The influence or the lack of teacher’s job satisfaction on students’ attitude towards school and education - the analysis concerns future research
Job satisfaction as a fixed component of management in enterprises and institutions. Influence teachers ’job satisfaction on students’ attitude towards school and education. Connection between effectiveness of the teachers’ work and the age of work.
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Дата добавления | 09.04.2018 |
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PhD, Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology,
AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland
The influence or the lack of teacher's job satisfaction on students' attitude towards school and education - the analysis concerns future research
Maria Katarzyna Grzegorzewska
Вивчення професійного задоволення, а також відчуття успіху, пов'язаного з ним, є сьогодні незмінним елементом управління на підприємствах та в установах. Це допомагає як оцінці наслідків діяльності та створенню стратегій розвитку, так і вивченню змін, що відбуваються внаслідок цього у свідомості людей. Учителі - особлива група працівників, професійне задоволення яких виникає не лише у зв'язку із суб'єктивними відчуттями, а насамперед через взаємодію з дітьми. У статті представлено результати досліджень, пов'язаних з аналізом професійного задоволення вчителів, які розглядаються не як самоціль, а як відправна точка вивчення того, як почуття професійного задоволення педагога може впливати на усвідомлення його важливості, що відчуватиметься учнями в майбутньому.
Ключові слова: вчитель, успіх, задоволення, учень, навчання.
Изучение профессионального удовлетворения, а также ощущение успеха, связанного с ним, является сегодня неизменным элементом управления на предприятиях и в учреждениях. Это помогает как оценке последствий деятельности и созданию стратегий развития, так и изучению изменений, происходящих в результате этого в сознании людей. Учителя - особая группа работников, профессиональное удовлетворение которых возникает не только в связи с субъективными ощущениями, а прежде всего из-за взаимодействия с детьми. В статье представлены результаты исследований, связанные с анализом профессионального удовлетворения учителей, которые рассматриваются не как самоцель, а как отправная точка изучения того, как чувство профессионального удовлетворения педагога может влиять на осознание его важности, которое будет ощущаться учениками в будущем.
Ключевые слова: учитель, успех, удовольствие, ученик, учеба.
Nowadays the study on job satisfaction and its success is a fixed component of management in enterprises and institutions. It allows not only to estimate job results and create actions strategies but also to examine changes in employees' consciousness related to different circumstances. Teachers are a specific vocational group because their satisfaction is connected especially with results of interactions with students but also with subjective feelings. The article shows study results related to teachers' job satisfaction. However, they are treated not as an ordinary purpose but as an initial stage to test whether teachers 'job satisfaction can influences its consciousness of meaning that will give signs in the future.
Key words: teacher, success, satisfaction, student, teaching.
Basic maintenance of research
Problem statement and analysis of last achievements and publications. Nowadays, the study of sense of job satisfaction is conventional and routine. It is carried out in institutions regardless of the profile. It is a very important element of management because it influences employee's attitude in terms of duties and other activities. The sense or the lack of job satisfaction is related to all aspects of life, functioning in society, physical and mental health, social relations and shaping the professional image.
Job satisfaction is analyzed by researchers from marketing, management of human resources, public relations. These terms are commonly connected with business, corporations but in reality, it isn't related just to management - it is very important at the place where people work and achieve goals. That is why job satisfaction and relations between teachers and students are crucial.
One of the terms of job satisfaction was created by V.H. Vroom [14, p.99]. He claims that it is a positive attitude to work. This statement means an optimistic attitude with a sense of satisfaction - one influences the other. It results in the fact that an employee satisfied with his job, has a positive attitude to it. This problem was also taken under consideration by E.A. Locke. He says that it is a result of connecting job as a way of gaining essential values due to our needs and their realizations [6, p.1319]. It shows that internal needs and job satisfaction are inseparable. So, individual predispositions have a strong effect on job satisfaction. It means that different people have different needs and circumstances decide about the satisfaction of our job or profession. P.E. Spector emphasizes the role of cognitive processes in shaping job satisfaction [12, p.2]. P.K. Nair claims that job satisfaction depends on the individual evaluation of our job [7, p.47].
Job satisfaction and its attitudes are also the subjects of psychologist's study. It is commonly known that job satisfaction is related to its results but the correlation factor presented by Laffaldano and Munchinsky is only 0.17 [13, p.165]. It means that empirical study changes this statement. What Saari and Judge say is quite interesting - the dependence of job satisfaction and effectiveness aren't the subject of interest but its influence on prosocial behaviours in terms of consciousness, mutual help, altruism, politeness [11, p.164].
B. Zechowska examined teachers as an occupational group in terms of job satisfaction. She emphasized that this satisfaction and the sense of job success are inseparable. However, it was seen from the perspective of didactic and educational results. Over time, changeable external circumstances especially in countries like Poland, where the political transformation was important, have made that success in a job was also seen in other categories. It approached attitudes and expectations of Polish teachers and teachers from Western Europe. It was written by Linda Evans who examined teachers from English schools. She presented the importance of relations between a headmaster and teachers and comfort in a job [1, p.181]. The results of a study carried out in Poland after 1990 are very important. According to them, teachers' success as a result of job satisfaction is related to salaries and the opportunity of auto development, self-reliance [15, p.93]. Over time, job satisfaction has started to be a part of pedagogical and educational successes still. It is the confirmation of the thesis created by Australian researchers that a physical factor isn't the most important when the economic situation in a country starts to improve. Of course, the economic status in countries like Poland is far away from this in Australia but the improvement of making ethical values stronger - the sense of mission, what was claimed by S. Denham, C. Scott and Block [10, p.17]. Due to the analysis of subject literature, it isn't possible to explain clearly what teachers relate to job satisfaction [1, p.181] and how to understand the fact that the situation in the country where education is still being reformed and changed, it is hard to clarify. Nonetheless, it is worth discussing just to present issues not universal but specific to this profession which makes that satisfaction influences students, not teachers.
The highlight of the earlier unresolved parts of the general problem. Aim of the study. The study of teachers' job satisfaction is very important for some reasons taking into account essential factors for the development of work place. We should know that the status of the teacher has suddenly decreased for years. In Poland, before the Second World War, it was a respected profession, even before 1990. The economic changes caused by political ones made that not only teachers' job but also their attitudes became worst. Teachers started to emphasize that as an occupational group they are in an unfavorable situation because of financing conditions of education, work conditions, and an unstable system situation. Difficult external circumstances made that no one said about satisfaction and success in terms of teachers' job because polish school in the 1990s is blamed for many serious things. It primarily concerns curriculum and learning methods. The most serious drawbacks are encyclopaedism, the primacy of information over abilities, learning through academic domains. During this period the role of the teacher was limited, the educational cooperation with parents was rejected. The crucial issue was also primacy of collective education over individual and curriculum which was impossible to accomplish. (.) so, in Poland the model of education based on `memory didactics'. In this situation, students were pushed into the mechanism in order to memorize a lot of information. They were considered as information noise used to fill time of education. The school which realized this model, created inevitably at the same time authoritarianism and anxiety, was boring and reduced a cognitive motivation, blocked the development, destroyed creativity and abilities of clear communication and self-understanding of the world. At the same time, basic school goals: the development of thinking or the concept of educational nature were omitted [2, p.72-74].
It caused that the attempt to achieve job satisfaction by teachers has become impossible and they couldn't believe that they would achieve their goals. Such an attitude influences destructively on the individual but especially on young people for whom it should be an example. We can't forget that teacher is seen as a social role [5, p.133] and has some goals: shaping the cognitive attitude, problem sensitivity, help in gaining operative knowledge, the development of cognitive, esthetic and social feelings and shaping of Socratic values (knowledge about ourselves and self-perfecting), apollyson values - beauty and promethean ones - altruism [4, p.135]. What's more, the teacher's role is to shape the need for self-development, the ability to accumulate valuable experience and to explain reality among students [9, p.14-15]. It isn't difficult to state that consciousness of meeting conditions is a must just to achieve goals and it depends on job satisfaction and success in terms of teachers. In this way, the goal of this article concerns the question what factors influence job satisfaction and teachers' success in order to create the basis for examining relations between this success and students' attitudes in the context of theoretical statements.
Study results and their discussion
Success is defined in different ways. In terms of upbringing, it isn't easy to make clear and objective criteria for pedagogues while its character is rather subjective. Teachers, psychologists understand it in a different way. The examined group consisted of 30 teachers with different trainings and work experience. The aim of this study was to show the influence on job satisfaction and success among teachers. They also presented their most important pedagogical success. There were 30 teachers: 27 women (90%) and 3 men (3%). This is their age range:
22-29 years - 4 people,
30-39 years - 17 people,
40-49 years - 8 people,
<49 years - 1 person.
The work experience of the teacher has an influence on the level of success and satisfaction.
The results show that effectiveness of the teachers' work and the age of work experience, as well as their age, has something in common and that we give in some stereotypes. The teachers with longer work experience, who have a higher educational degree are often associated with higher authority and at the same time almost automatically with having more success in the didactical work. When the years passing we can gain more and more experience, become more skilled, develop intellectually and emotionally, get more distance to many things, become more sensible as well as reflexive so as a result become simply smart-living person.
All of the researched teachers have been working for more than a year and the following length of work experience:
from 2 to 5 years - 9 people (30%),
from 6 to l0 years - 11 people (37%),
above 10 years - 9 people (33%).
The next question was connected with the degree of work experience. There were:
3 trainee teachers,
11 contractual teachers,
9 nomination teachers,
7 certified teachers.
The researched teachers have been working In different schools:
Kindergarten - 18 people (62%)
Junior secondary school - 4 people (14%)
Secondary school - 7 people (24%)
In the questionnaire the question about teachers' job satisfaction appeared as well. Most of the pollen people were satisfied with the profession they have chosen and duties connected with their decision.27 teachers (90%) said that they are satisfied, however, 3 of them (10%) claimed negatively.
Secondly, they have been asked, if they take part in any forms of outdoors training. 24 people said "yes", 6 people said "no". They were asked also about concrete forms of training.
Relating to the factors which have an influence on the pedagogical success of the teachers, all of the researched people claimed that it is the effectiveness in conveying the knowledge the most crucial one.
The profession of a teacher itself, in contrary to other professions, is very unique, because it is identified with authority and all of the tasks connected with teaching at school. The teacher has a vital impact on students' development. It is about not only shaping personality but also direct influence on the choice of the life way. It is the truth that the teacher is the person who can notice the talent or passion to a given, even more often than parents do. Answering the question if good relation like "T-S" has an influence on the pedagogical success, 29 people agreed and the one who left said "I don't know".
The teachers should be trying not only of the good of the students but also the society which has entrusted them. It is highlighted by the researched group that their success is based on giving the students the feeling of being responsible for their own development and autonomy in choosing their careers.
All of this is related to giving systematical help during the classes, individual studying as well as giving advice in students' private lives. Moreover, motivating students' in their studies and diagnosing their possible teaching failures.
The question if dealing with every teaching problem can be a success, more than 90% of researched people said "yes". The school should be for students the second home and the teachers' role creating them pleasant atmosphere and being open their needs.
Answering the question if teachers think themselves as an authority for the students, the researched group has different opinions:
no - 2 people (7%)
I don't know - 9 people (30%)
Yes - 19 people (63%)
Children in the school age take a special teaching attitude which should be prepared merits-related the same as psychological one. So the question appeared, if the teachers' authority, especially beginner classes. What kind of the teacher is suitable for them as an authority. Every child starting the education brings their own expectations and the image of the school as well as the image of the teacher. But before that the child encounter the images shown by their parents or media first. It is the parent who shapes the child's picture of school, often without any intention and not aware of consequences.
According to M. Kalinowski, there are two types of authority. The first is an enslaving one, influencing and overwhelming students, enforcing safety and students' complete subordination. Such teachers repress child's initiative and independence. Imposing students' ready patterns, judgments and private opinions results in their passive attitudes and a lack of self-confidence.
There other one is a challenging type, meaning evoking student's initiative and creating their independence. Such teachers motivate students to be active, build their self confidence while developing their creativity in striving for perfection.
Teachers who recognise themselves as an authority were asked to answer a question whether they treat it as a success. Their answers were:
"Yes" - seventeen people - 33%,
"No" - two people - 2%.
As far as the question: "What is your biggest pedagogical success so far?" the respondents gave a range of different answers, such as:
Good relationship with students and their patents,
Students' achievements in competitions,
Cooperation with pedagogical institutions,
Preparing a school play-integration with disabled children,
Taking pleasure form working with children,
Making students eager to get into universities,
Effective preparing students to going to school.
Finally, teachers were asked whether their successes
and achievements connected with their jobs are widely known and appreciated in their schools. Their answers were:
"No" - four people - 3%,
"Yes" - twenty-two people - 73%,
"I don't know" - four people - 13 %.
job satisfaction teacher
The results of the survey prove that the majority of teachers feels satisfaction from what they do but there is no something like one, precise definition of a pedagogical success, so each one created by professional teachers is correct.
There seems to be a kind of similarity between the definitions created by the group of respondents and the way they understand the goal of teaching and working with students. There was a group of teachers for whom a smooth and correct process of teaching as well as using proper methods and types of work was a success.
For some success means satisfaction and pleasure. So the key is the teacher's personality and an ability to build a proper relationship with a student.
Conclusion and perspectives of further development. The results of the survey devoted to efficiency of preventive programmes conducted in America clearly indicate that "what is common for all successful programmes is a high-quality relationships between the adults and the young". In order to succeed in studying, what is a success for many teachers, a student needs teachers' sincere care and support. A lot of teachers indicate the meaning of this friendly atmosphere. Success in teaching depends on the right attitude towards students. T. Gordon in his "Education/Teaching without disappointment" writes about the specific role of a proper student - teacher relationship. Determination and consequence in acting necessitate a strong will and determination in coping with difficulties and pedagogical or educational failures. It also means determination in achieving goals and endurance in the case of unpredictable situations. Teacher's awareness of his or her appointment and understanding what he or she does influences mostly their success by two factors: a personal development and a process of building relationships with students. If he or she succeeds in both fields, it will mean a complete success and a feeling of real satisfaction. However, there is one more thing mentioned in the article. In the case of the profession, where a student's good is the highest value, not only self-esteem but also the feedback and the way a teacher influences the young generations' development is what counts. If most of contemporary teachers claim they take satisfaction from what they do, feel successful and enjoy their students' respect, it is necessary to check this declaration from the students' point of view. The signal indicating the need of conducting such a survey is the fact that society does not recognise teaching as a prestigious job like for example a lawyer or a doctor that young people dream about. These may be stereotypes or unproved opinions but the meaning of teacher's work is so important that it cannot be discussed without using facts or scientific proofs. The point is that the main role of school is evoking creativity and infecting young people with a desire to discover new spheres inside themselves. This is a task for an institution which is in fact fulfilled by individual people who must take pleasure in what they do in order to pass the passion for self-development. Examining the feeling of satisfaction and teachers' success is essential if we want to estimate their attitude towards what they do, but it is not the main goal of the survey. In fact it does not reveal too much as far as this job's specific character is concerned and the way they shape the awareness how to treat this job and how to fulfill the goals. Only checking the relationship between the level of teacher's satisfaction and his or her eagerness to make their students satisfied at work in the future can be treated a complete issue and a complete educational success. Teacher's effectiveness cannot be measured only by means of his or her own satisfaction as the educational process is a kind of interaction [3, p.16]. Such an analysis should just start with a thesis that education is a way of showing a student what kind of person he or she is, what his or her value really is [5, p.135]. It is necessary to awake this person in every student by taking them into the world of discovered truth and freedom. Teachers influence students' choices as well. How should they control themselves? How to control their emotions? Hot to recognize emotions? How to avoid addictive factors? This way a teacher should be student's supporter not only in gaining knowledge [8, p.245] but also in becoming able to satisfied and successful in the future.
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