The concept of author's art school international "Montessori center": the European vector

Consideration of the concept of author's art school "Montessori Center" as a model of development and use of European techniques of extracurricular education in Ukraine. Possibility of implementing a system in the Montessori elementary arts education.

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Дата добавления 15.05.2018
Размер файла 40,2 K

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National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


Shulgina ValeriaD.Sc. in Arts, professor, professor

Rosenko Anna director of the Art

School International "Montessori Center"


education art school montessori

Purpose of the research is to consider the concept of author's art school "Montessori Center" as a model of development and use of European techniques of extracurricular education in Ukraine. Research methodology is based on practical experience of the system of Maria Montessori in aesthetic education of children. Scientific innovation is the realization of the system at Montessori elementary art education - namely in music, art and dance schools, as well as multi-system competition in various forms of art - music contests and festivals. Conclusions. The research shows that within the concept of Maria Montessori it is possible to create a multilevel system of incentives in the child's education. Students of "Montessori center" have the opportunity to participate and compete in contests and festivals of all kinds of arts from within their own schools to nationwide competitions. In these competitions, the principle of Maria Montessori has been implemented with the purpose to stimulate the desire for self-learning and self-development by art techniques. The effectiveness of teaching arts and aesthetic education by M. Montessori system is in the absence of evaluation, and creating favorable surrounding environment, as well as shaping motivation and providing incentives for self-education.

Keywords: aesthetic education, primary art education, extracurricular education, the system of Maria Montessori, the author's Art School.


Шульгіна Валерія Дмитрівна, доктор мистецтвознавства, професор, професор Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв; Росенко Ганна Миколаївна, директор Міжнародної школи мистецтв "Монтессорі центр", президент громадської організації "Монтессорі центр конкурси"

Концепція авторської Міжнародної школи мистецтв "Монтессорі центр": європейський вектор Мета дослідження полягає у розгляді концепції авторської школи мистецтв "Монтессорі центр" як зразка освоєння і використання європейської методики в українській позашкільній освіті. Методологія ґрунтується на практичному досвіді роботи за системою Марії Монтессорі в галузі естетичного виховання дітей. Наукова новизна полягає в імплементуванні системи Монтессорі в початкову мистецьку освіту, а саме - в музичних, художніх та хореографічних школах, а також в багатоступеневій системі змагань із різних видів мистецтва - музичних олімпіадах, конкурсах та фестивалях. Висновки. Показана можливість того, що в межах концепції Марії Монтессорі можна створити багатоступеневу систему заохочення в навчанні дитині. Учні "Монтессорі центрів" мають можливість брати участь та змагатися в конкурсах та фестивалях з усіх видів мистецтв: від рівня власної школи до Всеукраїнських змагань. У межах цих змагань імплементовано принцип Марії Монтессорі щодо стимулювання тяги до самонавчання і саморозвитку засобами мистецтва. Ефективність навчання видам мистецтва та естетичного виховання за системою М. Монтессорі полягає у відсутності оцінювання, формуванні сприятливого навколишнього середовища, а також у формуванні мотивації та стимулюванні самонавчання.

Ключові слова: естетичне виховання, мистецька початкова освіта, позашкільна освіта, система Марії Монтессорі, авторська школа мистецтв.


Шульгина Валерия Дмитриевна, доктор искусствоведения, профессор, профессор Национальной академии руководящих кадров культуры и искусств; Росенко Анна Николаевна, директор Международной школы искусств "Монтессори центр", президент общественной организации "Монтессори центр конкурсы" Концепция авторской Международной школы искусств "Монтессори центр": европейский вектор Цель работы заключается в рассмотрении концепции авторской школы искусств "Монтессори центр" как образца освоения и использования европейской методики в украинском внешкольном образовании. Методология исследования основана на практическом опыте работы по системе Марии Монтессори в области эстетического воспитания детей. Научная новизна работы заключается в имплементации системы Монтессори в начальном художественном образовании, а именно - в музыкальных, художественных и хореографических школах, а также во многоступенчатой системе соревнований по различным видам искусства - музыкальных олимпиадах, конкурсах и фестивалях. Выводы. Показана возможность того, что в рамках концепции Марии Монтессори можно создать многоступенчатую систему поощрений в обучении ребенка. Ученики "Монтессори центров" имеют возможность участвовать и соревноваться в конкурсах и фестивалях по всем видам искусств: от уровня собственной школы до Всеукраинских соревнований. В рамках этих соревнований имплементированы принципы Марии Монтессори по стимулированию тяги к самообучению и саморазвитию посредством искусства. Эффективность обучения видам искусства и эстетического воспитания по системе М. Монтессори заключается в отсутствии оценивания, формировании благоприятной окружающей среды, а также в формировании мотивации и стимулировании самообучения.

Ключевые слова: эстетическое воспитание, художественное начальное образование, внешкольное образование, система Марии Монтессори, авторская школа искусств.

Actuality of the theme

Understanding the essence of art education in modern Ukraine is not recognized as an additional and optional, but as the only necessary for everyone. Such scholars as Peter Ebbs, Anthony Storr, Rex Gibson, J. Bentok argue about the value of the imagination stimulation, focusing training on the development of creative personality, the importance of the involvement of students into cultural heritage, ability to see the unusual in everyday life and need for aesthetic and artistic education teachers [17]. The aesthetic education of a man is not only way to arts education or a mean to attract cultural values, but also an effective mean of development of diverse abilities of people, the way to their spiritual happy life and fulfillment as a person. In this connection, special relevance acquires the initial stage of art education, the high mission of which is to open each person the way into art.

The purpose of the research is to examine the concept of author's art school "Montessori Center" as a model of development and use of European techniques in the Ukrainian school education and dissemination of examples of Maria Montessori principles on practice of aesthetic education and upbringing of children in Ukraine.

Studying the works of Maria Montessori became the subject of many foreign and native scientists' researches, such as Z. N. Borysova, R. O. Semernikova, V. U. Kuz'menko, I. M. Dychkivska, T. I. Ponimans'ka and V. D. Shulgina. Methods of prominent Italian philosopher and educator Maria Montessori enjoys fame and recognition worldwide today. Many qualified teachers convinced of its effectiveness and successfully apply M. Montessori achievements in working with students, often achieving amazing results. Teachers of preschool education O. P. Usova, M. M. Poddyakov, N. P. Sakulina, R.I.Zhukovska, V. H. Nechayeva and other recognized experts consider the need to use the Montessori's method in preschool education.

Innovation of Montessori educational system is the individual approach to each student by teacher. It shows, first of all, that the student's interests and preferences are always paramount in education. Maria Montessori believed in the intrinsic value of the inner world of her pupils and tried all the time to develop and motivate their desire.

The most important rule in Montessori methods is to avoid of criticism, enforcement and evaluation. Maria Montessori herself was convinced that the strict teaching methods are harmful to the student. It is known postulate suggests that if a child is often cheered - she or he learns self-confidence, and vice versa, if the child is often criticized - she or he learns to condemn. That is why Maria Montessori always listened to the needs of her students and gave them the opportunity partially "dictate their rules" in the educational process. She believed that the rate of learning, its direction and methods of individual development, student has the right to choose on his or her own. The teacher, in this case, should understand and support the student and strongly contribute to his or her growth.

The main task of the Montessori methods is to stimulate the craving for self-education and selfpromotion. The teacher should not interfere and impose his or her ideas; teacher should help the students to express their own individual abilities and talents.

Today, there are thousands of Montessori schools, and since 1929 "Montessori International - Association" exists in the world. Despite the spread of Maria Montessori methods in aesthetic education, we still have lack of using the principles in music education and art schools Ukraine.

Let us consider how principles of Montessori are developed in the practice at Art School International "Montessori Center". The mentioned school began its work in 2011 in Kiev and now it combines four preschool education buildings: music schools, art studios and dance studios, which are located in different parts of Kyiv [5]. "Many Montessori schools supply the environment which is surrounding the child with such areas as music, fine arts and dances, woodwork, foreign languages, which further enrich the overall development of the child" [9, 7]. "... success in musical education... is associated with the environment, that is, the environment prepared in this case, develops musical feelings and teaches us to understand music" [9, 72].

In musical schools of "Montessori center" the students choose the direction of education - academic or modern. The repertoire of the student - performer can combine classical works and works of contemporary authors, performance on authentic or electronic instruments (synthesizer, electric piano, electric guitar, etc.). Music classes of such schools are equipped with various kinds of musical instruments, providing the opportunity to make their own choice or to learn several musical instruments in parallel without having such an arsenal of opportunities at home. According to Maria Montessori, "a child must be given freedom... Freedom of the child does not mean neglect, quite the contrary: the correct understanding of freedom puts our children's real needs in place of our fantasies and leads to real cares for children" [10, 39].

The uniqueness of the refraction of the technique of Maria Montessori in the musical schools of the "Montessori Center", namely the principle of stimulating the craving for self-education, the development of motivation can be described by the following scheme of own developments in such a sequence:

- music lesson,

- musical project "Concerts every Saturday",

- qualifying rounds of the musical Olympiad,

- All-Ukrainian musical Olympiad "The Voice of the Country".

Result of this technique is a personality, who is creatively developing. The final part of training at the "Montessori Center" does not necessarily mean the continuation of professional art education, but the goal is to develop a child's love for art, passion for various types of art and his own creativity. As M. V. Boguslavsky and G. B. Kornetov in their articles on the Montessori system think that the growing interest in the ideas and experiences of M. Montessori is very symbolic today, because it is connected with such features of pedagogy as humanism, attention to individuality of a child, as well as the need to educate younger generation, able to successfully operate in civil society, in the continuously changing world [9].

"If physical care gives the child a happy feeling of a healthy body, then the cares of the child's mental and moral state open the way to the highest joys of the spiritual world, lead to continuous surprises and a wonderful discovery not only in the external environment, but also in the deepest recesses of his own soul" [9, 88], notes M. Montessori.

In the field of musical education, a very important component is acting and performing skills. The project of the author of the article "Concerts every Saturday" [5] allows school students to perform the program on stage as often as possible at school age. On these musical evenings, every "Montessori Center" student, regardless of age and level of preparation, can speak public and demonstrate his achievements. The chamber room of the school helps the soloists feel confident and comfortable, like at home, and the friendly public audience at the concert will reassure and inspire even if the student is afraid of the scene.

The most massive project "Montessori Center" was the All-Ukrainian musical Olympiad "The Voice of the Country" [2]. One of the goals of musical training at the "Montessori Center" for pupils is to participate in qualifying rounds of the musical Olympiad, which take place in Kyiv, and after them - in the All-Ukrainian musical Olympiad.

All-Ukrainian musical Olympiad "The Voice of the Country" as a project began its existence in 2011 from the moment of registration of the trademark "The Voice of the Country" [16]. The founder and organizer of the Olympiad is the public organization "Montessori Center Contests", which was founded by the administration of the "Montessori Center" art school. Today it is a multi-profile non-profit all-Ukrainian competition of performers of instrumental, vocal and vocal-instrumental music. The musical Olympiad is held to identify talented Ukrainian music performers. Competitions are held with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine and under the patronage of the Hero of Ukraine Yevgen Stankovych. The jury chairman is the pianist and conductor Valery Matyukhin. The jury of the musical Olympiad is formed from leading teachers of secondary and higher educational musical education of the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine, leading artists, famous performers, as well as representatives of creative unions.

From 5 to 9 April 2017 XI All-Ukrainian musical Olympiad was held, in which 230 educational institutions of Ukraine took part in 119 settlements in the team event. 324 teachers prepared participants of the Olympics. The Internet has published several hundred articles about the event; links to them are on the website of the musical Olympiad in the "News" section [2]. Next XII All-Ukrainian musical Olympiad "The Voice of the Country" will be held from November 15 to 19, 2017 in Kiev.

A very important part of the work of "Montessori Center" is working with parents. According to N. Lublina, the Montessori program places the child at the center of its work, and therefore the family as an environment of his or her dwelling is an important component of this work [9, 62].

Along with the activities of music schools, Montessori methods also employ art studios. Training in such art studios "Montessori Center" is conducted in many fine techniques and directions; all studios are equipped with media technology, and the animation studio "Montessori Center" - a powerful technique. Students independently create scenery, work on the plot of the cartoon, distribute and voice the roles - and all this happens exclusively in teamwork: the older learn the younger; there is interaction between the authors of the plot and the artists - multipliers. After all, according to the Ukrainian scientist V. Shulgina, according to Montessori's method, "at first you need to create a certain environment that would promote child's self-development, including artistic development" [17, 81].

The main motivation engine of the child, a tool to stimulate work on his own work of art in "Montessori center" is personal online gallery of children's drawings [3], formed on the Google software - Google Open Gallery. The presentation of the project was considered in electronic publications [12].

So, according to the results of the art studio, from May 15 to 27, 2017 in Kiev, the All-Ukrainian competition - an exhibition of art works of children and youth "ChildArt" [4] was held, the founder and organizer of which is the public organization "Montessori Center Contests". In the contest-exhibition, 142 talented young artists competed, which were prepared by 52 teachers of fine arts from 23 educational institutions of Ukraine, 8 regions and city of Kiev. Artistic works were presented in 5 nominations: painting, graphics, decorative - applied painting techniques, computer graphics and sculpture.

"The chain of motivation" of teaching of the fine arts in the "Montessori Center" consists of the following activities:

- drawing lesson,

- drawing,

- scanner,

- online gallery,

- rewarding Child Open Art [3],

- All-Ukrainian competition - an exhibition of art works of children and youth "Child Art" [4].

Another direction of activity is the choreographic studio "Montessori Center", which combine the directions of teaching classical dance and varieties of modern dances (hip-hop, contempt, jazz-funk, etc.) [6].

"The body of the child lives by the joy of the soul... The life of the body depends on the life of the spirit" [10, 47]. In the link of the own achievements of the choreographic studios that excite the "joy of the soul" and the pleasure of the educational process, there are the following activities:

- a lesson of choreography,

- Open choreography lessons,

- Own festival of choreography "Petit Pa Fest" [6].

In the author's festival, absolutely all the students of the choreographic studios of "Montessori Center" take part, being divided into age groups and groups according to the duration of the training. "The most important thing is that children do not feel the bursden of learning, as they learn everything by playing. Secondly, the goal is to develop all the organs and feelings of the child" [8, 1].

Author's titles, concepts and methodical manuals are protected by copyright of the founders of the International School of Arts "Montessori Center" [15]. A number of web sites have been developed that reflect in detail and in whole the activity of the author's school [2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 13].


The experience of the "Montessori Center" International School of Art has shown that the system of Maria Montessori can be extended to all kinds of artistic education, namely musical, artistic and choreographic education and teaching of children. The effectiveness of aesthetic education in the M. Montessori system consists in the development of motivation and stimulation of self-education, absence of assessment and formation of a favorable environment.

The studsy of the "Montessori Center's" experience has shown that, within the framework of the concept of Maria Montessori, it is possible to create a multi-step system of aesthetic education of children. Students of "Montessori Center" have the opportunity to participate and compete in musical Olympiads, contests and festivals of all kinds of arts: from the boundaries of their own school to All-Ukrainian competitions. Within the framework of these competitions, the principle of Maria Montessori is promoted to stimulate the desire for self-education and self-development by means of arts.


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