Continuity in educational environment as a psychological and pedagogical problem

Modern processes of updating the education in Ukraine. The problem of establishing continuity at the state level between pre-school and primary school establishments. The introduction of continuity in the system of general educational institution.

Рубрика Педагогика
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Дата добавления 16.03.2020
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Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Valerii BUDAK

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


Modern processes of updating the education in Ukraine predetermine large-scale transformations in the system of pedagogical vocational education, oriented on the strategy of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. In this context, a significant rote belongs to institutions of higher education that are responsible for training pedagogical staff, in particularfuture educators of pre-school institutions and primary school teachers.

Ensuring that a child acquires qualitative education depends on the implementation of a group of principles, one of which is the principle of continuity in education between adjacent levels of education, in particular preschool and primary. continuity education school institution

The problem of continuity in education is not new. Today, the problem of establishing continuity at the state level between pre-school and primary school establishments becomes urgent, as well as it is important to determine the forms of pre-school education of children who do not attend pre-school establishments and various early development schools.

There is a need for further consideration of continuity both in institutions of preschool education and secondary schools, and also the introduction of continuity in the system of «general educational institution - institution of higher education», especially as for a future citizinen upbringing. It is only experience that helps to form the character, that is, it is necessary to take into account the previous life experience of the child, in particular, in the assimilation of educational values.

Examples of the concept of «succession» and the notion «continuity in learning» as a didactic principle, as a psychological category, etc. are given.

The following directions of the principle of continuity implementation in the activities of the first levels of the education system are considered. They are scientific and theoretical, educational, research and practical, organizational and managerial.

The argumentation on the most favorable conditions for the implementation of the principle of continuity through the provision of activity of educational complexes is given.

In the research, teachers came to the conclusion that the problem of continuity cannot be limited to a general school, because the school is only the first stage of general youth preparation for work. Then there is a need to study the problem of continuity between the individual levels, the stages of the entire education system.

One of the most important directions for implementing continuity in school-based learning and High school institutions, taking into account the requirements of the New Ukrainian School, is the development of future specialist personal qualities.

Keywords: continuity, educational process, preschool education, elementary school education, vocational education.


Валерий Будак. Преемственность в образовании как психолого-педагогическая проблема

В статье освещается актуальность преемственности в образовательном процессе, акцентируется внимание на взаимосвязи учебно-воспитательного процесса между учреждением дошкольного образования и начальной школой. Преемственность - это условие беспрерывного образования детей дошкольного и младшего школьного возраста на уровне целей, заданий и принципов отбора ее содержания соответственно определенным эффективным психолого-педагогическим условиям, которые необходимы ребенку для нового шага в собственном развитии.

Ключевые слова: преемственность, учебный процесс, дошкольное образование, начальное образование, профессиональное образование.


Валерій Будак. Наступність в освіті як психолого-педагогічна проблема

Стаття висвітлює питання актуальності проблеми наступності між дошкільною та початковою ланками освіти. Акцентується увага на місії закладів вищої освіти у підготовці майбутніх фахівців.

Розглядаються погляди науковців на поняття «наступності», розкриваються її зміст та особливості. Визначено пріоритетні напрямки дослідження проблеми в навчанні й вихованні.

Наступність - це зв'язок між різними етапами розвитку, яка розкривається у послідовності та системності розміщення навчального матеріалу, узгодженості ступенів й етапів навчально-виховного процесу.

Наступність виявляється шляхом зіставлення та логічного аналізу змісту, форм, методів і засобів викладання, подолання комплексу дидактичних, соціальних, психологічних і педагогічних проблем для попередження уповільнення адаптації дитини до нового соціального і навчального середовища, зниження успішності та якості знань, виникнення психологічних деструктивних явищ

Визначено, що однією з ключових позицій у забезпеченні наступності в освітньому процесі посідає зв'язок змісту дошкільної і початкової освіти. Саме це вимагає пошуку нових підходів до успішного розв'язання завдань безперервної освіти в Україні на перших її етапах: у дошкільному навчальному закладі та початковій школі.

Ключові слова: наступність, навчальний процес, дошкільна освіта, початкова освіта, професійна освіта.

The main text

Modern processes of updating the education in Ukraine predetermine large-scale transformations in the system of pedagogical vocational education, oriented on the strategy of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. In this context, a significant role belongs to institutions of higher education that are responsible for training pedagogical staff, in particular future educators of pre-school institutions and primary school teachers.

This is noted in the normative educational documents: the National Doctrine of the Development of Education of Ukraine in the 21st Century, the Laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Higher Education», the State National Program «Education» (Ukraine XXI Century), the Concept of National Education for Student Youth, The Conceptual Principles of the Development of Ukrainian Pedagogical Education and its Integration into the European Educational Space, the Naional Strategy for the Development of Education of Ukraine for the period up to 2021, the Concept of the New Ukrainian School, etc.

With the transition of general secondary education to new terms, structure and content of training, the question of finding ways to ensure the holistic development of personality at different levels of education is actualized [9, 1].

Ensuring that a child acquires qualitative education depends on the implementation of a group of principles, one of which is the principle of continuity in education between adjacent levels of education, in particular pre-school and primary.

The problem of continuity in the training of future specialists acquired special urgency and timeliness in the pedagogical practice. In the National Doctrine of Education for Ukraine in the 21st Century is argued that education should be ensured by the continuity of the content and coordination of educational work in all branches of it. Consequently, the state declared the fundamental importance of education in the process of formation a personality in its individual development.

The problem of continuity in education is not new. Today, the problem of establishing continuity at the state level between pre-school and primary school establishments becomes urgent, as well as it is important to determine the forms of pre-school education of children who do not attend pre-school establishments and various early development schools. One of the nine components of the educational policy of the New Ukrainian School proclaims childhood centering and values formation process of education. It is only experience that helps to form the character, that is, it is necessary to take into account the previous life experience of the child, in particular, in the assimilation of educational values.

Thus, the educational process is an integral part of the whole educative process, which is oriented towards universal values, in particular moral and ethical (dignity, honesty, justice, care, respect for life, respect for oneself and other people) and socio-political (freedom, democracy, cultural diversity, respect for native language and culture, patriotism, respect for the environment, respect for the law, solidarity, responsibility) [19, 7].

The realization of the main tasks of modern education takes place through the use of the principles of continuity and prospecting. «In case of common, traditional education to teach a person for life is impossible not only in a good school, but also in the best university, because knowledge gained in an educational institution will not necessarily be relevant in life, and vice versa, there will be new knowledge, without the mastering of which the specialist will not be effective, that is, will lose its competitiveness» [12, 4].

Consequently, the task of a person of a new generation formation raises the need to consider the problems of implementing the principle of continuity in the educational environment of the whole educational level - the institution of preschool education, a general educational institution, professional educational institutions, institutions of higher education.

Historical and philosophical, general and scientific, psychological and pedagogical and methodical foundations of the introduction of continuity are covered in the writings of many well-known scholars. Thus, the problem of continuity in general didactics is studied by A. Aleksiuk, S. Goncharenko, I. Zyazyun, V. Kozakov, V. Onyshchuk, P. Pidlasiy, etc. In the pedagogy of professional education they are S. Batyshev, Belyaeva, R. Gurevich, G. Gutorov, O. Dubynchuk, V. Lykhachem, M. Makhmutov, N. Nichkalo and others. Continuity in the theory of educational content is represented by V. Ginetsynskyi, L. Zorina, I. Kozlov- ska, V. Ledniova, I. Lerner, M. Scatkin, E. Smetanskyi and others. Continuity of education is highlighted in the works of Yu. Babanskyi, V. Basharina, V. Bezpalko, Godnika, A. Kyveryalga, O. Kobernyk, Yu. Kustova, V. Sydorenko, G. Tereshchuk, D. Tkhorzhevskyi, Chernilevskyi, D. Yagafarova and others. Methodological aspects of continuity are studied by O. Antonov, E. Baller, L. Depenchuk, M. Iovchuk, S. Kolesnykov, Z. Mukashev, I. Ogorodnyk, I. Stogniy, V. Rubanov).

The problem of continuity of general education and professional training of vocational schools students was considered in studies of A. Batarsheva, S. Batisheva, V. Bezrukova, R. Gurevych, V. Likhach, Dubynchuk, M. Makhmutova, A. Pinskyi and Melnykov and other teachers who have developed a system of vocational education specific training principles that ensure the interconnection of general and vocational education.

Various aspects of the problem of continuity between preschool and school education are characterized in a number of theses works: formation of elementary mathematical representations (I. Popova, O. Proskura), aesthetic education (A. Aronina), educational work (V. Lykova), visual activities (R. Afanasyev, Ya. Chernetsky), musical education (S. Kolesny- kov), labor education (L. Dashkivska, V. Kolesnykova, M. Mashovets), game activities (N. Kudykina), acquaintance with nature (T. Kovalchuk, V. Lysenko, Strunnikova), ecological education (L. Ishchenko), continuity in studies (O. Kocherga, G. Nazarenko, O. Proskura, V. Prokopenko) and others. Artemova, G. Belenka, A. Bohush, Z. Borysova, L. Wenger, T. Gushchyna, V. Davydov, D. Elkonin, O. Zaporozhets, N. Kyrdyaeva, O. Kovalenko, O. Kononko, V. Kotyrlo, V. Kuz, A. Kurlat, G. Lublinska, V. Markova, T. Ponimanska, N. Ponomarieva, Z. Plokhii, O. Pros- kura, O. Savchenko, T. Stepanova, L. Shynkareva and others are directly related to the study of the problem of continuity between the preschool and the primary education.

The problem of continuity takes its origins from the distant past. This issue was studied by classical educators, in particular: J. Locke, D. Diderot, Ya. Ko- menskyi, Y. Pestalozzi, A. Disterveg, K. Ushynskyi.

Y. Komenskyi and Y. Pestalozzi payed great attention to the problem of continuity. In the book «Great Didactics» Y. Komensky drew attention to the fact that from the beginning the basis of general education should be provided, that is the educational material should be distributed so that the next lessons did not introduce anything new, but represent only a certain development of the acquired knowledge in their details.

Ya. Komenskyi noted that the learning process is a holistic way of knowledge, of the continuous development of diverse knowledge of a single root. Each new knowledge is the result of joining, a kind of building-up to the previously acquired knowledge of the students. He emphasized: «All training should be in such a way that the next is always based on the previous, and the previous is fixed to the following... The scientific work of the whole life should be so distributed as to form one encyclopedia in which everything should follow from the general root and stand on his place» [11, 278-279]. «Everything that has a connection, teach in connection» - so formulated his position on this issue Ya. Komenskyi [11, 6].

Y. Pestalozzi saw continuity in the development of nature: «Bring in your consciousness, all essentially interconnected subjects in the very connection in which they are really in nature. In each field, place knowledge in such a sequence, so that each subsequent concept includes a small one, almost imperceptible adjunct, which became unforgettable, deeply rooted in previous knowledge- [23]. Disterveg emphasized: «Since mental development is associated with the law of graduality, then education must adhere to this principle...» [7, 359].

Historically, the statement of the problem coincided with the inclusion of systematic training in the form of classes into kindergartens. The psychological prerequisite for continuity is the inner community of two periods of childhood - preschool and primary school age, which D. Elkonin spoke earlier in the 1970's. He believed that children 3-10 years should live together in a single life, developing and studying in a single educational space.

It is worth mentioning that L. Vygotskyi said that the education of a child begins long before entering the school: «... school education never begins with a blank place, and always relies on a certain stage of development, performed by the child before joining the school» [4].

K. Ushinsky gave a special role to succession in the education and upbringing of children. K. Ushinsky defined necessary conditions for the organization of teaching children as the establishment of a connection between the methods and content of training in preschool and school education, new and previously acquired knowledge.

According to V. Sukhomlinskyi: «Progressive learning is, on the one hand, a thorough preparation of students for the acquisition of new knowledge, and, on the other hand, the teacher's ability is to present new material relying on the knowledge already schoolchildren have, to develop and improve them» [28, 19].

V. Sukhomlinskyi considered the possibility of solving many educational problems through the principle of continuity. One of the conditions for solving the problem of continuity, he saw in the organization of a certain work of pre-school and school teachers, pointing out: «It is necessary for the teacher to know each child, to study the individual peculiarities of his/ her perception, thinking and mental work, the year before school starts.» [29, 19]

At the same time, V. Sukhomlynskyi argued, «The unsolved issue remains i.e. when it is most expedient to begin the study of grammar, when the child sat at the school desk and became a student of the first class, or maybe a little earlier, in preschool years» [29, 92]

As to the content of continuity, the teacher adhered to the following thought: «...The school should not make a sharp change in the lives of children. Let, as being a student, the child continues to do what he did yesterday. Let the new appear in his/her life gradually and not strangling new impressions» [29, 92].

In the pedagogical legacy of V. Sukhomlynskyi we find valuable guidance on the continuity principles implementation and promising of pre-school and primary school education. The scientist especially emphasizes on the preparation of future class-teacher to work with first-graders.

According to O. Savchenko, V. Sukhomlynskyi in the 50's of the XX century. practically solved the problem of continuity by opening the «School of Joy» - «A School under a Blue Sky» at Pavlyshska School, in which he first began to teach his six-year-olds.

O. Savchenko mentions that following the principles of humanistic pedagogy which he has laid down, it is much easier to solve the problem of continuity and promising in the education and upbringing of preschoolers and elementary school students [26, 5].

We should note that continuity as an existing fact stated L. Wenger, who singled out two directions of the value of continuity. They are the value of continuity is that the achievement of the previous stage is necessary for the initial formation of new types of practical and cognitive activity, in the only context of which the next degree can be formed; secondly, the fact that the mastering of each new type of means of perceptual actions can not be carried out without the use of the means which the child possessed at the previous stage [3, 184-185].

Continuity of the content and technology of teaching in a secondary and vocational school is researched by R. Gurevych. Considering the category of continuity, he proceeds from the notion of «pedagogical system», which combines the categories of succession of general and vocational education in a single definition. It consists of the following components: goals, means, organizational forms of education and upbringing. Following this approach,

R. Gurevych emphasizes: «... the continuity in educational activities should be understood as the establishment of such relationships between the goals, content, methods, means, organizational forms of this activity at the successive stages of education and training, which enable to build each new stage with support to the past experience of the student and thus facilitate their adaptation to the conditions of study in the next class or in a new educational institution» [6, 53]. In this approach one can study the relations of continuity between the individual components.

From the standpoint of the theory of cognition (gnoseology), the continuity is based on the fact that in each relative, there are truly elements of absolute truth, which are manifested by the degree of penetration into its depth, the discovery of the fundamental principles of being.

Continuity as a psychological category is revealed through the connection between different states or stages of development, the essence of which consists in the preservation of certain elements of the whole or separate parts of the organization in the transition of one stage to another and in general with any other qualitative changes [8, 45]

Consequently, in the philosophical and general scientific sense, the continuity is the connection between different stages of development, marked by systemicity, direction, irreversibility [14, 50].

As a social phenomenon, continuity means the connection between different stages of development of society, its culture, science, education [31, 8].

In pedagogy, there are different approaches to determining continuity in studying. Continuity is proposed to be interpreted as a universal pedagogical category, which ensures the coherence and interconnection of the adjacent stages, stages of pedagogical activity and confirms the continuity of the education system (O. Vashulenko); the general and didactic principle (O. Andriyanchyk, S. Godnyk, Yu. Kustov, O. Moroz, V. Cherkasov A. Bushlya, S. Hanelin, V. Zag- vyazinsky, N. Postalyuk); a condition for ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process (V. Onush- kin); general pedagogical regularity (Yu. Kustov, N. Oleynyk, D. Sytdikova, etc.); the principle of continuous education (S. Godnyk, V. Tamarin), the methodological principle (O.Kiveryalg, V.Revtovich, J. Umborg, etc.).

S. Goncharenko determines the continuity in study as sequence and systematic in the placement of the teaching material, the connection and consistency of the stages and periods of the educational process. It is carried out in the transition from one lesson to the next one (i.e., in the system of lessons), from one year of study to the next one. Achievement of continuity in school practice is ensured by methodically and psychologically grounded building of programs, textbooks, observance of the sequence of movement from simple to more complex in the study and organization of students independent work and in general by the whole system of methodical means [5, 227].

According to I. Pererezhko, the problem of continuity in education is a problem of ensuring comfortable conditions for a qualitatively new stage of development of a child and disclosure of his or her potential. The principle of continuity in education means coherence and interconnection of all stages of the educational process. The implementation of the principle of continuity guarantees the integrity and unity of the educational process [22, 7].

V. Galuziak and M. Smetanskyi point out that the principle of continuity reflects the pattern according to which education is carried out through values, needs that have already been formed in the structure of the child's personality. Therefore, the implementation of continuity involves the organization of education, in which each educational work is a continuation of the previous one, «brings the student to a higher level of development, and provides a transition from simple to more complex forms of behavior» [21, 145].

N. Moiseyuk understands the principle of continuity in education as «the passing of a number of stages during which the content and directions of development of those entities gradually become more complex and diversified, which in general form an integral system of personality characteristics» [15, 394].

In addition, M. Fitsula notes that the implementation of the principle of continuity in the upbringing of behavioral habits involves the development of a system of sequential educational activities and excludes their accidental, episodic nature [30, 244].

Continuity is manifested through the comparison and logical analysis of the content, forms, methods and means of teaching, overcoming the complex of didactic, social, psychological and pedagogical problems to prevent the slowdown of adaptation of the child to the new social and educational environment, decrease in the success and quality of knowledge, the emergence of psychological destructive phenomena [20,9].

This is possible due to compliance with:

1. the connection and the relationship between the components of a particular educational branch at different stages of learning;

2. the relationship of methods and forms of learning;

3. increasing requirements for the effectiveness of training, upbringing, personal development [32, 102].

T. Ponimanska indicated that continuity ensures a gradual transition to a new age, a combination of the experience acquired by the child with the previous one. On the one hand, this is the focus of educational work in a kindergarten on the compliance with the requirements that will be put forward in elementary school, and on the other hand is the support for an elementary school teacher on the level of development achieved at the preschool institution and the family: knowledge, skills and experience of children, and active use of them in further education. Continuity forms the optimal space for the implementation in a pedagogical process in kindergarten and a school of a unified, dynamic and perspective system of education and training. The problem of availability is associated with the problem of continuing education. If continuity in elementary school means taking into account the previous level of development of children, the resistance to it, then the availability of studying in a preschool institution is to determine the priority areas for the preparation of children to school. Continuity is a prerequisite for the continuity of learning i.e. the school takes into account acquired level of knowledge, skills and abilities of children, focusing on their further development [25].

According to A. Bohush, continuity is the awareness of the teachers of the initial level of education with the programs and methods of teaching and upbringing of children in a preschool institution, their results in order to take into account the knowledge gained in the further work of the elementary school [2, 21].

Investigating the problem of implementation of the principle of continuity in the activities of the first level of the system of continuous education, scientists (A. Bohush, O. Savchenko) determine the following directions:

- scientific and theoretical - scientific substantiation, development and implementation of the concept of activity aimed at the development of a child;

- educational - the implementation of graduate education, starting with preschool institutions, ensuring the continuity of standards, programs, curricula of preschool institutions and schools, their coordination and optimization;

- research and practical - approbation of author's works, new forms and methods of working with children in the educational process of a preschool and school institution;

- organizational and managerial - organization and planning of the work of preschool and secondary school education institution, coordination of activities of all educational establishments.

As a result of the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature we can conclude that scientists consistently understand:

- organic connection of general physical and spiritual development on the border of preschool and school childhood, internal readiness to transition from one level of development to the higher one;

- interconnection in the content of the educational process;

- continuity in the forms and methods of training;

- readiness of children to study at school; adaptation to new living conditions, perspective relationships between age groups;

- a necessary condition for the continuous education of children of preschool and primary school age at the level of goals, objectives and principles for selecting its content in accordance with the identified effective psychological and pedagogical conditions necessary for the child for making a new step in his/her own development [10].

Considering the psychological and pedagogical aspect of the problem of continuity, domestic scientists (Z. Borysova, V. Gurska, O. Kyrychuk, F. She- lukhin) distinguish three directions of its provision in the work of kindergarten and school.

The first direction is connected with all educational work in the kindergarten, which is aimed at the general preparation of a child for schooling.

The second direction involves the special training of children to those subjects that they will study in elementary school.

The third direction of continuity in the work of the kindergarten and the school is, on the one hand, the interaction of the preschool and general school institutions, and on the other hand it is the joint activities of the school, kindergarten and parents in preparing children for schooling [16].

According to many scholars (A. Bogush, V. Kuz, D. Strunnikova, L. Yakymenko), the most favorable conditions for the implementation of the principle of continuity are provided in institutions of a new type, in particular, in educational complex institutions «pre- school educational institution - a comprehensive educational institution». The educational complex «pre- school educational institution - general educational institution» is an educational institution that ensures the implementation of the right of citizens to obtain pre-school and general secondary education [24].

Its organizational feature is the presence of two levels - preschool and school, which leads to the unification of the pedagogical process of kindergarten and elementary school within a single institution. The pre-school unit provides an appropriate level of preschool education for children from 3 to 6 (7) years in accordance with the requirements of the Basic component of pre-school education. The school provides the appropriate level of general education of students in accordance with the requirements of the State standard of general secondary education.

One can distinguish the following conditions for the functioning of preschool and school units in complex: the unity of material and technical base; the organization of joint upbringing of preschoolers and schoolchildren who make up a different age group; creation of a wide range of different types of activities for schoolchildren and preschoolers; the commonality of organizational and methodological work of the teaching staff; unity of orientation of the pedagogical collective for the achievement of educational goals; observance of the regime of the day, which corresponds to age-specific features and the requirements of the School's Charter and the Regulations on preschool establishments; taking into account the main types of activities (in the preschool age is game activity, at the junior school age is the educational one) [27, 16].

In our opinion, it is advisable to consider in more detail the effectiveness of the implementation of the principle of continuity between pre-school and primary school education in educational institutions «general educational institution - pre-school educational institution», analyzing its aspects: anatomical- physiological, psychological and pedagogical, pedagogical and organizational.

The analysis of the activity of educational complex «School - kindergarten» makes it possible to state that the day regime is organized appropriately, in the preschool institution and in the first grade of the primary school, the pedagogical requirements of its organization are taken into account as much as possible: namely, compliance with the natural rhythm of the basic physiological processes of the child's organism; constancy of main components; flexibility; taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the development of 5-6 year old children. Senior preschoolers and first-graders classes are not strictly regulated at the time. Such a regime allows children, to a certain extent, to avoid mental and physical overload, and that is why education and upbringing are protective in nature.

In the research, teachers came to the conclusion that the problem of continuity cannot be limited to a general school, because the school is only the first stage of general youth preparation for work. Then there is a need to study the problem of continuity between the individual levels, the stages of the entire education system.

O. Moroz, investigating the educational activity of students of general education and students of the first years of higher education institutions, specified the content of continuity in the pedagogical process. He says, that «continuity is a general pedagogical principle, which, in relation to training, requires continuous maintenance of the inextricable link between the individual parties, parts, stages and the degrees of studying and inside of them; the expansion and deepening of the knowledge gained in the previous stages of learning, the transformation of individual representations, and a system of knowledge, abilities and skills; proceedingly (spiral) deployment of the entire educational process in accordance with the content, forms and methods of work under the conditions of compulsory consideration of qualitative changes that occur in the personality of students» [13, 10].

An important task is given to High school i.e. to prepare such a teacher who would see his primary responsibility in determining the level of readiness of future first graders to perceive elementary school curriculum, the level of abilities of children and purposefully develop them, to educate a creative person, to build relationships with a student as equal to equal. Reserves in the preparation of such a teacher have subjects in the psychological and pedagogical cycle, in the process of studying which students are introduced to the laws of the organization of the educational process in the conditions of humanization of elementary education, its management, the basics of pedagogical communication culture [2].

In order to form the continuity between school and High school, it is necessary first of all to highlight the main directions by which it will be implemented.

In our opinion, one of the most important directions of implementation of continuity in education between school and High school is the development of the personal qualities of the future teacher.

The qualitative characteristic of the teacher's professional training, in particular mathematics, depends not only on the amount of knowledge and skills s/he has acquired, but also on how the creative thinking is developed, the formation of pedagogically significant volitional efforts, that is, from the level of general psychological development. The essence of the transition from school to High school is not only that the student practically realized his dream of a senior student, «but also in the nature of expectations, student's value orientations, the main orientation, in the radical change of the level, the personal position that determines life peculiarities at a new life stage» [17].

The formation of systematic, holistic, and scientific knowledge among students in pedagogical High school institutions is difficult due to gaps in school knowledge, skills and abilities of mental work.

Scientists in their writings emphasize that students' mastering of the material of High school institutions disciplines requires a high level of thinking. In connection with this, in high school there is another transformation of information, namely, the connection of «new» and «old» knowledge and the creation of «new» information.

At the beginning of studies in the pedagogical High school institutions basic knowledge of the school course went to the «past», the information coming in at the moment becomes closer. In order to establish continuity, it is necessary to extract from the memory the basic knowledge of the school course, to link it with the information that is perceived in the pedagogical High school institution and to correlate with the future profession. And only after this High school institution information becomes knowledge. In this case, continuity is directly related to the «re- education».

Actualization of school knowledge and knowledge acquired in pedagogical High school institutions is the next direction for ensuring continuity in education. This covers senior courses of pedagogical High school institutions and the first years of professional activity. A student-graduate should conduct an analysis of acquired knowledge in the pedagogical High school institution and relate them to their future profession. However, the knowledge gained in the High school institution dominate the school one and before the school course does not develop, but is often forgotten by students, skills of solving school-type problems are lost.

Therefore, to carry out continuity at this stage of education, it is necessary to establish a constructive interaction between the three dimensions of the past, present and future. This direction is equally important for the continuity of the use of active forms and methods of organizing the educational process at junior courses of pedagogical High school institutions.


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