Movement to the humanitarisation of the education: main prospectives

Exploring new directions for the development of educational services. Education trend towards globalization. Implementation of the latest technological advances. Expansion of the Ukrainian education market - humanization of the national education system.

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Дата добавления 16.04.2020
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Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine

Movement to the humanitarisation of the education: main prospectives

Candidate of Science (Philology), Associate Professor Kozyreva N. Yu.


The article deals with one of the most significant tendency in the higher educational system development - the humanitarisation of the education. The meaning of such terms, as humanization and humanitarisation is considered in the article. The authors state that in Ukraine, as well as in the other countries, the tendency to the humanitarisation of the education becomes more and more popular. With changing of the economic and political situation in Ukraine, a lot of innovations were introduced into the state educational system as well as to the other spheres of our life. Along with such new directions in the development of national educational services as tendency to the globalisation and introduction of the recent achievements of the technical progress nowadays it is significant to mark one more important process, influencing the progress and expansion of the Ukrainian educational market - the humanitarisation of the national educational system. The process of humanitarisation of the education by no means can be reduced only to the task of the expansion of the informational context of the humanitarian disciplines compering to the professional ones; the purpose of this procedure is to accustom the students to the humanistic values. In connection with this fact, the term “humanitarisation” is usually confused with the “humanization” of the education. Of course, these notions are connected with each other, but they do not identify the same process. Actually, the humanization is the goal of the formation of the personality and the humanitarisation - is the mean of reaching of this purpose. In whole the humanitarisation of the education in the higher school consists in the creation of the new program of the formation and development of the integrity of internal world of the person in the condition of technical civilization of XXI century.

Keywords: humanization, humanitarisation, educational process, innovational activity, globalization, national policy, economic development.


к. філол. н., доцент Козирєва Н. Ю.

Дніпровський національний університет імені О. Гончара, Україна


Стаття присвячена одній з найбільш важливих тенденцій у розвитку системи вищої освіти - гуманітаризації освіти. В статті розглядаються терміни гуманізація та гуманітаризація. Автор статті обґрунтовує тезу про те, що в Україні, як і в інших країнах світу, тенденція до гуманітаризації освіти стає асе більш популярною. Зі зміною економічної та політичної ситуації в Україні багато нововведень було зроблено в державну систему освіти, а також в інші сфери нашого життя. Поряд з такими новими напрямками розвитку національних освітніх послуг, як тенденція до глобалізації та впровадження останніх досягнень технічного прогресу, сьогодні важливо відзначити ще один процес, що впливає на прогрес та розширення українського освітнього ринку - гуманітаризація національної системи освіти. Процес гуманітаризації освіти не може бути обмежений лише завданням розширення інформаційного контексту гуманітарних дисциплін; мета цієї процедури - привчити студентів до гуманістичних цінностей. У зв'язку з цим, термін "гуманітаризація" зазвичай плутається з "гуманізацією" освіти. Звичайно, ці поняття пов'язані один з одним, але вони не ідентифікують один і той же процес. Насправді, гуманізація є метою формування особистості та гуманітаризації - це засіб досягнення цієї мети. У цілому гуманітаризація освіти в вищій школі полягає у створенні нової програми формування і розвитку цілісності внутрішнього світу людини в умовах технічної цивілізації XXI століття.

Ключові слова: гуманізація, гуманітаризація, освітній процес, інноваційна діяльність, глобалізація, національна політика, економічний розвиток.


к. филол. н., доцент Козырева Н. Ю.

Днипровский национальный университет имени О. Гончара


Статья посвящена одной из наиболее важных тенденций в развитии системы высшего образования - гуманитаризации образования. В статье рассмотрены термины гуманизация и гуманитаризация. Авторы обосновывают утверждение, что в Украине, как и в других странах мира, тенденция к гуманитаризации образования становится все более популярной. С изменением экономической и политической ситуации в Украине много нововведений было сделано в государственную систему образования, а также в другие сферы нашей жизни. Наряду с такими новыми направлениями развития национальных образовательных услуг, как тенденция к глобализации и внедрение последних достижений технического прогресса, сегодня важно отметить еще один процесс, влияющий на прогресс и расширение украинского образовательного рынка - гуманитаризация национальной системы образования. Процесс гуманитаризации образования не может быть ограничен только задачей расширение информационного контекста гуманитарных дисциплин; цель этой процедуры - приучить студентов к гуманистическим ценностям. В связи с этим, термин "гуманитаризация" обычно путается с "гуманизацией" образования. Конечно, эти понятия связаны друг с другом, но они не идентифицируют один и тот же процесс. На самом деле, гуманизация является целью формирования личности и гуманитаризация - это средство достижения этой цели. В целом гуманитаризация образования в высшей школе заключается в создании новой программы формирования и развития целостности внутреннего мира человека в условиях технической цивилизации XXI века.

Ключевые слова: гуманизация, гуманитаризация, образовательный процесс, инновационная деятельность, глобализация, национальная политика, экономическое развитие.

Problem statement. With changing of the economic and political situation in Ukraine, a lot of innovations were introduced into the state educational system as well as to the other spheres of our life. Along with such new directions in the development of national educational services as tendency to the globalisation and introduction of the recent achievements of the technical progress nowadays it is significant to mark one more important process, influencing the progress and expansion of the Ukrainian educational market - the humanitarisation of the national educational system.

The analysis of recent publications. According to the dictionary this term means “a system of forms and methods of organization of educational process, allowing making the education an integral part of the formation of the personality”. The researchers mainly worked with the humanization of the education in the other countries [2,3,4,6,9,10,12].

The purpose of the article. In our country, the given notion is mostly identified as the addition of the humanitarian content to the educational programs of higher educational establishments and including of humanitarian disciplines to the approved course of learning branches of the higher school. But, in fact, the notion under research should be considered much broader. The object of the article is the process of humanitarisation of the education. The subject of the article is the peculiarities of the development of this process in our country.

The urgency of the research. The process of humanitarisation of the education by no means can be reduced only to the task of the expansion of the informational context of the humanitarian disciplines compering to the professional ones; the purpose of this procedure is to accustom the students to the humanistic values. The presentation of the main material. In connection with this fact, the term “humanitarisation” is usually confused with the “humanization” of the education. Of course, these notions are connected with each other, but they do not identify the same process. Actually, the humanization is the goal of the formation of the personality and the humanitarisation - is the mean of reaching of this purpose. In whole the humanitarisation of the education in the higher school consists in the creation of the new program of the formation and development of the integrity of internal world of the person in the condition of technical civilization of XXI century. It is directed at the creation of such methods, forms of education and upbringing providing the development of the individuality of students, their cognitive processes and human qualities. So, the basis of teaching technology, according to the abovementioned directive, is the modeling of the real professional situations and the task of teacher is to find the individual approach to the student and to help him\her to choose his\her own system of values.

Humanization of the education- is the tendency, declining the value and dignity of the person, individually- directed technology of the education and upbringing of the personality with high moral principles, his\her effective cooperation with the society, the ideal of which is the humanization principle in all spheres of its activity. Among the main important and significant principles of the humanistic pedagogical study is the personality principle and according to it, the basic task of every humanistic science is the formation of the code of appropriate conditions for the development of student as well as the teacher.

Humanitarisation of the education is the inspiration and democratization of the intersociety relations (especially between students and teachers), introduction of the --pedagogy of collaboration” to the educational process, individualization of the education and upbringing, development of the artistic potential in the students, formation of humanistic feelings, orientation in their character. Humanitarisation of the education - is, first of all, the fight for the keeping of person's --humanity” in our world overloaded with technical inventions. The humanization is connected with the development of personality, declaration of the individualities' dignity, love and respect to the other people and the Humanitarisation of the education is, mainly, the tendency, which is connected to the deepening of the interrelations between the education and human society, human being, culture, and adaptation of the personality in the existing world conditions. The system-formation factor of the higher education is the humanization (the development of the personality). Within such influential formations as UNESKO, Economic cooperation and development organization etc. it is forming the new direction of the higher educational establishment development -- Humanitarisation of the universities. The university of new type forms encyclopedically intelligent personality [11].

It is known, that the economic education is the humanitarian one because the object of its study is the economic aspect of the human activity at different levels of his\her organization. Economic activity of the person is a part of its general development, so the humanitarian knowledge (philosophy, psychology, history, cultural studies, law etc.) is not only cultural knowledge, but also an organic element [2, p.4]. Humanitarian character of the business education identifies the special, humanitarian character of knowledge, functioning in it. It means that one of the most prominent features of its knowledge is the special form of the existing of the reality. The reality in this case can be described as the way of the integration of different connected with each other results of the education, and each of them exists within the personality-oriented individual consciousness [8, p.45-46]. So, the humanitarian character of business education demands in the educational process the appealing to the personality and its inner world, to the processes of person's understanding of the world and social- cultural background.

It is important to state, that in Western economic science the appealing to the human nature is, mainly, the rule, but not an exception. As for the national scientists, today they are proved the necessity of creation of the new direction -- the economic anthropology [11, p.107].

The necessity of the using of humanitarian methodology in the administration of the higher educational establishments is also obvious; it is connected with the specialty of the administration of the social-economic systems, stating the phenomenon of the management hermeneutics. It is in the integrity and the organic combination of the object and subjects. It is important to implement the reorientation of the ideology of leading executive bodies from the technocratic (subject-independent) to the humanistic (subject-oriented) approach that can fasten the process of the humanization of human resources management and the professional education system management. However, today, XXI century is admitted to be a century of humane culture, knowledge on the basis of which the humanity can mount technocratic approach in the procedure of comprehension of world, its changes [12].

Modern higher technological education has the most important social function: formation of an all-round skilled specialist with well-balanced high professionalism, intelligence, creative approach to solve issues, high social activity and responsibility for economic-ecological and human cost of engineering and technological developments. As the aim of the modern higher engineering education is not only fundamental training of a specialist but a formation of his professional, social and psychological, creative and personal features, it makes difference of the role of Humanities position in hierarchy of education courses[12].

The Ukrainian higher educational system is mostly due to the integration of this process into the world educational space. Such factors as multilevel educational structure formation, educational standards development, which are relevant to requirements of modern civilized development, tendency of fundamentalization and humanization of engineering education determine the necessity of integrated examination of issues to train a specialist at engineering and technology in the framework of occupational mobility and competitive ability as well as in the framework of his development as social and humanity-based person. Competitive ability ensuring of a young specialist in the modern labour market may exist, if a level in the profession- oriented training of a future engineer meets his willingness to independent qualitative solvation of actual workplace multicriteria problems. Therefore, the humanistic component of higher engineering education should be strengthened rather than to have a new matrix, foundation, paradigm where a new design of the modern Russian higher engineering education will be based. Such of issue can be available to solve for engineering universities as their status supposes that students obtain universal knowledge - professional, personal and communicative - which service a base for the alumni's competitive ability [12].

In Ukraine, as well as in the other countries, the tendency to the humanitarisation of the education becomes more and more popular. In many higher educational establishments of our country students are taught different humanitarian disciplines even at the technical departments. For example, philosophy, history, cultural studies, foreign language, social studies, Ukrainian and foreign literature etc. “Educational process directly takes into account humanitarian principles: overcoming of technocratism;

combining of logical and historical, social and individual, education and upbringing, adding the human-forming character to the process of education”[3, p.7]. Besides that, there are many scientific research institutes of the Ukrainian language, Eastern European researches, world economy and international relations etc. All created humanitarian institutes are working at the edition of the textbooks, reference books for the higher schools.

There is an issue for higher education institutions under contemporary conditions: to train the modern professionals to have advanced and creative skills for working with social and cultural knowledge, including to master and develop their intelligence and cultural level perfectly, to achieve moral and physical perfection of their personality. This task is quietly difficult, for single institutions - unreachable [12].

The process of humanitarisation of the education became popular all over the world. Nowadays in the Ukrainian educational system we can also find several tendencies towards this world-wide direction. First of all, it is changing of the classical model of educational system, development of new fundamental teaching ideas, and creation of experimental and alternative schools. Secondly, the contemporary education can be considered as the moving towards the integration to the world culture: to the democratization of schools, creation of lifelong education, computerization and humanization of education. And, thirdly, it is important to mention the renovation and development of the national, Ukrainian educational traditions.

Conclusions and prospectives. Taking into consideration all abovementioned information, it is possible to reach the following conclusion: the humanitarisation of the education becomes one of the most significant tendencies in the development of the national educational system. But, the same as the other innovations and reformations of our life, this process has its positive as well as negative features, because professional skills that university students should be taught are undoubtedly of the first-priority if we want to train the qualified specialists. So, the task of the administrator of the higher educational establishment is to identify what are the main advantages of the humanitarisation and how they can be implemented into the educational process of the given higher school and what are the bad sides of this tendency and how to avoid them in the running of educational establishment. And, finally, it is important to understand “the middle ground” and to find the compromise between the classical traditions of our educational system and the newest ones.

educational globalization humanization


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