New way of forming movement skills and practices for primary school children
The question of new approaches development, which are related to the differentiated programming development of motive capabilities of first form pupils in the lesson process were scanned. Аuthor’s methodology using tennis on the physical training lessons.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 09.01.2019 |
Размер файла | 217,2 K |
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Shuba L.V.
There are the problems of physical education of primary school children at the present shown stage in Ukraine. The questions of new approaches development, which are related to the differentiated programming development of motive capabilities of first form pupils in the lesson process, were scanned. It will help to improve the decision of physical educational tasks at school.
The author's methodology is channeled into using tennis on the physical training lessons was theoretically grounded, exploited and infiltrated into process of physical culture.
Key words: methodology, primary school, tennis, forming, movement skills, practices.
tennis physical training lessons
Показано проблеми фізичного виховання молодших школярів на сучасному етапі в Україні. Розглянуто питання розробки нових підходів, пов'язаних з диференційованим програмуванням розвитку рухових здібностей учнів першого класу у процесі урочної форми, що сприятиме поліпшенню вирішення завдань фізичного виховання в школі.
Теоретично обґрунтовано, розроблено та впроваджено в процес фізичного виховання авторську методику спрямовану на використання великого тенісу під час занять.
Ключові слова: методика, початкова школа, теніс, формування, уміння, навички.
Actuality and the necessity of the research. Nowadays the role of pedagogic and physical education of children is growing with the purpose to solve the task of rising generation health improvement and harmonic development. Modern live conditions put high demands to the level of physical development, ability to work and functional state of children organism [5].
Children's organism on each stage of the development is complicated biological system forming of which is natural aptitude for studying and upbringing. Primary school age is a very important period for children development, it is time when the character forms, broaden the mind, lay foundation of health and overall physical condition [1; 6].
Nowadays in Ukraine we do not have the system of improving people's health in the state and local levels, conditions for healthy way of life among people are not created. Successful study at school is determined with many factors of children's health state. The present day 60% of children in educational institutions have problems with health and only fourth part of them is healthy, 28,7% of primary school children are relatively healthy. Based on the research findings in primary school, we can see that morbidity rate of acute respiratory viral infection and catarrhal diseases is extremely high, nearly 60-80% [1; 5].
One of the cases of rising generation poor health is limited movement rate. Only 40% of physical education program is implemented.
There are a lot of scientific and research works which are devoted to the search of different ways for rising the effectiveness of children's physical education. Organizational, pedagogical and methodological ways of improving the system of primary school children's physical education are analyzed in the following researches: O. Dubogai, Iu Vaskov, L. Volkova, T. Krutsevich, O. Kuts, L. Sushchenko, B. Shuian; works devoted to the differentiated approach are following: E. Vilchkovskyi, O. Vlasiuk, N. Moskalenko, T. Petruk and etc. ; works devoted to using different sports in physical education for primary school children are following: M. Boreiko, V. Zhyliuk, S. Prysiazhniuk, L. Kharchenko, A. Tsos, V. Shalin, O. Shuian and etc.
However, analyze of professional literature showed that there are not enough scientific and research materials of physical education pedagogy for six-year old children that's why it is necessary all the time to look for the ways of improvement the effectiveness of forming the movement skills and practices for primary school children on the physical training lessons. Also there were no found researches devoted to highest priority of using tennis like an advanced method of physical education for primary school children [2; 3].
That's why using of tennis elements can be one of the new ways for solving the problem of realization potential opportunities of children's organism on the physical training lessons. Tennis is game of movement. It depends on explosives rates of movements that change with variable fast side by side movements. Thanks to this game attain development of movement skills and coordination practices, extend the fund of influence movement skills and practices, and also considerably increase functional system reserves. Tennis helps to develop and strength motor system, improve functioning of the basic systems and internal organs of children. Moral and volitional skills are growing [4].
At the same time forming of movement skills and practices of primary school children in the process of playing tennis was not research subject for pedagogic. Using tennis elements in the physical training lessons is growing because of necessity of accommodating the disputes, which we have in educational practice between: modern demands of generation for forming healthy population and current system of physical culture program realization; demands of movement skills and practices forming in primary school children in the process of playing tennis and lack of scientific and methodological results.
The problem of evidence based scientific methodology development of using tennis in the process of primary school children physical education is important, that's why it is a subject of our research.
Research objective - substantiate methodology of physical training lessons organization with using tennis elements for raising the level of physical conditioning and health indicators of primary school children.
Subject of research - physical culture educational process of primary school children.
Scope of research - content and methodology of physical culture lessons using tennis elements for primary school children.
Scientific novelty of obtained results lies in the principle of physical training lessons composition. For the first time:
- unit system of forming movement skills and practices for first grade pupils was theoretically substantiated and developed as combination of connected components (targets, contents, forms and methods), which complement and influence each other, create educational milieu. All these factors help to form and develop movement skills and practices;
- there was determined the influence of author methodology of using tennis elements on health indicators and physical skills development of primary school children;
- data about the influence of pedagogic conditions on the effectiveness of movement skills education with the help of using tennis elements for primary school children were obtained.
- methodology of physical training lessons organization for first grade pupils taking into account age peculiarities on the base of using tennis elements;
- variable parts of physical training lessons plans for one year, which have elements of movement skills and practices for primary school children with the help of exercises including tennis elements.
Subsequent development and definition got:
- using competition method on the physical training lessons for forming movement skills and practices for first grade pupils on the final stage;
- data about substance of teaching movement skills and practices on the physical training lessons for primary school children which have different level of movement activity with using practical method of physical culture.
On the basis of scientific research, which is devoted to the problem of physical culture was determined as: "The main task of physical culture and sport is regular rise of health level, physical and spiritual development of population" (T. Crusevich) [5].
In spite of the fact that studying of children health condition in Ukraine is performed for many years, but the problem isn't opened enough. Studying of children and teenagers health condition in interrelation with physical training is very important for a substantiation of preventive actions and health strengthening of future generation. There're no doubts about the presence of close dependence between children health and organization and physical education. Taking into account children to various kinds of physical training, physical training experts should have the system of scientifically-proved methods for their use on lessons at comprehensive school [2; 6]
On the bases of facts which were mentioned before, we can draw a conclusion that for more effective realization of the purposes and problems of physical education, it is necessary to consider new ways of development, i.e. innovative pedagogical technologies. They join together the ordered set of actions, operations and processes, which provide development and cooperation introduction of different kinds of pedagogical innovations, which cause positive changes in traditional pedagogical processes, modernize and transform them.
In our experiment we used tennis elements. Thanks to game of tennis, we reach the development of impellent qualities and coordination abilities of children, grow the fund of their movement skills and practices, and also the reserve of functional systems of an organism considerably increases. There is an activization of development and strengthening of the locomotors systems, functioning of the basic systems an internals. Preparation of tennis players is filled with various means which influence on locomotors systems and development of speed-power character abilities. Purposeful influence on different components of impellent abilities, such as speed of visually-motor reaction, frequency of movements, short-term power pressure is carried out.
Physical training process in tennis is carried out on conditions of the careful accounting age features development of a children organism, level of its readiness, features of physical qualities development and motivation formatting to physical training and sports. It's impossible to deal with laws of physical training without knowledge of physiological bases of organism, child impellent activity. This knowledge helps to avoid errors in a technique, selection of physical exercises dispensing. All facts, which were mentioned before the methodology became the basis for working out of a technique of physical exercises of selection in the process of tennis elements training (fig. 1) [4].
In the process of author's method development we have kept all educational themes, hours and lesson structure, but have divided semesters into blocks. For more effective mastering of a teaching material we added new themes into theoretical base.
The program materials, which we have offered defined the maintenance of a theoretical and practical orientation of tennis exercises training. One of motivation factors to physical training lessons was that this sport was new and unusual for children.
Theoretical training included six topics which the program offered and also tennis topics: "Condition and development review of tennis in the world and in Ukraine", "Olympic Games and tennis", "World Championship", "Kremlin Cup", "the Cup of Devisa", "Grand Slam".
Practical preparation had an accurate target orientation. We offered the new approach to selection of combined - developing exercises, games, relay races and tools at the lesson. As a rule we had each lesson complexes of interdependent developing, educational, improving and educational problems.
Analyzing our technique it is necessary to pay attention that the most important pivotal moment in its realization was the preparatory part.
The preparatory part, (duration 7-15 % of the general time of a lesson) was directed on the organization and motivation of pupils to a lesson, their acquaintance with a theme and preparation of an organism for the basic part of a lesson.
In a preparatory part we used the following exercises: construction, evolution, different kinds of walking, run, jumps. Combined - developing exercises without a tool or with a tool: with tennis balls, mold balls, with gymnastic sticks, dumbbells, guns, the big balls, skipping ropes (which are an integral part of tennis elements training) they were used depending on the developed block. Exercises stole up so that they were simple and easily acquired, step by step have influenced on a child organism.
For the academic year we planned twelve separate complexes of combined - developing exercises.
The basic part (duration 80-85 % from the general time of a lesson) solved a problem - understanding of teaching material using of our author's methodology. Thanks to it, pupils understand teaching material more successfully, improved impellent skills, and raised level of physical readiness, working capacity, developed the move-fulcrum organs, cardiovascular system, formed a bearing, tempered an organism, developed morally-strong- willed qualities, and also acquired tennis elements. Each lesson assisted education of physical qualities. Their development is an integral part of all training processes. Indispensable condition of a lesson is the optimum emotional condition of pupils because it is the main indicator of interpersonal relations of teacher and pupil.
The final part (5-6 % from the general time of a lesson), which was modified in our methodology. It is connected with stabilization of a child functional condition. The given age is raised excitability; that is why activities in this part of a lesson should end with inactive games which allow lowering of organism excitability, gradually lead to its norm. Children were offered, which games which caused only positive emotions (pleasure, satisfaction) results of game aren't off a great importance (for example loss), the easy run, "calming" walk, exercises and games on attention, dancing exercises (rate of music slow), exercises on a relaxation (with tools and without tools), preventive maintenance of flat foot - "chestnuts path", puzzles were offered to children. Thanks to our methodology the children organism was restored also, the child was ready for the next lessons.
Tennis exercises are used at each lesson. We have separately allocated those exercises which children were trained full academic year.
For harmonious development of children we suggested to carry out elements and exercises both right, and left hands: game racks and movement; exercises with a racket; exercises with a racket and a ball.
So, generalization of theoretical search results and an experimental research we can make conclusions:
1. There was an absence of the scientific works devoted to forming of movement skills of six year old children using tennis elements during physical training lessons. That's why there was the necessity of searching new approaches for improving teaching and educational processes of physical training.
2. It is proved that the leading role in optimization of physical-improving process plays designing of different physical-improving systems on the base of the scientifically-proved and adequate parities of external and internal factors of child development. Taking into account these important factors, we developed the technique for physical training lessons for six year old children using tennis elements.
3. The developed technique considers: specific features of physical development, health condition, physical working capacity and physical readiness of children; influence of external conditions on development of the child (previous training and education, life experience, environment, life conditions). Children should know the purpose of each exercise, and also means, methods, problems and results of its successful performance. Quantity of repetitions of exercises should be sufficient to generate ability of performance of certain movement. The system and sequence of exercises performance should be enough to form the knowledge how to do this exercise.
4. There was proved perceptivity of the directed formation of movement skills for primary school children taking into account level of their physical development and condition of physical readiness. It is based on the differentiated approach of physical training, proportional development of physical qualities, strengthening of child health and increase of working capacity in the process of studying at primary school.
Further research prospects of a problem are connected with working out of the scientifically-proved pedagogical system of using tennis exercises at physical training lessons for 7, 8, and 9 year old children; studying of adaptation features of pupils organism to physical activity under the influence of tennis exercises training which have different levels of health; the further studying of a problem of the personality-focused approach in the course of the physical training of primary school children directed on development of memory, thinking, attention, increase in a gain of physical qualities and a stock of impellent abilities and habits, assistance to strengthening of children health.
1. Boychenco T. Foundations of health for 1 - 4 classes / Т. Boychenco, О. Savchenco. - K. : Geneza, 2007. - 96 p.
2. Dubogay O.D. The cognitive and motor activity to integration into process of physical culture / O.D. Dubogay, B.P. Pangelov, КО. Frolova, M.L Gorbenco. - К. : Оrijan, 2001. - 152 p.
3. Hoskins T. The tennis drill book / T. Hoskins. - USTA, 2004. - 241 p.
4. Kovacs M. Tennis training / M. Kovacs, W. Dritt Chandler, T. Jeff Chandler. - USTA, 2006. - 245 p.
5. Moscalenco N.V. Physical education for primary school children: [monograph] / Н.В. Москаленко. - Dnepropetrovsk: Publishing house "Inovation", 2007. - 252 p.
6. Palchevskiy S.S. Pedagogical : [Educ. b.] / S.S. Palchevskiy. - К. : Karavela, 2007. - 576 p.
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