Педагогічні умови політичної соціалізації учнів старших класів середньої загальноосвітньої школи в Російській Федерації

Головна особливість засвоєння соціального й політичного досвіду сучасних російських школярів старших класів. Основна характеристика порівняння напрямів дипломатичної соціалізації старшокласників у загальноосвітніх школах України і Російської Федерації.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 26.08.2015
Размер файла 42,8 K

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Студенты, аспиранты, молодые ученые, использующие базу знаний в своей учебе и работе, будут вам очень благодарны.

Ключевые слова: педагогические основы, политическая социализация, учащиеся старших классов, общеобразовательные учебные заведения Российской Федерации, гражданское воспитание, учебно-воспитательный процесс.

Machusky V. V. The pedagogical conditions of political socialization of pupils of higher forms of secondary general school in Russian Federation. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on the receipt of scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences in speciality 13.00.05 - social pedagogics. - Institute of problems of education of APS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2009.

Dissertation is devoted to the research of the political socialization of pupils of higher forms of general school of a Russian Federation.

Essence of concept „political socialization” is found out, its determination is formulated actually in relation to the children of senior school age. Basic directions of theoretical researches of the Russian workers of researches are analysed in the context of political socialization of personality, prevailing in this process of civil education is discovered. The public policy of Russian Federation in industry of education in the context of political socialization of the young generation is analysed. The modern state of political socialization of pupils in Russian Federation and basic factors which negatively influence on its motion are exposed.

The pedagogical terms of optimization of political socialization of senior pupils in an educational and upbringing process of general establishments, the methods of their realization are determined: filling with the proper maintenance of educational discipline, strengthening of civil orientation of extracurricular and out-of-school work, democratization of school's life, activation of organs of pupil's self-government.

Comparison of terms of political socialization in Ukraine and in a Russian Federation, certainly their general lines and differences are conducted.

Key words: pedagogical foundations, political socializations, pupils of higher forms, general educational establishments of Russian Federation, civil education, educational and upbringing process.

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