The conceptual framework of brand managnent and its influence on Tourist destination development

Analyzation and systematization of the leading conceptual framework of brand management as well as in additional investigations of its influence on tourist destination development. To increase the value of a brand as main aim of the brand management.

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The conceptual framework of brand managnent and its influence on tourist destination development

Gladkey Oleksandr Vitaliyovych, Doctor of Geography Sciences, ProfesorKyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Mazurets Roman Ruslanovych, Candidate of Geography Sciences, Associate ProfesorKyiv National University of Trade and Economics, Kyiv, Ukraine

Мета статті полягає в аналізі та систематизації провідних концептуальних засад брендменеджменту, а також в дослідженні його впливу на розвиток туристичних дестинацій.

Методика. Методологічна основа даного дослідження - загальнонауковий діалектичний метод. Основними методами дослідження є метод формалізації, розробки алгоритму, описовий, аналітичний та наукового синтезу.

Результати. Брендменеджмент є актуальною сферою наукових досліджень загалом та в контексті його ролі в туризмі зокрема. Бренд створює відмінність торгової марки або послуги від конкуруючих марок, сприяє збільшенню продажів і, як правило, збільшує прибуток в довгостроковій перспективі. Тому формування бренду вимагає серйозних підходів та залучення кваліфікованих менеджерів. Зараз широко використовується практика створення туристичних центрів чи територій, що цілком виправдано, оскільки позитивний імідж міст чи регіонів сприяє створенню додаткових прибутків від залучення нових туристів. Основні функції бренду туристичної дестинації пов'язані з: - формуванням індивідуального образу (іміджу) дестинації, що відрізняє його від конкурентів; - забезпеченням його визнання шляхом вибору ринкової позиції туристичного продукту дестинації; - підтвердженням якості туристичного продукту дестинації; - позитивним впливом на формування корпоративної свідомості населення туристичної території (регіону, дестинації). Ключовими завданнями брендингу туристичних дестинацій є встановлення їх позиції на ринку та зміцнення сильних сторін, що має послужити основою для формування бренду. Специфіка брендингу туристичних дестинацій як комплексу маркетингових дій, що здійснюються їх керівництвом у співпраці із зацікавленими сторонами для створення та просування бренду, полягає в тому, що: - продукт дестинації є багатогранним, включаючи ряд товарів та послуг різних галузей; - керівництво дестинації не має повного контролю над комплексами маркетингу (маркетинговий мікс); - командна робота з розробки бренду дестинації має проводитись з урахуванням інтересів усіх зацікавлених сторін; - значний вплив на розробку бренду справляє політика країни / регіону у сфері туризму.

Практична значимість. Створення туристичного бренду міста не хаотичне. Процес його формування відбувається під впливом ряду закономірностей та принципів, які розглядаються у статті.

Наукова новизна. Сучасні методи просування туристичного продукту реалізуються в умовах глобалізації та розвитку інформаційного суспільства, а також посилюють конкуренцію. Т ому процес створення бренду туристичної дестинації, а також дослідження його впливу на позиціонування, ідентичність та на розвиток туристичних дестинацій є головною науковою новизною цієї статті.

Ключові слова. Бренд, брендменджмент, брендинг, туризм, туристичний центр, імідж.

Цель статьи заключается в анализе и систематизации ведущих концептуальных основ брендменеджмента, а также в исследовании его влияния на развитие туристических дестинаций.

Методика.Методологическая основа данного исследования - общенаучный диалектический метод. Основными методами исследования является метод формализации, разработки алгоритма, описательный, аналитический и научного синтеза.

Результаты. Брендменеджмент актуальная сфера научных исследований в целом и в контексте его роли в туризме в частности. Бренд создает отличие торговой марки или услуг от конкурирующих марок, способствует увеличению продаж и, как правило, увеличивает прибыль в долгосрочной перспективе.

Поэтому формирование бренда требует серьезных подходов и привлечения квалифицированных менеджеров. Сейчас широко используется практика создания туристических центров или территорий, вполне оправдано, поскольку положительный имидж городов или регионов способствует созданию дополнительных доходов от привлечения новых туристов. Основные функции бренда туристической дестинации связаны с: - формированием индивидуального имиджа (образа) дестинации, который отличает его от конкурентов; - обеспечением его узнаваемости путем выбора рыночной позиции туристического продукта дестинации; - подтверждением качества туристического продукта дестинации; - положительным влиянием на формирование корпоративного сознания населения туристической территории (региона, дестинации). Ключевой задачей брендинга туристической дестинации является установление ее позиций и укрепление сильных сторон, которые должны послужить основой для формирования бренда. Специфика брендинга туристических дестинаций как комплекса маркетинговых действий, предпринимаемых их руководством в сотрудничестве с заинтересованными сторонами для создания и продвижения бренда, заключается в том, что: - товар дестинации является многогранным, включая ряд товаров и услуги различных отраслей; - руководство дестинации не имеет полного контроля над маркетинговыми комплексами (маркетинговый микс); - командная работа над созданием бренда дестинации требует учета интересов всех заинтересованных сторон; - значительное влияние на разработку бренда оказывает политика страны / региона в сфере туризма.

Практическая значимость. Создание туристического бренда города не хаотичное. Процесс его формирования происходит под влиянием ряда закономерностей и принципов, которые рассматриваются в статье.

Научная новизна.Современные методы продвижения туристического продукта реализуются в условиях глобализации и развития информационного общества, а также усиливают конкуренцию. Поэтому процесс создания бренда туристической дестинации, а также исследования его влияния на позиционирование, идентичность и на развитие туристических дестинаций является главной научной новизной этой статьи.

Ключевые слова.Бренд, брендменджмент, брендинг, туризм, туристический центр, имидж.

Goal. The purpose of this article consists in analyzation and systematization of the leading conceptual framework of brand management as well as in additional investigations of its influence on tourist destination development.

Method. The methodological basis of the research is the basis of scientific dialectics. The main methods of research are the method of formalization, algorithm development, descriptive, analytical and synthetic.

Results. Brand management is an actual area of scientific researches in the context of its role in tourism. The brand creates a difference of a trademark or service from competing ones, helps to increase sales and generally increases profits in the long-term perspective. Therefore, the formation of the brand requires the serious approaches and the involvement of skilled managers. The practice of tourist centers or territories brands creation is widely used now, which is fully justified, as the positive image of cities or regions contributes to the creation of additional profits from attracting new tourists. The main functions of the tourist destination brand are related to: - the formation of an individual image (image) of the destination, which distinguishes it from its competitors; - ensuring its recognition by choosing a market position for the tourist product of the destination; - confirmation of the quality of the tourist product of the destination; - a positive influence on the formation of corporate consciousness of the population of the tourist territory (region, destination). The key task of branding the tourist destination is to establish position and strengthen its strengths, which should serve as the basis for the formation of the brand. Specificity of branding of tourist territories as a complex of marketing actions undertaken by their management in cooperation with stakeholders (various stakeholders) for the creation and promotion of the brand is that: - the product of the destination is multifaceted, including a number of goods and services of various industries; - the management of the destination does not have full control over the marketing complexes (marketing mix); - teamwork is required taking into account the interests of all stakeholders; - significant influence is rendered by the policy of the country / region in the field of tourism.

Practical significance. But the creation of the city's tourist brand is not chaotic. The process of its formation is under the influence of a number of regularities and principles that are considered in the artic le.

Scientific novelty. Modern ways of promoting tourism product take place in the context of globalization and information society development and also increase competition for consumers. Crucial conditions for survival onrigid travel market are the need for concentration on a high-quality tourism product, able to satisfy the highest demands of modern tourism consumer, and promote itself to the market. Therefore, the process of creating a brand of tourist destination as well as investigations of its influence on positioning, identity and development of tourism destinations are represent the maim scientific novelty of this article.

Keywords. Brand, brand management, branding, tourism, tourist center, image.

Formulation of the problem

For the period that has passed since the beginning of economic transformations, the qualitative structure of all consumer markets has undergone serious changes. The main trend was the crowding out of unmarked goods and goods of little- known producers by brands. Today, in the world markets purely price competition has been replaced by a stage of brand competition, and today for a significant part of consumers, especially for medium segments, the popularity and reputation of a trademark becomes almost the most important criterion.

Analysis of recent research and publications. Many scientists are devoted to the study and systematization of brand management and development. The scientific approaches proposed by Ash F.-R., Azgaldov G.G., Bauer H., Godin A.M., Jean-Noel Kapferer, Makasheva Z.I., Smirnov E., Vizgalov D.V., Yakushina E.V. and others are particularly noteworthy. Investigation of brand management and their influence on tourist destination developmentare partially analyzed in the works ofTkachenko T. I., Lubitseva O. O., Beydik O. O., Smirnov I. G., Chernozub O., Danchenok L.A., Dvornikova E.V., Filonova O.L.

Highlighting previously unresolved parts of a common problem. However, a comprehensive systematization and detailed characterization of tourism related brand management and their influence on tourist destination development has not yet been conducted in detail.

Formulating the goals of the article (Setting a task). The purpose of this article consists in analyzation and systematization of the leading conceptual framework of brand management as well as in additional investigations of its influence on tourist destination development.

Presenting main material

In order to understand why most of the world's manufacturers of consumer goods have followed the path of creating brands, it is necessary to understand what a brand is, how this concept has appeared, and what it gives to the manufacturer. The concept of "brand" coming from the economy is widely used. For someone, this is a name, symbol, design, for others this is a popular trademark or trademark [4]. With all the discrepancies, there is no doubt that the brand has a strong positioning business. The formation of brands has become a law of entrepreneurship, especially companies seeking to enter new, not yet mastered spaces. Owning a brand is for them the strongest argument in a tough fight Strong competition for influence on world markets and world politics is led not only by individual brand companies, but also by whole states [1]. Powerful integration processes drag all the countries without exception into the globalization cycle. At the same time, each state strives to strengthen key factors of national development, to find its own party in a worldwide concert. To do this, we must clearly position ourselves in the international public opinion, in other words - to become a brand in world markets [2].

Brand management influence on tourist destinations. Since the 1950s, specialists have become aware that the brand is not just a catchy slogan or an elegant emblem that adorns a company's goods (products or services), but also a company profile that has a particular individuality and a system of values metaphorically embodied in the symbolism Brand. At the present time, this concept continues to expand, and we are talking not only about product and corporate brands, but also about the branding of personnel, regions, countries, territories. The approach according to which through the brand, as a strategic marketing tool, a modern philosophy of production activity oriented to the consumer is beginning to spread [3].

One of the most effective ways to develop the image of a tourist destination is the creation of the brand in the region. There are different types of brands: commodity, service, personalities, organizations, events, as well as geographic. To promote the image, geographic brands (Geographical brands) play a special role, where cities, countries, resorts are the object of branding. This type of brand is gradually becoming prevalent, especially in the tourist business, as its creation and successful promotion allow receiving additional revenues. The most vivid examples of already established geographical brands - the ski resort of St. Moritz, the French Riviera and the Seychelles - bring a lot of profits to the tourist territories and the companies that promote them [8].

In essence, the modern regional consumer market is a war of trademarks and their advertising images for a place in the minds of consumers. This makes domestic producers realize the urgency of the problem of adaptation of branding technologies to Ukrainian conditions [10].

Brand management aims to increase the value of a brand. In this case, the value is the benefit that the producer receives. It should be noted that such concepts as brand management, marketing and PR are different things. In the first case, managers make financial statements and keep accounts, as the effectiveness of their work is calculated in material terms. In the second case, the budget for marketing tasks is allocated at the very end of the business plan, to the actual "balances". This same principle often applies to PR. Accordingly, unlike PR and marketing, brand management plays an important strategic role in the work of the entire organization.

A positive image of the city is necessary to attract tourists, improve the social well-being of its residents, and also to attract financial investments. The image of the city influences various aspects of urban development, and, first of all, the economy, culture, migration processes, as well as the behavior of residents in the city. It can be defined as a relatively stable and reproduced in the mass and individual consciousness set of emotional and rational ideas about the city, formed on the basis of all the information received about him from various sources, as well as his own experience and impressions [13].

It should be noted that the need to develop a strong and successful brand that enhances the image of a tourist destination is associated with fundamental changes in the nature of consumer behavior due to the fact that for a potential tourist the choice of a holiday destination today is not only an indicator of a lifestyle, but also a certain status value. All this forms an objective need for a competent approach to branding destinations as the process of creating and managing a brand.

The main functions of the tourist destination brand are related to: - the formation of an individual image (image) of the destination, which distinguishes it from its competitors; - ensuring its recognition by choosing a market position for the tourist product of the destination; - confirmation of the quality of the tourist product of the destination; - a positive influence on the formation of corporate consciousness of the population of the tourist territory (region, destination).

The brand of destinations is an evolving category, the changes of which are in close relationship with the dynamics of the market. Management of these changes is part of the branding task as a managerial process aimed not only at creating and developing a brand, but also in promoting it and increasing the demand among consumers.

Before the creation of the creative concept of brand promotion, it is necessary to go through several stages, and you need to have a clear understanding of the dynamics of development, trends and market prospects. It is also necessary to determine the segments of consumers, as advertising and PR-activities are always aimed at a specific target audience [8].

A strong, competently built and attractive brand will allow the nation to rise: - awareness of potential tourists by quickly presenting the advantages that they will receive in the case of a visit to this particular destinations; - attractiveness of the destination in the minds of a potential tourist when making a decision about a trip to a territory unfamiliar to him, using the information passed on to the brands to help them choose the resting place that best suits their needs; - the tourist flow due to the formation of tourists' loyalty, since the positive experience of staying in the destination will allow them to restore their memories by meeting brand elements (name, logo, slogan, etc.) and distribute and advertise the brand message. Also at the expense of the opportunity to increase or confirm its status, realize the desire to increase self-esteem for tourists, holidaymakers in destinations with a recognizable brand; - the flow of public and private investment in the development of prestigious destinations, their infrastructure and various facilities of the tourism industry; - Attractiveness for the population, who has certain qualifications and in-demand skills of work in the tourist field [5].

Marketing programs of the brand (and the tasks they perform); product (functional and symbolic use), price (perception of value), distribution channels (push and pull integration), communication (choice of channels and forms of communication).

Secondary associations that promote the development of the brand: the company, the country of production, distribution channels, other brands of the company, actions, events. Together, these elements fulfill the tasks of achieving: awareness, meaningfulness, substitutability [2]. The interaction of all elements of the brand and the fulfillment of their tasks contributes to the achievement of the main goals of branding: - awareness of the brand; - the formation of the "brand myth" (brand associations) [12].

Brand awareness refers to two dimensions: "depth" (levels of recognition and recall of a brand) and "width" (indicators of purchases and consumption).

"Brand myth" consists of associations: the main (describing the goods and internally agreed), favorable (describing the desired and real advantages) and unique (describing and differentiating).

These associations are divided into associations: the brand itself (brand image), the associations associated with the users of the brand (the "user image"), and sometimes separate associations associated with the use of the brand ("user image") [3].

The key task of branding the tourist destination is to establish position and strengthen its strengths, which should serve as the basis for the formation of the brand. Specificity of branding of tourist territories as a complex of marketing actions undertaken by their management in cooperation with stakeholders (various stakeholders) for the creation and promotion of the brand is that: - The product of the destination is multifaceted, including a number of goods and services of various industries; - The management of the destination does not have full control over the marketing complexes (marketing mix); - Teamwork is required taking into account the interests of all stakeholders; - Significant influence is rendered by the policy of the country / region in the field of tourism [7].

The process of forming a successful brand is associated with the need to comply with a number of provisions that can simultaneously act as a guarantee of success, and create certain difficulties in their implementation.

The main difficulty in implementing branding destination is associated with resource limitations of organizations involved in the marketing of destinations. In addition, when forming a brand structure, it is important to ensure that all its constituent elements (positioning and image destination) to be considered comprehensively corresponded to the real characteristics of the destination and was used actively in all means of mass communication.

The positioning in the perception of the consumer is the actions to develop the company's proposal and its image, aimed at taking a stand-alone favorable position in the minds of the target group. Positioning is aimed at winning a certain niche in the perception of consumers. In other words, the position of the company's brand should not be mixed in the perception of the consumer with competitive offers, but rather occupy a separate place distinct from competitors [6].

The basic requirements for effective positioning are: relevance - the position of the brand should meet the needs of consumers; simplicity - positioned benefits and unique advantages must be understood by consumers; difference - the position of the brand should represent its competitive advantages and contain the main differences from similar branded goods of competitors; sequences - all marketing communications should reflect the basic idea of positioning; consistency - the position should not change seriously for a long time (especially for brands that have taken a central position in their product category).

So, the brand identity, forming a link between it and a potential tourist, indicates emotional, functional advantages, benefits and opportunities for self-expression, the comparative price of visiting a particular destination.

Clearly formulated destination identity as the sum of its distinctive characteristics from competitors should be incorporated into the brand image.

Only with the success of marketing communications on the formation and translation of the content of the brand identity will it be possible to create in the minds of potential tourists an image that exactly matches the ideas of the creators of the brand identity. The image as the reflective perception and reflection of the brand identity in the minds of potential consumers is transformed into a set of associative representations about the destination (thoughts, expectations, feelings) that they associate with the brand [14].

Also note that when creating a branding concept for a tourist territory, one should be guided by certain canons.

From a large number of rules, laws applicable to commodity and corporate brands, we have identified the most significant of them and adapted to branding destinations, in particular: - The law of originality as the most important aspect of the brand of destinations - the existence of a personal concept or an original idea that provides branding; - The law of distribution - the power of attractiveness of the brand of destination is in its identification with a certain type of recreational activity, with the identification of its distinctive features and uniqueness; - Law of narrowing - the brand becomes stronger when it focuses on one segment, which is the core of the destination brand; - The law of fame - the formation and formation of an attractive brand of destinations is achieved through the implementation of the strategy for publishing information about it in popular media; - The law of advertising - to maintain brand awareness, it is necessary to develop an advertising strategy for branding; - The law of borders - the distribution of the destination brand should not have boundaries in the external environment, that is, have a global character; - The law of authenticity - the main element of the brand's success is its authenticity; - The law of time - the branding of a destination is a process that is prolonged in time, requiring consistent action[11].


management brand tourist

Thus, branding, acting as part of the marketing mechanism to ensure a stable tourist flow, is one of the most valuable intangible assets of tourist territories. As a managerial process aimed at the formation of a positive image and the promotion of destinations on the market, it helps attract potential tourists, increase the productivity of enterprises, increase the number of jobs, and additional financing in the destination economy. A well-developed brand is the source and engine of successful development of destinations not only now but also in the future, since a strong brand, having lived for several decades, can bring considerable profit to its owner in the future. Management in the tourism business is very specific than in a conventional enterprise. And in order to develop a successful concept of tourism branding, we need to understand all its features. The most important feature of tourism as an object of management is the specificity of the tourist product, its inseparability from the source of formation. Tourism service is inseparable from the source of creation.

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