To adults in the process of non-formal education

The peculiarity and the content of foreign language teaching of various categories of adults in the process of non-formal education. The conceptions, global strategies, trends, and forms of foreign language teaching of various categories of adults.

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Дата добавления 12.05.2018
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National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv)

To adults in the process of non-formal education

L.V. Viktorova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences,

Head of Department of Social Pedagogy and Information Technologies in

Education Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy,

Y.V. Zakatei, Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, Phylology course


In the article are considered some issues about the peculiarity and the content of foreign language teaching of various categories of adults in the process of non-formal education. The general conceptions, global strategies, trends, and forms of foreign language teaching of various categories of adults are highlighted. The program and normative documents of the European Union and Ukraine, which determine the policy of foreign language teaching of adults in the process of non-formal education, are carecterized as well.

Key words: non-formal education, foreign language teaching, foreign language education, learning strategies, the teaching of various categories of adults, foreign experience, foreign language.

У статті розглядаються окремі питання особливостей та змісту іншомовної підготовки різних категорій дорослих у процесі неформальної освіти. Висвітлено основні зарубіжні концепції, світові стратегії, тренди та форми іншомовної підготовки різних категорій дорослих. Охарактеризовані програмні і нормативні документи ЄС та України, що визначають політику у сфері іншомовної підготовки дорослих в процесі неформальної освіти.

Ключові слова: неформальна освіта, іншомовна підготовка, іншомовна освіта, стратегії навчання, іншомовна підготовка різних категорій дорослих, досвід, іноземна мова.

В статье рассмотрены некоторые вопросы об особенностях и содержании обучения иностранному языку различных категорий взрослых в процессе неформального образования. Выделяются общие концепции, глобальные стратегии, тенденции и формы обучения иностранным языкам различных категорий взрослых. Также уделяется внимание программе и нормативным документам Европейского Союза и Украины, которые определяют политику обучения иностранному языку взрослых в процессе неформального образования.

foreign language teaching

Ключевые слова: неформальное образование, обучение иностранному языку, образование на иностранном языке, стратегии обучения, преподавание различных категорий взрослых, зарубежный опыт, иностранный язык.


Social and political situation in Ukraine, intensification of transatlantic and European integration processes, as well as integration into the European educational and scientific space requires development of all the components and segments of the lifelong learning system, which should stimulate the modernization of economic, professional, social and humanitarian spheres of the country. However, development of such adult education system in the world leading countries is one of the significant mechanisms of achieving sustainable economic development, ensuring civil progress and democratic system of social life; it is an expression of social responsibility for the formation of human and social capital, which is a key element of modern knowledge society. Under the specified conditions of particular importance becomes foreign language training, without which it is impossible to expand the range of individual, social, professional and career opportunities for adults, establish and develop interpersonal, intercultural contacts and acquire new knowledge, skills and experience. The development of modern concept of foreign language teaching to various categories of adults is aimed to solve the specified social problems through better involvement of adults into the educational process of human development.

The advanced use of non-formal education and particularly of its foreign language component, can be useful:

1) for development of social relations in general (promotion of democratization, civil society development, civic engagement and leadership; for solving the problem of leisure-time activities for youth and the elderly);

2) for formal education (for the universities - the opportunity to flexibly and promptly respond to the demands of labor and services market, meet the requirements of students, employees and employers; for the development of motivation and personal interest to the educational process);

3) for all the participants of the educational process (self-improvement and development of self-esteem; improvement of civic skills, development of a sense of participation, solidarity; optimal combination of freedom and responsibility; the possibility to select time, place, duration of education, to solve issues of mobility and career progress).

Under the conditions of intense globalization and migration processes multilinguism becomes of primary importance on the global labor market. It is aimed at solving political, economic, cultural and other tasks therefore providing professionals with the ability to communicate with people all over the world, using different communication channels.

In recent years, in many countries namely members of the European Council, the USA, Japan, China, India the growing understanding of the fact that the improvement of the economic and national security, environmental, social and cultural integration requires a high level of linguistic harmony can be observed. In order to reach this goal, the modern policy in the sphere of foreign language teaching is being developed by various institutions on different levels - from education authorities to security bodies.

Signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union is accompanied by the formation of common educational and scientific space, development of universal criteria and standards. Thus, foreign language education in Ukraine is being reformed following the main documents of the Council of Europe in this sphere, in particular such as "Bilingual education: main strategic tasks", "Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment", "European Language Portfolio", requirements for Euroexams and is aimed to review the structure of education levels, update the contents of foreign language education and create unique programs and courses, alternative textbooks.

Ukraine's desire to become a full member of the European community encourages experts to study foreign educational experience, in which a problem of foreign language teaching has become an object of serious theoretical and practical research as a result of diversification of international cooperation in Europe and in the whole world, with the formation of the concept of "European dimension", implementation of the multilingualism concept and the need to preserve national, cultural and linguistic identity.

Analysis of recent researches and publications

The problem of searching for the ways to optimize foreign language teaching process has been recently attracting the attention of researchers in connection with entrance of countries into certain supranational structures in terms of globalization as well as with the achievement of results of work of national educational systems in such meta-systems and evaluation of economic risks form inefficient foreign language education system.

Problem analysis and strategies of the US foreign language teaching system are offered in the publications of the US Department of Economic Development [1] and in a report of former CIA director and former US Defense Secretary, Professor L. Panetta [2] on the conference at Stanford University and also in the papers of Canadian researcher P. Duff [3].

Efficiency and barriers in implementing the provisions of EU foreign language education policy are discussed in the scientific research [4-9].

The analysis of recent national research papers has shown that the subject of scientific interest is a wide range of theoretical and practical problems of foreign language education. In particular, in the works of R. Grishkova [10] and M. Tadeyeva [11] the latest European and national documents on language education are analyzed. The ways of implementing the recommendations of European Council into the educational process within the framework of modernization of the content, forms and methods of teaching and assessment of applicants' speech competence level are described.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is an analysis of conceptions and tendencies in development of foreign language teaching of adults in the conditions of globalization that is realize via separate tasks: the definition of content of foreign language teaching of adults, the factors of influence that specify the principles of foreign language policy, the emphasis of tendency of improvement in foreign language teaching of adults within the recommendation of educational and verbal institutes of Council of Europe.

Methods. To solve these mentioned tasks the complex of methods is used: analysis, systematization, generalization of philosophical, psychological, educational, and methodical literature, conceptual and comparative analysises.

Results. System research of the issues of foreign language education system development in different countries was performed by Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Numerous works of national linguists, teachers and psychologists have been recently supplemented by the papers of Y. Goncharuk [12], in which the unstable nature of foreign language education content is grounded, the need to study the existing approaches to the determination of foreign language education content is substantiated and elaboration of the development conditions for the reformation of foreign language education system is offered; B. Hamanyuk [13], whose dissertation deals with the study of theoretical principles and practice of foreign language education in Germany in the context of European integration processes and a publication by M. Tadeyeva M. and Y. Pavlovych [14] concerning the transformation of the objectives of modern foreign language education in schools in post-socialist European countries under the influence of globalization.

Scientific research in Ukraine is aimed at improving certain aspects of foreign language teaching as well as at solving conceptual issues of foreign language education. The content of foreign language education should be determined by the modern achievements in linguistics, psychology and psycholinguistics. The specific of foreign language education, according to Y. Goncharuk [12], is that the future specialist masters not only a foreign language, but also explores the most valuable - the culture that has a great educational potential.educational aspect of foreign language education is therefore aimed at the spiritual enrichment and personal improvement of the individual on the basis of dialogue between native and foreign cultures.

The components of an educational system in any branch of knowledge, including foreign language education system are its goal, contents, principles, methods, apparatus of control and assessment of its efficiency. The defining element of this system is socially the content of education from the spirit and structure of which depend on the choice of methods, tools, motivation for obtaining knowledge and mechanisms of its acquisition.

Development of modern foreign language education requires interdisciplinary specialization and multi-level approach to the study of foreign languages as well as focus on the inter - cultural aspect of language skills. That is why a detailed analysis of the best practice of different international institutions in reformation of foreign language education system is important because its best elements can be used for the reformation of foreign language education system of Ukraine.

Despite the fact that the recommendations of the Council of Europe on language education were implemented with equal intensity, the major reforms in Ukraine were made in the following areas [11]: a) review of the educational system structure in the context of life-long foreign language learning introduction; b) realization of CLIL principle (Content and language integrated learning) in the curriculum, which allows to teach one subject in different languages, focusing on both the development of professional knowledge and language proficiency levels; c) increase of the amount of costs for training foreign language teachers and publishing textbooks; d) revision of curricula, examinations and certificates for accession in order to join the European foreign language proficiency scale assessment, approved by the Council of Europe; e) participation in European programs and events organized by the European Commission and the Council of Europe in order to review national education systems, develop appropriate materials and tests for language learning.

The main principles of the modern paradigm of foreign language study in Ukraine are: communicative orientation; person-oriented approach; autonomy of the audience; integrated teaching of language and speech skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) [15].

On the basis of these principles of modern language education nowadays different concepts of foreign language education in Ukraine are being developed.

According to V. Redko [16], the basic principles of selecting the material for teaching foreign languages are: repeating previously studied and absorbed material; gradual increase of difficulty level; motivation to study foreign languages, the essence of which is to study first of all the most important and necessary material.

The general strategy of foreign language education in Ukraine is considered to consist of the needs of modern society and the level of linguistic, psychological and pedagogical science development.

This strategy involves primarily a communicative approach that determines the practical purpose of teaching and learning a foreign language i. e. mastering foreign intercultural communication, means of development of intercultural communicative competence and its components.

In the process of learning foreign languages different strategies (methods) of teaching can be used [18]:

1) meta-cognitive technologies of organization, focus and self-evaluation;

2) affective strategies of emotional states or circumstances handling;

3) social strategies for collaboration (cooperation) with other participants of the educational process;

4) cognitive strategies.

The choice of language strategies depends strongly on the ethnicity, language learning objectives, the nature of the task and other factors [4]. According to professor F. Konigs [5], the choice of foreign language teaching methods in Germany is a controversial issue. At the present time, in his opinion, the development of the so-called traditional methods of foreign language teaching is slowed down, and at the same time the adaptation and improvement of non-traditional (alternative) methods can be observed. First of all, the use of the methods of response and suggestopedia is being discussed. The prospective areas are determined to be structuring of learning models that are able to expand the cognitive aspect of the learning process by including more emotional and affective elements than it has been in the recent decades.

The analysis of the works on studying a second foreign language for non-linguistic students made it possible for S. Chorna [19] to define a number of principles of its teaching: communication, socio-cultural, cognitive-intellectual and intercultural focus, person-oriented, "contrastive" approach to the learning process, parallel development of all the types of speech activity, intensification of the study, the use of bases.

Many researches are focused on the role of meta-cognitive awareness of the academic progress of foreign language students. In particular, in their analytical review M. Rahimi and M. Katal [20] point out the efficient role of meta-cognitive knowledge in many cognitive activities related with the use of language, that are obvious: oral communication, verbal persuasion, listening, reading comprehension, various self-instructing. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the fact that meta-cognitive strategies allow students to play an active part in the learning process, guide him and as a result find better ways for practice and improvement of skills.

The essence of foreign language education is that learning any foreign language should be accompanied by studying the culture of its native speakers, and these processes should take place simultaneously. In this regard, it is necessary to consider foreign language education as a linguocultural education, which should result in multilingualism of citizens, who are aware of their belonging to a particular ethnic group, and are ready for self-identification in the world [18]. Foreign language education engages you into the culture of other people, develops the ability to understand the world culture on the whole and also forms your orientation in today's multicultural and information society [18].


The process of foreign language education, in fact, includes four processes:

1) cognition, that is aimed at mastering culturological content of foreign language culture,

e. culture of the country, the facts of culture and language as a part of culture;

2) development, that is aimed at mastering the psychological content of foreign language culture (skills, mental functions, etc.);

3) education, aimed at mastering the educational content of foreign language culture (ethical, moral);

4) learning that is aimed at mastering the social content of foreign language culture, i. e. language skills that are absorbed as a means of communication in society [18].

At the present stage of crucial importance is the fact that adults should master foreign language as a means of intercultural communication.

Foreign experience of studying the issue of non-formal adult education is rather broad and formalized. Available research papers of the foreign scientists should be adapted and empirically justified so that they can be used in the national non-formal education system, taking into consideration the differences in formalization of such education, population structure and categories, their needs, motivations and capabilities.

Studying the experience of foreign language education strategy reveals the interconnection between national and international educational processes, defines guidelines for the adaptation of educational policy of Ukraine and allows to determine the directions of education reform, based on the positive experience of other countries.


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