Integration possibilities of physical training and sport education with the other sciences

The level of modern development of science and technology, which requires an improvement in the content of school curriculum and teaching methods. Measures for the development of physical culture, improvement of sports, material and technical base.

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Дата добавления 12.04.2018
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The head of the management apparatus of the sports club “Neftchi”

Integration possibilities of physical training and sport education with the other sciences

Gouliyev D.K., Doctor of Philosophy on Pedagogic,

prof. pro-rector of Az.SAFCS,

Sadigov S.K.

The level of modem development of science and techniques, the development of integration in science demand both the improvement of secondary school course content, as well as its teaching methods were shown in this article. There was given information about the activities along the lines of development of physical training and sports, improvement of sport basis, material and technical provision in the country implemented in accordance with the decrees of the President of Azerbaijan Republic, about new and modem sports complex in different cities and regions, major repair and restoration work in existing sports facilities.

Key words: science, education, program, integration, teacher, sportsman, physical training, sport, psychology, philosophy, mathematics, chemistry, biology, art.

Гулієв Д.Г., Садигов C.K. Можливості інтеграції викладання фізичної культури і спорту з іншими дисциплінами

У статті охарактеризовано рівень сучасного розвитку науки і техніки, розвиток інтеграції в науці, що вимагає поліпшення змісту шкільного курсу та його методів навчання. Також визначено заходи щодо розвитку фізичної культури і спорту, поліпшення спортивної, матеріально-технічної бази у країні, вжиті відповідно до постанов президента Азербайджанської Республіки, щодо появи нових і сучасних спортивних комплексів у різних містах і регіонах, реставраційних робіт у наявних спортивних приміщеннях.

Ключові слова: наука, освіта, програма, інтеграція, викладач, спортсмен, фізичне виховання, спорт, психологія, філософія, математика, фізика, біологія, мистецтво.

В статье охарактеризованы уровень современного развития науки и техники, развитие интеграции в науке, что требует улучшения содержания школьного курса и его методов обучения. Также определены меры относительно развития физической культуры и спорта, улучшения спортивной и материально-технической базы в стране, принятые в соответствии с постановлениями президента Азербайджанской Республики, относительно появления новых и современных спортивных комплексов в разных городах и регионах, реставрационных работ в имеющихся спортивных помещениях.

Ключевые слова: наука, образование, программа, интеграция, преподаватель, спортсмен, физическое воспитание, спорт, психология, философия, математика, физика, биология, искусство.

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The level of modern development of science and techniques, the development of integration in science demands both the improvement of secondary school course content, as well as its teaching methods.

On 24th of October 2013 President of Azerbaijan Republic signed to approve the decree “State Strategy on the Development of Education in Azerbaijan Republic”.

In recent years, the country has taken significant steps towards the development of physical culture and sport. A wide range of activities have been implemented due to the decrees of the President of Azerbaijan Republic along the lines of sports base of the physical training improvement and material and technical provision. For this reason, about 50 new modern sports complex were built in different cities and regions, major repair and restoration work had been successfully carried out in the existing sports facilities [1].

Mass care towards physical training in the country, a new stage in the development of the material and technical base of the sport started in 1997, with the election of Ilham Aliyev as a President of National Olympic Committee.

Physical training and sports is a complex and systems analysis object for a number of sciences. Physical training and sports being as a part of personality culture in a restricted sense is the development of the human's physical improvement features, effectively using its movement activities. However this conception in a wide sense as a main part of society culture is considered to provide the people's physical opportunities development. This is a concept of special means, method and way derived from the unity of this scientific-technical and practical successes. Physical training and sports in each country is developed in the system defined by concrete date, organizational structure of economic, social-cultural construction administration. One of its main characteristics is to be a various level system linking the activities of both special state enterprises and social organizations in this sphere [3].

Division of the school education content into different disciplines is established in accordance with the nature of cognition process and historically justified itself. Therefore, the education of this course on the subjects is continued completely. However, the connection between subjects in education process is of a significant value. And so, it is necessary to prevent the school course education on subjects to be isolated from each other, creating the wrong imagination about interrelation of discipline independence and nature phenomenon, to make the students well understand the disciplines dialectic unity. From another side, the school experience shows that most of the nature phenomenon is well understood, mastered and remembered if learn not only one nature science but in the frame of all nature sciences. Taking this into consideration, in the certain educational processes stages it is very useful to create the knowledge synthesis displaying regularity connection of different nature phenomenon while needed; because a unique opinion on various nature phenomenon is formed in the pupils while learning in the form of complex bringing together physical, chemical and biological phenomenon.

Political-theoretical level of the education is defined by the social needs and scientific-technical prosperity of the society. From this point of view, the relation between the disciplines is arisen as an actual pedagogical problem. This problem is closely connected with education content and structure. Therefore, it must find itself in training methods, forms and means. The interrelation of disciplines stimulates to systemize the pupils' knowledge, to create a full picture of a real world, to form the dialectic interrelation of phenomenon.

The correct solution of problems on education content coordination and integration is also closely connected with direct discipline interrelation. While working out education program of separate disciplines, the coordination is engaged in agreements and comparisons made for the reason to eliminate discrepancy in teaching the same subject on different disciplines.

In order to create full idea about the teaching certain nature phenomenon, integration is concerned to combine the features considered in separate nature sciences of this phenomenon. As it is seen, both of them mean relation between the disciplines.

Integration in each educational discipline must correspond to science logic and stimulate the pupils' thinking development.

Integration, in general sense, brings together the scientific notions and training methods related disciplines. It is a positive case. Therefore, in primary schools integration is paid much attention. But unfortunately it was not still reflected in nature study discipline content. There is no interrelation between separate parts included to nature study course. Content disorderliness in such wide integration course results in pupils' surface knowledge.

There is any possibility to develop the integration in education of physical training and sports science. Here the integration is carried out as follows: the elements of neighbor sciences and applied knowledge are added to the content of each education discipline. Thus, the imagination in pupils is getting wide about the relation inter and between the disciplines. For example, physical training creates the opportunities for the application of physical and biological notions in biology; the scientific outlook is formed in pupils. The complete clarification of the relationship between the disciplines creates an optimal condition for the pupils' education, training and development. Therefore, the relationship between the disciplines is considered as a component part of training. The determination of discipline structure, management of the pupils with systematic and competent knowledge of science basis is also connected with the solution of this problem.

It is very important to learn the relation between physical training, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology sciences. Because, a number of progressive scientific opinions consisted of main content of these sciences, for example, molecular-kinetic theory, electronic theory, electrolysis and a number of other notions, occupy a strong position in physical training science. Some of these main issues are explained on the basis of those notions.

The automation and mechanization of the production processes demands a wide use of work principals of live mechanism for the future progress of techniques and etc., to train high potential resources to manage a new techniques. Therefore, it is an important issue for the pupils of the comprehensive schools to acquire wide knowledge, skills and habits to be in step with the techniques. Taking it into consideration, in order to achieve the assimilation of the education material by the pupils and activation of the training methods, it is necessary to provide a close relation between the teachers of physical training, physics, chemistry, biology and other nature sciences, advice, the definition of application circle of theoretical knowledge considered for the teaching.

The teacher must be aware of innovations occur in the science, have a wide idea about its main development traditions.

A great service of the teacher is to be able to attract the pupils' to himself by the discipline taught and as Ushinski showed, should be able to direct the knowledge not only towards the pupils' consciousness but towards their feelings as well.

Physical training is closely connected with scientific, social, nature and pedagogical sciences. Modern physical training theory and methods ground on the ideological basis of great classics. The basic fundament of today's physical training theory is built on historical experiences of the people, social natural regularities.

Physical training being a social event is bound with the important needs of the society as the preparation of the people to work and military work.

The classics of our epoch put the basis of science have showed clearly that comprehensive training of the people greatly depends on social-economic condition of our society we live in and the policy of the government. Briefly, state physical training system is defined in accordance with the social structure depending on which society the people live. Physical training cannot have joint system in case if there is an antagonist class character in a state. From this point of view in our independent and democratic republic all these issues are developed due to our people's intent. Because of that physical training issues, its development in a system way are strengthened. President of the country pays much care and attention to the development of physical training and sports during the independence.

We must profess that in physical training sphere the scientific generalization can be fully carried out based on dialectics and the facts of the historical materials.

Physical training and sports theory is closely connected with a number of sciences. Among these sciences we can mention biology, anatomy, physiology, hygiene, pedagogy, psychology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and others.

The results of scientific studies prove that physical training science is closely connected with the above mentioned humanitarian sciences, as well as with all nature, humanitarian, the most of exact sciences, and military sciences. The reason for that are historically ancient science and its existence since the time of human being's birth.

No other historical facts except physical training, sport, labor, defence and consideration were observed before in the life of the human being. All sciences started to exist after entire formation of the human being since the million years. And the human being could establish all these only after his complete formation due to the physical and mental skills development.

A great thinking scientist P. Fleskaft (lived at the end of XVIII century and the beginning of XIX century) worked out physical training, sport theory and methods sciences, their physiological and physiological features have been worked out by great scientists I.M. Sechenov and I.P. Pavlov (the link of the organism with environment; leading role of good mood of the life connected with the central nervous system of the organism; universal character of conditional reflex; link of reciprocal action of organism and environment; types of nervous system etc.) and had successful life experience [4].

The investigation shows that, physical training, sport theory was always useful in working out of the pedagogically induced training system of nature sciences, pedagogical conformities, as well as in achieving successes in physical training and sport sphere.

Physical training, sport theory refer to the pedagogical sciences system, is closely connected with pedagogic and psychology. Physical training and sport methods are considered in the study pedagogical issues on separate kinds of sport (for example, gymnastics, athletics, sport games, weightlifting etc.) as well as age physiological features.

Physical training is closely connected with other sciences. It uses the materials of these sciences to solve the tasks standing before. Physical training and sport has the relation almost with all science spheres. In educational institutions the disciplines taught are connected with many different sciences: physics, mathematics, chemistry, language, literature and other discipline education issues consist of investigation theme of the method which is a part of physical training and sport. Physical training and sport is also directly or indirectly connected with the other sciences. It gets a general direction from some sciences, but based on results of the other sciences.

Physical training and sports is closely connected with philosophy. The education theory of physical training and sport is based on cognition theory. Solving the training issues physical training and sports is based on different spheres of philosophy like ethics, aesthetics, and sociology sciences.

Sport philosophy is an applied philosophical science which analyzes philosophical problems bound with sport and other associated appearances. Comprehension of the main problems of this science quite clearly supposes what is philosophy.

A number of historical contradictions were observed to prevent from formation as an in-dependent discipline in scientific achievements and philosophical knowledge and in the application of sport philosophy in physical training and sport sphere.

Physical training mostly connected with psychology. Many centuries before eastern scientists have suggested wide notions on the importance of intellect, substance and spirit unity of the human being and the non-ordinary opportunities of this unity. They have reported the unity to be as a natural case from the dialectic point of view. In general, we can say that it is possible to train sportsman from each healthy child able to think. Because any skill necessary for learning and developing in sport is later worked out and improved.

A good psychological training of the sportsman strengthens his physical, technical and tactic physical training and presents real ability of the sportsman. The ability to create mental, physical and intellectual unity gives a human being the extraordinary possibilities. As an example we can show Bob-Bimon's broad jump of 8 meters 90 centimeters achieved at Olympic Games in Mexico in 1968. Journalists called this jump as a “cosmic jump” [2].

Physical training and sports is connected with physiology as well. The theory about central nervous activity constitutes natural-scientific basis of training process. Conditional reflexes, temporary nervous communications, interrelation of first and second signal systems, analytic-structural activity of main cerebral cortex and other issues help the sportsman to solve most of the important problems. General and age physiology arm the sportsman with the necessary information on the nature of physical development in different ages. The sportsman uses hygiene propositions in forming educational-training process on the bases of correct sanitary-hygienic needs.

In the relation of physical training and sports with biomechanics the determination of metabolism indices gives an opportunity to solve the following tasks of the complex control: to control the functional state of sportsman's organism; to observe the adaptation changes occurred in the functional and energetic systems of organism in the training process; pathological changes diagnostics of metabolism in sportsmen and etc. Biochemical control also gives an opportunity to define the reaction of the organism against physical load, comprehensibility of pharmacological and other restoration means intake and so on. Muscular work, as well as the influence of external environment on sportsman's organism and caused level of changes can be defined by means of biochemical control.

Physical training and sports hygiene include personal hygiene, everyday rational regime, body care, dress and shoes hygiene. Everyday regime is of a special importance. And this, in its turn, creates a good condition for the work activity and restoration.

Regime has not only recovering but educating importance as well. To abide with it educates such qualities like discipline, accuracy, organizing activity, purposefulness. Meaningful and many-sidedness of the life give an opportunity for the rational use of every hour and every minute of the time. Everybody must apply its regime dependent on the concrete condition of the life. The main attention should be given to the sleep which is considered to be the principal type of the rest. Moderate sleeplessness results in impairment of nervous system, decrease of defence power of the organism and work ability, worsening of the morals.

The interrelation of sport and art moves in 2 directions. From one side, sport plays demonstrate specific sport theatre, fascinating the spectators, creating mental enthusiasm, emotional excitement with its dramaturgy. Its peak is Olympic Games. Their ritual is excessively aesthetic. The sun rays are gathered in lens and a torch is flamed up from its fire. school teaching physical culture

From the second side, artistry is developed in the sportsmen. For example, those who understand the football, when see extra rated player or team, they say that is interesting, attractive and great. Football is purposeful, having harmony. It is a profession, not only a kick to the ball. Sport as well as the other spheres of the culture has a role in aesthetic cognition of the world. And at most time, sport, especially it's more tender and delicate types are closely connected with the art, is close to it, and complete one-another. This connection and closeness mainly show itself in owning of both from aesthetic point of view in definite generality.

Sport intellectuality, sport aesthetics are not new notions. Sport's connection with the aesthetic education is varied and comprehensive. In this article we will outline 4 main features of the connection between sport and aesthetic education:

Sport educates creativeness;

Sportsman himself takes a great aesthetic pleasure;

Sport is a show, entertainment and gives a pleasure to the spectators;

Sport creates beauty.

At present, the interrelation of the disciplines is of great importance as an optimal means and opportunities in the educational-training process. The use of musical fragments at physical training lessons and interschool competitions may be useful and effective in the education of the pupils. Thus, in a definite sense, a complex implementation of training work is also provid-ed. Physical training and sports with the aesthetic training complete each other. In result, the music is a means in sport achievements of the young generation, a side that contains the content of physical training and sports, becomes an everlasting friend of the sportsman in life.


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