The entrepreneurial university in the context of interaction of "triple helix"
Prospects of the University of Entrepreneurship in the context of the interaction of the "triple spiral": University - Enterprise - State G. Etskovitsa. Measures of dynamic process modification. Experience of foreign countries, Russia and RK in this area.
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The entrepreneurial university in the context of interaction of "triple helix"
Based on the experience of advanced countries of the world, one of the essential conditions for successful innovation is to increase the role of universities, which in the opinion of many scientists is feasible only under one condition - compliance with the concept of "triple helix" of the famous scientist Henry Etzkowitz, according to which universities should come first in the formulation and implementation of new ideas and technologies. The basis for the development of Etzkowitz economy in his book "The Triple Helix. Universities - Enterprises - State. Innovation in Action" calls "entrepreneurial university" - is, in his opinion, the key to the rise of industry, creation of new industries and jobs, economic stability [1].
Results. The end of XX - XXI centuries marked as the transition of society from the state of industrial development in the state of post-industrial development that fundamentally changes the role of education in society, today revealed the following key areas of the new concept of higher education:
1) mass update staff working in higher education;
2) change of learning technologies in line with current technical and socio-humanitarian achievements;
3) university infrastructure renewal through the construction of new high-tech and multi-university campuses;
4) the appearance of the place of traditional institutions of primary and secondary vocational education a new professional development center system [2].
Given these trends in higher education development, to truly be effective in the near future will be able to become "entrepreneurial universities".
The main objectives of such university is the creation of conditions for preparation of competitive graduates and the creation of growth points, providing attraction of investments to generate innovations that contribute to the development of consumers' own innovation [5].
According to the American researcher J. Ropka, entrepreneurial university meets the following requirements:
- Must demonstrate entrepreneurial behavior as an organization;
- Teachers, students, university staff need to be entrepreneurs;
- The interaction between the university and the environment should lead to a "structural coupling" of the university and the region [9].
In practice, there are the following directions of transformation of normal university in the entrepreneurial [7]:
1) Stimulation of entrepreneurial activity of students in various forms. Activities of design and research activities, the decision of situational problems. Interaction with universities entrepreneurship center promotes the development of academic disciplines of business by adding modules. Some universities include entrepreneurial multimedia modules in academic subjects, others offer training programs as an addition to the educational process;
2) Creating a business infrastructure at universities, namely the creation of centers of development projects center, business laboratories and business incubators, student entrepreneurship centers. All they can either go to the university structure or controlled by third parties. The Center for Development of aspiring entrepreneurs can obtain practical skills for creating and managing a small business in volatile market conditions.
3) Creating a research university entrepreneurial type. This university, which is a key objective of transformation in entrepreneurial research university such as by actively promoting entrepreneurial activity of students and staff through the activities of Centres of Research, Development Centres and others.
Thus, the following definition of business University can be formed. Entrepreneurial University - is a higher educational institution, which has been systematically making efforts to overcome constraints in three areas - the generation of knowledge, teaching and converting knowledge into practice - by initiating new activities, the transformation of the internal environment and the external environment interaction modify» [3].
An interesting example of the integrative processes in the field of education in the European region serves as the Bologna process, whose main objective - the creation of a common educational space, which can be represented by the initial stage of formation of the entrepreneurial university. For example, the result of changed conditions in the field of higher education can be considered high competition of individual universities for a leading position in the quality of education, the pursuit of economic efficiency and profitability status, the reorientation of educational institutions on the consumer - the government, students and employers. Under these conditions, there is the need to find sources of financing. Practice-managers in education concluded that the more there is funding, there is the more stable situation of the university position in the rapidly changing external environment.
Becoming competitive environment of higher education due to the formation of non-governmental segment of the higher education system, and with the advent of the commercial sector in the public universities, which created the necessary institutional framework for the development of universities in various forms of business activity. This position of the Institute of Higher Education brings it much with the business, transforming the university into "entrepreneurial organization", cost-effective, engaged in profitable activities and relies primarily on its own resources. [6].
According to the words of President of Almaty Management University (ALMA University), Doctor of Business Administration Asylbek Kozhakhmetov, there are so-called three components of our economy - universities, business and government, who work as a team to provide innovation and economic growth, it is about them, and comes speech at the mention of the "triple helix" (TH). For the development of the industry abroad is widely used research capacity of universities. Students, faculty and staff of EU are themselves entrepreneurs, participating in the formation of new industries, companies. Graduates who had gone into a real business, not tear their ties with EU, develop and strengthen them. As a result, universities have the opportunity to accumulate funds, directing them mainly to scientific activities [4].
The new culture predetermines dialogue between all governing bodies. Budgetary relations between units are changed. Entrepreneurial structure along with other may be included in the overall organizational structure of the university for the university-Technopolis, which is most common in American universities.
European universities believe that the dynamic development of universities and required close business relationships with the business and expanded funding through a variety of sources.
Returning to the book of H. Etzkowitz justifying the main role of modern universities in the innovative development of society [7], it is noted that the principles of entrepreneurial university, and must be applied to the students during their studies. The process of learning should not just be an academic, it should be a transfer of knowledge, skills, experience, entrepreneurship and innovation.
As an example, how should look like the organization of EU, it can be considered an international educational program of bachelor Hospitality Management, which Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service (VSUES) implemented jointly with the Pacific International Hotel Management School (PIHMS, New Zealand) licenses and educational standards this school. Program form provides training in the VSUES for two years and training in PIHMS during the third year, with the issuance of the New Zealand Bachelor's degree. Within each school year, 6 months are the training sessions, following 6 months - visiting, usually foreign, practice in hotel chains, organized by VSUES. In the educational process, which is conducted in English, integrated manufacturing practices and job training. Students live in a training hotel and eat in the school's restaurant, which are both a place of learning and working: while half of the students studying the discipline program, the other half serves them as it is done in real hotels. For this project, funded under the Development Programme VSUES for 2012-2016, which won the competition Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, organized special training for tutors and managers, set up teaching and laboratory facilities, acquired technological equipment for the bar and restaurant and hotel complexes.
Another project in the framework of development programs VSUES - is establishment of a training bank. The university campus has opened a new office of Joint Stock Commercial Bank "Primorye" - one of the largest regional banks in the country, which is interested in preparing graduates with the necessary competencies. It provides a training room, integrated into the working environment of the credit institution. All students of banking and financial management, will work in this audience and develop operations carried out in the real working process (of course, with restrictions related to confidential information). For such activities have created a special methodological support, whose goal is the formation of professional competencies. The training will be organized training bank banking literacy students in all areas of training, high school students and adults.
Referring to the international experience, it is important to note that the EU can solve not only technical and commercial, but also social problems. For example, in Brazil, university incubators, in addition to the creation of high-tech firms, together with representatives of the social sector have developed a program aimed at reducing unemployment. That is, there is prepared entrepreneurs who create their own jobs.
Another country, Chile, took the direction of innovation, venture capital and start-ups. In 2010, its Government had launched a program to support the international business, which includes the review and selection of the most interesting in the world of start-up projects. The authors of the best ideas available on 40 thousand dollars and the annual visa to stay in Chile. Because the only condition that they give is to realize their start-up they have in Chile. The state as a component of the "triple helix" must be ideologically and financially support the development of innovation and entrepreneurship [9].
Kazakhstan has all opportunities to become a center for entrepreneurship and innovation in Central Asia. One of the first universities in Kazakhstan, which aims to create it at EU, which will be a natural "incubator" to open their own business students, staff and faculty of the university is, ALMA University.
November 14, 2014 the VI Economic Forum of national business "Expert-200" was held in Astana, the organization which received the ALMA University and active participation. Among the guests of the conference was a Stanford University professor Henry Etzkowitz, who presented his model of innovation development "Triple Helix".
Kazakhstan has adopted a model where innovation economy create government and business. But classic examples from the history of successful countries in this regard it is clear that it must do together government, business and universities.
According to Asylbek Kozhakhmetov, Kazakhstan is buying technology rather than knowledge. But this technology is two years out of date, and you have to buy again a new technology, of course at the price of more expensive last. It is very important the role of innovation management. For example, under the "Damu" program "Business Advisor" was created by the activities of the Entrepreneurship Development Fund, in which the MAB participated and for which the engineers were sent to study abroad. These specialists, having trained, returning with a new vision, with well-developed system of values. However, here they are faced with a lack of understanding on the part of management, with its reluctance to change anything, and as a result of simply dismissed. Therefore, you need to start training with the manual. We need managers who understand that to innovate, you need to change the management structure, to find a common language with the engineers to develop creativity. Innovative economy - is not the one where new technologies are used. It's the economy, where innovative technologies are created in the company, those who work here permanently.
It should be understood that the funds received by Western universities, not just more in absolute terms - they also come from many more sources. For example, an ordinary private university exists only on the money received from students as tuition fees. In the west, the universities receive more research grants and have income from their own business activities and fund managers, sponsors, formed by graduates of the university.
It is understood that, with four sources of funding, can afford to work more on the quality of education, to develop educational programs to improve teacher training, the quality of research.
Or an example. In France, there is a student's taxes: 7% of payroll each company is obliged to spend on training and skills development. If not, the money withdrawn from the account. We now have provided for such a tax in the amount of 1% for subsoil users. This is a good part of the market, but it is small. On the other hand, mining companies prefer to send their employees in Europe, where you can spend on training $ 15 thousand per month, while the same money could be more effectively used in Kazakhstan. This means that the development of the capacity of higher education institutions - is a task of the business, which also should be interested in a good staff.
In the West, 30% of the total financing of education allocates business. In Kazakhstan, the situation is reversed, our companies are constantly complaining that universities provide "out" bad professionals. To solve this problem is not as it would be difficult for the company to come to the university with a proposal to work together. You can help in terms of teaching, in terms of laboratory equipment, etc., so at least since the company will be able to participate in the life of universities and future university graduates will be able in time to join the business.
Start the transition to the EU can be low-cost with the following steps:
Firstly, experience shows that manufacturing practices applicable at us in Kazakhstan within 3-4 weeks of the school year is ineffective: students do not have time to get used to the new environment and even more so - to obtain the necessary competences; employers are not willing to seriously work with trainees, coming for short term and not in the most convenient time for them. In this regard, reasonable and feasible to combine the practice of the annual bachelor one, highlighting for their passage of the fourth year of study. Passing a joint practice, students will be able to adapt to future professional activity will have the necessary skills and competence. Living in a dorm and getting a scholarship, they at the same time will gain experience of independent living and the opportunity to earn. Employers at such scheme of organization of practice prepared, in fact, a permanent employee, on which you can assign certain duties and responsibilities for their implementation. During this period, it is really to adapt such a specialist to work in the company, and if it does, to invite him to work after graduation. For the University of the benefits are to improve the quality of training of graduates and more efficient use of the material base. Starting with such a seemingly insignificant step, you can lay a solid foundation on the way to the formation of EU.
Secondly, study in Bachelor lasts 3 years and 10 months. In all of this, a vacation we have some of the most durable. And possible revision of the traditional organization of the sessions, all the more so with the introduction of score-rating system need to own sessions, as such, generally becomes minimal, since control is performed competencies continuously during the semester. But do not forget that the effectiveness of the preparation does not depend on the timing and the method of training [8]. Discussions are currently only theoretical possibility of reducing the term of training on educational programs of a bachelor degree and 3 years, and the fourth year, as already mentioned, to highlight the passage of a single practice and the final certification.
Thus, innovative learning model will help organize it as a multi-process design and formation of professional competence of students, tailored to the needs and realities of the business of the university, seeking to meet the challenges of the time.
Conclusions. In addition, not all the proposed ideas would have the support of our teachers. That speaks of the need to continue the organizational and managerial reforms at the same time putting in priority the formation of an effective human resources management system. To rebuild the content and organization of teaching requires not only the appropriate conditions, but also intrinsic motivation, the need for the staff, and the heads of departments of the university to change the thinking, initiative development and ability to learn. It should be understood that in the changed socio-economic context, universities not only can not and have no right to work in isolation, but must become an integral part of the national innovation system.
entrepreneurship university triple spiral
1. Kozhakhmetov, А. «Kazakhstan may become the center of innovation in Central Asia», 14039-predprinimatelskiy-universitet.html
2. Volkov,A., Livanov, D. The rate on new content //http: //www .vedomosti .ru/opinion/news/3499241/stavka_na_novoe_soderzhanie
3. Konstantinov, G., Philonovich, S. (2007). What is the entrepreneurial university. Education Matters. 1, 106--126.
4. Etzkowitz, H. (2010). Triple helix. Universities - enterprises - the state, Innovations in actions, 238.
5. Yuriyev, V., Chvanova, M., Peredkov, V. (2008). Cluster model of management of innovative processes in regional university, Bulletin of TSU, 11 (67).
6. Clark, B.R. (1998). Creating Entrepreneurial Universities: Organizational Pathways of Transformation. N. Y. :Pergamon Press.
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9. Ropke, J. (1998).The Entrepreneurial University: Innovation, academic knowledge creation and regional development in a globalized economy. N.Y.
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