Research of orientation professional training content on master students for realization of presentations in the academic sphere
Analysis of the direction of the content of professional training of masters to conduct an academic presentation. The need to form presentation skills, which are important and necessary tasks of the process of professional training of graduate students.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.03.2019 |
Размер файла | 19,6 K |
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Research of orientation professional training content on master students for realization of presentations in the academic sphere
Kandyba M.O.
Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine
The paper contains an analysis of the content of orientation training masters to conduct an academic presentation. Identified the need to build presentation skills, which are important and necessary tasks of the training of graduate students. However, the state of affairs with regard to the formation of these skills during the training of graduate students needs to be improved. Formation of presentation skills students master in the course of vocational training does not take place at the appropriate level, which means that this process needs to be improved.
To detect the presence of the necessary basis for the formation of presentation skills in the university curriculum the author analyses the syllabuses on the speciality “Teacher Education” for master degree students. The experimental data obtained give grounds to specify the levels of master students' and university instructors' readiness for the formation of presentation skills.
Key words: master student, syllabus, presentation skills, professional training.
У статті висвітлено аналіз спрямованості змісту професійної підготовки магістрів на проведення академічної презентації. Виявлена необхідність формування презентаційних умінь, що є важливими і необхідними завданнями процесу професійної підготовки студентів магістрату. Проте, стан справ відносно формування цих умінь під час професійної підготовки магістрантів потребує удосконалення. Формування презентаційних умінь студентів магістрату в процесі професійної підготовки відбувається не на належному рівні, а отже, цей процес потребує удосконалення.
Ключові слова: магістр, навчальний план, презентаційні уміння, професійна підготовка.
В статье отражен анализ направленности содержания профессиональной подготовки магистров на проведение академической презентации. Выявлена необходимость формирования презентационных умений, которые являются важными и необходимыми задачами процесса профессиональной подготовки студентов магистратуры. Однако, состояние дел в отношении формирования этих умений во время профессиональной подготовки магистрантов требует усовершенствования. Формирование презентационных умений студентов магистров в процессе профессиональной подготовки происходит не на должном уровне, а значит, этот процесс нуждается в усовершенствовании.
Ключевые слова: магистр, учебный план, презентационные умения, профессиональная подготовка.
Raising of the problem
In the conditions of world informatively-technological revolution success and competitiveness of country to a great extent depend on quality of training of personnels in the system of education. With the purpose of removal of disparities of education to the queries of personality, public needs and world achievements of humanity, included of Ukraine the borders of multilevel preparation of future specialists broaden in European and world educational space - the system of preparation of specialists of education level purchased force master's "degree". Educationally-qualifying descriptions of master's degrees specify on a necessity to formed for the future specialists of abilities to adapt oneself in constantly changeable terms, independently acquiring necessary knowledge, able applying them in practice; to work with information; to be sociable; to come forward before an audience and convince her, ides there is a requirement in formed of presentation abilities(PA).
Analysis of the last researches and publications
In research of forming question PA important, to our opinion, there are works І. Gandapas, S. B. Rebrik [1; 2], theoretical principles of presentation activity are reasonable in that; manuals of L. Arredondo, О. D. Vaisman, G. V. Lasarevoi [3; 4] from presentation practice are preparations, realization, to after presentation activity; research of N. L. Drub, Yu. Popova [5; 6], sanctified to forming foreign PA.
Selection of unsolved before parts of general issue
In spite of existent wide source base of research of problem PA, forming question PA future specialists in the process of master's degree preparation to date was not the article of the special scientifically-pedagogical research.
Formulation aims of the article
The aim of this publication consists of illumination of question of readiness of master's and teachers to forming of PA, and also finding out of presence of necessary rich in content basis in the position papers of higher school.
Exposition of basic material of research
professional training presentation academic
By us were analized curricula to direction of preparation "Pedagogical formation" of education level master's "Degree" for the students of different specialities according to such criteria: exposition of theoretical material, specification of abilities that is subject to forming, practical aspect. We will bring separate positions over for illustration of basis in preparation of students of city council on that must take place forming PA in the process of professional preparation.
Courses are "Pedagogics of higher school", " Basis of professionalism of teacher of higher school", "Methodology and methods of scientifically-pedagogical research", "Conflictology", "Interpersonal cooperation of teacher in the situation of conflict" oriented to opening of theoretical aspects of organization of educational process at higher school and forming for the students of abilities and habits of effective association in practice of theoretical knowledge with innovative pedagogical methodologies and technologies; creation of the proper theoretical and methodological base for further scientific activity; forming of abilities of structural decision of conflicts and effective behavior is in conflict situations. Students study the issues of the day of modern education in Ukraine, specific of organization of educational process at higher school, theories and nature of conflict, typical conflict situations and ways their decision, form an own pedagogical technique and ability to conduct lecture, practical and seminar employments.
Table of contents of course "Psychology of higher school" is logical continuation of course of the age-related psychology and contains the theoretical problems of development, educating and educations of students, question of personality and activity of future specialist, and also envisages a practical capture abilities and skills of educational work. At the study of discipline master's embrace the system of psychological knowledge and acquire practical abilities of analysis and estimation of the psychological phenomena that is generated by the terms of educational process at higher school; study the psychological aspects of educating and education of student young people; realize conformities to law of the professional becoming and personality height of future specialists; personalities that have a professional value for a future specialist develop qualities; on the basis of self-knowledge form own style of scientifically-professional activity and communication.
The aim of courses "Stile and culture of speech", "Modern literary Ukrainian", "Ethics of business communication and language culture" - to teach students it is correct to estimate language facts and take away stylistic facilities depending on maintenance, sphere and terms of communication; to form base and professional communicative to the competence, ability it is optimal to use facilities of Ukrainian during communication; to acquaint the cultures of speech with bases; to educe the specific of functioning of business language in obedience to this speciality; to teach freely to own a vocabulary and terminology of the speciality. The basic tendencies of modern technologies of communication, datapaths, factors that influence on the process of co-operating with different community groups, are also studied master's.
The course of "Rhetoric " has a goal of increase of communicative competense of students, that envisages knowledge of bases of speech behavior of man, laws, rules and receptions of communication, knowledge of bases of polemic mastery and technologies of live performance, laws of rhetoric, genres and styles of public speech, stages of rhetorical activity, observance of norms of literary language, ability and psychological readiness effectively to come forward before any audience. During his teaching the special attention is taken to the speech culture, methods of preparation of different types of live performances. However, analysis of educational process and rhetorical preparation of students, conducted A. V. Pervyshina [7: 82-85], rendered advantage of theoretical aspect, linguistic orientation of rhetorical preparation, insufficient study of communicative bases of rhetorical activity, low-light of pshyhological and pedagogical aspects of rhetorical activity, that are professionally necessary for future teachers.
Thus, during the study of the enumerated disciplines master's get an integral idea about the culture of communication, psychological features of communicator, basic types of communication and mortgage bases of own communicative competence. We will notice that although the courses mentioned above and have considerable potential in relation to forming PA students of city council in the process of professional preparation, however their study envisages the purposeful forming of these abilities. Poorly organized and intersubject to connection of these disciplines. Educating conducted within the limits of separate objects that provide preparation from the certain area of science. Work on integration of knowledge and abilities that is acquired and formed in the process of study of separate disciplines, depends mainly upon students. The methods of educating to the indicated disciplines not always are directed to on activation cognitive activity, often carry reproductive character. An educational process comes true through the serve of information a teacher; perception, comprehension, summarizing, overlearning of information a student; reproducing of the learned by heart information a student for control and evaluation by a teacher. A lecture comes forward in this chart one of main methods of educating, but she carries especially informative character. Considerable part of time on practical employments is taken on realization and generalization of theoretical questions that comes true mainly in the process of the reproductive reproducing of lecture material.
Were also conducted by us questionnaire in that the students of city council took part a few university. Studying the state of professional preparation of master's degrees for forming of PA, we took into account that we will prepare specialists to realization of verbal presentations, and consequently we had to learn communicative qualities of master's and ability to control itself during communication. Testing results rendered, that 14% polled have high communicative control, 52,9% - middle, and 33,1% is not able to control itself in communication - does not take into account a situation, not able to change own behavior, envisage the impression that will render on wider public.
In addition, it is necessary to take into account that during forming PA there can be different difficulties that complicate this process. For their exposure were conducted by us questionnaire during that master's it offered to distribute possible difficulties on three groups: those that 1) overcame heavily; 2) overcame with certain efforts; 3) overcame easily, if arise up.
Most considerable respondents count next difficulties: to create psychological terms for effective presentation - 72,4%, to overcome audience shock during a performance - 70,7%, to carry out a presentation process - 63,1%, to set and support a feed-back with listeners - 61,8%, to adapt the prepared speech to the certain audience - 59,1%, composition to design speech - 48,9%, to attract attention, cause interest and induce to the action - 45,6%, to amend in speech directly during a performance - 40,9%.
To the second group master's attributed the difficulties related to formulation of theme of performance(72,9%), by determination whole presentations, facilities, characters and instruments of her achievement(68,4%), by prognostication of questions and thinking over of variants of answers(61,8%), leading to and illustration of own opinion(52,4%), language registration of presentation speech(52%). In our view, overcoming of these difficulties is based on knowledge of presentator levels of language and speech competense of the listeners and their psychological features.
Respondents consider also, that they will have to learn to overcome difficulties, that touch the methods of work with information(61,3%), conscious and purposeful realization of verbal and unverbal facilities of communication(61,8%), observance of culture of argumentation(52,4%), analysis of the already conducted presentation(50,7%), design to the portrait of audience(48,9%), works with a telecommunication equipment(44%), preparations and registrations of electronic sliding seats(40,9%), ability to convince(39,1%).
The got results specify on the lacks of psychological, rhetorical, philological and pedagogical preparation of master's that consist of lack of ability to control a psychological eigenstate before an audience, to come forward publicly, to work with composition of speech and presentation on the whole, use methods and receptions of bringing in of attention and interest, and also on the lack of technical preparation of future specialists.
No difficulties for the students of city council will not cause the process of independent preparation to presentation, envisaging of reaction of audience, organizations of material concordantly already to the prepared composition of speech, observance of original communicative appearance, bringing in of listeners in a presentation process, achievement of desirable emotionality and expressivity, answers for a question, being and correction of errors, control of results of own activity.
Also in higher educational establishment, where canvassed, it was offered to by us the teachers: 1) to estimate, as forming comes true PA in their educational establishment; 2) to share the ideas about that, how forming must come true PA students of city council in the process of professional preparation.
The results of quizing testify, about that forming problem PA is actual in the light of changes that take place in the world(67,9% respondents). Only 2,6% of the polled teachers own all information, that touches presentation and abilities, necessary for her realization, while 55,6% respondents does not own sufficient information. 12,8% of the polled teachers consider that in their educational establishment of forming PA students of city council comes true well, 10,6% - satisfactorily, 22% - not everywhere identically, and other teachers(54%) were not able confidently to answer.
For the successful forming PA students of city council in the process of professional preparation, in opinion of the polled teachers, it is necessary to build educating on the basis of account of psychological and pedagogical features of student young people(86%), provide information to master's in relation to requirements and rules of realization of presentation(83%), to organize presentation (75%) and organize a visit master's of presentations(52,9%).
The analysis of answers of teachers of university allowed to us also to define reasons of difficulties at forming PA students of city council in the process of professional preparation and to offer possible ways their removal. Certain reasons of difficulties we distributed on two groups: 1) forming related to organization of process PA and 2) related to activity of teacher, with the volume of his presentation knowledge. To the first group behave: insufficient knowledge of the Ukrainian normatively-legal and educational position papers; disparity between the operating Ukrainian and European educational position papers; advantage of traditional forms of educating; null of relatively presentation activity information is in teaching manuals; absence of independent creative tasks for students; insufficient account of psychological and pedagogical features of master's. To the second group belong: management by independent work of students; use of traditional methods and receptions of work on employments; of individual styles of educating to the students. Reasons of difficulties, forming related to organization of process PA, depend on a teacher. We consider, a teacher must change the style of work, mutual relations with master^ for the increase of efficiency of forming process PA. Must overcoming of difficulties of the second group be taken considerable attention during professionally-pedagogical preparation, as here necessary help of teachers and psychologists.
The polled teachers consider that to stimulation of master's to forming PA forming of wide world view will assist in the process of professional preparation - 37,9%, explanation by a teacher that formed PA will assist to the increase of competitiveness at the market of work - 36,8%, study and introduction of international and home pedagogical advanced experience - 32%, personal interest of students possibility of application of the obtained knowledge and formed abilities in any sphere of activity - 31,5%, education of initiativeness, work, innovation, to good organization in teaching activity - 27%.
Undertaken a study of orientation of maintenance of professional preparation of master's degrees discovered on realization of academic presentation, that the most polled students and teachers of university counted forming PA by the important and necessary tasks of process of professional preparation of students of city council. However, the state of businesses in relation to forming of these abilities during professional preparation of master's needs improvement. Research results give an opportunity to assert that forming PA students of city council in the process of professional preparation takes place not at proper level to us, and consequently, this process needs improvement.
Research and prospects of further researches are in this direction. During our work the row of perspective directions that require a further theoretical study and experimental research is educed, namely: question of increase of presentation competence of teachers of university; forming of abilities of realization of the controlled from distance presentations.
1. Gandapas R. I. Prezentacionnyj konstruktor / Radislav Gandapas. - M.: Vershina, 2006. - 192 p.
2. Rebrik S. B. Prezentacija: Podgotovka i provedenie: 10 urokov: Rukovodstvo dlja korporativnogo i individual'nogo obuchenija & Dajdzhest iz knig S. Rebrika. - M.: JeKSMO, 2005 - 200 p. - (Serija „Biznes. Politika”).
3. Arredondo L. Iskusstvo delovoj prezentacii / Per. s angl. V. Zvonarev, A. Vinogradova. - Cheljabinsk: Ural LTD, 1998. - 513 p.
4. Vajsman E.D., Lazareva G.V. Osnovy prezentaci: uch. posob. / E.D. Vajsman, G.V. Lazareva; Cheljab. gos. tehn. un-t, Kaf. jekonomiki i finansov. - Cheljabinsk: Izd-vo Cheljab. gos. tehn. un-ta, 1997. - 24 p.
5. Drab N. L. Navchannja majbutnih ekonomistiv inshomovnogo profesijno sprjamovanogo monologichnogo movlennja (monologu-prezentaciyi nimec'koju movoju): Dis.... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.02 / Drab Natalja Leonidivna. - K., 2005. - 245 p.
6. Popova O. Ju. Metodika obuchenija inojazychnym prezentacionnym umenijam studentov nejazykovyh vuzov (na materiale anglijskogo jazyka): Dis.... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.02 / Popova Ol'ga Jur'evna. - Volgograd, 2005. - 199 p.
7. Pervushina A. V. Formuvannja ritorichnih umin' u majbutnih social'nih pedagogiv: Dis.... kand. ped. nauk: 13.00.04 / Pervushina Anna Volodimirivna. - Hmel'nic'kij, 2002. - 254 p.
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