Competence subject matter simulation as scientific and educational problem

Principles and directions of constructing competency models in modern pedagogy. The strategy of the Ukrainian educational system development. Constructing competency models at different stages of development of a competent approach in education.

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Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Dorogozhitska str., 9, Kyiv, Ukraine

Competence subject matter simulation as scientific and educational problem

Lichman L. Yu., PhD, Education Sciences, Associate Professor


The paper deals with the principles and vectors of designing competence models in the current education, i.e. defining the concept, analyzing the content of the term appropriate usage, specifying the kinds and versions of its manifestation, studying the communicative activities. Designing competence models at the different stages of competence-based approach in education is specified.

An analysis of existing methods of modelling competence approach and content of competencies suggests identifying the following areas of the process - defining the concept, analysis context where the term is used, a description of the types and variations of manifestation, observation of the communicative work. However, it seems to be clear that the construction of complex models to satisfy all the criteria simultaneously, or at least a few of these, is the task which needs further investigation.

The current educational paradigm focuses on the personality, feelings, emotions, interests and abilities. To change the cultural and professional priorities of the intended specialists is the leading purpose of vocational training.

Key words: education, competence, competency, models



Лічман Л.Ю.

Національна медична академія післядипломної освіти ім. П.Л. Шупіка, вул. Дорогожицька, 9,

м.Київ, Україна

У статті аналізуються принципи та напрями побудови моделей компетентності в сучасній педагогіці - дефініювання поняття, аналіз контекстів уживання відповідного терміну, опис видів та варіантів вияву, спостереження за комунікативною діяльністю. Розглядається специфіка побудови моделей компетентності на різних етапах розвитку компетентністного підходу в освіті.

Ключові слова: освіта, компетентність, компетенція, моделі.



Личман Л.Ю.

Национальная медицинская академия последипломного образования им. П.Л. Шупика, ул.

Дорогожицкая, 9, г. Киев, Украина

В статье анализируются принципы и направления построения моделей компетентности в современной педагогике - дефинирование понятия, анализ контекстов употребления соответствующего термина, описание видов и вариантов проявления, наблюдение за коммуникативной деятельностью. Рассматривается специфика построения моделей компетентности на разных этапах развития компетентностного подхода в образовании.

Ключевые слова: образование, компетентность, компетенция, модели.

Background. The strategy of the Ukrainian educational system development defines the necessity of its adaptation to the democratic and market reforms in the society, information technology and globalization, as the society becomes part of the European and world educational and informational community.

Making a new educational paradigm in the Ukrainian education is conditioned by the profound social and economic alterations, and the intensive development of the modern theoretical and methodological approaches to training the intended specialists, the use of educational innovations, introduction of the qualitatively new, effective teaching models aimed at developing broad general cultural and professional competencies of the specialist.

The current educational paradigm focuses on the personality, feelings, emotions, interests and abilities. To change the cultural and professional priorities of the intended specialists is the leading purpose of vocational training.

Nowadays teaching, educational and social psychology, social pedagogics, pedagogical management and sociology of education are involved in the search for effective ways to develop professional competencies.

Publications review. A variety of research areas addressing the competence -based approach and phenomenon of competence as a certain centre of careful attention to training intended specialists are offered in the works of the Ukrainian scientists as follows: S. Vitvytska, O. Dubaseniuk, O. Lokshyna, O. Ovcharuk, O. Pometun, O. Savchenko, etc. Honcharenko, A. Sushchenko, L. Uzunova, O. Shevniuk etc. deal with the actual problems of multicultural and culturological education, multicultural training; H. Balla , V. Bibler , V. Kalinin etc. focus on the dialogue of cultures in education.

M. Rozov considers the concept of "competence" promising associating the concept with new discoveries assimilation in its structure and the developments relating to human knowledge and practice, as well as he sets the education requirements for each type, profile, levels of competencies. In particular, he thinks the common cultural competence to have three aspects i.e. semantic (adequate interpretation of the situation in the cultural context, i.e. the cultural patterns of understanding, attitudes, evaluations of something); problematic and practical (adequate recognition of the situation, adequate formulation and effective implementation of the objectives, tasks, rules in certain circumstances); communicative (adequate communication in the situations of cultural context, taking into account the relevant cultural patterns of communication and interaction). [5]. competency pedagogy educational

Objectives. To determine principles and lines for constructing the models of competence in the present pedagogics.

Description of the content. Modelling is to research the object by using an artificial auxiliary system, which objectively correlates with the object; the system is able to replace it, and gives the information about the modelled object. Thus, there is constructed a model between a researcher and the object of cognition. The real purpose of the model is to be the object of activity; the object helps to get new information about the original.

The model heuristically marks all the general characteristics of the target of research. If graphic imaging shows only the external of the object, modelling serves as method for the integral representation of individual and universal, sensory and logic, external and internal.

Modelling the content of the competence-based approach is a historically changeable cognitive process.

I. Zymniaia [3, pp. 43-42] points out three stages of the competence-based approach development in education.

The first stage (1960-1970) is characterized by the involvement of the category of "competence" into the scholarly apparatus of the humanitarian studies, creating the preconditions for making distinction between "competency " and "competence". The difference between the concepts of "competency" and "competence" provides such interpretation of the latter, which is based on the knowledge and it identifies the intellectually and personally conditioned experience of social and professional human life. Competency modelling is based on the procedural approach within the framework of transformational grammar and language teaching theory. In particular, N. Chomsky (1965) carried out a fundamental distinction between competency (the speaker's language knowledge) and use language (the real use of language in the actual situations ). It is precisely "use", according to N. Chomsky, that is an actual manifestation of competency as "hidden", potential. The "use" is associated with thinking, the reaction to the use of language, skills, etc., that is associated with the speaker, the experience of the individual. Competency modelling is realized only on the basis of analysing the grammatical properties of language- speech. According to N. Chomsky, "knowledge of a language involves the implicit ability to understand indefinitely many sentences. Hence, a generative grammar must be a system of rules that can iterate to generate an indefinitely large number of structures. This system of rules can be analyzed into the three major components of a generative grammar: the syntactic, phonological, and semantic components. <... > the syntactic component of a grammar must specify, for each sentence, a deep structure that determines its semantic interpretation and surface structure that determines its phonetic interpretation. The first of these is interpreted by the semantic component; the second, by the phonological component"[9, p. 15-16]. Besides, there began studying the various types of linguistic competence at the stage, and it was proposed the concept of "communicative competence" (D. Hymes [12]). R. White in his work "Motivation reconsidered: The concept of competence" (1959) meaningfully supplements the category of competence with personal components, including motivation [14].

The second stage (1970-1990) showed that categories "competency" and "competence" were actively used in the theory and practice of teaching language (including non-native), as well as analysing the professionalism of administration, management, by training effective communication; there was worked up the concept of "social competency / competence". At this particular time there appeared the concept of "competence-based education - CBE" (competency education).

The work of J. Raven "Competence in Modern Society " (1984 ) focuses on a detailed explanation of competence through defining its structural model: respectively, competence consists of numerous components; many of them are relatively independent on one another, so some components cover rather the cognitive sphere, and the others relate to the emotional one; and one component can be substituted for another as the components of effective behaviour "[4, p. 253]. However, according to J. Raven, "the types of competence" are "reasoned skills" [4, p.258]. L. Petrovska focuses on communicative competence and offers specific forms of training to develop this “ability” in the personality in her book “Competence in communication”.

The third phase of studying competence as a scientific category of the theory and practice of education, which dates back to the 90s of the twentieth century, is characterized by the works, in which professional competence became the subject of a special comprehensive examination in the general context of psychology of labour. Social competencies were defined and studied in the same period. Moreover, the concept of “competence” was interpreted both as a synonym for professionalism, and one of its components. The broad representation of such categories as “attitude”, “ability” in different types of competence and use of such psychological qualities such as “responsibility”, “confidence” is noteworthy. Furthermore, there could be found from 3 to 37 separate categories of competencies specified as the end results of training - competences vary for different types of activity. At this stage the UNESCO's documents outlined a range of competencies to be the expected targets s of education. The symposium in Bern according to the program of the European Council (27-30 March 1996) raised the question of defining key competencies to be acquired by all the learners for successful work and further training as a matter of vital importance in attempt to reform education. Being included in a number of concepts such as skills, competence, ability and mastery, the precise definition of competency was admitted to be still absent. However, all researchers agree that the concept of “competence” is closer to the conceptual field of “know how” than “know that” which means, in fact, that competence (use, application) is the competency put into action [11]. Earlier the European Council identified five core competencies “to be acquired by young Europeans”:

- political and social competencies such as the ability to take responsibility, participate in group decision making, resolve conflicts in a nonviolent way, to participate in the maintenance and improvement of democratic institutions;

- competencies related to life in a multicultural society;

- competencies relating to the mastery of oral and written communication, which are particularly important for work and social life;

- competencies associated with an increased use of information technologies in the society;

- ability to learn throughout life as the basis of lifelong learning in the context of both personal professional and social life [1, p. 63].

It seems to be clear that key competencies include the broadest and most common definition of adequate manifestation of social life in the modern world. Moreover, along with “competence”, the concept of “basic skill” is used, sometimes even as a synonym for the former. The basic skills content can be interpreted as competence. They are quite large and established as an addition to specific professional skills. These key competences include, among other things, the ability to work effectively in a team, planning, problem solving, creativity, leadership, entrepreneurial behaviour, organizational vision and communication skills.

The basic skills include, among others: “essential skills” (literacy, numeracy), “life skills” (selfmanagement, relationships with others), “key skills” (communication, problem solving), “social and civic skills” (social activity, values), “skills necessary to be employed”, (information processing),“entrepreneurial skills” (research of business opportunities, “managerial skills” (consulting, analytical thinking), “broad skills” (e.g. analysis, planning and control) [7 ]. However, competences correlate not only with basic skills, but with key qualifications. Basic skills are seen as personal and interpersonal qualities, abilities, skills and knowledge introduced in different forms and different situations of work and social life. It is also noteworthy that at the beginning of this century the concept of “educational competency” as the “the student's readiness” to use acquired knowledge, learning skills and abilities as well as life activities to solve practical and theoretical problems” [6, p.110], the student's willingness to use the knowledge, skills and abilities and ways of working, was introduced then widely used in the academic community [1]. But any professional competency appears also to describe a certain range of activities (not only practical) and a certain range of objects (subjects) for which it is set. Therefore, competency is also a separate, predefined social demand (norm) for the result of training.

In these circumstances, and because of the development of the cognitive paradigm in linguistics, a model of linguistic competency was changed too.

The essence of the cognitive model of language competency is thought to be in both purposeful and creative interaction of speakers to each other by means of linguistic signs which reflect the world and are arranged into sentences [10, p. 479].

“Any cognitive model of students' language competency” is an abstract reflection of psycholinguistic mechanism of thoughts translation into sentences and vice versa, according to the accepted order of linguistic signs. This model demonstrates some processes hidden from a direct observation. We emphasize that according to the cognitive model, transfer of the same thoughts in sentences and vice versa can be done in different ways, a mutual understanding of the meaning of sentences being reached in most cases. The cognitive model of grammatical competency rejects formalism and rigidity of a linguistic code of a sentence, emphasizing productive adaptability of participants in communication to each other [13].

S. Zhabotynska also offers to differentiate between cognitive and conceptual models, which are sometimes used in cognitive sciences as interchangeable. Any conceptual model should be seen as the information feedback with no cognitive operations applied to it, whereas a cognitive model seems to be some information feedback obtained on the basis of cognitive operations which contribute to the creation of multiple cognitive models based on one conceptual model [2, p. 180].

Conclusions and perspectives. An analysis of existing methods of modelling competence approach and content of competencies suggests identifying the following areas of the process - defining the concept, analysis context where the term is used, a description of the types and variations of manifestation, observation of the communicative work. However, it seems to be clear that the construction of complex models to satisfy all the criteria simultaneously, or at least a few of these, is the task which needs further investigation.


1. Gur'e L.I. Modelirovanie sistemy pedagogicheskih kompetencij nauchno-pedagogicheskih kadrov vysshej professional'noj shkoly : monografija / L.I. Gur'e - Kazan': RIC «Shkola», 2009. - 160 p.

2. Zhabotinskaja S. A. Kognitivnoe kartirovanie kak lingvosemioticheskij faktor / S.A. Zhabotinskaja // Funkcional'naja lingvistika : sb. nauchn. Rabot / Krymskij respublikanskij institut poslediplomnogo pedagogicheskogo obrazovanija; nauch. red. A.N. Rudjakov. - № 3. - Simferopol', 2012. - P. 179-182.

3. Zimnjaja I.A. Kljuchevye kompetencii - novaja paradigma rezul'tata obrazovanija / I.A.Zimnjaja // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. - 2003. - №5. - P. 43-42.

4. Raven Dzh. Kompetentnost' v sovremennom obshhestve / Dzh. Raven. - M. : Kogito-Centr, 2002. - 396 p.

5. Rozov N. Cennosti gumanitarnogo obrazovanija / N.S. Rozov // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. - 1996. - №1. - P. 85-89.

6. Hutorskoj A.V. Didakticheskaja jevristika. Teorija i tehnologija kreativnogo obuchenija / A.V.Hutorskoj. - M. : Izdat-vo mGu, 2003. - 416 p.

7. Hutorskoj A.V. Kljuchevye kompetencii i obrazovatel'nye standarty / A.V. Hutorskoj : Doklad na otdelenii filosofii obrazovanija i teorii pedagogiki RAO 23 aprelja 2002. Centr «Jejdos»

8. Shadrikov V.D. Filosofija obrazovanija i obrazovatel'nye politiki / V.D.Shadrikov. - M. : Issledovatel'skij centr problem kachestva podgotovki specialistov, Logos, 1993. - 281 p.

9. Chomsky N. Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. / Noam Chomsky. - Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 1965. - 251 p.

10. Evans V. Cognitive Linguistics. An Introduction / V. Evans, M. Green. - N.J. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2006. - XXVI, 830 p.

11. Hutmacher Walo. Key competencies for Europe//Report of the Symposium Berne, Switzezland 27-30 March, 1996. Council for Cultural Co-operation (CDCC) a //Secondary Education for Europe Strsburg, 1997.

12. Hymes D.H. On Communicative Competence / D.H. Hymes // Sociolinguistics. Selected Readings/ J.B. Pride and J. Holmes (eds). - Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1972. -- pp. 269-293

13. Turnbull W. Language in Action. Psychological Models of Conversation. - East Sussex. Psychology Press. 2003. - XI, 310 p.

14. White R. W. Motivation reconsidered: The concept of competence / Robert W. White // Psychological Review. - 1959, Sep. - Vol. 66 (5). - Р. 297-333.

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