Heuristic thinking as a condition of successful professional career of future of environment designers

Consideration of research theoretical aspects of future environment designers' heuristic thinking as a necessary condition for the success of their professional activity. Possibilities of implementation of basic forms and methods of heuristic learning.

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Дата добавления 30.08.2018
Размер файла 44,5 K

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Birillo Inna

candidate of engineering sciences

Associate Professor, Department of arts

Kyiv University of Culture


Purpose of Article. The publication is aimed at consideration of research theoretical aspects of future environment designers' heuristic thinking as a necessary condition for the success of their professional activity. Rapid development of world's globalization, high pace of science and technology improvement, conditions of constant increase of ecological, technogenic, natural disasters threats, update the problem of students' heuristic thinking development in order to provide opportunities for self-learning, their creative and adequate application in different conditions of practical activity. Methodology. The methodological framework of this study is a systematic analysis, general scientific methods for organizing and summarizing and the method of comparative analysis. Scientific novelty. The innovation consists in better understanding of the role of training future environment designers; implementation of the basic forms and methods of heuristic learning, main features of the development of heuristic thinking, which is a prerequisite for the success of professional activities and professional growth of future environment designers. The basis of future environment designers' heuristic learning is creative thinking and computer technologies usage is auxiliary platform, that provides formation and training of qualified specialists. The introduction of discipline"Computer simulation of the environment" in the preparation of future environment designers will allow each student to realize himself as a person. Therefore, they can see the personal value of their projects. It activates students' thinking, develops positive motivational settings for their future professional activity and develops a habit to think actively, creatively, rationally and to act. Conclusions. The successful implementation of the basic forms and methods of heuristic learning and successfully selected system of creative tasks and non-standard tasks will contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process and will ensure the development of creative abilities of students, and the creative solution of problem situations will raise education at a new professional level. environment designer heuristic professional

Keywords: methods of heuristic, heuristic thinking, training of environment designers.


Бірілло Інна, кандидат технічних наук, доцент кафедри мистецтв Київського університету культури

Евристичне мислення як умова успішної професійної діяльності майбутніх дизайнерів середовища

Мета роботи - розгляд теоретичних аспектів евристичного мислення майбутніх дизайнерів середовища як необхідної умови успішності їх професійної діяльності. Стрімкий розвиток світової глобалізації, високі темпи удосконалення науки і техніки, умови постійного наростання екологічних, техногенних, природних загроз катастроф актуалізують проблему розвитку евристичного мислення у студентів з метою забезпечення можливостей самостійного набуття знань, їх творчого та адекватного застосування за різних умов практичної діяльності. Методологічною основою дослідження є системний аналіз, загальнонаукові методи систематизації та узагальнення, метод порівняльного аналізу. Наукова новизна полягає в розширенні уявлень щодо підготовки майбутніх дизайнерів середовища, реалізації основних форм і методів евристичного навчання, особливостей розвитку евристичного мислення, що є необхідною умовою успішності їх професійної діяльності, фахового зростання, підготовки фахівців творчих, відповідальних, ініціативних, готових до самореалізації і швидкої адаптації до нових умов. Основою евристичного навчання майбутніх дизайнерів є творче мислення, а використання комп'ютерних технологій є допоміжною платформою, що забезпечує формування й підготовку кваліфікованих фахівців. Упровадження дисципліни "Комп'ютерне моделювання середовища" під час підготовки майбутніх дизайнерів середовища, дозволить кожному студенту усвідомити себе як особистість, а отже, побачити особистісну цінність своїх проектів; активізує мислення студентів, зформує у них позитивні мотиваційні установки щодо майбутньої фахової діяльності; виробить звичку активно, креативно-творчо, раціонально мислити та діяти. Висновки. Успішна реалізація основних форм і методів евристичного навчання, вдало підібрана система творчих завдань і нестандартних задач сприятимуть підвищенню ефективності навчального процесу, забезпечать розвиток креативних здібностей студентів, формування навичок творчого вирішення проблемних ситуацій, підніме освіту на новий професійний рівень.

Ключові слова: евристичні методи, евристичне мислення, підготовка дизайнерів середовища.


Бирилло Инна, кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры искусств Киевского университета культуры

Эвристическое мышление как условие успешной профессиональной деятельности будущих дизайнеров среды

Цель работы - рассмотрение теоретических аспектов эвристического мышления будущих дизайнеров среды как необходимого условия успешности их профессиональной деятельности. Стремительное развитие мировой глобализации, высокие темпы совершенствования науки и техники, условия постоянного нарастания экологических, техногенных, природных угроз катастроф актуализируют проблему развития эвристического мышления у студентов с целью обеспечения возможностей самостоятельного приобретения знаний, их творческого и адекватного применения в различных условиях практической деятельности. Методологической основой исследования является системный анализ, общенаучные методы систематизации и обобщения, метод сравнительного анализа. Научная новизна заключается в расширении представлений о подготовке будущих дизайнеров среды, реализации основных форм и методов эвристического обучения, особенностей развития эвристического мышления, что является необходимым условием успешности их профессиональной деятельности, профессионального роста, подготовки специалистов творческих, ответственных, инициативных, готовых к самореализации и быстрой адаптации к новым условиям. Основой эвристического обучения будущих дизайнеров есть творческое мышление, а использование компьютерных технологий является вспомогательной платформой, обеспечивающий формирование и подготовку квалифицированных специалистов. Внедрение дисциплине "Компьютерное моделирование среды" при подготовке будущих дизайнеров среды, позволит каждому студенту осознать себя как личность, а следовательно, увидеть личностную ценность своих проектов; активизирует мышление студентов, зформуе в них положительные мотивационные установки по будущей профессиональной деятельности; выработает привычку активно, креативно-творчески, рационально мыслить и действовать. Выводы. Успешная реализация основных форм и методов эвристического обучения, удачно подобранная система творческих заданий и нестандартных задач будут способствовать повышению эффективности учебного процесса, обеспечат развитие креативных способностей студентов, формирование навыков творческого решения проблемных ситуаций, поднимет образование на новый профессиональный уровень.

Ключевые слова: эвристические методы, эвристическое мышление, подготовка дизайнеров среды.


The National Doctrine of the Ukraine Education Development defines that leading purpose of all educational institutions activity is activation, formation and development of creative potential and social activity of a person, training of professional culture as a form of a specialist's consciousness organization. This provides development of scientific thinking of young people, professionalism and creativity, and causes a particular attention to the individual creative potential.

Nowadays, modern architectural and design activity requires creative specialist, able to demonstrate individual professional style. Therefore, the future designer's preparation for professional activity should be, above all aimed at the development of spatial imagination and imaginative thinking and technical thinking formation, ability to design in process of architectural design solving issues, using various software tools. However, architect's activity depends on time requirements, scientific and technological progress, which is expressed in combination of art and technical thinking, so architect has to know the history of architecture perfectly, has a developed spatial imagination, be able to design drawings, be harmoniously developed, creative personality. Embodying own idea, concept, the designer implements his project.

Rapid development of world's globalization, high pace of science and technology improvement, development of innovative and other technologies for different purposes, conditions of constant increase of ecological, technogenic, natural disasters threats, update the problem of students' heuristic thinking development in order to provide opportunities for self-learning, their creative and adequate application in different conditions of practical activity. The level of student preparation does not adequately meet the real requirements of society in the training of future environment designers for professional activity [6].

Purpose of the article

Therefore, the publication is aimed at consideration of research theoretical aspects of future environment designer's heuristic thinking as a necessary co ndition for the success of his professional activity.

One of the ways of heuristic activity foundation G. Balk, L. Friedman see in the study of solving tasks and consider heuristic techniques as an effective means of developing the ability to solve problems, including non-standard ones. Seda Yilmaz [4] propose that designers utilize specific heuristics to explore the problem space of potential concepts, leading to the generation of novel and creative solutions. The authors [3] explore the nature and conditions of supporting, creativity, how to foster it in engineering education and describe several courses designed to teach engineering students to be innovators.

Main material presentation

In order to form a student's personality in educational process modern didactics recommends enriching traditional methods of teaching with such techniques and methods, which would facilitate the formation of motivation subjects for future professional activities, high level of activity, emotionality and creativity.

Innovation in educational process is associated with an active process of creation, spread of new methods and tools for solving training problems in the harmonious combination of classical traditional techniques and creative search results, application of non-standard, progressive technologies, original didactic ideas and forms of educational process provision. Heuristic approach, applied by scientists, educators and other specialists for more than two thousand years in various fields of human activity, has provided their development and progress.

However, the development of the designer's personality takes place throughout his professional life and exclusively in the process of production activity, which is carried out according to the laws of art and engineering and provides own architectural and artistic creativity. So studying at a university should be regarded as a technological process of developing creative thinking, active and initiative personality formation, ability to rely on fundamental scientific knowledge, analyze and make informed grounded solutions when performing design tasks. The success of the designer's professional activity requires high creativity level, except proper professional training, based on sufficient professional and life experience, therefore introduction methods of innovative learning into the process of future architect training will give an ability to increase performance, efficiency and quality of this educational process. S.Yu. Razheva reasonably believes, that it is important for students of architectural and creative specialties to develop their creative potential, which has to be supported by personal qualities development (goal-setting, attentiveness, freedom, conscious courage, efficacy), that allows future architects more fully realize all professional aspects [2]. We support the views of those researchers of creativity, who consider that at the stage of basic professional training, heuristic learning methods should be widely used, which actively stimulate the development of students' creative potential and contribute to the development of their creative qualities.

Forms and methods of heuristic learning represent a broader group of didactic means, as they are geared towards preparatory and accompanying work, its planning, estimating, control, reflection, mastering the basic content of education, etc. Self-assimilation of knowledge and methods of heuristic activity promotes the development of creative thinking, methods of active cognitive activity, motives of the study and the motivation of the achievements obtained in its process.

The basis of future environment designers' heuristic learning is creative thinking and computer technologies usage is auxiliary platform, that provides formation and training of qualified specialists, who are able to creative work, professional development, readiness for permanent self-education and the ability to live and work in the information society, mobility in the development of information and communication technologies.

Heuristics uses the work of human, who solves tasks for incomplete output information when the past experience does not contain a ready-made scheme suitable for these conditions. This is the science about means and methods of solving tasks, how to approach the "rediscovery" and the independent task solution. In order to find a way out, the performer must develop a new strategy of activities, that is, to commit an act of creativity. Such a situation is called problematic, but the mental process by which a new strategy is developed and is somewhat new, is called productive thinking or heuristic activity.

Unfortunately, the views of modern researchers on the definition of the concept of "heuristics" are ambiguous. T.V. Dutkevich defines heuristics as method of solving inventive tasks [1]. It is revealed, that in the pedagogical literature the problem of innovative methods is not sufficiently developed. Under heuristic methods, most authors understand different procedures and techniques aimed at reducing the overview of options, aimed at accelerating the process of solving the problem, especially in which a person cannot provide an accurate algorithm for solving with the help of technical means. Different authors characterize the number of existing heuristic methods in different ways. Heuristic learning method is understood as a method that promotes the development of creative abilities of students; a method that allows learning, based on the interests of students; a method consisting in organizing an active search for solutions made in the learning (or self-formulated) cognitive tasks; a method involving the presentation of the material by the teacher in an unfinished form, which enables the trainees to independently reopen already known facts. A. Khutorsky [7] gives the following classification of methods: heuristic methods; methods of productive training, creative learning methods, learning organization methods; knowledge system, formed by transformation of teaching methods to the level of forms of learning.

Heuristic techniques allow to intensify and organize thinking of the designer In the educational knowledge they allow to search for solutions to the tasks set with the application of the unspecified, but the own system of intellectual actions. The main purpose of heuristic techniques is to evaluate previously used methods of indicative search for a solution to educational tasks, personal experience, observations of how others do. All this allows students to find their own, rational, original result in an independent search, in analysis and synthesis, in establishing conclusions.

The purpose of heuristics is to construct models of the process of solving any new problem. There are the following types of models: blind search model based on the so-called trial and error method; a labyrinthine model in which the task is considered as a labyrinth, and the process of finding a solution - as a passage of a labyrinth; structural-semantic model, which is considered to be the most complete in our time and which reflects the semantic relation between the objects that make up the task area.

Speaking about the development of creative thinking, we first of all mean students' skills to adapt the acquired knowledge and skills to new situations - to convert and modify known methods of activity depending on the goals and objectives set and to monitor the results of activities for the purpose of their use in other types of activities.

The creative process is determined by the experience of the activity, the spiritual culture, the system of concepts, assessments and preferences of the author's project. Model of architectural designing as creative process model is planned path to "comprehension" (insight) - as the key link of the four-component structure: "preparation" => "maturation", "enlightenment", "technical implementation" - provided the combination of systemic unity of logical, heuristic and intuitive thinking.

As the key features of architectural and design education are activity, concentration, intensification, individuality, cognition, practicality, criticality, problem, creativity, so heuristic learning will contribute to the effective personal development of students. At the same time, the important target setting is the refusal of the transfer-mastering of the finished knowledge. Student receives the final result (knowledge of the subject, skills and abilities) through a system of heuristic methods, in particular through the method of usage, methods of observation and research, the method of hypotheses, the method of generalizations and analogies, the method of self-organization of learning, the method of projects, etc.

Years of practice prove, that the most effective training of the future architect is based on the socalled" architect's creative method." Architect's creative method is a synthesis of creative methods of an artist, a scientist, an engineer, an organizer of production processes (manager). In this case, scientific and artistic methods are not derived from each other. In the process of architectural creativity occurs their interpenetration and mutual reflection. During architectural design, the contradictions between categories of research and presentation, scientific concept and artistic image, as in judgments about science and art, are eliminated. Therefore, the quality of the work of the designer and his product, the level of his professional skill is estimated by the expressiveness of "virtual architecture", by technological and economical nature of the works, by completeness and degree of satisfaction of the needs of a man and society as a whole and of the requirements of the era.

Designer is a creator, who combines intuitive and logical in architectural design activity. Heuristic (creative) intuition is associated with the formation of fundamentally new knowledge about the object. It can be even said, that heuristic intuition is a leap in the knowledge of the object. It is a cognitive process that occurs when the interaction of sensual images and abstract concepts leads to the emergence of fundamentally new images and concepts, the content of which cannot be deduced only by the operation of existing concepts or by simple synthesis of images. In addition, an important role in organizing the active cognitive activity of future architects is played by algorithms, which are step-by-step rules for solving tasks. They form a clear, focused on the end result of thinking style, the intellectual skills and skills in using rules and instructions. Creativity, the main tool of designer's productive work and activity aimed at creaion of something qualitatively new, originality, and socio-historical uniqueness. Architectural creativity relies on heuristic thinking. Architectural composition is a result of creative heuristic activity, which is the most important part of the whole architectural and project activity of the architect and the main characteristic of the architectural form at all stages of designing. However, architectural composition is a system of project creation and architecture object, heuristic thinking accompanies all stages of solving creative tasks: from the emergence of ideas to the formation and implementation of the plan. Based on the analysis of the peculiarities of future environment designer, he has to possess heuristic skills, generate new, non-standard options for solving problem situation and find ways to optimize own professional activities, which will provide a path to self-development and self-improvement.

A.E. Simanovsky defines "heuristic thinking" as such, based on the criterion of selective search and allows solving complicated, uncertain, problem situations [5]. Heuristic thinking is based on the criterion of selective search when solving complex, uncertain tasks, rejection of stereotypes, existence of variation of ideas and can lead to unexpected results and the creation of a new product. It is characterized by the basic properties, such as speed, independence, originality, flexibility, etc. Environment designer must be able to put a new problem and then solve it; has an ability unusually solve the problem, obtaining unexpected results; has the ability to find new solutions in rapidly changing circumstances and conditions; must instantly understand the situation and make the right decision within a short period of time. Most of the proposed tasks faced by the designer are non-standard ones. Non-standard tasks are those, for which there are no any general rules and positions, which would define exact program of their solving. Unknown is not only the algorithm of solving, but also the educational material that will be used in solving this type of task. But solving of complex non-standard tasks for various purposes and purposes in the process of architectural and design activity helps students to master the apparatus of solving complex systemic tasks of timely prediction, objective prediction and system analysis as existing socio-economic, scientific and technical and other architectural practices, architectural environment tasks and situations, as well as possible man-made, ecological, natural and other accidents and catastrophes. Effectiveness and reliability of timely prediction, objective forecasting, and system analysis of various alternatives, possible complex solutions of problem situations and strategies of action in the architect's practical activities largely depend on its ability to master and efficiently use the capabilities of the methodology of system analysis and architectural heuristics in a timely manner.

Often, there is a need for an initial estimate of the situation and the choice among a large number of options and factors that have a significant impact on the course of events. The choice, however, is based on a number of criteria, which allow narrowing the "search zone", make it shorter and selective. The future architect can solve a task by means of heuristic thinking.

There is often a need for a preliminary assessment of the situation and the choice among a large number of options and factors that have a significant impact on the course of events. In this case, the choice is based on a number of criteria, rules that allow the narrowing the "search zone" and make it shorter. The future architect can solve a task with the help of heuristic thinking.

In the Kyiv University of Culture the introduction of the discipline "Computer simulation of the environment" for the preparation of future environment designers of the fifth year in the amount of 2 credits promotes the development of students system thinking and the awareness of the need to apply a systematic approach to the tasks of architectural practice. They will be able to make decisions to the study of complex phenomena and processes in architectural and urban systems. Provision of master's students - designers with basic knowledge on the basic of the system analysis and heuristics theory (the basis of heuristic creative activity) in architecture, as well as the skills of their application in architectural practice.

As a result of studying the discipline, students have to know the architectural composition as a system, the essence of heuristics, features of heuristic activity, the heuristic rules, the methods and techniques, etc. They should be able to apply the existing knowledge in practice; to distinguish the problems in which the use of system analysis methods is appropriate; to classify systems and methods of system modeling; to apply analytical and synthetic approaches to information modeling of architectural systems and architectural objects; to apply the methodology of system analysis during the designing of specific architectural systems and to compile a structural-morphological, functional and informative description of systems; to choose rational means for solving specific problems, to use the modern methodology of substantiation of decisions and choice of the activity strategy taking into account universal values, personal, public, state and industrial interests; to organize their own activity and effective time management; carry out a comprehensive system analysis of objects, processes and phenomena according to their models; to carry out heuristic activity in the process of architectural creativity; to apply heuristic rules, methods and techniques during architectural and design activities; to realize a self-study and continuation of professional development (self-development).

As in the modern conditions of society informatization and European integration of higher professional education the actual task is the preparation of high quality specialists so the successful implementation of the basic forms and methods of heuristic learning and successfully selected system of creative tasks and non-standard tasks will contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process and will ensure the development of creative abilities of students, and the creative solution of problem situations will raise a new professional level.


The development of heuristic thinking of future environment designers is a prerequisite for the success of their professional activities and professional growth. Moreover, it is important for the preparation of creative, responsible and initiative specialists, ready for self-realization and quick adaptation to new conditions. The introduction of discipline "Computer simulation of the environment" in the preparation of future environment designers will allow each student to realize himself or herself as a person. Therefore, they can see the personal value of their projects. It activates students' thinking, develops positive motivational settings for their future professional activity and develops a habit of thinking and acting actively, creatively and rationally.


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