Опыт применения инновационных методов обучения в КМУ

Обсуждается опыт применения в КМУ в казахских группах инновационных методов обучения. Рассматривается цель, возможность взаимосвязывания, взаимодополнения интегрированного метода обучения. Взаимосвязь между биомедицинскими и клиническими дисциплинами.

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Опыт применения инновационных методов обучения в КМУ

Жиенбаева К.М.

Жаутикова С.Б.

Аринова C.М.

Сулеймeнова Б.М.


В статье обсуждается опыт применения в КМУ в казахских группах инновационных методов обучения. Авторы рассматривают значение, цель, возможность взаимосвязывания, взаимодополнения интегрированного метода обучения. Интегрированный метод обучения позволяет студентам проводить взаимосвязь между биомедицинскими и клиническими дисциплинами, благодаря этому показывает студенту значение каждой дисциплины. инновационный обучение интегрированный

Ключевые слова: инновация, инновационные методы обучения, интеграция, интегрированное обучение, модели обучения в медицине.


Research article

Zhautikova S.B.1, *, Zhienbaeva K.M.2, Arinova S.M.3, Suleimenova B.M.4

1, 2, 3, 4 Karaganda medical university, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

* Corresponding author (Zhienbaeva.pf[at]mail.ru)


The article discusses the experience of using innovative study methods in Kazakh groups in KMU. The authors consider value, purpose, possibility of interconnection, complementation of the integrated method of teaching. The integrated education method allows students to conduct the relationship between biomedical and clinical disciplines, thereby showing the student the importance of each discipline.

Keywords: innovation, innovative study methods, integration, integrated learning, models of education in medicine.


The Republic of Kazakhstan made up education reforms in medical sphere that are mainly oriented on preparation of qualified professionals, the main aim of which is to provide medical assistance in appropriate level. According to the annual message of President: "The quality of higher institutions should comply with international requirements. Higher educational establishments of our country should pursue to join the rank of World's best universities…" Preparation of qualified professionals is an important pattern of social strategy of our state. Successful resolution of the issue depends on quality of education and requires fresh approach to the beneficial organization of learning process and emerging forms of it [1]. During teaching of any discipline there is a need in application of methods which contribute to the formation of student's aim. Due to this, in recent times the education system pays great attention to quality problem. However, quality of student's knowledge of higher institutions depends on various factors. For example, application of modern teaching techniques, education monitoring system, conditions of learning process, educator expertise, motivation of student, productive pedagogical efforts and many other factors. Currently higher institutions, under their systematic potential, try to bring up their education process in accordance with practical health system requirements [2]. This way of learning undergoes alterations in its content; moreover there is encouragement of creative activities and enhancement of assessing the education quality [3].

The issue of integrated education system contemporary enough. Many developed countries start to reformulate their education methods and try to improve and increase the level of knowledge with the use of this learning system. The importance of this system can be understood from the words of former education minister Thakur Singh Powdyel, now the President of Royal Thimphu College, who presents a atypical idea of liberalisation of education. "Institutions these days operate to ensure financial profits, overlooking the idea of elevation of minds in the process. When a nation stresses on growing the economy of a country beyond a certain level, it fails to secure the virtues and morals of its citizens. Education beyond books and lectures leads to development of humanity, something the world needs the most today." [4]

As far as there was a change in medical education from traditional methods to integrated programs of teaching, nowadays modern trends demand to totally modify the principles of preparation of medical experts. Taking into account these trends, our university started this transformation since 2010. Integrated education program is directed to make a connection between fundamental and clinical studies; the necessity is to attract students' attention in biomedical studies and encourage them to apply the gained knowledge in decision of specific clinical problem. Represented way of education promotes future doctors to gather all the information into single logical circuit and by this make a full concept of clinical picture to conduct accurate actions to cure the patient [5].

Integration principle implies all the links within components of study process; it plays the key role in determination of goals and results of studying, its content, types and methods. It would be planned to integrate the different cultures for creating a culture with global view; to develop the students' creativity so that they can translate their knowledge into real wisdom [6]. Integrated way of studying and teaching warns integration principles in any stage of education, provides integrity and systemic information. Medical education program needs to be constructed and processed basing on students' opportunities to connect and combine their own knowledge and skills [7].

Integrated education program, as it was discussed above, is used extensively in KMU; The integration study method in KMU university bases on Modular competence approach: a Modular educational program is a set of modules aimed at mastering certain competencies necessary for the assignment of qualifications. The main objective of the modular principle teaching is to teach students the basics of clinical examination of human organs and systems in normal and pathological conditions on the basis of the integration of fundamental and clinical disciplines, based on the understanding of physiological processes that ensure their work. The study of pathophysiology of individual systems (musculoskeletal, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, digestive, urogenital), is a necessary basis for the understanding and study of various violations of the constancy of the internal environment of the body, which can occur in many diseases [8].

This program acts by associating several subjects in one class. Mentioned way of teaching held with students of 3-014 group of "General Medicine" faculty in November 22, 2018. With this purpose the integration was done by combination of pathology of organs and systems subject and pharmacology subject the theme of which was "Coronary insufficiency: pathological physiology, morphological and functional peculiarities and treatment". The lesson was conducted by lecturers of each subject: senior lecturer Zhienbaeva K.M., teacher assistant Nygyzbaeva R.Z., and pharmacology lecturer Dildabekova N.T. The class started with introducing the clinical situation where educators provided students with methodical materials and visualized materials with the use of multimedia. The task was about the patient who suffers ischemia of heart; however, anamnesis vitae, anamnesis morbi, laboratory and instrumental study results only presented. The task is to make the right diagnosis, to prove the decision and to complete with proper treatment steps with the involvement of knowledge gained from fundamental biomedical and clinical studies. Lecturers of each department took part in elaboration of methodical materials for integrated lesson and construction of questions. Despite of limited time, each lecturer according to their specialty discussed main questions with students. Pathological physiology section considered the term coronary insufficiency, etiology and especially to mechanisms of development. Along with this the attention held about myocardial infarct, its pathogenetical factors and mechanisms of development of its clinical aspects were also discussed. The section of pathological anatomy regarded to discussion of macro and microscopic pictures of the pathology and giving the conclusive result of diagnosis. Pharmacology section focused on prevention of disease and several basic drugs to cure, spoke about mechanisms of arising effects and pharmakinetics of each; in addition, students put great emphasis to alternative therapy. In the end of the class to conclude acquired knowledge crossword puzzle and technique called Minute mania, which was suggested by associated professor of Nazarbaev University, PhD Sayd Ali was used. Specificity of this technique is that it helps to obtain more practice concerning the topic. Students solved the puzzle answering the questions mentioned during discussing the theme.

Coming to the technique "Minute mania" it is based on asking the question about "Coronary insufficiency: pathological physiology, morphological and functional peculiarities and treatment", where only one probable answer is given; however, if the question seen to be tough to students, then 3 right suggested answers supplied; each question according to its severity can be rated with 10, 20, 50 per cent.


Integrated study program as a modern method of study increased interest of students. Results of anonymous survey which was conducted demonstrates that students interest focused on new techniques used and they would like to have more subjects to be held like this.

Open lesson which was held using integrated education program provided opportunity to reveal the theme about coronary failure more detailed. Students showed big interest and readiness during the lesson; and proved high activity. Summarizing their opinions, students consider integrated study program to be beneficial, what is more, using this way of study gives a chance to associate many subjects when analyzing any pathology and utilize the skills in making solutions.


There is implementation of the President's idea of shifting the emphasis on the integration of science and higher education, so that Kazakhstan universities become the leading scientific organizations that generate new knowledge and new technologies. After all, it is for this purpose that national laboratories were created on the basis of large universities, work is underway to strengthen the University's scientific potential, the integration of University science with production has begun [9]. Some of the most successful universities are given the status of research, and one of them is KMU.

Application of integrative study is the more advanced way of preparing the future medical staff by encouraging creative methods of working, independence and responsibility, making decisions in a limited time, advanced and modern way of treatment and to develop skills of diagnostics.

Preparation of qualified medical staff is the key to improve the quality and standards of living which is one of indicators of economic growth of developing countries. The value of advancement of living norms is actual enough and one of the decisions of this issue may be initiative for the integration of innovative study. As the Whitehead says, "We must foster the creative initiative towards the maintenance of objective values. You will not obtain the apprehension without the initiative, or the initiative without the apprehension." [10].

Список литературы / References

1. State program of education development of Republic of Kazakhstan to 2011-2020 years, 2012

2. Competency spheres of graduates of Karaganda state medical university. Competency: knowledge of biomedical sciences. /Methodical recommendations. Karaganda, 2010, p 45.

3. Competency spheres of graduates of Karaganda state medical university. Competency: knowledge of biomedical sciences. /Methodical recommendations. Karaganda, 2010: p 46.

4. Mayuri G. In praise of integrated education system / Mayuri G. Kuensel university publishment, June 11, 2018.

5. Slastenin V.A. Pedagogies / Slastenin V.A.. Shkola-Press, 2000.

6. Fan M. The idea of integrated education: From the point of view of Whitehead's philosophy of education. Paper presented at the Forum for Integrated Education and Educational Reform sponsored by the Council for Global Integrative Education / Fan M., Santa Cruz, CA, October 28-30. 2004

7. Malysheva M.A. Modern technologies of teaching in higher institutions / Malysheva M.A., Methodical textbook, 2011: print-134.

8. Roslyakova E.M. Modular learning system-experience and prospects / Roslyakova E.M. KazNMU press, September 25th, 2014.

9. Ibrayev A. Integration of science and education is a state priority / Ibrayev A. Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. Feb.5, 2016.

10. Alfred .North Whitehead, Science and the Modern World, New York: The Free Press,1967, p,199-200

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