Особистісно-професійний розвиток майбутнього вчителя економіки в умовах інтерактивного навчання

Критерії, показники та рівні особистісно-професійного розвитку студентів в умовах їх підготовки в університеті. Технологія особистісно-професійного розвитку майбутнього вчителя економіки в умовах інтерактивного навчання у педагогічному університеті.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 25.08.2015
Размер файла 85,0 K

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The thesis is theoretical and experimental research of the problem of professional development of a future teacher of Economics under the conditions of interactive education.

The state of research of the following problem in pedagogical theory and practice is analysed. The essence of personal and professional development, its contents and structure which consists of the following components: personal, rich in content and operational and reflective are figured out.

The technology of personal and professional development of a future teacher of Economics under the conditions of interactive education at a higher educational establishment which is headed towards successive formation of personal and professional development is developed and experimentally checked.

The efficiency of developed pedagogical technology of personal and professional development of a future teacher of Economics under the conditions of interactive education is proved as the result of the experimental work.

Key words: personality, development, personal and professional development, a teacher of Economics, interactive learning, pedagogical technology.

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