The influence of tutoring on the formation of personal values at higher educational establishment: European experience

Overview the modern tutoring system. Influence on the development of cultural, moral, aesthetic values of personalities during their study at HEIs. The advantages of tutoring and mentoring ways of attracting students to tutoring activity are highlighted.

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Дата добавления 10.10.2018
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National University “Lviv Politechnic


Oksana Ivanytska, Applicant


tutoring study mentoring student

The article gives an overview of the modern system of tutoring in higher educational establishments in Europe and shows the influence of tutors on the formation of personality values during studies in the higher educational establishments. It is shown how the well-developed communication between tutors and students affects the development of their moral, aesthetic and cultural values. Tutoring is provided as one of the main axiological priorities of modern higher education. The advantages of tutoring and mentoring as well as ways of attracting students to tutoring activity are highlighted. The differences between tutoring and mentoring in different countries are shown. The origins of tutoring are mentioned, though it is the British phenomenon, now it is widespread in the whole world. It is shown that success in good specialists training to a large extent depends on the existence of mediators between students and professors, such mediators in the modern education system are tutors, mentors and, in the Ukrainian reality, curators. It is also stressed that nowadays it is very important to implement the system of tutoring and mentoring in higher education because borders between countries disappear, internationalization strategy is being implemented but, at the same time, there is war in many countries, students belong to different religions, they have different colour of skin, speak different languages, all these issues could be the problem without mediators who communicate with students in a friendly manner. The objectives of tutoring are provided: from the assistance in educational process to the training of scientific elite. Ukrainian laws in higher education are overwiewed as well as possible challenges during the international practices implementation in higher education system of Ukraine.

Keywords: tutoring, a tutor, personality values, an axiology, subject mentors.


Оксана Іваницька, здобувач Національного університету “Львівська політехніка”


У статті здійснено огляд сучасної системи тьюторства у вищих навчальних закладах Європи та показано вплив тьюторів на формування цінностей особистості протягом навчання у ВНЗ. Показано, як налагоджена комунікація між тьюторами та студентами впливає на розвиток їхніх моральних, естетичних та культурних цінностей. Обгрунтовано тьюторинг, як один з основних аксіологічних пріоритетів сучасної вищої освіти. Висвітлено переваги тьюторства та менторства і варіанти залучення студентів до тьюторської діяльності.

Ключові слова: тьюторинг, тьютор, цінності особистості, аксіологія, предметні ментори.

The problem setting

Political, economic, social and cultural development of modern society is based on the tendencies of globalization and growth of the competition level in the international community. At the beginning of the 21st century, special attention is paid to the education, the main task of which is to prepare a person for functioning in multicultural society [11]. It is of utmost importance to realize how tutoring helps to improve the educational process and influences on the development of cultural, moral, aesthetic values of personalities during their study a HEIs. Best practices of foreign universities should be taken into consideration and in the future be implemented at the Ukrainian Universities.

Analyis of the recent research and publications

The article deals with different education issues such as: tutoring, axiology, personality values which have one common feature - training of the specialist with preservation and development of cultural and best aesthetic qualities. Axiological ideas of personalities formation are discussed by the following scholars: V. Andrushchenko, O. Nevmerzhytska, M. Pantiuk etc. At the same time issues of tutoring and mentoring are researched by O. Komar, S. Mykytiuk, L. Nastenko, R. Sharan, as well as by famous foreign scientists - R. Grassinger, Janet W. Colvin, Heike Kropke. Nowadays, the attention of scholars is mostly paid to the solutions of problems which are typical in the sphere of specialists training in order to be able to counter challenges of modern pedagogics.

The aim of the article is to overview the modern tutoring system, mostly based on the European experience, and to show how it influences on the development of cultural, moral, aesthetic values of personalities during their study at HEIs.

The main material presentation

Nowadays, it is very important to use and implement best European practices in the education system of our country. The demands to specialists training are increasing, it is not enough to provide students with necessary information related to the specialty, but also to make them aware of the possibilities they have in life, direct them in the right way, influence on the development of their moral, aesthetic and cultural values [7]. The more global task is set to the teachers, professors who wish to train a well-prepared specialist. Every University must develop its own strategy for the valuable specialists training. According to O. Zakharyash, schools and universities should train scientific elite and aristocrats of the spirit [3]. The term “aristocrats of the spirit” was analyzed and discussed during numerous conferences and meetings. In order to train such an aristocrate, a complex of means and international experiences should be used.

Tutor (from the Latin Tutorem - tutor) in the sense of “senior, who should take care of a student at classes”, it is recorded in sources since 1580. This phenomenon comes from the UK, especially from classical English universities. Even at that time, the main tasks of the tutor were formed. The tutor determines which lectures are better for students, keeps track of academic success, provides the opportunity to develop individual educational programs for students, and accompanies the learning process in the system of additional continuous education [5, 343]. In the second half of the twentieth century in the UK in the framework of organizational and legislative reforms on higher education there have been some changes related to the terms of study, curricula, etc. The universities representatives, who were nominated as subject mentors, professional mentors, tutors, were responsible for the organization of training, counseling, assessment of the professional pedagogical achievements of students [4, 155].

Nowadays, there are special councils in the UK that fund a variety of youth projects at universities, as well as programs that promote quality of education. During different periods, tutors were performing different functions - from educational to instructional and organizational ones.

There are several common features in educational systems of Ukraine and UK. The British professors do their best in order to train not only highly qualified specialists, but, at the same time, to prepare wise, open-minded youth who wish to learn something new and have the desire to acquire some extra professional knowledge as well as respect their traditions and culture. Cultural diversity should be taken into consideration during the process of students training [12].

While comparing higher education development in Ukraine and UK, there are certain patterns and similar trends, namely: the precondition of the development of pedagogical education by historical, political and social factors; preservation of national traditions and customs in teacher training; influence of modern pedagogical ideas (integration, professionalization, universalization) [2].

In France, the future teachers training is based on the integration of theoretical, psychological, pedagogical and special preparation and pedagogical internship. Students have the opportunity to use the acquired theoretical knowledge while undergoing pedagogical internship and test themselves as teachers [1].

Concerning the Spanish model, the Barcelona Polytechnic University in Catalonia, which follows the entrepreneurial model of the university, has an innovative culture, a dialogue between all the governing bodies, and a strong managerial core [9, 91].

The tutoring process, its positive impact and internationalization process in Poland has been rapidly developing during the recent years. Today, higher education in Poland meets European standards and norms. The construction of a Pan-European modern system of higher education with the introduction of new standards, methodological recommendations and legislative provisions is a necessary tool for the development of the European economy and the formation of its intellectual elite.

The individual possibilities of each student and his peculiarities are taken into account at the universities of Poland, each student pace of learning is followed. This is confirmed by the positive responses of the Ukrainian students who studied during the semester, or were trained at Polish universities. The introduction of the tutoring system is actively taking place in Poland. It is partially implemented at some universities: there are no rules and regulations, and at other universities, such system has been introduced long ago and may even be a model for imitation. As a rule, tutoring and mentoring are the main features of the Polish Technical Universities, as engineering sciences are more difficult for students, therefore they need some help and advice. Since Polish universities do not have additional funds to pay tutors, except for those who have won individual grants, the tutors are encouraged by other methods. For example, the Lodz Technical University, one of the best Polytechnics of Poland, can show how successfully tutoring and mentoring can be introduced without additional funding. There are mentors at the Department of International Relations that help to organize the educational process, and there is an open office near the department in which several tutors help everyone during the whole day. Everyone can come up and solve their problem, or ask for advice. For example, students often turn to their senior counselors for advice in order to properly fill the Learning Agreement under the Erasmus+ programme. Tutors recommend them, how many credits are required to take, which credits will be accepted by sending institution etc. Since tutors do not receive direct payment for their work, they have other benefits. Such students primarily are recommended for study abroad, for scholarships, in some cases even receive a certain amount of credits. They are welcomed if they want to continue their postgraduate studies and start their careers at the university. That is why students are happy to become tutors, they agree on a schedule of work for the office uninterrupted functioning.

Tutoring and its influence on the cultural development of students is implemented at the Universities of Germany. It is organized on a very serious level. Germany, together with Great Britain and the USA, probably is one of the most successful in the realization of the tutoring issues.

Each year in Germany a congress of tutors- administrators from all Universities is held. Such an event takes place in the form of a conference and lasts for 2 - 3 days. Representatives from universities (usually heads of departments that organize tutoring and mentoring at the university) plan the next meeting organisation as well as topics that will be presented for discussion.

In May 2017, the theme for the next year was agreed in Fulda. Experts believe that the topic should be “Sustainability of the tutoring process”. It is believed that more discussion is needed on how to train tutors, all depends on the specifics of actual disciplines. The problem is also to find good speakers for such assemblies for free, sometimes it is difficult for universities to pay a good speaker, they either seek the money, or wait for the speaker to agree for free. All participants want to have such a meeting next year to be held in the center of Germany. Everyone wants to have the same conditions, since the universities that have not won the project for the tuition funding do not have the funds for accomodation and traveling. There must be more publicity, people need to be aware of where to find money.

Especially tutoring and mentoring is needed for the first-year students, during the first semester as students all over the world face a number of problems and there are many challenges they have to deal with [10]. One of the fact that shows how tutoring influences the development of personal skills, cultural enrichment and is an important component of axiological principles is the following. At German Universities they organize games: each one has different roles written on the sheet. For example: someone is blind, someone is from a Jewish family, someone was born in another country and moved to Germany, he or she can not find a job. Leaders ask different questions to the group, they are in the opinion answer “yes” or “no”. “Yes” - a step forward, “no” - a step back. This is done to enable the tutors to understand how diversity affects and how to respond in order to offer comfortable conditions for everyone. In this way the tutors are tested whether they are ready to work and understand the problems. Such games have the main goal - to help the student to understand him/ herself better and to open one's potential. Students should “grow” not only as specialists, but also as individuals. Every student should know that at any moment he can apply to the tutor or mentor who will listen to him, give advice, help, regardless of the colour of the skin, religion or sexual orientation. This, in turn, will give the student confidence and he will be able to make significant progress. There is an evidence, that the Technical University of Darmstadt and the University of Applied Sciences in Giessen have such kind of experience.

Higher education in Ukraine is regulated by the Laws of Ukraine “On Education”, “On Higher Education” and “Regulations on Higher Educational Institutions”. Mandatory for normative and organizational support of tutor activity is the curriculum and the working curriculum [6, 115]. Resource support should be built in accordance with the consistent implementation by the tutor of analytical, predictive and design creative thinking and practical activities [6, 118]. Educational and individual work at the university is becoming extremely important in the context of Ukraine's entry into the European Educational Space. In Ukrainian realities, the role of tutors is mostly performed by curators.

As professor M. Pantyuk notes: “A professional formation of a teacher requires a long professional training and necessarily its improvement. Since the profession of a teacher in terms of direction and character is of the social type and is focused on the communication with the subject (student) who is developing, the requirements for it are special. They provide, besides social responsibility, the ability to build processes of communication and interaction, activity. And for this the teacher needs such abilities as creativity, non-standard thinking and activity, originality, etc” [8, 127]. That is why it is extremely important for tutors and mentors, and in the Ukrainian version, for curators, to have the following qualities for the successful collaboration with students.


The analysis of the tutoring system at the European Higher Educational Establishments was conducted. Tutoring has the influence on the formation of personality values during his/ her study at higher educational establishments. The possibility of various methods using affects the development of students moral, aesthetic and cultural values. The European tendencies should be used in Ukraine in order to meet demands of internationalization and axiological ideas.


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