Multiple intelligence approach: re-framing teaching and learning

Analysis of the theory of the many intelekt yak іnnovatsіyniy way іn wіkladannyа and vivchennya English. Variety of lessons in English, teaching to students of all types of intellect more and more to academic achievement and academic achievement.

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Multiple intelligence approach: re-framing teaching and learning

O.V. Budilova

У статті розглядається теорія множинного інтелекту як інноваційний спосіб викладання та вивчення англійської мови як іноземної. Велику увагу приділено теоретичним засадам і практичному впровадженню цієї теорії.

Прийнято вважати, що викладання англійської на сучасному етапі потребує багато переосмислення. Необхідно вийти за межі лише мови як такої та задовольняти різноманітні потреби учнів. Це передбачає врахування різних здібностей, або інтелектів, властивих учням і того, як їх можна розвивати на уроках англійської мови як іноземної. Засновники теорії множинного інтелекту запропонували вісім основних типів інтелекту, кожен з яких, хоча й може бути дуже далеким від суто лінгвістичних, може бути інтегрованим у вивчення англійської мови на сучасному етапі шкільної освіти. Кожен тип інтелекту описується та підтверджується відповідними прикладами можливих шляхів його інтеграції у викладання та вивчення англійської мови. Отже, є необхідність у дослідженні, аналізі та визначенні стратегій упровадження теорії множинного інтелекту в програму середньої освіти. Ця теорія не лише є потужнім інструментом у інноваційному викладанні англійської, але й ресурсом, який значно розширює свідомість не лише учнів, але й учителів, адже він вимагає нового способу мислення та планування уроків. Глибоке розуміння того, як працює ця теорія, може зробити безцінний внесок у сучасне викладання англійської мови та значно розмаїтити уроки англійської мови, відкриваючи учням із різними типами інтелекту все більше шляхів до академічної успішності та життєвого успіху.

Ключові слова: англійська як іноземна, викладання англійської, теорія множинного інтелекту, інтеграція навичок.

В статье рассматривается теория множественного интеллекта как инновационный способ преподавания и изучения английского языка как иностранного. Большое внимание уделяется теоретическим основам и практическому применению этой теории.

Принято считать, что преподавание английского языка на современном этапе требует существенного переосмысления. Необходимо выйти за рамки только языка как такового и удовлетворять разнообразные потребности учащихся. Это подразу-мевает учет разных особенностей, или интеллектов, свойственных учащихся и того, как их можно развивать на уроках английского языка как иностранного. Основатели теории множественного интеллекта предложили восемь основным типов интеллекта, каждый из которых, хотя и может быть весьма далеким от сугубо лингвистических, может быть интегрирован в изучение английского языка на современном этапе школьного образования. Каждый тип интеллекта описывается и подтверждается соответствующими примерами возможных путей его интеграции в преподавание и изучение английского языка. Таким образом, есть необходимость в исследовании, анализе и определении стратегий внедрения теории множественного интеллекта в программу среднего образования. Будучи мощным инструментом в инновационном преподавании английского, данная теория является ресурсом, который значительно расширяет сознание не только учащихся, но и учителей, ибо он требует нового способа мышления и планирования уроков. Глубокое понимание того, как работает эта теория, может внести неоценимый вклад в современное преподавание английского языка и существенно разнообразить уроки английского, открывая учащимся с разными типами интеллекта все больше путей к академической успешности и жизненного успеха.

Ключевые слова: английский как иностранный, преподавание английского, теория множественного интеллекта, интеграция навыков.

intelligence learning multiple

The article touches on Multiple Intelligence approach as an innovative way to teach and learn English in the ESL classroom. A big focus is placed on the theoretical background and practical implementation of this approach.

It is commonly believed that teaching English in modern environment needs a lot of re-thinking and re-framing. This is supposed to go beyond the frames of the language only and address various learners' needs. It implies keeping in mind different abilities, or intelligences, learners have and how they can be targeted in the ESL classroom. The founders of Multiple Intelligence approach introduced eight main types of intelligence, each of which, though possibly being pretty far from pure linguistic ones, can be integrated into an English lesson at the modern stage of school education. Each type of intelligence is described and supported by appropriate examples of possible ways to integrate it into teaching and learning English. Thus, there is a need to explore, analyze and define the strategies for implementing Multiple Intelligence approach into modern secondary education. Alongside being a powerful innovative tool for teaching English, this approach has proved to be mind-expanding not only for students, but also for teachers, as it requires new patterns of thinking and lesson planning. A profound understanding of how this theory work may make an invaluable contribution into modern English teaching and significantly diversify English language activities, opening students with various types of intelligence more and more ways to academic excellence and life success.

Keywords: ESL classroom, English teaching, Multiple Intelligence Approach, skills integration.

As English is commonly recognized as the language ofintemational communication, its teaching and learning have become an indispensable part of every school curriculum and an everyday life of most people. However, present-day schoolchildren may often lack motivation for learning English due to the fact that their educational needs are neglected in the classroom. This phenomenon is more and more realized by many teachers, who are currently looking for the ways to bring teaching English to a new level.

In this regard, Howard Gardner introduced the so-called Multiple Intelligence approach, which state that “people have several intelligences which formed in blending intelligence” [2, p.56]. According to Berman, the theory of Multiple Intelligence comprises eight types of intelligence, each of which implies eight learning and, consequently, teaching styles. In view of this, “armed with the knowledge and application of the multiple intelligences, teachers can ensure they provide enough variety in the activities they use so that as much of their pupils' learning potential can be tapped as possible” [1, p.25].

Leaning on the theoretical background of Multiple Intelligence approach, it can be inferred that Gardner identifies eight main types of human intelligence [4, p.133]:

Linguistic, which has to do with words, either written or spoken. Students with this type of intelligence are typically good at reading, writing, telling stories and memorizing words along with dates and tend to learn best by reading, taking notes, listening to lectures, and discussion and debate. This type of intelligence can be integrated into the English lesson via various exercises. For instance, a used to construction can be introduced this way: “Jessica used to live in California. She used to have a lot of friends and a good job, but once she understood that she wanted something new. She went to Scotland andfell in love with this country. Did she use to have a boyfriend? No, she was single. She didn't use to work in a bookshop in California, but in Scotland she found job there. One day she met an owner of the bookshop and soon they were in love. Her life changed forever!” As we see, students process used to in statements, negations and exclamatory sentences. Besides, their attention is paid to the opposition used to - Past Simple Tense.

Logical-Mathematical, which places emphasis on traditional mathematical ability and more reasoning capabilities, abstract patterns of recognition, scientific thinking and investigation, and the ability to perform complex calculations. It strongly correlates with traditional concepts of “intelligence” or IQ. This type of intelligence may be introduces via exercises requiring the use of logic, analytical skills and creative thinking, e.g. error correction:

I'm like to enquire for a reservation I made. (I'd like)

I was wandering if that would be possible. (correct)

Would there be any chances of getting the same price for the following weekend? (any chance)

Do you mind me asking what your name is? (correct)

Bodily kinesthetic, whereby students learn best by using muscular movement and physical action. In this case, a good choice for a teacher may be a demonstration guessing game or a role play. Using a ball or something to hold in the hands may also be a good idea to integrate this type of intelligence into the lesson.

Musical, which based on rhythm, music and hearing. Normally, students who have a high level of musical-rhythmic intelligence display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music. They normally have good pitch and may even have absolute pitch, and are able to sing, play musical instruments, and compose music. Such students may greatly benefit from such exercises as post-listening discussion and summarizing grammar rules, or gap filling while-listening to a song, for instance:

Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock

Jingle bells swing and jingle bells .

and blowing up bushels of fun

Now the jingle hop has

Interpersonal, which is related to interacting with others. Students who have high interpersonal intelligence tend to be extrovert, characterized their sensitivity to others' moods, feelings, temperaments and motivations, and their ability to cooperate in order to work as part of a group. They communicate effectively and emphatic easily with others, and may be either leaders or followers. They typically learn best by working with others and often enjoy discussion and debate. In order to integrate this type of intelligence into the lesson, teachers are recommended to opt for project work, for example “Set up your own business”, “Solutions to environmental problems in our country”, “Open up a brand-new local shop”, “A weekend in our city for a foreign pen pal”.

Intrapersonal, which is characterized by introspective and self-reflective capacities. People with intrapersonal intelligence are intuitive and typically introverted. They are skillful at deciphering their own feelings and motivations. This refers to having a deep understanding of the self; identifying strengths or weaknesses, traits that make people unique, trying predict own reactions or emotions. In this case, a good option can be a for-and-against essay seeking to highlight advantages and disadvantages of something, or an opinion essay seeking to provide solid arguments supporting students' opinions.

Spatial/Visual, having to do with visualizing things. A person who has spatial intelligence has sensitivity with form, color, shape, space and line. The ability to solve the problems related to the notion of space such as using a map to locate a place in a city or drawing a floor plan are example of spatial intelligence. To promote spatial/ visual intelligence in the ESL classroom, a teacher may resort to using visual aid, such as pictures and/or video-clips. Besides, a good idea could be to get the students do matching exercises using pictures. For example, if the topic of the lesson is Relationships, the teacher may use appropriate pictures to match them to the following stages of relationships:

Falling in love and dating Proposal and engagement Wedding

Naturalist, which is associated with experiencing the world through different pieces of nature, such as animals, plants, minerals. Although it may seem to be hard to integrate this type of intelligence into the English lesson, the teacher may definitely use stories about nature and animals, or run a lesson outdoors getting the students describe what they see here and now. Furthermore, this activity may be good for revising Present Continuous.

Even though Multiple Intelligence approach typically counts eight types of intelligence, Gardner recently formulated the so-called existential intelligence, which is closely connected with the idea of discussing global issues, such as the last day of the Earth or the manifestations of good and evil, etc. The integration of this type of intelligence into the lesson may involve mechanisms similar to those used for inter- and intrapersonal intelligence, and the exercises may often resemble an opinion essay.

In one of his works, Thomas Armstrong summarized all types of intelligence and suitable exercises and activities for these types to be implemented [5, p.67]:

In connection with the aforementioned, teaching English in the 21st century should seek to go beyond the language focus and promote a multiple-skill development, whereby Multiple Intelligence approach comes to the rescue. Creating a multidisciplinary environment significantly enhances students' motivation for language learning, as it provides means for addressing their educational needs. Multiple Intelligence approach has a strong potential for involving most (if not) all students into learning and making English lesson a beneficial experience. Thus, the integration of different types of intelligence students possess is intended to promote academic excellence and life success.

Type of Intelligence

Areas of Interest

Teaching Materials

Teaching Activities


Reading, stories, writing, word games

Books, magazines, newspapers

Discussions, storytelling, presentations, reports



Puzzles, questioning, quizzes

Computer, interactive whiteboard, quiz-based exercises

Gap-filling, matching, error correction


Singing, playing, tapping, etc.

Songs, musical instruments, jazz chants

Gap-filling, making up music-based stories



Running, jumping, dancing, moving around

Physical games, sports- related activities

Running dictation, mingling, competitive games


Organizing, leading, mediating

Questioners, surveys

Group work, pair work, collaborative games


Setting goals, planning, reflecting

Reflective materials

Individual work, personal goal setting



Drawing, visualization, designing

Charts, illustrated stories, art, movies

Illustrating concepts, making art projects


Playing with animals, environment

Outdoor lesson, nature- related stories

Classifying objects of the nature, observation

Multiple Intelligence Approach in Action


Berman, M. Multiple Intelligences Road to an ELT Classroom. Bencyfelin: Crown House., 1998.

Gardner, H. Multiple Intelligences: The Theory in Practice. 2nd ed., ASCD, 2000.

Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching. 3rd ed., Longman, 2002.

Ma'mun, Nadiah. “The Use of Multiple Intelligence Approach in The Teaching of English for Young Learner.” Teaching English for Young Learners in Indonesia: From Policy to Classroom, 10 July 2012, pp. 131-138.

Richards, Jack C. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

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