Ukrainian pedagogy & European integration
Processes of the integration of Ukraine into the European space. A condition for the development of pedagogy and practice, during the reform of the education system is the reconstruction of the historical, pedagogical process, the knowledge of its laws.
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Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 06.03.2019 |
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Ukrainian pedagogy & European integration
L.V. Knodel
Noticeable processes of the integration of Ukraine into the European space have taken place. A necessary condition for the development of pedagogy and practice, particularly during the reform of the education system is comprehension, the reconstruction of the historical and pedagogical process, the knowledge of its laws. There is the need to consider the history of education in the last 20 years in the broad social and anthropological contexts, drawing attention to the historical roots of the multifaceted processes taking place in the modern educational environment in Ukraine.
Keywords: education system, reform, pedagogical process, educational environment, pedagogy, integration
Помітні процеси інтеграції України е європейський простір відбулися. Необхідною умовою для розвитку педагогіки і практики, зокрема, в ході реформи системи освіти є розуміння, реконструкція історичного та педагогічного процесу, знання його законів. Існує необхідність розглянути історію освіти в останні 20 років в широких соціальних і антропологічних контекстах, звернувши увагу на історичні корені багатогранних процесів, що відбуваються в сучасному освітньому просторі України.
Ключові слова: система освіти, реформа, педагогічний процес, освітнє середовище, педагогіка, інтеграція.
За последние 20 лет существования независимого государства Украины показали, что наша страна, как нация состоялась в мировом сообществе и уверенно заявила о себе. Все более заметные процессы интеграции Украины в европейское пространство с каждым годом усиливают процессы глобализации в украинском обществе. Европейская интеграция рассматривается как часть глобальной интеграции инновационного процесса в конце XX - начале XXI века. Глобализация социально-экономических, информационных и образовательных мероприятий является одним из основных направлений в развитии современного мира с решающим влиянием не только в экономической, но и политической, социальной и культурной жизни практически во всех странах, в том числе и в Украине. Необходимым условием для развития педагогики и практики, в частности, в ходе реформы системы образования, является понимание, реконструкция исторического и педагогического процесса, знание его законов. Необходимо рассмотреть историю образования за последние 20 лет в широком социальном и антропологическом контекстах, обратив внимание на исторические корни многогранных процессов, происходящих в современном образовательном пространстве Украины. Основная цель программы заключается в определении стратегии развития образования в Украине в ближайшие годы и перспективы XXI века, чтобы создать жизнеспособную систему непрерывного образования и подготовки кадров, для достижения самых высоких ступеней в сфере образования, обеспечить возможности для постоянной духовной самоидентификации, формирования интеллектуального и культурного потенциала как высших ценностей нации.
Ключевые слова: система образования, реформа, педагогический процесс, образовательная среда, педагогика, интеграция.
ukrainian pedagogy european integration
The basic maintains of research
Problem definition. The last 20 years of the existence of the independent state of Ukraine have shown that our country as the nation has taken place among the world community and confidently has asserted itself. All the more noticeable processes of the integration of Ukraine into the European space, with each year reinforce the processes of globalization in the Ukrainian society. Along with the positive aspects of the above mentioned, there is the danger of losing of our country Ukrainian self-identity, the gradual dissolution of Ukrainian culture in the modern neo-culture, which is not always based on the true spiritual values and achievements of mankind.
European integration as a part of the global integration is the process of innovation of the late XX - early XXI century. Covering all spheres of society, including education, which is the result of understanding the need to work together to solve global problems is very significant. The globalization of socio-economic, informational and educational activities is one of the main trends in the development of the modern world with a decisive impact not only in the economic but also the political, social, and cultural life of almost all countries, including Ukraine.
Therefore, the analysis of this process in the aspect of education has got not only theoretical but also practical, significance and is very important for Ukraine, for its cultural and educational policy.
A necessary condition for the development of pedagogy and practice, particularly during the reform of the education system is comprehension, the reconstruction of the historical and pedagogical process, the knowledge of its laws.
Recent studies and publications analysis. The solutions of these problems are devoted to the works of famous philosophers, educators, psychologists and trainers. Among them in the first place should be called names A. N. Aleksyuk, I. A. Becha, V. P. Andruschenko, V.I. Cooper, P. N. Volovik, S. U. Honcharenko, I. A. Zyazyuna, V.I. Lugovoi, G. S. Kostyuk, A. P. Condratyuka, V. G. Kremen, N. Nichkalo, A. J. Savchenko, S. A. Sysoeva, I.F. Prokopenko, M.D. Yarmachenko and others.
Object of an article. Currently, there is the need to consider the history of education in the last 20 years in the broad social and anthropological contexts, drawing attention to the historical roots of the multifaceted processes taking place in the modern educational environment in Ukraine.
The main body. In December 1992, the All-Ukrainian Congress of Educators, which examined the fundamental position of the State National Program "Education" ("Ukraine XXI Century") took place. Almost a year went revision of the document and only 3.11.1993, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the program (signed by Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk) [1, p.129].
The main objective of the program is to define the strategy of education development in Ukraine in the coming years and the prospect of the XXI century, to create a viable system of continuous education and training, to achieve the highest educational levels, to provide opportunities for constant spiritual self-identity, to form the intellectual and cultural potential as the highest values of the nation.
The strategic objectives of education reform in Ukraine
The revival and development of the national system of education as the most important link of education of conscious citizens of the Ukrainian state.
The output of education in Ukraine on the world level through fundamental reform of its conceptual, structural and organizational principles.
The overcoming the monopoly of the state in the field of education through the creation of the equitable private educational institutions.
The formation of multivariate investment policy in the field of education.
Priority areas of education reform
The development of the national education system, taking into account fundamental changes in all spheres of public life in Ukraine.
The providing of moral, intellectual and psychological readiness of all citizens to education.
The creation of the qualitatively new level in the study of basic subjects: Ukrainian and foreign languages, history, literature, mathematics and science.
The creation of conditions to meet the educational and professional needs and to provide opportunities for every citizen of Ukraine to improve their education, the skills constantly and to learn new specialties.
Providing appropriate conditions for the training and education of physically and mentally healthy person in every educational institution, the prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction, violence that adversely affect the health of people.
The main ways of education reform:
- the creation of the atmosphere of nation-wide promotion of education in the community, involvement in the development of the education public and private institutions, families, every citizen;
- overcoming the devaluation of universal human values and national nihilism, alienation of education from national sources;
- the development of education through the introduction of modern teaching technologies and scientific and methodological advances;
- the deviation from the principles of authoritarian pedagogy, which has established in the totalitarian state;
- preparation of a new generation of teachers to improve their professional and cultural level;
- the formation of new economic foundations of the education system, the establishment of appropriate material and technical base;
- reorganization of existing and creation of new generation educational institutions;
- the radical reorganization of the education management sector through its democratization, decentralization, creation of regional systems of training and educational institutions management;
- organic integration of education and science, the active use of the scientific potential of universities and research institutions, the achievements of innovative teachers, public art groups;
- the creation of the new legal and regulatory framework of education.
The principles of the program:
- priority of education, which means a pre-emptive nature of its development, radically new approaches to investment policy in the field of education;
- the democratization of education, which implies decentralization and regionalization of the education system in compliance with the principles of determining the educational policy of the Ukrainian state; the granting of autonomy of educational institutions in addressing the major issues of their activities; to overcome the state's monopoly on education; the transition to state-public education management system; formation of pupils, students and teachers partnerships;
- the humanization of education; the priority of human values;
- humanization of education, which is designed to form a complete picture of the world, spirituality, culture, identity;
- the national focus of education, which is the inseparability of education from national soil, its organic combination with the national history and folk traditions;
- the openness of the education system, which is associated with its orientation toward holistic indivisible world, its global issues, integration into the global educational structures;
- continuity of education, opening up the possibility for continuous deepening of general education and vocational training, achievement integrity and continuity in training and education;
- the inseparability of training and education, which is their organic combination; subordination of the content of training and education to the cohesive and comprehensive development of the individual;
- multi-structural variation and education, which involves the creation of opportunities for a wide selection of education forms, educational establishments, means of the training and education that meet the educational needs of the individual; the introduction of the variant component in the education content, differentiation and individualization, a network of nonstate educational institutions [2, p.35].
A separate section is "National Education" as the organic component of education that encompasses all components of the education system. The basis of national education should be based on the principles of humanism, democracy, the unity of the family and the school, the succession of generations.
The main objective of national education - the acquisition of the younger generation with social experience; inheritance of spiritual achievements of the Ukrainian people; the achievement of high culture of international relations; the formation of young people, regardless of national personality traits of citizens of Ukraine, development of spiritual, physical fitness, moral, artistic, aesthetic, legal, labor, ecological culture.
Priority areas of education reform:
- the formation of national identity, the love for the native land, people, the desire to work for the good of the state, the willingness to defend it;
- ensuring the spiritual unity of generations, fostering respect for parents, the mothers, the culture and history of the native people;
- the formation of the high linguistic culture, mastering the Ukrainian language;
- instilling respect for the culture, customs and traditions of the peoples in Ukraine;
- the education of the individual spiritual culture, the creation of the free choice its ideological position;
- upholding the principles of universal morality: truth, justice, patriotism, kindness, diligence, and other virtues;
- the formation of the creative, hard-working person, the owner of civilized education;
- ensuring full physical development of children and youth, promotion and protection their health;
- the development of respect for the Constitution, the laws of Ukraine, national symbols;
- the formation of deep awareness of the relationship between the ideas of freedom, human rights and civic responsibility;
- ensuring the high artistic and aesthetic education and the education of the individual;
- the formation of ecological culture and human harmony with the nature of its relationship;
- the development of individual skills and talents of young people, and the conditions for their fulfilment;
- the formation of children and young people, and interpersonal communication skills to prepare them for life in the market economy.
The main ways of reforming education:
- the reformation of education content, filling its cultural and historical achievements of the Ukrainian people;
- the introduction of new approaches, educational systems, forms and methods of education that would meet the needs of the individual, contributed to the disclosure of his talents, spiritual, emotional, mental and physical abilities;
- the development of theoretical and methodological aspects of the national educational system, taking into account national and international experience;
- integration of government and public institutions into the education, the promotion of children and youth organizations;
- the development of a variety of children and youth associations of interest, afterschool educational institutions;
- the organization of family upbringing and education as an important part of universal education of parents;
- fundamental changes of pedagogical courses for national education in the training and retraining.
ukrainian pedagogy european integration
Declaration of sovereign and independent Ukrainian State opened the floodgates of creativity, intensified the search for the large army of teachers in relation to the development of Ukrainian national education system. One of the characteristic features of modern education is its wide variability, which is reflected, in particular, in the variety of types of educational institutions.
Authors' schools, specialized, in-depth study of specific subjects' schools, gymnasiums, lyceums, etc. have become accustomed along with the massive schools.
They use new forms and methods of teaching, practice, test new educational paradigm [3, p.73].
The mentioned above can be denoted by the same terms "innovation" and "innovation process", which include "complex creative process of creation and dissemination of innovation that meets the specific needs of the public. "
There was the need for deeper study, scientific understanding and development on this basis the strategy and tactics of the Ukrainian national school.
It has stepped up the research and teaching public about the creation its own research and teaching centres.
March 4, 1992 the President of Ukraine adopted the proposal by a group of leading scientists and issued the decree on the establishment of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine as the highest branch of the scientific establishment.
At the first General Meeting of APS 18. II. 1992, M. D. Yarmachenko was elected the president. The General Meeting of the Academy created three branches:
- Theory and History of Education.
- Didactics, Methods and Information Technologies in Education.
- Psychology, Physiology and Defectology.
APS comes from the fact that the main task of teaching science at the present time is the theoretical and methodological support for radical renewal of the education system by taking into account the realities of modern life, the prospects for economic and social development of Ukraine as the sovereign state.
Basic research in the plans of the Academy occupies the significant proportion and is financed from the state budget. The development of pedagogical theories, also on different philosophical principles, can not be dependent on the market demand for these theories, as this would lead to a complete collapse of pedagogy as the theoretical system.
The priorities of the basic research include:
the development of the new philosophy of education, study the relationship between philosophy and sociology on the one hand, and pedagogy - on the other;
the establishment of the integrated theory of personality development, investigating in the relationship between social and biological child;
the development of the theory of educational systems as the main form of pedagogical integration processes in their unity and diversity with the focus on the individual, to prepare him for life in the multicultural society;
the development of educational content and concepts of the learning process for different types of educational institutions, taking into account trends in the development of scientific and technical progress and scientific knowledge of relevant industries, forms of social consciousness, harmonization cycles of subjects and education;
the justification of advanced teaching technologies [1, p.130].
The current trend of education is its humanization. The traditional paradigm is replaced by humanistic one.
Humanization is the key element of modern pedagogical thinking, asserting polysubject essence of the educational process. The main purpose of education is the development of the individual.
In connection with it challenges facing the teacher change. Among the humanistic tendencies of the functioning and development of the education system may be the main, which focuses on the personal development.
The more harmonious the general cultural, social, moral, and professional development of the individual is, the freer and more creative people will become. The origins of humanism in the intrinsic value of a man, is his spiritual and moral world, the development of culture, philosophy, art, literature and science.
Humanitarism is the tool of humanization. The higher the human culture is, the more easily it adapts. The ultimate goal of humanization is self-knowledge as human beings, and this goal should be to learn how to implement the process of training and education of each new generation.
The fate of the next generation depends very much on the teachers, in general the leaders. Teachers need to understand that they themselves have to learn throughout their life.
The market economy system has put the person before the need for continuous selection of various schemes of life, not just one, but many variants of the behavior.
The education system puts in this connection the task to form one of the capacity and the need to learn constantly new social technologies, new types, methods and forms of activity.
The humane principle means moving from a technocratic model of education to the socio-cultural model. The object of the humanities serves individual, society, the relationship and interaction of people in different social systems.
Ukrainian pedagogy is domestic science of education of the rising generation and Ukrainian national minorities of our country, which has long been characterized by deep humanistic traditions, constantly enriched with folk wisdom, education, the highest achievements of world science and culture.
Pedagogy must be turned into meaningful and systematic, coherent and efficient science which meets the needs of the Ukrainian nation, ethnic group and would be respected and eagerly studied by students.
At the historic Millennium Ukrainian pedagogical thought and practice of education are faced serious problems. Rejection of totalitarianism and ideological dogmatism, development of the state, the deep socio-economic crisis, and the need to reassess the values have impacted the quality of education.
In addition, these processes have occurred against the background of the global crisis of the educational system that is associated with globalization, the transition to the postindustrial phase of our civilization, with the computerization of all aspects of social life. In these conditions it is very timely and important the creation of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, the institutions that are actively involved in the study of actual problems of the theory and practice of modern education.
On the basis of domestic and world science pedagogy and taking into account the objective of socio-economic, cultural and spiritual needs of the community they have been developing effective ways and means of preparing the younger generation for successful life and work in the complex changing world.
In the effort to integrate into the European and world educational space, the national education system is actively developed and reformed.
The transition to the twelve-year study of high school is introduced by 12 points scale evaluation of knowledge. The reform of the higher education system in Ukraine is characterized by optimal matching search between the established tradition in the Ukrainian school and new trends associated with the entry into the world educational space. There are a few trends in this way.
The first trend deals with the development of multi-level system in many universities of Ukraine. The advantage of this system is the multi-level organization of higher education which provides more mobility on the types of training and choice of future profession. It forms the ability to develop the graduation of the university on the basis of the resulting of the new specialty formation.
The second trend is the significant enrichment of the university with modern information technologies, the broad connection with the "Internet" and the intensive development of distance learning.
The third trend is the universalization of higher education in Ukraine and the integration of all higher education institutions in the country and the leading universities in the world, resulting in the emergence of university complexes.
The fourth trend is the transition of Higher Education of Ukraine to self-financing. The fifth trend is the restoration of higher education based on international standards. Therefore, there is the shift in the mode of Ukrainian universities experimental work on the testing of new curricula, educational standards, new educational technologies and management structures [4].
In higher school, the system of training based on educational qualification is introduced by the certification levels: "bachelor", "specialist" and "master". It is preparing for the gradual transition to the two-tier system that meets European practice.
The national higher school is now searching for effective ways and means to ensure the best fit the nature of its activities to new socio-economic and socio-political realities.
A characteristic feature of this research is the desire, on the one hand, to save, multiply and make good use of the best achievements of the previous stage in the development of higher education, its general humanistic orientation, and on the other - to ensure maximum compliance of the content and structure of education, the organization of the educational process perspective society's needs and personality.
In addition, these realities are largely determined by the processes of globalization, information, formation and development of post-industrial stage of historical development of human civilization. In this regard, industry leadership and higher education institutions themselves are taking active steps to join the Bologna process, one objective of which is to increase the level of integration of European states and the productive use of its advantages for further development on the basis of mutual enrichment of the intellectual, cultural, spiritual, social, scientific and technological capacity.
Today the country has revived the authority of knowledge and education, the system of education, including alternative in the form of the network of private schools, has developed and innovative teaching technologies have been put into practice, the computerization of the educational process has been actively carried out.
In other words, the objective conditions that contribute to the further comprehensive development of educational theory and practice have been created.
The main directions of the education system development are shown in some documents: the Law of Ukraine "On Education", "On Higher Education" as well as the State National Program "Education" ("Ukraine XXI Century"), the National Doctrine of Education Development in Ukraine in the XXI century.
Workers in the industry give their knowledge, capacity and experience of important business professional and general cultural training of young people; contribute to the socioeconomic and spiritual revival of Ukraine.
National Doctrine of Education Development was approved by Presidential Decree 17 April 2002. It is noted that "education is the basis of the individual, society, nation, state, pledge of the future of Ukraine. It is the determining factor in the political, socio-economic, cultural and scientific life of builds the intellectual, spiritual, and economic potential of the society.
Education is the strategic resource for improving the welfare of the people, the national interests; enhance the credibility and competitiveness in the international arena". An urgent task is to ensure the availability of quality lifelong learning for all citizens and to further affirm its national character. The content of education and the organization of the educational process must be constantly updated in line with the democratic values of modern scientific and technological achievements. The doctrine defines the system of conceptual ideas and views on the strategy and direction of development of education in the first quarter of the XXI century.
The doctrine states that education in Ukraine should be an important factor in the humanization of social and economic relations, the formation of new individual life choices. Priority in establishing the system of education is to educate people in the spirit of responsible attitude to their own health and the health of others as to the highest individual and social values.
Education is a priority for the introduction of modern information and communication technologies to ensure continued improvement in the educational process, the availability and effectiveness of education, training young people for life in the information society. This is achieved by: ensuring the progressive informatization of the education system by introducing distance learning, the development of individual modular training programs for all levels, creating the industry of modern teaching facilities, the relevant international scientific and technical level. The combination of education and science is the condition of modernization of the education system, the main factor for further development, provided the constant increase in research funding in accordance with the requirements [1, p.131].
Fundamentalization of education, intensification of research in higher education institutions, research institutions, the development of education based on the latest scientific and technological achievements, innovative educational activities in educational institutions of all types, levels of accreditation and ownership; legal protection of educational innovations and results of research and teaching as intellectual property, the introduction of scientific examination of state education standards, textbooks, innovative systems of training and education, bringing to scientific work of gifted pupils and students, teachers, etc. are very important.
Implementation of the National Doctrine ensure the transition to a new type of humanistic education innovation that will contribute to the growth of the true intellectual, cultural, spiritual and moral potential of the individual and society.
The independence and self-sufficiency of the individual, his creative activity will increase. Results of the doctrine will strengthen the democratic foundations of civil society and accelerate its received in Ukraine, will be competitive in the European and world educational space, and man - secure and mobile in the global labor market.
Analysis of the processes of reforming the educational systems in developed countries shows that they are all due to the need to formulate a new paradigm of education. In connection with the integration processes, the creation of world education paradigm at its core should be relevant and broadly shared by the whole world. Solving of today's human problems alone is not capable of any country; no matter what powerful economy it had. To perform the basic tasks needs to connect the economic, intellectual and spiritual resources of the world's camaraderie.
The implementation of these approaches requires the development of new educational paradigm, aimed primarily at the development of spirituality and the creative essence of the person. The main task of the educational practice is not only the study of the laws of nature and society, but also activity - mastering humanistic methodology of creative transformation of the world, the harmonization of relations in the system "man - nature - society".
The new paradigm is a priority of education (general, secondary and tertiary) which involves focus on the interests of the individual adequate to the modern trends of social development.
A new educational paradigm provides quality assurance in higher education as the acquisition of expertise, erudition, the formation of creativity, culture personality.
The purpose of the state policy in the field of education is to create conditions for personal development and self-actualization of every citizen of Ukraine, the education of the generation of people who will work effectively and learn throughout their lives, to preserve and enhance the values of national culture and civil society to develop and strengthen independent, democratic and legal state as an integral part of the European and world community.
Activated processes of national self-identification will increase their civil authority, and the status of citizen of Ukraine in the international socio-cultural environment. Nowadays more than 200,000 teachers, teachers of different specialties of secondary schools, teachers of vocational-technical schools, of which, 43,500 teachers of higher educational institutions that can effectively use information and communication technologies in the educational process have been trained. They have become more efficient using projective techniques, interdisciplinary communication.
Teachers and students have begun to create their own teaching materials on the use of standard software.
Pedagogical creativity apostles in Ukrainian Education - M. Drahomanova, B. Grinchenko, Franco Rusovoj, C.D. Vashenko - are the gold fund of the national education as the basis for development of the national school of pedagogy in sovereign Ukraine.
Conclusions. The challenges of modern systems of training and education stem from the state of society and are: real transition to the spread of pedagogical creativity and personal exposure in the reorientation of students and teachers' groups to overcome the authoritarian style of the team in relation to the students. In the sense of self-worth pupil is a combination of training and education in class and after school, highlighting instead of the ideological and political education. Moral education based on universal values, as well as legal, economic, civil areas of education is that best fit with the problems of modern society.
In society, there is an urgent need for the system of education patriot of Ukraine, which would be based on the idea of creating and filming to the contradictions that have been established on the basis of historical features, mentality and religious conflicts in the regions of Ukraine. Such a system should be based on the ideals that have shown continuous connection between the generations and at the same time was not artificially created by theorists, and have found an echo in the soul of every Ukrainian. And such an ideal has emerged in modern Ukraine.
This Cossacks - Zaporozhye, Ukrainian Cossacks. The system itself, Cossack military - patriotic education is based on the harmonious combination of centuries-old Cossack military traditions and achievements of modern military science.
Such symbiosis gives a positive result, because connects with on one hand strict and clear-cut military science and on the other hand with psychology of a free, highly spiritual person who is not under orders from above. His soul and his heart are ready to defend Ukraine and Ukrainian people.
1. Астахов В. Глобальные вопросы образования, и особенности их проявления в Украине / В. Астахов. - X., 2005. - С.128 - 134.
2. Астахов Е. Трансформация современных функций высшего образования в современных условиях / Е. Астахов. - X., 2009. - С.34 - 45.
3. Болонский процесс: модель структуры к диплому (2004) / уклад.3.И. Тимошенко, О.И. Козаченко, И.Ю. Палех. - К.: Изд-во Европ. ун-та. - С.73.
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презентация [886,2 K], добавлен 22.02.2012School attendance and types of schools. Pre-school and elementary education. Nursery schools and kindergartens which are for children at the age of 4 - 6. The ideal of mass education with equal opportunity for all. Higher education, tuition fees.
реферат [20,5 K], добавлен 01.04.2013