Методика застосування засобів дистанційного навчання у процесі вивчення військово-технічних дисциплін

Методологічна та теоретична основи дослідження, вірогідність та обґрунтованість результатів. Компетентнісний підхід та використання технології мультимедіа, статистичний аналіз дистанційного навчального курсу, основні аспекти майбутніх офіцерів.

Рубрика Педагогика
Вид автореферат
Язык украинский
Дата добавления 31.03.2012
Размер файла 56,0 K

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Ключові слова: методика, засоби дистанційного навчання, військово-технічні дисципліни, дистанційний навчальний курс, майбутні військові фахівці технічного профілю.

Лукин В.Е. Методика применения средств дистанционного обучения в процессе изучения военно-технических дисциплин. - Рукопись.

Диссертация на соискание научной степени кандидата педагогических наук по специальности 13.00.02 - теория и методика обучения (технические дисциплины). - Украинская инженерно-педагогическая академія. - Харьков, 2009.

В исследовании обосновано теоретические и методические основы применения средств дистанционного обучения в процессе изучения военно-технических дисциплин будущими военными специалистами технического профиля и разработаны основные направления их применения. Определено содержание понятия „средства дистанционного обучения” и на основе современных концепций обучения теоретически обосновано методику их применения. Экспериментально спроектировано дистанционный учебный курс с дисциплины „Основы построения автоматизированных систем управления радиотехнических войск Воздушных сил”, который является интегрированным средством дистанционного обучения. Эффективность методики дистанционного учебного курса проверено в процессе формирующего эксперимента, результаты которого показывают, что возросли показатели экспериментальной группы, которая использовала данный курс в процессе изучения военно-технических дисциплин.

Ключевые слова: методика, средства дистанционного обучения, военно-технические дисциплины, дистанционный учебный курс, будущие военные специалисты технического профиля.

Lukin V.E. Methods of implementing the system of distance education for the military and technical subjects. - Manuscript.

A thesis for claiming scientific degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the discipline number 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Education (technical disciplines). - Ukrainian Engineering-Pedagogical Academy. - Kharkov, 2009.

The research provides a substantial theoretical and methodological basis for the implementing of the system of distance education for the military and technical subjects of the future military experts in the technical area. These are objectives (establishment and development of the informational culture of the future military experts in the technical area; creating the military and technical way of thinking; facilitation of the process of gaining the military and technical knowledge and mastering the experience of its implementation in the educational and quasiprofessional activity; facilitating the scientific and methodological support of the variety of educational forms; automation of the pedagogical activity of the scientific and pedagogical staff), tasks (the development of the figurative, theoretical, abstract and logical way of thinking of the future officers; creating the technical way of thinking and mastering the skills for the non-standard way of solving the educational, military and professional problems; shaping the culture of working with the informational sources and conducting the analysis of the informational environment; development of the technology and methods for the systematic implementation of the system of distance education; providing the cadets (students) with the main and additional informational resources; establishment and development of the scientific and methodical complexes with the main impetus on the technical potential; creating the system of testing; organization of the interactive dialogue; establishment of the mobile educational environment; creating the automated control system of the educational process; providing individual approach to every cadet (student), establishment of the virtual environment for the joint team work) and principles (multilevel military and technical training; professionally directed; technologically equipped; modular educational system self-sustainability of the educational means; cognitive education; orientation and self-education; interactive education; self-estimation in the process of education) of implementing the system of distance education for the military and technical subjects of the future military experts in the technical area in the HMEI. The major trends for their implementation were defined.

The meaning of the term “means of the distance education” has been defined as printed information, technical means of education, computer based educational systems, informational and communicational technologies. They contain acoustic and physical influence on the auditorium and contain the correlation of the educational material after estimating the level of mastering the received information; provide the availability of the return link between those, who're studying, with the instructors, administration, and among themselves; access to the resources through the telecommunication means, different types of representing the educational material on paper; electronic representation of the information without any change in the contents; statistic hyper textual material; material with the interactive fragments and elements of the artificial intellect. A theoretical model of its implementation is provided on the basis of the modern educational concepts, with the functioning, based on the application of the methods, forms and types of learning the information on the military and technical subjects by the cadets (students) through the distance education in the HMEI, the principles and rules for their application, targeted at their professional and personal development as well as shaping and enhancing the personal, professional and psychological readiness for the military and technical activity.

There is an experimentally created curriculum for the distance education for the subject “The general construction of the Automated Control System of the radio-radar troops of the Air Forces”, which is an integrated type of the distance education. We used the technology of the pedagogical projecting while creating it. One of the stages for the pedagogical projecting is the pedagogical modeling. While developing it, we used the model of creating the curriculum in a form of the Web site, using the HTML and Java Script systems. The curriculum of the distance education course has lots of informational (informational resources, additional informational materials, recourses library, and curriculum) and multifunctional: it has the means of communication between the cadet (student) with the training center, and instructor in particular as well as with the other cadets (students), testing system, which provides the ongoing and overall control over the level of knowledge, administration system, which provides the access to the personal file of the cadet (student), notice board of the administration, interactive questionnaires. It can be used either in the local or in the global networks. The effectiveness of the distance education course was checked in the process of conducting the experiment, the results of which shows a substantial increase in the level of knowledge of the experimental group, which was used for the distance education course in the process of learning the military and technical subjects in the certain areas: “Level of initial grades”; “The level of the overall technical knowledge”; “The level of development of the informational skills”; “The level of the creativity potential”; “The level of locus of control”.

The practical results and theoretical conclusions of the research enabled us to make the scientific and methodological recommendations for the scientific and pedagogical staff, as for the implementation of the means of distance education in the training of the future military experts in the technical area, which were reflected in the “Methods of implementing the means of the distance education”, the distance education course “The general construction of the Automated Control System”, and electronic textbook “Maintenance and repair of the Complex of the automation means 86Ж6”.

Key words: methods, types of the distance education, military and technical training, military and technical subjects, curriculum of the distance education, the future military experts in the technical area.

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