Reflexive and communicative approach in teaching English for professional purposes

Appearance and research of some of the basic reflexive and communicative methods in English lessons in high school. Determining the results of using such methods and analyzing the work of students in accordance with reflexive and communicative approaches.

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Язык английский
Дата добавления 12.05.2018
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Rozhkova Natalia Hrygorivna

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences,

Senior Lecturer of the Department of

Linguodidactics and Foreign Languages,

Kirovograd Volodymyr Vynnychenko

State Pedagogical University


Formulation and justification of the relevance of the problem

Modern foreign language lesson is characterized by great intensity and demands attention and concentration of students, so scientists, methodologists and teachers are aimed at searching for reserves to improve foreign language lesson, to enhance its efficiency, effectiveness.

Such reserves are in enhancing of commitment of learning, strengthening its motivation, informative fullness of the content of education, application of modern methods of teaching, revitalizing of the training methods, development of reflexive skills of labour, use of advanced information technical aids.

The necessity of studying of the features of reflection during English lessons is conditioned by the fact that reflection is a human activity towards comprehension of own actions, a procedure that carries out the removal of practical difficulties during English lessons. Using reflection the process of understanding and rethinking of knowledge is gained.

A number of native and foreign authors, including: L.V. Biziaeva, E.F. Zeer, L. M. Mitina, A. A. Rean, B. P. Kovaliov, S. L. Rubinstein notes that pedagogical reflection performs a range of functions.

The problem of reflection in pedagogical activity is particularly bright because, considering the structure, specificity and other features, we can more reasonably consider the problem of all mental processes of a student. Accordingly, having realized and examined the role of reflection in this issue, we can work at improving of awareness and voluntarism of all the processes that are included in language learning reflexive communicative lesson school student

Analysis of the recent research works and publications. At the beginning of the 20th century one of the theorists, whose attention was attracted to development of feedback (or reflection) in psychology, was A. Buzeman. Today, various kinds of reflexive processes are being studied in separate areas of psychology. So, revealing of psychological content of various phenomena of reflection, in the framework of approaches towards the study of consciousness, is the main theme of the works of L. Vygotskyi, O. Leontiev, N. Gutkina; thinking - N. Alekseeva, А. Brushlynskyi, V. Davydov, O. Zak, V. Zareckyi, Yu. Kuliutkina, S. Rubinstein, art - Y. Ponomariov, Ch. Gadzhiev, S. Stepanov; communication - G. Andreyeva, A. Bodaliova, S. Kondratyeva; personality - K. Abulhanova- Slavska, L. Antsiferova, L. Vygotskyi, В. Zeygarnyk. Among modern scholars who are engaged in studying of the issue of feedback (or reflection) in pedagogy, we should mention L. Gaponenko, G. Poliakova, I. Semenova, S. Stepanova, J. Richard, J. Tays.

The well-known theorist of the communicative method Y. I. Pasov wrote that the essence of communicative teaching was in the preparation of a student to participate in the process of foreign language communication in the classroom. In other words, the communicative- focused foreign language teaching is a simulation of the process of communication, so a foreign language lesson according to the method of communicative-oriented teaching is a model of the process of communication in a foreign language [2].

Thus, the relevance of this topic depends on its high importance, significance, topical character. Reflection activity integrates project and research activities, which are, in turn, closely related to psychological readiness to solve the problems at the moment which is one of the most important tasks of education in general and is considered as a priority objective of the entire educational system [4].

The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze some of the basic reflexive and communicative methods at the English lessons in High school. The task of this research is the analysis of the results of using such methods and the analysis of students' work according to reflexive and communicative approaches.

The exposition of main material

As far as reflection is a complex intellectual process, formation of its skills involves not only acquaintance of students with its algorithm, but also teacher's management of the process.

Algorithm of students' reflection of their activity presupposes matching of the class objectives and their individual achievements, identifying of the issues that remained unsolved at the end of the activity, finding the reasons for unfulfilled goals, as well as awareness of their individual contributions to the work during the class.

Methodologists distinguish three stages of project actions that must be performed sequentially: plan-implementation-reflection.

The idea is seen as the ideal of the next action that needs to be achieved in individual or collective effort rather than to be given by someone. In developing of the model of teacher's training this phase is associated with development and collective discussion of standards, achievement of consensus regarding the final result, i.e. the set of professional competencies of teachers, who can together provide the required level of professional competence or ability to tackle the necessary spectrum of professional tasks. While implementing the given tasks creativity of a student should be developed more than mechanical fulfillment. In modern pedagogical literature, much has been said about the need of enhancing the degree of students' autonomy. It is necessary to move from enforcement to initiative in studying activities. The scheme is completed with reflection, but not with control as usual. This is not just assessment of correctness of the execution of the specified actions or steps, but analysis of experience, its opportunities and limitations. It is reflection that prepares new ideas, new systematic actions. The best way to develop the skills of making projects and reflection which both, in turn, induce to the natural combination of new and updating of previously acquired knowledge, is a problem or challenging situation, but not a learning task. Collective integration of experience, knowledge, vision expanding, understanding, comprehensive understanding of the issue or situation are taking place in the course of reflection, as well as professional communication skills and willingness to design actions in similar situations are emerging and getting improved [4].

The essence of professionally focused training of a foreign language consists in its integration with special disciplines for the purpose of obtaining additional professional knowledge and formation of professionally significant qualities of a personality [5].

Traditional foreign language training in a non-lingual higher educational institution has been focused on reading and translation of special texts, and also on studying of scientific style features. Communication becomes an essential component of professional activity of a specialist in modern conditions of foreign language training. In this regard the role of the discipline «Foreign language» at non-lingual faculties of higher education institutions considerably increases. Therefore, it is necessary to think of movement of emphasis in training on development of skills of speech communication on professional subjects including conducting of scientific discussions. The main objective of the discipline «Foreign language of the professional direction» becomes mastering of students of the necessary and sufficient level of foreign-language communicative competence for the solution of social and communicative tasks of professional, scientific fields of activity [8].

One of the leading techniques of training in a foreign language is the technique of a communicative orientation. Among four «whales» on which any language training is based (reading, writing, speaking and listening) special attention in this approach is paid to the two last aspects. Now the communicative technique integrated with some traditional elements of teaching is the basis of foreign approaches to language training. It assumes the maximum immersion of students in language process that is reached by means of decreasing of their appeal to the native language to a minimum. The main objective of this technique is, at first, to teach a student speaking language freely, and then thinking in it [3, p. 640].

Also it is noted that the communicative focused training creates positive conditions for active and free development of a personality in activity: - a possibility of free expression of thoughts and feelings in the course of communication; - encouragement of any independent statements of students (contradictory, paradoxical and even «wrong»); - creation of the relations on the basis free of assessment, noncriticism and «empathy» (empathy and understanding of experiences of others); - compliance of the language material to the speaking and thinking abilities of a speaker; - recognition of single violations of language rules and random errors by the educational norm [1, p. 9-14].

Communicative abilities are shown in cooperation and collective production activity. The communicative and reflexive component is shown in the ability to establish interpersonal connection, to coordinate the actions with the actions of colleagues, to choose optimum style of communication in various situations, to master means of verbal and nonverbal communication. Thus, foreign-language communication helps in forming reflexive thinking in its such manifestations as analysis, interpretation, transformation of information from one form in another. Practice shows [7] that together it is not only easier and more interesting to study, but it is also much more effective.

When training in cooperation, communicative abilities based upon reflection in its communicative and cooperative functions, and namely, abilities to realize own role in a group, to understand intentions and actions of the partner in communication and understanding of how another person perceives you, and ability to change the role depending on an objective, to take the responsibility for the results of group activity, to be able to solve in common a problem in the atmosphere of frictionless exchange of opinions, that is abilities which we call abilities of reflexive communication [6], are especially productively formed.

Introduction of the procedure of reflection to the educational process of students allows them to learn planning consciously their activity, to understand the purposes of activity of groupmates, teachers; to monitor performance of the goals and correct further activity. Reflection is the necessary condition of that a student and a teacher can see the scheme of the organization of educational activity, design it according to the purposes and programs, realize the arising perspective and other results. Reflection in foreign languages training is a means of critical perception of sociocultural information, critical interpretation and analysis of new knowledge, formation of own relation and choice of the alternative solution of a problematic sociocultural situation. Thus, abilities of reflexive communication are formed in interrelation with foreign-language communicative competence in a single complex of the professional focused foreign-language competence of a student. Reflexive communicative abilities positively influence formation of foreign-language communicative competence because they create conditions for exchange of opinions, solutions of educational tasks in the course of communication in a foreign language, promote increase of responsibility of one student for the results of the actions of a group when performing a task and gradual transferring of responsibility for the results of studying from a teacher to a student.

For the teacher this process begins with interpretation of own actions and students' actions with further creation of methodical support of them. Gradually methodical support takes the latent form, then a teacher refuses it absolutely [10].

At the same time, as we consider, there are two productive ways of selection of the tasks allowing forming communicative and reflexive competences at the same time: introduction of a reflexive component to the tasks of communicative character and performance of traditional lexical and grammatical exercises in pairs and in a group.

It is necessary to note that reflection should take place in the atmosphere of positive psychological climate of trust and cooperation. We offer several methods of organization of reflection in the educational process.

The method of «Reflexive circle»:

1. At the end of a class all participants of pedagogical interaction sit in a circle.

2. Teacher offers them to answer the following questions one by one: what goal each student personally set at the beginning of the session; if it has been achieved; If not, then what are the reasons of it; what was the most challenging at the lesson; what they liked?; what feelings occurred at the lesson (it was very exciting, normal, boring, etc.).

3. On completion of the survey a teacher makes the total of reflection. Sampling and nature of questions may vary depending on the type of reflection (current, final), features of the topic of study, and goals of a teacher.

The Method Of «Islands»:

1. A teacher draws a map depicting the Islands with the following titles on a large sheet of paper: «Sadnes», «Expectation», «Happiness», «Uncertainty), «Satisfaction», «Inspiration», and «Bermuda's Triangle».

2. The map is put up on the board and each student draws own ship on it in the area which corresponds to his/her feeling regarding the performed work, the learned topics.

3. Reflection is completed by a teacher, students.

The method of «Keyword»: each of students writes on scraps of paper or calls aloud one word which is associated with his/her work and its results at the lesson. After that, a teacher or students comment it.

The method of «Reflexive target»:

1. The target is drawn on a large sheet of paper which is divided into four (maybe less) sectors. The settings that are the subject of assessment are put down in each sector. For example: sector 1 is a content of the class, sector 2 are methods and forms of work, sector 3 are teacher's activities, sector 4 are student's activities).

2. Every student «shoots», making a note of it in the four sectors. If the results of activity is low estimated, a marking is put on the «0» on the target, if it is higher then a marking is on the «5», if it is very high then the field of «10» is marked, i.e. the «Bullseye2.

3. Reflection concludes with brief analysis, which is organized by a teacher. The method of «Mini-composition» is used to round-up a massive study topic and provides deep reflection of work [9].

Reflexive activities organized by a teacher promotes students with comprehension of their own emotional state, academic (occupational) activity, personal efforts in the educational process, the reasons for performance of pedagogical interaction.

Conclusions and prospects for further researches of direction

We realize that our observations are only a part of the established programs of our research of this issue. Further research we see in improving, promotion and implementation of the techniques of teaching English on the basis of the communicative approach.


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Information about the author

ROZHKOVA Natalia Hrygorivna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Linguodidactics and Foreign Languages, Kirovograd Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University.

Circle of scientific interests: methods of teaching English at non-linguistic faculties.

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