysis of the state of the organization fully confirms this conclusion, for example, at the end of the past - the beginning of XXI century the workload of teachers of the education department (15 scientific and teaching staff) was more than 10,000 hours - supervision of various types of pedagogical practice, for its qualitative performance more than 10 teachers have been involved, then the volume of this type of educational load (with an increase in the total number of students by 20 %) for the last 5 years did not exceed 500 hours (decrease by 20 (!) times). In a number of leading universities in the country, these practices generally ceased to be pedagogical, since the departments of pedagogy were completely eliminated from its leadership.
The reasons for this state of pedagogical practice, in our opinion, are several:
1. Regarding the national level (MES of Ukraine, NAP of Ukraine) - there is inconsistency. indecision, unwillingness to radically change: "perhaps somehow everything will be solved". It turned out, in particular, that the correct decisions of the board of the mEs, the order of the Minister are not fulfilled, and in the apparatus of the Ministry none of these issues is controlled and conclusions are not made. For all the years of independence, the Ministry could not develop and adopt new instruction teaching practice students of the universities of Ukraine, however Manual 1986 still formally is in action (though actually nobody follows it).The psychological and pedagogical component of the State standard of higher pedagogical education (which, in particular, determines the specific weight of pedagogy in educational programs for the training of pedagogical staff) has been developed, but so far, has not been approved.
2. Regarding the level of universities, a certain autonomy in determining the content of training led to the fact that the psychological and pedagogical component in general, and teaching practice, in particular, reduced to the minimum values, as for the nomenclature and duration of teaching practices, and the time standards for their leadership on the part of psychological and pedagogical departments.
3. In practice bases, particularly for undergraduate students that takes place in institutions of secondary education. Not meeting the requirements of the Instruction on student pedagogical practice in part, regarding the remuneration of school executives, they led to the complete loss of the interest of pedagogical workers to participate in organizing pedagogical practices.
Therefore, an appeal to the origins of theory and practice preparing, conducting and summarizing the practical training of students in institutions of higher education, which were developed almost half a century ago, can help determine the ways of rebuilding such an important component of the training of future teachers as a pedagogical practice.
As of the beginning of the 1970s, teaching staff were trained at 32 pedagogical institutes, 8 universities, 44 pedagogical schools, which each year produced more than teachers [9, p. 4]. Just knowing the need for such a manual, the team of authors led by A.D. Bondar assumed the task of summarizing the advanced pedagogical experience, normative documents and materials to highlight the issues of practical training of students as during the study of courses in pedagogy, psychology, school hygiene, teaching methods of separate subjects, as well as preparation, organization and summing up of various types of pedagogical practice.
The first section of the manual covers the content and organization of pedagogical practice. A.D. Bondar rightly calls pedagogical practice as a specialist, because she has the task of improving vocational pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities of future teachers and educators of the younger generation [9, p. 6]. Substantiating place of teaching practice, author emphasizes that it is inseparable from the learning process as the students, through personal experience in school, acquire the skills to teach their subject and educating students learn independently and creatively to apply the knowledge they have gained in learning institutions of higher education [9, p. 7]. Analyzing the content of pedagogical practice, the author notes that the student is assigned a large range of duties, which he/she had not previously performed. The student is no longer a student of a higher education institution, but as a teacher, educator [9, p. 9]. Describing the role of pedagogical practice, the author rightly notes that pedagogical practice is allocated to teachers' training plans significantly more time than theoretical training (in the practice of the penultimate course - 6 weeks (220 hours), in the final course - 8-9 weeks (290 year) [9, p. 9]). Noting the role of practice in shaping the personality of the future teacher A.D. Bondar makes a grounded conclusion that during the pedagogical practice students enter the new conditions for their work in the school and act as mentors, teachers and educator. The student immediately grows up and is trying to seem discipled and educated, and erudite, and brought up. He looks more at his appearance, tries to imitate his beloved teachers. It is during the practice that the student checks, had he correctly chose the profession, and ponders on his future path to life [9, p. 10].
Characterizing various types of pedagogical practice, A.D. Bondar describes the following typology: inaudible, which is carried out at junior courses in parallel with the study of psychological and pedagogical disciplines, summer pedagogical practice in pioneer camps, training and probation (on pre-graduation and, accordingly, graduation courses). In universities, where are future university teachers trained and graduate courses conducted assistant teaching practice [9, p.11]. The author then details the purpose, objectives and content of each type of pedagogical practice, describes the peculiarities of conducting these practices among evening and part-time students. It is important to note that this kind of typology of pedagogical practices was used in the development of the Guide to the pedagogical practice of students of state universities (1986) [5].
The analysis of many years of experience in teaching pedagogical practice allowed A.D. Bondar to substantiate the conclusion that the success of pedagogical practice depends significantly on the quality of the student's preparation for it. The preparation for practice in school, in particular, suggests in the author's opinion: the right choice of the object of practice (school, class), the distribution of students between schools, a detailed study of the practice program, the selection and study of the necessary methodological literature [9, p. 26]. At the time of A.D. Bondar, a significant part of this work was performed by the department of production (pedagogical) practice of the University, unfortunately, today there is neither a department, nor a responsible person who would coordinate work on the organization of student pedagogical practice. In particular, the activity of such a management tool significantly influences, in the opinion of A.D. Bondar, the effectiveness of planning of pedagogical practice. Successful preparation and carrying out of pedagogical practice is impossible without thoughtful planning of it on the scale of educational institution and faculty. The plans, which make up for the period of each practice, provide many questions and, in the opinion of the author, first of all:
1. Choice of objects of practice and the distribution of students between them.
2. Choice of practice leaders and conducting of their respective work (meeting, briefing, exchange of experience etc.).
3. Preparation of the necessary documentation and provision of students, practitioners and schools.
4. Holding prescriptive conferences and conclusion conferences of students.
5. Discussion of the results of practice in the pedagogical councils of schools, meetings of departments, academic councils [9, p. 32].
Summing up the positive planning experience. Organizations of Pedagogical Practice at Kyiv State University, Drogobych and Kirovograd pedagogical institutes A.D. Bondar submitted detailed recommendations on methods of prescriptive conferences, students planning different types of content teaching practices. The author rightly says that on the basis of how is planned the content of teaching practice of individual students depends largely on the end result - the formation of students' readiness for implementation of educational activities.
Of course, in addition to the rational planning of the content of the practice, the recommendations for the preparation of the reporting documentation, in particular, the conduct of the diary of pedagogical observations, are very important for students. The leading factor in the success of pedagogical practice is its responsible leadership, emphasizes A.D. Bondar. The responsibilities of higher education institutions and schools for the practice of training are determined by the relevant Instruction on Pedagogical Practice, which, according to the author, should be observed [9, p. 52]. But what to do now, when, as already mentioned above, it is not? In such a situation everything remains on the surface - "where the curve will lead." It is clear that if the leadership is irresponsible and results will be appropriate. But in the textbook under the editorship of prof. A.D. Bondar, the powers and the contents of the work at various stages of the practice of the group leader of practice, the head of the department of pedagogy and psychology, methodologist from the specialty, the director and teachers of the school, the class leaders are described in detail.
In addition to the methodological recommendations for planning, conducting and summing up the pedagogical practice, which are more than intended for teachers, the authors of the manual have developed detailed recommendations for students-practitioners regarding the methodology for preparing and conducting classes, studying the state of teaching at school, preparing and conducting study tours, participation students in curricular and extracurricular educational work etc. It is extremely interesting and useful, from our point of view, when there is a section devoted to the preparation of students for pedagogical practice during the study of psychological and pedagogical disciplines. In it, the authors, drawing on advanced pedagogical experience, give concrete advice on how to achieve the goals of professionalism in educational classes on pedagogy, history of pedagogy, psychology, school hygiene etc. [9, p. 174-218]. Such activity of lecturers of psychological and pedagogical disciplines allows, in addition to all, to prepare students qualitatively for such a responsible stage of their education as pedagogical practice. It should also be noted that the annexes provided in the manual significantly facilitate the work of students related to the preparation of documentation required for practice.
Summarizing all the abovementioned, the use of the invaluable pedagogical work of prof. A.D. Bondar can significantly help and accelerate the revival of the pedagogical practice of students as an integral part of the training of pedagogical staff, which also implies a modern concept of training pedagogical staff. Indeed, as noted in the "Concept of Teacher Education" (2018): "The obligatory part of the educational process of preparation of the applicant or higher professional prehigher education in the pedagogical profession is a continuous pedagogical practice. To accomplish this key task, the volume of practical training should be at least 30 credits ECTS within the mandatory part of the bachelor's programs (from the first year of study, in different educational institutions and at different classes (courses)) and at least 30 credits (including the master's degree research) within the compulsory part of master's programs (in different institutions on the world and different classes (courses))" [5].
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