Results of research of teachers' multicultural education in West European countries

The research of socio-political, economic conditions of multicultural education implementation in school practice, Eeropean documentation on the subject. Analysis of curriculums of several teaching training institutions, universities and colleges.

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Дата добавления 28.06.2020
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Department of Modern European languages, University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine


Kovalynska I. V., Candidate of

Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor


The article is devoted to the coverage of the results of the scientific research of multicultural education of teachers in the countries of Western Europe. The author substantiates the classification of countries by the number of immigrants. The criteria of multicultural education are described, namely, socially-reflective, institutional and regulatory-legal, which served to create a system of multicultural education in these countries. According to the components, the author identified a number of legislative documents that laid the basis for the introduction of multi- culturalism in educational systems; described the activities of centers of multicultural education and focused attention on the differences in their activities. The influence of the system of multicultural education on the social stability of countries, improvement of academic results and integration of minorities is revealed.

Key words: multicultural education, multicultural education center, component, integration, minority, dissemination.


Ковалинська І. В. Результати дослідження мультикультурної освіти вчителів у країнах Західної Європи

Статтю присвячено висвітленню результатів наукового дослідження мультикультурної освіти вчителів у країнах Західної Європи. Автором обґрунтовано класифікацію країн за кількістю іммігрантів. Описано критерії мультикультурної освіти, а саме соціально-рефлективний, інституційний та регулятивно-правовий, які послугували створенню системи мультикультурної освіти у визначених країнах. Згідно з визначеними компонентами автором було виявлено низку законотворчих документів, що стали основою впровадження мультикультуралізму в освітні системи; описано діяльність центрів мультикультурної освіти й акцентовано увагу на відмінностях у їх діяльності; виявлено вплив створення системи мультикультурної освіти на соціальну стабільність країн, покращення академічних результатів та інтеграцію меншин.

Ключові слова: мультикультурна освіта, центр муль- тикультурної освіти, компонент, інтеграція, меншина, розповсюдження.


Ковалинская И. В. Результаты исследования мультикультурного образования учителей в странах Западной Европы

Статья посвящена освещению результатов научного исследования мультикультурного образования учителей в странах Западной Европы. Автором обоснована классификация стран по количеству иммигрантов. Описаны критерии мультикультурного образования, а именно социально-рефлективный, институциональный и регулятивно-правовой, послужившие созданию системы мультикультурного образования в определенных странах. Согласно определенным компонентам автором был выявлен ряд законотворческих документов, ставших основой внедрения мультикультурализма в образовательные системы; описана деятельность центров мультикультурного образования, акцентировано внимание на различиях в их деятельности; выявлено влияние создания системы мультикультурного образования на социальную стабильность стран, улучшение академических результатов и интеграцию меньшинств.

Ключевые слова: мультикультурное образование, центр мультикультурного образования, компонент, интеграция, меньшинство, распространение.


Recent statistical data show the inflow of migrants in every country of Western Europe [1, p. 2-6]. This diversity of population brings diversity to the classroom. During the last decades teachers have to face the issue of teaching multicultural classes all over Europe. To meet the needs of all the students irrespective their origin, language or religion, European educationalists have adopted a new approach to dealing with classroom diversity which calls for celebrating it [2, p. 18-52]. Recent documents issued by the European Union's Committee on education and the ongoing sessions of Ministers of education of the EU demonstrate the prospects of future development of European education with respect to diversity and teaching diverse classes [3, p. 6].

Review of publications

Today, educationalists are deeply concerned in meeting the needs of all the students. The issue of multi-ethnic classes education is in the focus of attention of the following scholars: S. Nieto [5, p. 12-18], who focuses on sociopolitical aspects of multicultural education; F. Dervin [6, p. 1-14], who stresses that interculturalism is the future of education; P. Gorsky [7, p. 7-9], who declares the necessity to train teachers to work in a multicultural school environment; J. A. Banks [8, p. 22-37], who describes the history of multiculturalism in education; M. Tarozzi [9, p. 148-152], who points out the necessity of building an “intercultural ethos” in teacher education; Ch. Sleeter [10, p. 131], who describes five approaches to race, class and gender; Ch. Bennet [11, p. 37], who describes comprehensive multicultural education; and many others. We need to underline that the terminology these scholars use, differs (e.g. intercultural, multicultural) but what unites these developments is the fact that they all describe approaches to teaching ethnically diverse classes.

Ukrainian researchers argue that the term “policultural” reflects the idea of education of ethnically heterogeneous groups to the best possible way. So, they speak about policultural education [12, p. 70]. In the Ukrainian educational discourse there aren't many works devoted to this issue. We would like to mention scientific developments of I. Kovalynska [13, p. 37-39] who analyses competence-based approach to policultural education; L. Goncharenko [14, p. 28-30], who develops the idea of teachers' professional development and readiness to work in a multi-ethnic society. multicultural education school european

The aim of the article The research concerned socio-political, economic conditions of multicultural education implementation in school practice. We studied EU documentation on the subject. We also made an analysis of curriculums of several teaching training institutions, universities and colleges among them. This article is devoted to highlighting the results of the research.

The main body The scope of the research covered Norway, Germany, the Netherlands, France, Italy and Great Britain. These European countries were chosen due to the number of immigrants that have enriched the existing cultural palette within recent years.

We grouped these countries, according to their historical development and immigration type into 2 groups: a) former dominions, and b) countries of labour migration. We based this classification on research by M. Vidiakina [15, p. 1-10], T. Desiatov [16, p. 13-19], who classify European countries according their economic development the processes of migration. We understand that this classification may be criticized but the emphasis of our work is laid not on economic or social processes as such, but implementation of a multicultural approach to education, so the classification we used served the aims of the research.

We observed the following components of multicultural education:

- regulatory and legal component which describes the necessary legislative acts and/or laws which laid the legal basis for implementation of multicultural policy into educational practice. We have chosen this component as we believe that educationalists need a regulatory basis and some legal support to be able to implement changes in the educational policy within the country and regions;

- the institutional component which highlighted establishment of special educational, governmental or non-government institutions that promote multiculturalism and disseminate a positive experience of multicultural education. This component has been chosen as it is clear that positive experience should be spread all over the community and all the teachers need to have an access to it, otherwise it will not have any effect;

- the socially-reflective component, which reflects socioeconomic prerequisites of implementation of multiculturalism in educational practice of West European countries. We have chosen this component as we understand that education is a part of socioeconomic processes in the country; and prospects of its development strongly depend on general socio-political changes and vectors.

Our research found that within the period of approximately last 20 years of the 20-th century, educational policy has changed from assimilative and segregation policy towards ethnic minorities into a more tolerant and later integrative policy, which, later on, was developed into a new approach which calls for celebrating diversity. Our research found a justification of this development in a lot of published documents, recommendations and legal acts [17, p. 51-54; 16, p. 27-32; 19, p. 122-124].

The study of institutional component of multicultural education revealed that in each country under review a certain institution that deals with promoting multiculturalism, has been created, the National Office for Combating Racial Discrimination (UNAR) among them. In 2013, UNAR recorded 1142 cases of xenophobia and discrimination, of which 68,7% were ethnic or racial discrimination (Italy) [20, p. 37-40]; the Association for Teachers of English to Students from Overseas (later transformed into the National Association for Multiracial Education (NAME) created in 1960-ies, today the Center for Multicultural Teacher Training at London's Royal College of Teachers' Training (Great Britain) [21, p. 139-142] etc.; a Research Centre on Teaching in Multiethnic Schools (Amsterdam university, the Netherlands), and a Centre for Teaching and Learning (Utrecht University, the Netherlands) [22, p. 340-342]; the National Center for Multicultural Education (nAfO) (Norway) [23, p. 74]; the IDA - Information, Documentation and Action Center for Against Xenophobia For a Multicultural Future, which serves as a contact centre for youth associations, organizations, initiatives and professionals involved in working with young people (Germany, Dusseldorf) [24, p. 59-60; 25, p. 89]; In France, during the period from 19751984, 20 vocational information centers for training of French language teachers for teaching migrant children were created. In these centers, teachers were involved in an intercultural approach to education. In 1986, the centers were closed. In the university teaching institutes for teachers' training and in the Mission for the Training of National Education Personnel, training courses, workshops on immigrant culture and the interaction of teachers and parents of pupils in this category of children were organized in the 1980-1990s [26, p. 52-54]. The purpose of this activity was to increase the efficiency of education by organizing teacher familiarization with the culture of immigrant communities.

The socially-reflective component allowed us trace the main difference of the standard teacher's training from the teacher's training to work in a multicultural environment, namely: the teacher as a subject of educational activity has to change him/herself to be prepared for work in a multicultural environment, to get rid of complexes, intolerance, and develop such qualities as psychological flexibility, tolerance, empathy, etc. [27, p. 39-40] Another quality that a multicultural teacher should possess is readiness to assess the cultural differences of the students he teaches and be prepared to use the means and methods that are effective for this specific group. The teacher must have the knowledge of the cultural code of the ethnic groups represented in his class, and be able to convey this knowledge to all members of the student team in order to avoid misunderstandings, bias, and conflicts. In such a way all students can feel involved in the classroom activities and school life, which enables them to feel accepted and their culture appreciated [28, p. 299-302]. All subjects of the educational process should be involved in celebrating diversity, including members of the staff and supporting personnel. Ties established between school and the community were also studied within this component. Such ties help newcomers integrate into the society and realize what they can bring into it [29, p. 123].

The results and prospects of the research The research has revealed an established system of institutions that help implement multiculturalism into education in the countries of Western Europe which were in the scope of our research. These institutions work on eliminating discrepancies in academic results of minority students compared with those of majority students, help teachers disseminate their positive experience of working in an ethnically diverse environment, provide teaching materials and support with methods of teaching. In Norway such centers also help multilingual families learn the Norwegian language. In Germany the center is mainly focused on eliminating xenophobia and racism. In the Netherlands the centers also help teachers and provide help to students who are trained to become teachers. The country that has not established any kind of an institution to support new-coming members of the society and help teachers cope with diversity of the educational environment was France. We did not find any materials proving the existence of such an institution.

The prospects of the research represent the idea that diversity in Europe will increase due to migration, so teachers should be ready to celebrate diversity more and more. According to statistics, new types of migration are developing now, bringing new challenges to teachers. Future is diverse and multicultural. We can argue about the terms used to describe the process of teaching diverse classes but we need to learn to deal with diversity and use it [30, p. 304].


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