International practices of traning and postgraduate education of physical traning teachers
The structure of postgraduate training and education of physical training teachers in foreign countries at the present stage. Cycles of educational disciplines included in the curricula of preparation of physical training teachers in institutions.
Рубрика | Педагогика |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 21.07.2018 |
Размер файла | 20,0 K |
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UDC 37.011.3-051:79]:378.041-021.68-027.63
International practices of traning and postgraduate education of physical traning teachers
Voitovska O.M., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,
Associate Professor at the Department of Adult Education
National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
In the article the structure of professional training and postgraduate education of physical training teachers in foreign countries at the present stage are determined. It is examined the cycles of educational disciplines, which are included in the curricula of preparation of physical training teachers in higher educational institutions in foreign countries. The basis of professional activity of physical training teachers in foreign countries and forms of improvement of their qualification are described. The aim and targets of physical education, the priority directions of sphere development of physical culture and sport and its social significance are determined.
Key words: professional training, postgraduate education, advanced training, physical training teachers.
У статті визначено структуру професійної підготовки та післядипломної освіти вчителів фізичної культури в зарубіжних країнах на сучасному етапі. Розглянуто цикли навчальних дисциплін, які включено до навчальних планів підготовки вчителів фізичної культури у вищих навчальних закладах у зарубіжних країнах. Охарактеризовано основи професійної діяльності вчителів фізичної культури в зарубіжних країнах та форми підвищення їх кваліфікації. Визначено мету й завдання фізичного виховання, пріоритетні напрями розвитку сфери фізичної культури й спорту та її соціальне значення.
Ключові слова: професійна підготовка, післядипломна освіта, підвищення кваліфікації, вчителі фізичної культури.
В статье определена структура профессиональной подготовки и последипломного образования учителей физической культуры в зарубежных странах на современном этапе. Рассмотрены циклы учебных дисциплин, которые включены в учебные планы подготовки учителей физической культуры в высших учебных заведениях в зарубежных странах. Охарактеризованы основы профессиональной деятельности учителей физической культуры в зарубежных странах и формы повышения их квалификации. Определены цель и задания физического воспитания, приоритетные направления развития сферы физической культуры и спорта и ее социальное значение.
Ключевые слова: профессиональная подготовка, последипломное образование, повышение квали- фикации,учителя физической культуры.
Target setting. Nowadays, as it was defined by us in previous researches, the system of international higher education faces the problem of transition from the traditional pedagogical paradigm to the usage of various pedagogical technologies and, above all, interactive, information technologies [6, c. 81]. In the light of the reforms in higher education in Europe, the professional training and postgraduate education of teachers in higher education institutions, which provides for the formation of specialist knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of professionally significant personal qualities of a future specialist, is of paramount importance. The professional training of specialists in physi-cal education and sports, the development of their creative potential, opportunities, interests, inclinations, motives and values acquire a special significance. Conceptual provisions of the content and organization of professional training and postgraduate education of physical training teachers at higher educational institutions are based on the principles of the Bologna Declaration of the European Union (1999), European Union normative documents, UNESCO recommendations that indicate the necessity of continuity, flexibility, accessibility, openness and humanistic orientation of physical education.
The main aim of the research is to study the main approaches to the professional training and postgraduate education of physical training teachers in European countries.
Research targets.
1. To consider and analyze the current sit-uation of professional training and postgraduate education of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions in Europe.
2. To characterize the main directions, goals and objectives of physical education in European countries.
3. To determine the basics of the work of physical training teachers in European schools and ways to improve their qualifications.?
Methods of research: analysis of literary sources and normative documents, systemic-functional analysis.
Presentation of basic material of the research. Traditional higher education in economically developed countries of Europe is provided by the classical universities, specialized colleges, academies, institutes and professionally oriented higher schools. In Europe their share exceeds 80%.
European Universities and Institutes of Physical Education are united into the network of higher education institutions, headed by the European Commission. The European Network of Sports Institutions of Higher Education was established in 1989 in Luxembourg. The purpose of this nonprofit organization (ENSSHE) is the cooperation of sports universities in the creation of educational programs that will meet the needs of the labor market in the European Union.
The analysis of the problem of professional training and postgraduate education of specialists in physical education and sports in foreign countries proves that the structure of professional training of specialists in physical education and sport includes: faculties of physical education of classical universities, institutes of physical education, sports academies, faculties of physical education in pedagogical colleges, courses for instructors of mass physical training at classical universities. Such technologies, which develop and preserve human health, become the most important priority direction in the field of physical culture in a market environment. This objectively leads to the emergence of qualitatively new processes and phenomena in it.
Physical culture in European countries is directed not so much at the formation and development of physical abilities as on the development of personal interests in the or-ganization of leisure and recreation of school-children. Only through the involvement in the sphere of physical culture the knowledge is forming, skills and skills based on principles and concepts such as, for example, “rules of the game”, rules of fair play and respect for the opponent, spectators, judges, tactile-muscular perception, social responsibility, associated with personal contribution to the result of the team's statement. The challenges facing the field of physical culture, such as good health, personal development, civil activity, speak about the significance of physical culture. At the same time, one should consider such an important fact: regardless of the specifics of the socio-economic environment in a certain country, there are general patterns that affect the functioning and development of the sphere of physical culture and sports.
The social significance of physical culture and sport has been reflected in various documents of the European Commission.
In higher educational institutions in European countries, curricula include the following cycle of disciplines: natural sciences, social and humanities, pedagogical, special, sports. In the unified “European model” of the curricula of higher educational institutions of physical culture in the cycle of natural sciences disciplines include: physiology, anatomy, human health, biomechanics, statistics, biochemistry, biometrics, biology, histology, physics, chemistry. Socio-humanities cycle of disciplines contains: sociology, philosophy, foreign languages, law; cycle of pedagogical disciplines - didactics, pedagogy, psychology, theory and method of physical education. Organization and theory of sports movement, sports management in the cycle of special disciplines are included. The cycle of sports disciplines includes swim-ming, athletics, gymnastics, rhythm, sports games, dancing, recreation, skiing, sports items of choice, etc.
Comparative analysis of normative docu-ments, according to I.B. Hrynchenko, “testifies that the distribution of the number of hours among disciplines in the curricula of higher educational institutions of different European countries is significantly different; their characteristic feature is variability, but they always contain three types of disciplines - compulsory, partially elective (by choice) and fully elective” [4]. In the leading Western countries, a new concept for the development of the sphere of physical culture and sports began to cultivate, which did not set specific tasks for the health-improving physical culture, but provided the opportunity for human communication, the removal from everyday problems and, ultimately, improving their health. The consequence of this was the separation of health from the sport of higher achievements.
For instance, in France, the professional training of specialists in physical education and sports is carried out in state and private higher educational institutions in the directions of the Ministry of Education (schools, higher educational establishments) and the Ministry of Youth, Health and Sports (mass sports, sports of higher achievements). There were also many forms and types of physical culture and recreation activities that were not a part of the traditional programs. The external features of this social phenomenon were the increasing in the number of gymnastics and gymnastics, and other health and sports facilities in many countries of the world (USA, Canada, France, Germany, Sweden, etc.).?
University training of specialists in physical education and sports is aimed at combining fundamental and theoretical education, professional practice with different special-izations at different stages of study. Such training is carried out due to the priority of humanities over disciplines of natural sciences. Multistage training of specialists in physical education and sport allows you to prepare students from different specializations, which determines the content of training. The purpose of basic training is to master students of the whole complex of disciplines associated with future professional activities, including disciplines in organizational management and economic activity. Specialized training does not apply to the study of auxiliary disciplines.
In Belgium, the professional training of specialists in the field of physical education and sports is carried out in a fairly extensive network of higher education institutions. Since 80 years of the XX century, in Belgium, the system of higher physical education as a part of the university has a modular organization in the form of educational cycles of varying lengths. This allows students, depending on their physical capabilities, interests and abilities, to achieve a particular level of education and training. postgraduate education teacher
In Finland, according to E. Franke, “the training of teachers of physical education is carried out since 1868. There are 11 national and 3 regional institutes in this country” [5]. Institutes provide basic and additional professional education; qualify physical training teachers, trainers for clubs and sports associations, qualify athletes. These higher education institutions are developing recreation programs for schools, fitness clubs, and special groups. At the same time, they are rapidly gaining popularity among the population, as they express the desire of people of different age groups to enjoy, keep cheerfulness, health and attractiveness.
In Poland, the training of physical training teachers is carried out in more than thirty uni-versities, among which the Academy of Physical Education plays a key role. Specialists in physical education and sports are trained for two educational qualification levels - «bachelor» (licencjat) - a three-year term of training, and a «master» (magistr) - a two-year term of training. One of the leading profile higher education institutions is the Warsaw Academy of Physical Education, which can be attributed to the most modern institutions in terms of the active introduction of European standards for training specialists in the field of physical culture.
In the European countries (Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Czech Republic) the professional training of future specialists is carried out at the faculties of physical education and sports.
Much attention in the European Union is devoted to the preparation of masters in the field of physical culture and sports. The professional training of masters in physical education and sport in the UK is carried out at the faculties of physical education at universities and colleges and varies in the content of curriculum. So, in Great Britain at the University of Leeds there are two master's programs: “Sports and Sports Training” and “Physical Activity, Physical Fitness and Health”.
As S. Bouchard, R. Shephard, T. Stephens state, «In Italy, the Milan Institute for Physical Education carries out the training of masters in three areas: Physical Culture Theory, Adaptive Physical Culture, Physical Culture for the Elderly, and Institute of Physical Culture in Florence - under the program “Management of Physical Culture” [1].
In European countries much attention is paid to postgraduate education of physical education and sports. The content and development of the concept of education is carried out through international cooperation within the framework of UNESCO, with the support of which scientists can share ideas and their experiences. To date, there are two types of postgraduate physical education in Europe: French (France, Belgium) and Romano-Ger- manic (Great Britain, Germany). The basis of the first is specialized professional colleges, and the second one is universities. In the structure of educational institutions there are traditional organizational forms of postgraduate education, as well as an alternative form for training the adult population. In traditional forms of postgraduate training is associated with the widespread introduction of a threetiered model of professional education, as well as the use of various organizational forms and methods for retraining.
In the European Union, teachers are sys-tematically given the opportunity to improve their qualifications. In some European countries, refresher training for physical training teachers is mandatory for young specialists in primary and secondary schools. As a rule, EU countries have a general strategy for retraining physical training teachers, including retraining programs, or special retraining courses for teachers of various sports specialties. In some European countries, various forms of professional development in the field of physical education and sports are availa-ble for both physical education teachers and junior teachers who wish to obtain the right to teach physical education. The organization and conduction of such courses are diverse?
in different countries. Such courses have fun-damental differences in terms of goals, tasks, forms, content, and duration. In some countries, such types of retraining are not budget financed and are carried out at the expense of their own funds or charitable foundations and are not centralized.
Among European countries there are ad-vanced training courses available exclusively for physical training teachers. Their purpose is to improve the quality of education, study current trends and approaches to physical education of the student, acquaintance with new pedagogical technologies, methods of teaching physical culture at school, studying strategies that motivate students to take classes in mass physical culture and sports. Cyprus and Turkey regularly organize compulsory in-service training for school teachers of physical education. In Cyprus, nationwide seminars and advanced training courses are held twice a year, along with annual two-day courses that take place between school semesters. In Turkey, such courses are held at the beginning of each semester. In Euro-pean countries, raising the professional level of school teachers of physical education is carried out at the expense of various subjects, which covers physical activity, methodological problems and instructions on safety engineering [3].
All European countries recognize the im-portance of physical education. This discipline is at the heart of the curriculum for all, without exception, general education schools. In most Western European countries, the goal and objectives of physical education are formulated in the state (Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, France), regional (Germany, Spain, Switzerland) or at the local level. However, with all these approaches in the countries of the European Community (EU), Switzerland, Austria and the Scandinavian countries, the student's individuality, its social development, sports and social interaction is a priority, namely, physical education is considered an important, no substitute part of general education. The defining role of movement, games and sports in the general development of children and youth is noted. Among the main goals of physical education is the promotion of harmonious physical and mental development, satisfaction of needs in movements and games, promotion of the general development of personality in the in-tellectual, emotional, behavioral, social, as well as in the bodily and motor areas. There are such formulations of goals and objectives as mastering the foundations of popular sports and, if possible, forming the ability to make independent decisions, promoting the strengthening of physical health and general emotional state, improving quality of life.
Other significant goals and objectives of physical education are the introduction of a child into sports activities, the development of such motor skills as walking, running, jumping, crawling, climbing, lifting and moving the cargo, throwing, balancing, protecting, mastering fine motor skills and thereby developing abilities to action and adaptation to the outside world, in which the processes of urbanization and industrialization are intensifying. Qualitative organized physical education, as never before significant in today's society, guarantees the assimilation of such behaviors as security, movement, navigation, etc. Physical education also helps to reduce internal tension, especially with the help of musical accompaniment, contributes to the development of aesthetic culture. It is noted that the child should not only teach different motor activities, but also provide him with wide opportunities for engaging in games and sports, preparing for overcoming exceptional life (extreme) situations.
Finally, in the countries of Western Europe, the goal and objectives of physical education include familiarizing children and young people with the environment, nature, and rules of conduct during rest. These types of motor activity are considered as a good reason for contacts, cooperative actions not only with each other, but also between children and educators, parents, and other people.
European universities train two types of teachers: a junior teacher and a physical training teacher. Teacher of junior high school is a specialist of a junior school who has the right to teach all (or almost all) subjects of the curriculum (reading, writing, mathematics), and also has the right to teach physical education, regardless of whether he has experience. A physical training teacher is a diploma specialist in the field of physical culture and sports. He has the right to teach only physical culture; in some cases, another subject in the curriculum related to physical activity or with the field of health. It must be said that in many European schools in the junior high school there are not enough qualified physicians, and therefore this discipline is entrusted to a junior teacher.
Who will work at physical education classes with a class at a junior high school - a teacher or a physical training teacher, the answer to this question depends on the conditions of the school itself. It all depends on the degree of autonomy of the school and the availability of a staff unit in the teaching staff. In the middle classes, the physical education classes are conducted directly by teachers of physical culture. However, in some countries, only physical education teachers who have received special physical education can work with preschoolers or junior pupils. This applies to Belgium (French and Flemish regions), Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Latvia, Poland (with children 4-6 years old), Portugal, Romania and Turkey (with children 5-6 years old). In other countries physical education at the junior school is carried out by class leaders. Thus, physical education was organized in Germany, Ireland, France, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia. However, in countries where physical education is carried out by class leaders in elementary school, method-ological assistance is provided by a sports trainer or sports consultant such as Germany, France, Ireland, or a qualified physical education teacher, as in Slovenia. In Malta, physical education is taught by two teachers at the same time: a class teacher and physical training teacher. The physical training teacher conducts one obligatory specialized session for a week, and the remaining physical education classes are held by a class teacher. Outside school children of junior school age are engaged in physical education under the direct guidance of trainers in various sports sections.
To sum up, we would like to emphasize that the physical training teacher plays a key role in the realization of social goals and tasks of physical culture and sports. Modern society considers a physical training teacher not only as a specialist who has knowledge, skills in the professional field, but to a greater extent as a specialist in promoting a healthy lifestyle, valeological attitude to its health as a person who increases the motivation of children and adolescents to engage in motor activity and engages them in classes in various sports.
Typically, unlike junior high school, physical training teachers are educated in physical education at high school. Only in Denmark, Iceland, and Norway, schools with a relatively high degree of autonomy can afford to determine who will carry out physical education in high school - a class teacher or a qualified physical education teacher. In other EU countries there is a similar situation. Families with children aged 5-6 years in Bulgaria and Hungary can attend physical education if they have received special qualifications for this, with only 20% of the total number of teachers working in schools in Bulgaria this age group. Where there is a shortage of physical training teacher, such as in the Czech Republic, teachers who do not have the education in question can conduct classes with high school children temporarily or as an exception [2].
Unfortunately, graduates with specialist diplomas in the field of physical culture and sports still do not work in a society where a huge mass of children and adults are overweight and suffer from chronic obesity. For such graduate professionals there are huge prospects of career growth in the field of fitness, the ability to find work and progress on career stages.
In this sense, experts in physical culture and sports can make a professional career, working hard with those who are healthy and want to maintain their health, and the same way, working with those who are ill, but need special physical exercises. Such a specialist can occupy any position, working with both the first category of people and the other. For graduates - future specialists in physical culture, there is the question of choosing and combining their own interests, skills, and meeting the needs of society in healthy citizens. All this gives many graduates of higher educational institutions the opportunity to choose the optimal place of work.
Analysis of scientific works shows that most authors consider the field of physical culture and sports as a complex system of socio-economic relations and practical activities. Most European countries at all levels of education (younger school, middle and senior) require pupils to attend physical education lessons, governments of many countries carry out essential measures for the promotion of physical culture, adopt national programs for the promotion of physical education and create conditions for sports everyone, especially young people.
For graduates of physical culture and ped-agogical universities there is a work available to physical training teachers at all levels of the educational chain: the junior high school - the secondary - the senior classes. There is a job for well-qualified specialists in the field of physical culture and sports, who have a great experience. They can work as sports managers of educational programs at school, district, and city level, but it is important to understand the complexity of the tasks that face future professionals.
In today's European society, there are many types of work for organizers and instructors in physical culture and sports. The material remuneration for these professionals is determined by the structure or organization in which they work. When choosing the future profession of a teacher, graduates with a degree in physical education are protected by a trade union that provides all social guarantees (job security, job security, social insurance, pension, and professional growth). But the most important thing in the profession of a teacher is the love for working with children and adolescents, young people.
Conclusions. Taking into account the above, the study we conducted was intended not only to record and describe the superficial layer of social relations that developed in the field of physical culture and sports, but also to find methodological approaches to the definition of their deep layers, the scientific analysis of which would reveal those components of subject activity of physical culture and sports movement, which inherent properties of adaptation of the sphere to the requirements of society.
The result of the study of literary sources, normative documents and analysis of the problem of vocational training and postgraduate education of specialists in physical education and sports in foreign countries allowed to determine the structure of professional training of specialists in physical education and sports, to identify the priority directions of development of physical culture, goals, tasks, social significance. A comparative analysis of normative documents shows that the distribution of the number of hours in the curricula of higher education institutions in different European countries is significantly different. In European countries much attention is paid to postgraduate education of physical education and sports. In traditional forms of postgraduate training is associated with the widespread introduction of a three-tiered model of vocational education, as well as the use of various organizational forms and methods for retraining and retraining.
Thus, on the basis of our analysis, it was found that a physical training teacher has never before played a key role in the realization of social goals and tasks of physical culture and sports. Modern European society considers a physical training teacher not only as a specialist who has knowledge, skills in the professional field, but as a specialist in promoting a healthy lifestyle, a valeolog- ical attitude to his health, as a person, who increases motivation in a young generation for engaging in motor activity, engages young people in various sports.
1. Bouchard C., Shephard R., Stephens T., Physical activity, fitness and health: The model and key concepts, Physical activity, fitness and health: International proceedings and consensus statement. - Champaign, IL: HumanKineticsPublishers, 1994.
2. European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2013. Physical Education and Sport at School in Europe. Eurydice Report (Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2013) [Electronic resource]. - Access mode :
3. Graduates with a Degree in Physical Education [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: com/careersgraduates-degree-physical-education.
4. Hrynchenko I.B. The descriptive analysis of professional training teachers-to-be in physical education and sport in Europe and Ukraine / I.B. Hrynchenko II Turystyka, Sport і Zdrowie. - 2013. - № 3 [Electronic resource]. - Access mode : www.tsz.po.opole.
5. Franke E. School physical education as a promoter of sport for all among the population, Paper to World Congress on Sport for all (Univ. of Osnabruck, Tampere, Osnabruck, Finland, June 4-7, 1990).
6. Voitovska O. Features of Professional Development of Physical Training Teachers in the Conditions of Postgraduate Education / O. Voitovska II Scientific Notes of Temopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. - 2016. -№3.-P. 81-87.
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