Targeted management training and cognitive search and productive activity of students in a dialogue "the student – the computer"

The role of information technology in improving the quality of education and motivating learning. Interactivity as an indicator of the quality of training programs. The essence of interaction in the man-environment-technology artificial environment.

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Targeted management training and cognitive search and productive activity of students in a dialogue «the student - the computer»

Nelunova E.D.1

Chiryaev A.N.2

Okhlopkova Y.V.3

1 Professor, 2 postgraduate training, Foreign languages teaching Department


Целевая подготовка управленческих кадров, познавательный поиск и продуктивная деятельность студентов в диалоге «студент - компьютер».

Нелунова Е.Д., профессор.

Чиряев А.Н., аспирант, кафедра методики преподавания иностранных языков, Институт иностранной филологии и региональных исследований.

Охлопкова Я.В., Северо-Восточный федеральный университет имени М.К. Аммосова.

Возможность целенаправленного обучения, когнитивного контроля и поиска продуктивной деятельности студентов через интерактивные инструменты электронного обучения. Контроль может быть горизонтальным или вертикальным.

Ключевые слова: уровни управления, обучениe познавательной и поисково-производственной деятельности, студент.


Targeted management training and cognitive search and productive activity of students in a dialogue «the student - the computer».

Nelunova E.D.1, Chiryaev A.N.2, Okhlopkova Y.V.3

1 Professor, 2 postgraduate training, Foreign languages teaching Department, Institute of Foreign Philology And Regional Studies, NEFU

The possibility of purposeful learning and cognitive control and search and productive activity of students through interactive e-learning tools. Control can be horizontal or vertical.

Keywords: levels of management, teaching cognitive and search-productive activities, the student.

The concept of socio-cultural self- learning in the educational environment involves, first of all, the condition of self-development in the «man - sphere - technology» Starting point for our study is a two-way process of interaction (feedback) of the respondents - a movement aimed at achieving the desired results. The above-mentioned process is a place of course, for causing a positive interaction [1; 2.].

Investigating the processes of self-development in the conditions of a student and teacher interaction, Fedotova E.L stops on the fact of creating the necessary «space» to enhance self-development. In this educational space consists of specially «simulation environment «, a feature of which is that it is specially organized in accordance with the clearly stated goals of teaching. This environment and serves as one of the conditions for the success of their implementation, including through mainstreaming and capacity of its pedagogical potential. On the other hand, «space is nothing as part of the natural environment of the child and the adult in contact with them, part of a broader, compared with pedagogically organized space of their joint life « [7. P.287 ]. The author points out that «pedagogically simulation environment is designed to be a kind of a reference space of human interaction and organized in such a way that the child in his other contacts could be guided by this standard « [7. P.288 ].

By E.L. Fedotova, mastering such space allows students the most efficient way to master the environment. At the same space at the same time acts as a «testing ground « individual style of interaction with the environment.

It seems appropriate to assume that the « ground» of individual style of interaction and learning systems act podcasts, program structure elements and their interaction, educational information environment of educational sites and educational space on the Internet, allowing navigation through it.

In this regard, we consider the relationship between man and machine in the development of e-learning (IRB). In developing its product copyright educational information environment is intended to be «ground» the individual style of interaction « computer and website developer because each individually designed training product retains the style and even the nature of their creators. In this creative process of self-realization author observed in the environment.

However, do not forget future teachers using e-learning in the educational process, the reverse side of computerization of teaching languages.

First and foremost, do not get involved using the IRB even in the face of distance learning, in which the probability of « leftism sick « [6. - P. 85-91] is too high. Technology, even the highest, never replace a live teacher, teachers, it serves only to improve the quality of education, to achieve high learning motivation that its internal energy activates the movement for self-development.

Secondly, it is proved that the basis of pleasure derived from the use of computers, is its responsiveness. Computers respond instantly and unequivocally, and it is a pleasure that is often lacking in communicating with people. « We can agree with R.L. Rouzom, professor of communications from the University of Michigan, who says - emphasizes V.S. Egerev - that computer - is a small box for training of animals, outstanding promotion at regular intervals « [1.].

In our experience, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the philological department of experienced higher motivation in the first phase, supported by positive emotions to communicate with the computer. Note that overcoming difficulties offered by ICTs, future teacher - scholar gains confidence in yourself and your abilities. Each « victory» over the newly created educational programs, websites, personal cabinet gives hope for success. It does not feel « stragglers « from the innovative direction in education, on the contrary, feels the man who made a contribution to the computerization of the educational process. This rise is associated with an internal self-identity as a creative process.

Moreover, self-development of the individual student in an open environment is activated. It is caused by indirect pedagogical communication, where preference is given to «spiritual support» to strengthen the faith in yourself and your abilities. The presence of such communication, and is a major factor in the interaction of adaptation of man and machine, and can be considered as a new sphere of human activity.

There is also the view that indirect communication, on the one hand, poor spiritually compared with natural dialogue between spiritually close people who are at high levels of exposure. However, communication over a network (communication network) by virtue of the powerful tools that provide information and communication technology for implementing mental activity the user is richer than those in normal communication [4. P.18 -19]. The author has in mind a wide circle of friends, covering many interlocutors both partners.

We are especially interested in the process of human interaction with the system or training program. In practice, the user represented by the teacher or the student works with programs where not all of the specific actions provided and recorded in this program. Every program is endowed with certain powers to make decisions and constraints. Interaction between the machine and a partner - user system (instrumental learning in the constructor) can be carried to « computer communication» (O.S Tikhomirov).

Thus, computer -mediated communication is technically communication with new and unusual type of mediation, when the mediator (mediator) gets in some cases the possibility of independent behavior, and the second party of communication - the developer of the program is far behind the scenes unfolding interaction. Computer communication in this case is due to «feedback» as a property, which is connected by a bridge between man and machine. Interactivity is the basis for dialogue «human-computer « in the artificial environment of communication.

«Interactivity» (from the English. Interaction - « interaction») is firmly entrenched in the computerization of education and it has become a fundamental principle of identifying the effectiveness of open education.

According to many Russian and foreign researchers, interactivity is the measure of the quality of training programs. Comparison of the effectiveness of various computer programs is possible only where interaction can be classified in the same general categories for each program.

We also tend to the fact that with the help of feedback control of multivariable organized training - operational control tests overdue control in conditions of distance learning, when a student is responsible for e-mail.

In our study, the feedback has a special place, as it can help activate any action learning, supported his spiritual mood through approving, friendly comments and install his actions. Note that based on the feedback form responses to the computer user in the dialogue « learner - a computer». In the interactive dialogue activated educational and cognitive and speech thought activity resulting multimodal presentation of information.

In studies O.B. Tyschenko, G.A. Titorenko and many other dialogue «student - computer» reflects the type of presentation of information and the responses of students. It is the modality of presentation of educational information. In the narrow sense modality is determined by the fact what is perceived analyzers information, visual and auditor. To also include different modality and types of information such as text, sound, picture and graphics. Similarly to the different modality traditionally include sample -engineered and coded answers, even if the student enters with the keyboard [5; 6.].

By the practice of developing training programs proven objectivity above thesis that the dialogue «man - sphere - technology « is a two-way process of interaction between the respondents. This movement aimed at achieving the target. The system is based on the technology development program, which is called object-oriented the description of the action. This technology is based on modern concepts of object -oriented programming and programming with abstract data types. By the method of object-oriented developer The description of the action tutorial using the system directly on the screen, builds (constructs) the script solution to his problem.

As a result, the monitor the description of the action formed scenario process to be executed by the computer as a normal program and that implements copyrights intended purpose computer. Especially any script and tutorial site - this learning model, which presents educational information, texts, dialogues and exercises, as well as all types of controls - tests, questions, assignments, digital dictation, etc. Modern e- learning tool should be able to use online learning - resources, such as podcasts. Podcasts - it's audio and video, text files placed on individual addresses the World Wide Web. They are standardized, i.e. distributed aspects of language with regard to age and preparedness of students, so it is very convenient for use in the educational process.

One of the main goals of the developer (teacher) - it is the intention of learning and cognitive control and search and productive activities of students. In this context, we have the scheme of purposeful learning and cognitive control and search and productive activity of students. In the diagram shows two possible forms of control - horizontal, which covers 3 levels. First - at the group level, where control is among the subjects of the educational environment in the free interaction (in communication and self-reflection). Second - in the «Man and computer». Human-computer interaction through an interactive dialogue on the basis of the model theory of communication. The concept of «pervasive language meaning» (B.Y.Gorodetsky) working in all computer models. Third - level authoring e-learning. Copyright developer constructs content EDF scenario that simulates training. In the scenario proposed several options students pursuing teaching of internal logic.

Vertical control. On the first level there is a direct influence from the teacher. Control is possible at the level of application of the IRB. It is used in accordance with the stages of learning and cognitive activity of students on the basis of the theory of P.I Halperin and N.F. Talyzinoy. At all stages (motivational, information knowledge and effectiveness control) use EDF pursues proper purpose and objectives, which are organized and managed by the teacher. At the next level control is possible at the level of organization chats, forums and newsgroups. It is based on mediated communication. In this indirect communication takes teacher status (on P.I. Obraztsov), as it aims to achieve educational goals.

In summary, we conclude that the interaction in the artificial environment of the «man-environment - technology» is considered as:

1) internal manipulation between objects in reality training system based on the feedback that contributes to the simulation training activities ;

2) environment for interactive dialogue mediated, catalytic educational and cognitive speech thought activity through a multimodal presentation of information on the monitor ;

3) between subjects in an interactive environment, suggesting a unique chat with website objects reality training system, which has a didactic and educational values in the self-development of the individual [7].

Based on theoretical findings and practical results we are able to conclude that the success of the educational-cognitive and productive activities and is the main factor in personal growth active student who exhibits reflexivity and creativity, a sense of personal worth and dignity. At the same time develop new needs to change himself by way of self-development Occurs breaking the stereotype of the relationship between the teacher and the student - teacher: a teacher of grade mentor and « all-knowing oracle « [8] goes to the rank of supervisor, consultant joint activities, and the student, feeling the support and trust of senior shows genuine interest and initiative interacting with them.

Thus, the combined application of various types of media contributes to accelerating the development of relations between all users, starting from the head - teacher and student finishing high school and who have a chance to update their skills. At the same time they are making efforts and will exhibit, and to know their capabilities, feeling, first of all, teacher support, conscious self-esteem, their value, thereby satisfying the need for self-transformation.

education motivating learning interactivity


1. Rangers, SV Computers in Education: the limits of possible [ electronic resource] / SV rangers. - Mode of access:

2. Nelunova ED Pedagogical bases of self- education students in a multimedia environment. Author's abstract of dis … Dr. ped. Sciences. [Text] Publication, second edition. Yaroslavl. Ed. «Avers Plus».2013. - P.16 -42.

3. Polat, ES method projects in foreign language lessons [Text] / ES Polat / / Foreign languages in school. - 2000. - № 2. - P.3- 10 ; № 3. - S. 3-9.

4. Titorenko, GA Modern information technology [Text] / GA Titorenko. - Moscow: UNITY, 1999. - 114.

5. Tikhomirov, O. K. Communication, computer mediated [Text] / OK Tikhomirov, YD Babaev, AE Voiskunsky // Vestnik Moskov. Univ. - 1986. - № 3. - P.18 -19. - (Series 14. Psychology).

6. Tyshchenko, OB boundaries of your computer training [Text] / OB Tyshchenko / / Education. - 2002. - № 4. - S. 85-91.

7. Fedotova, EL Pedagogical interaction as a factor in personal self-development of students and teachers [Text]: dis. Dr. … ped. Sciences: 13.00.01 / EL Fedotov. - Irkutsk, 1998. - 317.

8. Woo, H.L., 2010. Designing multimedia learning environments using animated pedagogical agents: factors and issues: Learning Sciences and Technologies Academic Group, National Institute of education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Date views 12.05.2010

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