Формування системи економічних понять у старшокласників сільської загальноосвітньої школи у процесі технологічної підготовки

Тенденції розвитку аграрного виробництва, їх вплив на технологічну підготовку старшокласників. Обґрунтування та перевірка ефективності методики формування економічних понять у старшокласників сільської місцевості в процесі технологічної підготовки.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 27.07.2015
Размер файла 80,6 K

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Ключевые слова: технологическая подготовка, экономические понятия, уровни сформированности понятий, система экономических понятий.


Koval'chuk Y.V. Forming of the system of economic concepts for the senior pupils of the rural general school in the process of the technological preparation. - Manuscript.

Dissertation on the receipt on the scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences from speciality 13.00.02 - a theory and method of labour studies - Institute of pedagogics of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2010.

Dissertation is devoted forming of the system of economic concepts for the senior pupils of the rural general school in the process of the technological preparation ”.

Basic directions of research are in-process selected, in theory ground methodical principles of forming process of the system of economic concepts for the senior pupils of the rural school and the developed method of studies is practically tested after an experimental course „ Bases of economy and organization of agrarian production”.

First with generalization of the progress of modern agrarian production trends in theory grounded maintenance and structure of the system to economic concepts which the graduating students of rural general educational establishments must seize in the process of technological preparation; certainly the stages of systematization of economic concepts, organizationally pedagogical terms of forming economic concepts for the senior pupils of rural middle establishment of education; subsequent development was purchased by positions in relation to the improvement of economic education of pupils from a rural locality in the conditions of type preparation and out of classes activity.

Keywords: technological preparation, economic concepts, levels of formed concepts, system of the economic concepts.

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