Research of the competences of intangible motivation methods in organizations to increase the efficiency of personnel potential

Improvement of motivation methods, taking into account today's operating conditions of organizations, their structural subdivisions, selection of competencies and dominant non-material motivation methods, research of motivation methods is presented.

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Дата добавления 13.12.2023
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Research of the competences of intangible motivation methods in organizations to increase the efficiency of personnel potential

Chernova Nataliia, Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor of Economics and Management Department, Ukrainian State University of Science and Technologies

Chernov Dmytro, Chief specialist in training Department of training JSC CB "PrivatBank"


The article presents a study of motivation methods, both in retrospect and taking into account modern views on methods of increasing the effectiveness of the organization's activities by improving the management of personnel potential through the involvement of modern non-material motivation methods in the management process. The purpose of the article is to improve the methods of motivation, taking into account the specific conditions of the functioning of organizations, their structural divisions, the selection of competencies and the dominant non-material methods of motivation, which, in the conditions of limited financial resources, will give an impetus to increasing the interest of employees, both in the process ofproductive life and in the final result of labor activity, taking into account the regulations in force in Ukraine regarding the organization and labor regulation of enterprise workers. Research methodology involves the use of methods: general scientific methods (abstraction and concretization, induction and deduction, analogy); theoretical research (descent from the abstract to the concrete); analysis and synthesis; empirical research (comparison, observation), etc. The relevance of the solution to the urgent scientific problem presented in the article is that in the current conditions, characterized by crisis phenomena in the economy of our country, in a situation of total shortage of investment resources, own capital - it is the increase in labor productivity that will not only ensure stable economic indicators activities of the organization, but also to increase the economic efficiency of the organization itself through the application in the practice of management of the organization's personnel potential of modern intangible methods of motivation, considered and proposed by the authors of this article. The results of the study are as follows: modern methods of non-material motivation are presented, which, unlike the current methods, increase the interest and motivation of personnel in the work of the organization. The originality and practical value of the research lies in the fact that the article provides a comparative description of the existing methods ofmotivation and reveals the specific competencies ofmethods ofnon-material motivation of the organization's personnel. The conclusions of the study are as follows: the proposed methods of non-material motivation in the economic crisis are the most promising and have the greatest impact on the productivity of the organization's personnel and their motivation. The results of the conducted research can be useful for various enterprises and organizations, both budget and commercial sectors of the national economy of Ukraine.

Key words: methods of motivation, intangible motivation, labor productivity, economic efficiency, organization, motivation.

Дослідження компетенцій методів нематеріальної мотивації в організаціях задля підвищення ефективності кадрового потенціалу

Чернова Н.С., кандидат економічних наук, доцент кафедри економіки та менеджменту, Український державний університет науки і технологій,

Чернов Д.М., Головний фахівець з навчання Управління з навчання АТ КБ "ПриватБанк"

Анотація. У статті представлено дослідження методів мотивації, як в ретроспективі, так і з урахуванням сучасних поглядів на методи підвищення ефективності діяльності організації за рахунок удосконалення управління кадровим потенціалом через залучення до процесу управління сучасних нематеріальних методів мотивації. Метою статті є удосконалення методів мотивації, з урахуванням специфічних сьогоднішніх умов функціонування організацій, їх структурних підрозділів, виділення компетенцій та домінант саме нематеріальних методів мотивації, що в умовах обмеження фінансових ресурсів надасть поштовх до збільшення зацікавленості працівників, як в процесі продуктивної життєдіяльності, так і в кінцевому результаті трудової діяльності, з урахуванням діючих в Україні нормативів щодо організації та нормування праці робітників підприємств. Методологія дослідження передбачає використання методів: загальнонаукових методів (абстрагування й конкретизація, індукція та дедукція, аналогія); теоретичного дослідження (сходження від абстрактного до конкретного); аналіз та синтез; емпіричного дослідження (порівняння, спостереження) тощо. Актуальність вирішення нагальної наукової проблеми, що представлена у статті, полягає в тому, що в теперішніх умовах, що характеризуються кризовими явищами в економіці нашої держави, в ситуації тотального дефіциту інвестиційних ресурсів, власного капіталу - саме підвищення продуктивності праці дозволить не тільки забезпечити стабільні економічні показники діяльності організації, а й підвищити економічну ефективність діяльності самої організації через застосування в практиці управління кадровим потенціалом організації сучасних нематеріальних методів мотивації, розглянутих та запропонованих авторами даної статті. Результати дослідження наступні: представлено сучасні методи нематеріальної мотивації, що на відміну від діючих нині методів, підвищують зацікавленість та вмотивованість персоналу в роботі організації. Оригінальність і практична цінність дослідження полягає в тому, що у статті надана порівняльна характеристика існуючих методів мотивації та розкриті конкретні компетенції методів нематеріальної мотивації персоналу організації. Висновки дослідження наступні: запропоновані методи нематеріальної мотивації в умовах економічної кризи є найбільш перспективними та надають найбільший вплив на продуктивність праці персоналу організації та його вмотивованість. Результати проведеного дослідження можуть бути корисними для різних підприємств та організацій, як бюджетного, так і комерційного секторів національної економіки України.

Ключові слова: методи мотивації, нематеріальна мотивація, продуктивність праці, економічна ефективність, організація, вмотивованість.

Statement of the problem in a general form and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks. In general, now the motivation system is a complex of interdependent measures invested in creating and constantly increasing the motivation of employees for conscientious, efficient and quality work. A high salary alone does not guarantee a high quality of employees. In the absence of a motivation system, the employee quickly gets used to good wages and social packages and shows no interest in improving the efficiency and quality of his work. Therefore, any organization, regardless of its financial capabilities, cannot do without an actively functioning system of material and non-material incentives (intangible motivation) - a complex of interrelated measures aimed at increasing the motivation of employees to conscientious, efficient and quality work. There are many theories that explain human behavior, we will list the most famous and several new theories in the field of motivation and stimulation at work.

Analysis of research and publications of recent years. One of the first ways to influence people's motivation was the so-called "whip and gingerbread policy." One of the first scientific references to this concept belongs to Adam Smith. In particular, in 1775 he wrote in "Research on the nature and causes of the wealth of nations": " high wages we will always find workers more active, hardworking and intelligent than at low wages..." [12]. That is, A. Smith believed that a good "gingerbread" is necessary for the motivation of employees, which as a basic principle has not lost its relevance to this day, especially for creative teams, and therefore in modern times the motivational system (hereinafter - KSM) for these teams uses incentives (without punishment). CCM focuses primarily on Model Y, using both approaches for non-creative employees. For non- "creative" employees, the "full version" of "whip and gingerbread" was chosen, the essence of which is that each employee is set a certain basic salary allowance, which is reduced due to any omissions of the employee by the appropriate amount (the employee is fined), whereas with fixed payments, they are accrued and bonuses are accrued to the employee, so the total compensation for a month, for example, can be more, less or equal to the base salary. competencies dominant motivation

Widespread theories that explain human behavior from the point of view of needs: the theory of the hierarchy of needs by Abraham Maslow, the theory of needs by K. Alderfer [3], the theory of acquired needs by David McClelland, the theory of two factors by Frederick Herzberg, etc [13].

A. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is one of the most important classical theories of motivation. A. Maslow singles out the following basic groups of human needs in order of increasing level [4, 13]: physiology, safety, love/belonging, respect and the need for self-expression (cognition, aesthetics, self-actualization).

Highlighting previously unresolved parts of the overall problem. From recent works, Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Y bears some resemblance to the whip and gingerbread principle. Theory X states that workers prefer to avoid work, so it is necessary to develop comprehensive control systems and keep workers under close supervision (the "stick principle"). Theory Y assumes that employees have internal incentives, ambitions, a desire for greater responsibility, self-control and self-governance. At the same time, it is assumed that employees feel the desire to work efficiently, to show maximum creative and progressive thinking. Thus, productivity can be increased by giving employees the freedom to do their best without being bound by rules (the gingerbread principle). The publication of F. U. Taylor's book "Principles of scientific management" in 1911 can be considered the beginning of scientific interest in the problem of labor motivation and management in general.

He recommended using the psychological basis in various forms in the work process. Taylor argued that "the desire for one's own good has always been and always will be a much stronger incentive in any work than attention to the common good", so the motivation system is a necessary part of an effective organization [1].

Setting objectives. The purpose of the article is to improve the methods of motivation, taking into account the specific conditions of the functioning of organizations, their structural divisions, the selection of competencies and the dominant non-material methods of motivation, which, in the conditions of limited financial resources, will give an impetus to increasing the interest of employees, both in the process of productive life and in the final result of labor activity, taking into account the regulations in force in Ukraine regarding the organization and labor regulation of enterprise workers.

Presentation of the main research material. One of Taylor's outstanding followers was scientist Harrington Emerson (1853-1931) [4]. In 1912, in the "Twelve Principles of Productivity", he formulated the principles of management that are still in effect today and ensure the growth of labor productivity. The index system is designed to implement the twelfth principle "reward for productive work", but also broadly covers other principles such as: 1) clearly defined ideals or goals; 2) fair treatment of personnel; 3) fast, reliable, accurate, complete and permanent accounting.

The founder of the American automobile industry, Henry Ford (1863-1947), in the books "My Life, My Achievements" and "Today and Tomorrow" touched on the topic of wages and material incentives and proposed to establish high wages - "the best incentive.", was, in our opinion, in the form of monetary bonuses" [1, 3]. The merit of the school of scientific management from Taylor to Ford lies in the recognition of the principles of scientific management, which have not lost their relevance to this day, since the current state of the Russian economy from the point of view of scientific management is very similar. about the state of the American economy at the time when F. Taylor began to develop and apply management principles in practice [1, 8]. Theories of motivation are divided into material and procedural. Meaningful theories of motivation are based on the definition of those internal drives (needs) that encourage people to act in this way and not otherwise. The main attention is paid to the analysis of the factors underlying motivation, but practically no attention is paid to the motivational process itself.

When it comes to motivating human behavior, unsatisfied lower needs take precedence. Higher needs are realized only after the satisfaction of lower needs and determine the behavior of the employee. Satisfaction of each level of an employee's need is achieved when the degree of need satisfaction meets his expectations, otherwise the feeling of dissatisfaction blocks the realization of higher needs. K. Alderfer's theory of needs [2] summarizes the needs of the group: existence, interdependence and growth, and movement along the hierarchy can be carried out in both directions. Lessons from Hierarchy of Needs for Team Management: First, you should aim to satisfy lower level needs such as: B. good pay, job stability, job security, and once these needs are satisfied, you can use higher incentives such as as: statements that awarding honorary degrees, social recognition, granting autonomy, etc. [2].

In this regard, the first mechanism of influence of SCM is material stimulation (to meet the needs of the physiological level) - the distribution of incentive payments in relation to the achieved result. The need for safety is mainly implemented through legal measures [5, 6] and is not covered by SCM, although team members at the top of the index list are more likely to stay in their positions or move up, which also serves to satisfaction of this level of need. The degree of membership is determined by the organizational culture of the organization, the influence of each team member on the index of structural units of the organization, moral incentives based on the results of IP calculations. The need for respect and self-expression is directly reflected in the position on the index list, the evaluation in relation to the leader in the organization or in comparison with the average member of the team. Another theory of motivation, which focused on higher level needs, was the theory of D. McClelland. He singled out the following needs: dedication, success and power. At the same time, McClelland considers these needs as acquired under the influence of education, life experience and circumstances [1, 13]. The need to participate in IS consists both in increasing the index position of its structural subdivisions and in influencing the results of the organization as a whole. The need for success - can be expressed directly in the entry in the top IP list. And the need for power is realized by nominating to leadership positions representatives of the collective with high indicators of the index. In the late 1950s, F. Herzberg promoted the two- factor theory of motivation. Accordingly, in addition to certain factors that cause job satisfaction, there are also a number of factors that cause job dissatisfaction [9, 11]. Factors that encourage work (motivators) - achievements, recognition of merit, responsibility, opportunities for career development. Their absence does not lead to people's dissatisfaction with their work, and their presence in an adequate degree causes satisfaction and motivates employees to take the necessary actions and increases efficiency [10]. They are the main object of the index system, the influence of IS on them is discussed above. Factors that maintain work (hygienic factors) - the administrative policy of the enterprise, working conditions, wages, interpersonal relations with superiors, colleagues, subordinates, the absence or absence of which leads to a person's dissatisfaction with his work - are not the subject of evaluation in this article.

Process theories of motivation are primarily based on human behavior and take into account his perception and cognition. Dedicated to the motivational process, describes and predicts the results of the motivational process, but does not touch the content of motives. These theories are based on

I. Pavlov's concept that all human behavior is the result of stimuli. The most famous procedural theories [1, 13, 15] are: Victor Vroom's expectation theory [14], S. Adams' theory of justice, Porter-Lawler's complex theory. According to V. Vroom's theory of preferences and expectations (K. Levin's expectations), motivation is considered a function of three types of expectations [14]: 1) work result; 2) rewards from this result; 3) The value of the reward. The amount of work that a person spends on solving the task before him depends on the assessment of the probability of successful completion of the task, the probability of receiving it and the amount of reward for it.

SCM rewards the work results of all team members (in proportion to the annual results), the student performance evaluation system offers a similar approach, the employee incentive system also provides for the encouragement of everyone who has achieved certain significant achievements (due to a shorter reporting period and the characteristics of indicators, but not all team members are like this) . In 1963, S. Adams proposed a theory of justice. The main provisions of the theory of justice [3, 15]: 1) a person subjectively evaluates the efforts spent, the results of work and the received reward (based on its comparison with the results of other employees); 2) if the reward is assessed fairly, the production behavior is repeated; 3) If the employee considers the reward unfair, he can: reduce the value of his own efforts, try to increase the reward for his work by demands or blackmail, overestimate his abilities, reduce self-confidence, try to put management in order. change the workload of other employees or their salary level, choose a different object of comparison or try to transfer to another organization or department. Therefore, an important point is the correct placement of the weighting coefficients of the evaluation indicators, for which (as well as to maintain relevance) the set of IP indicators and their weighting are refined annually in accordance with the wishes of the organization's employees. In addition, an important feature of IS is the transparency of all entered data and the ability of team members to participate in the formation of a set of indicators and its weighting, which increases trust in the system and its stimulating effect [7].

Porter-Lawler's integrated theory evaluates the motivation of employees depending on the work performed, the results obtained, the size of the reward and the assessment of their fairness, as well as the level of satisfaction [1, 3]: work results depend on the abilities of a person and the efforts he expended; the effort expended by the employee depends on his assessment of the probability of receiving a reward and the value of this reward for the employee; A reward that is perceived as fair increases the motivation of employees and vice versa; the level of satisfaction is the result of external and internal rewards; the level of satisfaction is a measure of the value of the reward.

Against this background, the IS must first evaluate the performance of each team member with a high degree of compliance and therefore the appropriateness of this reward. The use of foreign technologies of human resources management in its pure form often does not give the desired result, and it is necessary to form one's own national approaches to this problem [8].

Incentive schemes such as indicators, ratings and some others are now widely used. In the early 1990s, R. Kaplan and D. Norton proposed a system based on causal relationships between strategic goals, reflecting their parameters and factors for achieving planned results. It consists of four components - finance, customers, internal business processes, training and development of personnel, the goals and objectives of which are reflected in financial and non-financial metrics [8, 13, 15]. The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a concept of transferring and decomposing strategic objectives to plan operational activities and monitor their achievement. BSC is a mechanism for the interconnection of strategic ideas and decisions with daily tasks, a way of directing the activities of the entire company (or group) to their implementation.

At the level of business processes, strategic activities are monitored using so-called key performance indicators (KPIs) or key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are indicators of goal achievement, performance characteristics of business processes and the work of each individual employee. BSC is a tool not only for strategic, but also for operational management.

The advantage of BSC is that, as a result, the organization that has implemented this system receives a "coordinate system" of actions in accordance with the strategy at all levels of management, connecting various functional areas, such as personnel management, finance, information technology, etc. . According to the authors' position, the developers of the BSC system are: 1) the enterprise management system; 2) the strategy implementation mechanism and its adjustment; 3) a tool for translating the strategy into a plan with specific goals, indicators and tasks; 4) a reliable tool for monitoring future indicators; 5) personnel motivation system; 6) Staff feedback, training and development system. The index system is actually a set of KPIs for an employee of any organization and a method of calculating balanced indicator systems aimed at harmonizing the team's activities and achieving accreditation and strategic indicators. Hubert K. Rampersad proposes the concept of a universal indicator system [13], which expands the well-known concept of a balanced indicator system by D. Norton and R. Kaplan [1]. According to his idea, companies should have two parallel indicator systems - an organizational balanced indicator system and a personal balanced indicator system, and an important task of management is the harmonization of these systems. According to this concept, the IS is a personal BSC, the organizational BSC is the accreditation indicators of the organization, and the main indicators of the CCM are the projection of accreditation and other indicators for evaluating the effectiveness of the organization on the work of individual members of its structural units. Grading systems proposed by Edward Hay in the 1950s can be singled out among the increasingly popular incentive systems designed for a longer period of time and allowing gradual career growth of employees. Currently, they are widespread in the West [1] and are beginning to be used in Ukraine. In the middle of the 20th century, E. Hay developed a universal salary scale model that assessed the contribution of each individual employee to the company's success. Since then, Hay's methodology has diversified, overgrown with many additions and imitations, but the essence has remained unchanged: grades are needed primarily as a tool for rationalizing the basic salary of employees [11]. If we consider the SCC from the point of view of the grading system, then the data obtained from it are used to make decisions about the promotion of an employee to a certain position or position in the organizational structure.

It is impossible to ignore the teaching of Masaaki Imai [1], the main principles of which are: constant improvement of the work processes of the organization and its individual employees, their involvement in the process of improving work methods and personal efficiency, open recognition of problems, etc. In CCM, Kaizen principles are reflected in the transparency of the system of indicators and data, in the ability of each employee to see the list of achievements and results of his colleagues, in the involvement of the entire team in the continuous process of improving the system. In accordance with these principles, it is planned to hold several open meetings of the IS Improvement Working Group every year, which includes the most active members of the organization.

Issues of labor motivation have been considered mainly since the second half of the 19th century and are represented by a large number of theories and methods from the point of view of various sciences: economics, psychology, sociology, and pedagogy. But the "whip and gingerbread" methods are widespread and time-tested. Currently, the following main theories of employee motivation can be identified: 1) substantive theories of motivation; 2) theories of procedural motivation; 3) Grading systems that ensure career growth and salary (permanent part); 4) balanced goal management, KPI - salary bonuses for achievements in areas corresponding to campaign goals (variable part). Considering the theory of needs, one can imagine the work of the index system, the product created as part of the dissertation research, at each level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs: the main mechanism of influence is material incentives (to satisfy needs). physiological level) - distribution of incentive payments in relation to the achieved result. The need for security is realized in that team members at the top of the index list have higher protection (for example, against termination). The degree of membership is determined by the organizational culture of the organization, the influence of each team member on the indicator of structural divisions and moral incentives based on the results of IP calculations. The need for respect and self-expression is directly reflected in the position on the index list, the evaluation in relation to the leader in the organization or in comparison with the average member of the team.

Given the highest needs, according to McClelland, the need to participate in IS is both to increase the index position of each employee's structural divisions, and to influence the results of the organization as a whole. The need for success - can be expressed directly in the entry in the top IP list. And the need for power is realized by nominating to leadership positions representatives of the collective with high indicators of the index.

Conclusions and prospects for further development

Taking into account the theories of expectations of K. Lewin, preferences and expectations of W. Vroom and justice of S. Adams and the complex theory of Porter-Lawler, IS primarily designed to evaluate the performance of each team member at a high level of compliance, and therefore the appropriateness of such compensation. According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, the main purpose of CSM is to influence the factors that motivate work. And according to Douglas McGregor's "X" and "Y" theory, CCM targets the "Y" model first. From the point of view of the appraisal system, the CCM is the source of data for making decisions about the promotion of an employee to a specific position or a position for advancement on the career ladder. At the same time, CCM is actually a set of KPIs for the organization and a method of calculating Balanced Scorecards aimed at harmonizing the activities of the organization's teams and achieving accreditation and strategic indicators.

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