Classes in English on "The Values of the Modern World"

A plan is a summary of the English language course of professional guidance for students of the specialty "Sociology", devoted to the theme of the values of the modern world. Discussion of the values оf modern world and their own vital priorities.

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Classes in English on "The Values of the Modern World"

N.T. Bilonozhko

Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

План-конспект заняття з англійської мови професійного спрямування для студентів спеціальності “соціологія” присвячено темі цінностей сучасного світу. У процесі заняття студенти дають визначення поняття `цінності', порівнюють його з дефініціями, поданими у словниках, обговорюють систему цінностей сучасного світу, визначають власні життєві пріоритети, слухають історію про мудрого учителя і роблять висновки щодо філософії цієї історіі. Заняття включає інтеграцію чотирьох видів мовленнєвої діяльності: говоріння, читання, аудіювання та письма, що відображається у навчанні монологу і діалогу - обміну думками, аналізу ситуації прослуханого тексту, висловлюванню на рівні понадфразової єдності; вдосконаленні навичок написання есе, навчанні переглядового читання. Запропоновані вправи та прийоми розумової і пізнавальної діяльності сприяють розвитку як професійної комунікативної компетентності, так і навчально-стратегічної компетентності студентів.

Ключові слова: цінності, дефініція, аналіз, порівняння, понад- фразова єдність, есе, комунікативна компетентність, навчально-стратегічна компетентність. plan professional sociology

План-конспект занятия по английскому языку для профессиональных целей для студентов специальности “социология” посвящен теме ценностей современного мира. В процессе занятия студенты дают определение понятия “ценности”, сравнивают его с дефинициями, представленными в словарях, обсуждают систему ценностей современного мира, определяют собственные жизненные приоритеты, слушают историю о мудром учителе и делают выводы о философии этой истории. Занятия включает интеграцию четырех видов речевой деятельности: говорения, чтения, аудирования и письма, что выражается в обучении монологу и диалогу-обмену мнениями, анализе ситуации прослушанного текста, высказываниях на уровне сверхфразового единства; совершенствовании навыков написания эссе, обучении просмотрового чтения. Предлагаемые упражнения и приемы умственной и познавательной деятельности способствуют развитию как профессиональной коммуникативной компетентности, так и учебно-стратегической компетентности студентов.

Ключевые слова: ценности, дефиниция, анализ, сравнение, сверхфразовое единство, эссе, коммуникативная компетентность, учебно-стратегическая компетентность.

The article deals with the integration-skills-activities lesson outline in English for specific purposes dedicated to the topic of values of the modern world. Suggested exercises and techniques of cognitive activities facilitate the development of professional communicative and strategic competence of the students as future sociologists.

Key words: values, definition, analysis, comparison, phrasal unity, essay, communicative competence, strategic competence.

There was once a very wise teacher, whose words of wisdom students would come from far and wide to hear. One day as usual, many students began to gather in the teaching room. They came in and sat down very quietly, looking to the front with keen anticipation, ready to hear what the teacher had to say.

Eventually the teacher came in and sat down in front of the students. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. On one side of the teacher was a large glass jar. On the other side was a pile of dark grey rocks. Without saying a word, the teacher began to pick up the rocks one by one and place them very carefully in the glass jar (Plonk. Plonk.) When all the rocks were in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, `Is the jar full?' `Yes,' said the students. `Yes, teacher, the jar is full'.

Without saying a word, the teacher began to drop small round pink pebbles carefully into the large glass jar so that they fell down between the rocks. (Clickety click. Clickety click.) When all the pebbles were in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, `Is the jar now full?' The students looked at one another and then some of them started nodding and saying, `Yes. Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Yes'.

Without saying a word, the teacher took some fine silver sand and let it trickle with a gentle sighing sound into the large glass jar (whoosh) where it settled around the pink pebbles and the dark grey rocks. When all the sand was in the jar, the teacher turned to the students and asked, `Is the jar now full?'

The students were not so confident this time, but the sand had clearly filled all the space in the jar so a few still nodded and said, `Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Now it's full'.

Without saying a word, the teacher took a jug of water and poured it carefully, without splashing a drop, into the large glass jar. (Gloog. Gloog.)

When the water reached the brim, the teacher turned to the students and asked, `Is the jar now full?' Most ofthe students were silent, but two or three ventured to answer, `Yes, teacher, the jar is now full. Now it is'.

Without saying a word, the teacher took a handful of salt and sprinkled it slowly over the top of the water with a very quiet whishing sound. (Whish.) When all the salt had dissolved into the water, the teacher turned to the students and asked once more, `Is the jar now full?' The students were totally silent. Eventually one brave student said, `Yes, teacher. The jar is now full'. `Yes,' said the teacher `The jar is now full'.

The teacher then said: `A story always has many meanings and you will each have understood many things from this demonstration. Discuss quietly amongst yourselves what meanings the story has for you. How many different messages can you find in it and take from it?'

The students looked at the wise

Прийом 1: обговорення в парах значення змісту про-слуханого тексту “The wise teacher and the jar”

Прийом 2: висловлювання студентів на рівні понадфра- зової єдності teacher and at the beautiful glass jar filled with grey rocks, pink pebbles, silver sand, water and salt. Then they quietly discussed with one another the meanings the story had for them. After a few minutes, the wise teacher raised one hand and the room fell silent. The teacher said: `Remember that there is never just one interpretation of anything. YDU have all taken away many meanings and messages from the story, and each meaning is as important and as valid as any other'. And without saying another word, the teacher got up and left the room.

Teacher: Which task did the Teacher give the students? “Discuss quietly amongst yourselves what meanings the story has for you. How many different messages can you find in it and take from it?' So, work in pairs and do this task.

Teacher: So, what do you think about the meaning of the story? What is the philosophy of it?

Some of the students' interpretations: Student 1: For me it means that the process of getting knowledge about the world is unlimited.

Student 2: Yes! The empty space of your mind can be filled in with smaller and smaller particles.

Student 3: This story teaches to fill our life with important things not to waste time on the trash. Our life doesn't have a lot of space.

Student 4: We always have to develop ourselves. At first you may think that there is no way to go. But as a proverb says “Where there is a wish there is a way.” So unexpectedly we can find and discover the new horizons for ourselves. Or in other words it means that if you are determined enough, you can find a way to achieve what you want, even ifit is very difficult.

Teacher: As you remember the wise teacher said `... there is never just one interpretation of anything. YDU have all taken away many meanings and messages from the story, and each meaning is as important and as valid as any other'. I would like to add one more interpretation of the story. The big stones are the values of our life. We put them first. Pebbles are less important things. But what happened if we put the sand first? Will it be space for the stones? So we don't have to let the least important things interfere into our life.

A lot of people of our planet consider the values. Indeed, this issue is subject to much debate in academic circles these days. Here is the scientific article about it.

Before reading do some exercises that will help to scan the article easily.

Exercise 1. Match the words with their synonyms.

survey hunger, starvation

famine surprisingly

dignity examination, review

harmony overpoweringly overwhelmingly self-respect remarkably conformity

Exercise 2. Fill in the second column with the appropriate nationality.

Country Nationality

the United States Canada





Switzerland the Netherlands Spain



Teacher: Now, let's get acquainted with the scientific point of view. While reading put the appropriate Value category into the gaps.

Where did the values and principles of the modern world come from? While developing an idea for a lecture program, I conducted a series of surveys over a period of two years, asking people to list the fundamental values and principles which they felt we needed to uphold in order to make our world as perfect as is humanly possible. In total, some 1,500 individuals were questioned. Overwhelmingly, my respondents -- predominantly Westerners, from the United States, Canada, South America, England, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal, Italy, etc -- came up with remarkably similar answers, which could be grouped into these six categories:

Peace and Harmony. Education. Justice and Equality. Family. Respect for Human Life. Social Responsibility.

1. In a perfect world, all people would be guaranteed certain basic human rights, paramount among which must be the right to life. They should be able to live that life without constant fear of its loss and with certain basic dignity.

2. On all levels -- whether communal or global -- people and nations should co-exist in peace and harmony with respect for each other.

3. All people, regardless of race, sex, or social status should be treated equally and fairly in the eyes of the law.

4. Everyone should receive a basic education that would guarantee functional literacy within society.

5. A strong, stable family structure needs to exist to serve as the moral foundation for society and as the most important institution for socializing/educating children.

6. On an individual, community, national and global level, people must take responsibility for the world. This should include an organized social network to address basic concerns such as disease, poverty, famine, crime, drug-related problems, as well as environmental and animal protection issues.

The respondents to my survey came

Зміст роботи

From all walks of life, yet regardless of their backgrounds, they were in agreement. Indeed, they, and I venture to say most human beings the world over, deeply believe that a perfect world must include these universal values.

(Key: 1. Respect for Human Life. 2. Peace and Harmony. 3. Justice and Equality. 4. Education. 5. Family. 6. Social Responsibility.)

Teacher: Think sociologically. Choose the words and word-combinations from the list that deal with your profession.

А series of surveys, conductor, respondents, human beings, similar answers, global level, to be in agreement, disease, poverty, famine, crime, drug-related problems, environmental and animal protection issues, functional literacy, a period of two years, take responsibility for, to conduct a survey

Teacher: Now we are going to get acquainted with another point of view. Everybody knows a famous group Scorpions and a song Maybe I, maybe you. Listen to it, fill in the gaps of the lyrics. Then answer the question: Which values are mentioned in this song?

Maybe I, maybe you

Maybe I, maybe you

Can 1 to the world,

We're reaching out for a soul That's kind of lost in the dark.

Maybe I maybe you Can find the key to the stars,

To catch 2

To save one hopeless heart.

Ybu look up to the sky

With all those questions in mind.

All you need is to hear

The voice of your heart.

In a world full of 3

Someone's calling your 4

Why don't we make it true?

Maybe I, maybe you.

Зміст роботи

Maybe I, maybe you

Are just dreaming sometimes,

But the world would be 5

Without dreamers like you.

Maybe I, maybe you Are just soldiers of love,

Born to carry the 6

Bringin' light to the dark.

Ybu look up to the sky

With all those questions in mind.

All you need is to hear

The voice of your heart.

In a world full of pain Someone's calling your name.

Why don't we make it true?

Maybe I, maybe you.

(Key: 1. make a change 2. the spirit of hope 3. pain 5.cold 6. flame)

Teacher: Each writing has its own structure.


Introduction should grab the reader's attention, set up the issue, and lead in to your thesis. Ybur intro is merely a buildup of the issue, a stage ofbringing your reader into the essay's argument. Note: The title and first paragraph are probably the most important elements in your essay. In the first paragraph you either hook the reader's interest or lose it.

Paragraphs: Each individual paragraph should be focused on a single idea that supports your thesis. Begin paragraphs with topic sentences, and expound your ideas in the clearest, most sensible way you can. Speak to your reader as if he or she were sitting in front of you. In other words, instead of writing the essay, try talking the essay.

The first seed said, “I want to grow! I want to send my roots deep into the soil beneath me, and thrust my sprouts through the earth's crust above me ... I want to unfurl my tender buds like banners to announce the arrival of spring ... I want to feel the warmth of the sun on my face and the blessing of the morning dew on my petals!”

And so she grew...

The second seed said, “Hmmm. If I send my roots into the ground below, I don't know what I will encounter in the dark. If I push my way through the hard soil above me I may damage my delicate sprouts ... What if I let my buds open and a snail tries to eat them? And if I were to open my blossoms, a small child may pull me from the ground. No, it is much better for me to wait until it is safe.”

And so she waited...

A yard hen scratching around in the early spring ground for food found the waiting seed and promptly ate it.

Lesson: Seize the day!

The Moth Who Fell in Love with A Star

There once was a moth that fell in love with a star.

All his friends and relatives mocked him, told him he was being unrealistic, and urged him to focus his efforts on some local, possible, attainable goal: a streetlamp, a porchlight, a candle or a lantern. Even a chandelier, if he must.

But our Moth was in love with His Star, and he would not give up.

So while all his pals, his parents, his sisters and brothers and cousins and aunts, soon burned themselves out around the local, ready-made luminaries, and wound up as charred bits of ash on the sidewalks, the porches, the floors and tables of the town, our Moth enjoyed a long and happy and healthy life in endless pursuit of his limitless Star.

Lesson: to `reach for the stars' - having an ambitious goal - can actually keep you safe and sane.

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