Формування міжнародної правової культури у майбутніх пілотів у вищих навчальних закладах

Аналіз рівня безпеки польотів на міжнародних повітряних трасах у єдиному правовому полі, обґрунтування проблеми дослідження та шляхів її вирішення. Теоретичне обґрунтування і розробка технології формування міжнародної правової культури майбутніх пілотів.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.09.2015
Размер файла 70,0 K

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Kovalenko N.O. Forming of international lаw culture for future pilots in higher educational establishments. It is Manuscript.

Dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences after speciality 13.00.04 is a theory and method of trade education. Chernighiv Tarasa Shevchenko, State Pedagogical University. - Chernihiv, 2009.

It is rotined in dissertation the analysis of aviation events and incidents is conducted as a result of absence at the flying crews of knowledge, skills and abilities of international air law for realization of international flights. The problem is certain researches, sets ways of its solution from the point of professional aviation pedagogics.

The method of forming of international legal culture is practically developed for future pilots (the aim, tasks, principles, contents, methods of studies, organizational forms, technical facilities, criteria and methods of estimation).

High efficiency of the developed method of forming international legal culture of future pilots is confirmed by experimental research. It is set that application of the developed method allows promoting the level of legal preparation of pilots and providing safety of flights in international air-routes.

Key words: teaching technology, international law culture, professional reliability of a pilot, problem teaching, problem-situation tasks, roleplay games, knowledge, skills, abilities.

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