Administrative and legal regulation of receipt of state awards by public servants
Legal principles of the functioning of state awards of Ukraine. Formation of the system of state awards and conditions for their receipt. The influence of awards on the processes of formation of legal consciousness and culture among the population.
Рубрика | Государство и право |
Вид | статья |
Язык | английский |
Дата добавления | 14.12.2024 |
Размер файла | 25,0 K |
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National academy of internal affairs
Department of public management and administration
State tax university of the ministry of finance of Ukraine
Institute of economic security and customs affairs
Department of law enforcement of the educational and scientific
Administrative and legal regulation of receipt of state awards by public servants
Bukhtiiarova I.G., c. legal sci., ass. prof.
Bukhtiiarov O.A., c. legal sci., ass. prof.
Kyiv, Irpin
The article is devoted to a thorough analysis of the legislative framework regarding the requirements for granting and withdrawing state awards. Receiving state awards is a means of regulating and stimulating public servants, and in today's conditions, recognition of merits to the state in building a democratic state with European values.
In addition, the state, recognizing a specific person with a state award, in an official form shows respect to him for his creative, selfless work, heroic act, this is a kind of feedback, with a great positive emotional load. That is, by awarding the state, the state confirms the necessity and importance of a certain person's activity.
In today's conditions, the issue of awarding state awards to persons who have special merits to the Motherland, victims of the Revolution of Dignity, participants in hostilities are a component of the formation and education of society's respectful attitude to the image of a Ukrainian employee and a citizen of Ukraine.
The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the theoretical and legal foundations of the functioning of state awards of Ukraine as a component of the country's award system, the determination of the theoretical foundations of the formation of a modern system of state awards and the conditions for receiving them. Study of the role of state awards as an institution of influence on the processes of formation of legal consciousness and culture among the population.
Citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons can be awarded state awards. The awarding of state awards is carried out by decree of the President of Ukraine. The awardee is presented with a state award and a document certifying its award.
The list of state awards of Ukraine to honor citizens for personal merits to Ukraine is determined by the Law of Ukraine «On State Awards of Ukraine» dated March 16, 2000.
It is justified that receiving a state award should not be a formal procedure, but a really significant recognition of the merits of public servants and receiving benefits when receiving such awards. Rewards should act as an incentive in the performance of one's duties.
Keywords: public servant, award, encouragement, public service, distinction, legal regulation.
Адміністративно-правове регулювання отримання державних нагород публічними службовцями
Бухтіярова І.Г., к.ю.н., доцент кафедри публічного управління та адміністрування, Національна академія внутрішніх справ, Київ
Бухтіяров О.А., к.ю.н., доцент кафедри правоохоронної діяльності Навчально-наукового інституту економічної безпеки та митної справи, Державний податковий університет Міністерства фінансів України, м. Ірпінь
Стаття присвячена ґрунтовному аналізу законодавчої бази щодо вимог присвоєння та позбавлення державних нагород. Отримання державних нагород є засобом регулювання та стимулювання публічних службовців, а в умовах сьогодення і визнанням заслуг перед державою у розбудові демократичної держави з європейськими цінностями.
Окрім цього, держава, відзначаючи конкретну людину державною нагородою, в офіційній формі виявляє шану до неї за її творчу, самовіддану працю, героїчний вчинок, це свого роду зворотний зв'язок, з великим позитивним емоційним навантаженням. Тобто фактом нагородження держава підтверджує необхідність і важливість діяльності певної людини.
В умовах сьогодення питання відзначення державними нагородами осіб, які мають особливі заслуги перед Батьківщиною, постраждалих учасників Революції Гідності, учасників бойових дій є складовою формування та виховання шанобливого ставлення суспільства до образу українського службовця та громадянина України.
Мета статті є комплексне дослідження теоретичних і правових засад функціонування державних нагород України як складової нагородної системи країни, визначення теоретичних засад формування сучасної системи державних нагород та умови щодо їх отримання. Дослідження ролі державних нагород як інституту впливу на процеси формування правової свідомості та культури у населення.
Державними нагородами можуть бути нагороджені громадяни України, іноземці та особи без громадянства. Нагородження державними нагородами провадиться указом Президента України. Нагородженому вручається державна нагорода та документ, що посвідчує нагородження нею.
Перелік державних нагород України для відзначення громадян за особисті заслуги перед Україною визначено Законом України «Про державні нагороди України» від 16 березня 2000 року.
Обґрунтовано, що отримання державної нагороди повинно стати не формальною процедурою, а дійсно суттєвим визнанням заслуг публічних службовців і отриманням переваг при отриманні таких відзнак. Нагороди повинні виконувати роль стимулятора при здійсненні своїх обов'язків.
Ключові слова: публічний службовець, нагорода, заохочення, публічна служба, відзнака, правове регулювання.
Formulation of the problem
The statement of the problem is a thorough analysis of the legislative framework regarding the requirements for the assignment and deprivation of state awards. Today, this topic is relevant due to its deep essence, because state awards are widely used in virtually all countries of the world to honor their citizens for achievements both at the state level and at the level of departments. This especially applies to public service workers, because they are the ones who take an oath of loyalty to the state and the Ukrainian people upon entering the service. Public officials performing their duties should do so in such a way as to be an example for all other citizens.
In addition, the state, recognizing a specific person with a state award, in an official form shows respect to him for his creative, selfless work, heroic act, this is a kind of feedback, with a great positive emotional load. That is, by awarding the state, the state confirms the necessity and importance of a certain person's activity.
In today's conditions, the issue of awarding state awards to persons who have special merits to the Motherland, victims of the Revolution of Dignity, participants in hostilities is a component of the formation and education of society's respectful attitude to the image of a Ukrainian employee and a citizen of Ukraine.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The issue of legal regulation of receiving state awards is the subject of research by such scientists as: V.B. Averyanova, V.V. Galunko, O.V. Kuzmenko, T.O. Kolomoets, V.K. Kolpakova, and other scientists. A significant contribution to the field of regulation and application of awards was made by domestic scientists such as I.D. Pastuh and O. H. Strelchenko, considering this problem from the standpoint of stimulation and encouragement.
The purpose of the article is a comprehensive study of the theoretical and legal foundations of the functioning of state awards of Ukraine as a component of the country's award system, the determination of the theoretical foundations of the formation of a modern system of state awards and the conditions for receiving them. As well as the study of the role of state awards as an institution of influence on the processes of formation of legal consciousness and culture among the population.
Presenting main material
The state recognizes the merits of its citizens in the form of public and civil servants with various state awards, means of legal encouragement and stimulation, motivating socially useful behavior. The state awards of Ukraine are the highest form of recognition of public servants for outstanding services in the social sphere, protection of constitutional rights and freedoms, state building and public activities, and for other services to Ukraine. In addition to state awards of Ukraine, there are other awards established by state bodies (the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine; the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine; ministries, etc.). These awards are established on behalf of the state (state bodies), are produced at the expense of the state budget, are regulated by certain legal acts, the subjects of the establishment of such awards are clearly defined, etc. [1].
For courage, bravery, heroism, special services to the state, ensuring public safety and order, impeccable and efficient public service, special labor merits and exemplary performance of official duties, public servants can be presented for awarding with state awards of Ukraine, awards of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet Ministers of Ukraine.
An award letter (submission) on encouragement with state awards of Ukraine, honors of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is submitted to the Minister by the head of the relevant service of Ukraine.
Honorary titles of Ukraine are state awards of Ukraine awarded for personal merit to the Ukrainian state to citizens who work in a relevant branch of the economic or socio-cultural sphere, as a rule, for at least ten years, have high labor achievements and professional skill [1; 2].
Requests for awarding state awards are made regardless of the presence of disciplinary sanctions against public servants.
Applications for state awards must be previously agreed in writing with the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, relevant regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations.
In order to receive an award, the following shall be sent to the head of the relevant service: an award letter, in which the specific merits of the person, which became the basis for initiating a request for awarding him/her with a state award, are indicated, and the seal of the relevant body is affixed; a certificate on the person's availability of incentives and fines, certified by the signature of the head of the personnel department of the body and affixed with the appropriate seal, which contains information about the candidate's state awards and other honors.
In the case of submission to state awards on the occasion of the body's anniversary, an archival certificate confirming the date of the anniversary and a document indicating the date of the celebration of the relevant event are also attached to the materials [1; 2, p. 104].
The nomination of candidates for state awards is carried out publicly at the place of work of the persons nominated for the award, in the labor collectives of enterprises, institutions, and organizations, regardless of the type and form of ownership.
The request for a state award is filed before the relevant body or organization of a higher level.
Bodies authorized to submit applications for state awards shall send to the President of Ukraine an application and an award letter of the prescribed format, approved by the State Awards and Heraldry Commission under the President of Ukraine.
The award letter specifies the specific merits of the person, which became the basis for filing a petition to award him/her a state award, and affixes the seal of the enterprise, institution, or organization at the person's place of work.
Applications for state awards made on the occasion of a state or professional holiday, an individual's anniversary or an enterprise's, institution's, organization's, region's, district's, city's, town's, village's anniversary are submitted no later than one month before the relevant date [1].
In the event that an enterprise, institution, organization, oblast, district, city, town, village is submitted for state awards on the occasion of its anniversary, an archival certificate confirming the date of the anniversary and a document indicating the date of the celebration of the relevant event are also attached to the submission.
A person awarded a state award may be presented for the next award no earlier than three years after the previous award, with the exception of presentation for the award for demonstrated personal courage and heroism.
A person awarded a state award is presented with a state award and a document certifying its award.
The awarding of state awards and awarding documents is carried out in an atmosphere of solemnity and wide publicity. Before the presentation, the decree of the President of Ukraine on awarding is announced.
State awards and award documents are presented by the President of Ukraine or on his behalf by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the First Deputy and Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, the Deputy Prime Minister ministers of Ukraine, ministers, heads of other central executive bodies, the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Head of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the Head of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the Head of the Higher Economic Court of Ukraine, the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, ambassadors of Ukraine in foreign countries, the Head of the State Awards and Heraldry Commission under To the President of Ukraine, Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Permanent Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, heads of regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations [1; 3].
The presentation of state awards and awarding documents must be carried out within two months from the date of entry into force of the decree of the President of Ukraine on awarding.
In the event that the awardee, due to illness or other good reason, was unable to attend the presentation, the state award and award document may be presented at home, in the hospital, etc., where he is staying.
In the event of the death of an awardee who was not awarded a state award and award document during his lifetime, or a posthumous awarding of a person, the state award and a document to it are transferred to the family of such awardee for safekeeping as a memory [1; 3].
The Law of Ukraine "On State Awards of Ukraine" dated March 16, 2000 established the following types of state awards: the title of Hero of Ukraine; orders; medals; "Named Firearm" distinction; honorary title of Ukraine; State Prize of Ukraine; presidential award [1].
Awarding of honorary titles is carried out by decree of the President of Ukraine in accordance with the Procedure for presentation to awarding and awarding of state awards of Ukraine.
The following orders are established in Ukraine: Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise I, II, III, IV, V degree; Order "For Merit" I, II, III degree; Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi I, II, III degree; order "For Courage" I, II, III degree; Order of Princess Olga I, II, III degree; Order of Danylo Halytskyi; Order of "Freedom".
The following medals are established in Ukraine: "For military service to Ukraine"; "For impeccable service" I, II, III degree; "For a saved life"; "Defender of the Fatherland" [1].
The "Named Firearm" insignia is a pistol. The weapon, which is a "Named Firearm" award, must be registered in the licensing authorities of the National Police at the place of residence of the awardee and stored in the order determined by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Persons awarded the "Named firearm" distinction have the right to keep, carry and use it. They must strictly observe the rules of storage, carrying and use of weapons. It is prohibited to transfer a weapon bearing the "Named Firearms" distinction to other persons or alienate it.
Deprivation of the "Named Firearm" award may be carried out by the President of Ukraine in the event of: conviction of the awardee for a serious crime - at the request of a court on the grounds and in the manner established by law; violation by the awardee of the requirements for storage, carrying and use of weapons and violation of the Law of Ukraine "On Weapons".
Weapons bearing the "Named Firearms" award and award certificates belonging to a person deprived of the award, as well as after the awardee's death, are surrendered to the National Police [4].
Awarded with the medal "For a saved life", the medal "Defender of the Fatherland", the medal "For impeccable service", the medal "For military service to Ukraine", the state award "Order of Danylo Halytskyi", the award of the President of Ukraine - the order "For Courage", the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi , the award of the President of Ukraine - the Order of Merit, the award of the President of Ukraine "Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise", the title of Hero of Ukraine, the Order of Freedom" can be awarded posthumously.
A person awarded the medals "For a saved life", "Defender of the Fatherland", "For impeccable service", "For military service to Ukraine" is awarded a medal and a medal certificate.
To a person awarded the state award "Order of Danylo Halytskyi", the award of the President of Ukraine "Order of Princess Olga", the award of the President of Ukraine - the Order "For Courage", the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi, the award of the President of Ukraine - the Order "For Merit", the award of the President of Ukraine "Order of the Prince Yaroslav the Wise", the title of Hero of Ukraine, the Order of Freedom, awards and an order book are awarded [2; 9; 10; 11].
The recipient of the Order of Danylo Halytskyi is called a Knight of the Order of Danylo Halytskyi. A recipient of the Order of Courage of any degree is called a Knight of the Order of Courage. A recipient of the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi is called a Knight of the Order of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi. A recipient of the Order of Merit of any degree is called a Knight of the Order of Merit. A recipient of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of any degree is called a Knight of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. A recipient of the Order of Freedom is called a Knight of the Order of Freedom.
The Hero of Ukraine is awarded the Golden Star Order for outstanding heroic deeds or the State Order for outstanding labor achievements.
A Hero of Ukraine awarded the Order of the "Golden Star" may be awarded the Order of the State in the case of significant labor achievements, and the Hero of Ukraine awarded the Order of the State may be awarded the Order of the "Golden Star" in the event of a heroic deed.
Individuals awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine with the awarding of the Golden Star order are paid a one-time monetary reward.
In case of awarding the title of Hero of Ukraine with the award of the Golden Star order posthumously or in case of death of a person who was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine with the awarding of the Golden Star order, a one-time monetary reward is paid to the family members of such persons.
A one-time monetary reward is paid in the amount of 50 times the subsistence minimum established for able-bodied persons on January 1 of the calendar year in which the title of Hero of Ukraine was awarded [5].
Deprivation of the medals "For impeccable service" and "For military service to Ukraine", the order of Princess Olga, the award of the President of Ukraine - the order "For Courage" and the award of the President of Ukraine - the order "For Merit" can be carried out by the President of Ukraine in the event of conviction of the awardee for a serious crime - at the request of the court on the basis and in the manner established by the legislation of Ukraine.
No one has the right to deprive a knight of the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise of his award [1; 3]. state award ukraine legal consciousness culture
For a significant contribution to any sphere of the state's vital activity, outstanding social and political activity, services to the Ukrainian people in promoting the establishment and strengthening of Ukraine as a democratic, social, legal state, implementation of measures to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens, development of democracy, parliamentarism and civil harmony in society, active participation in law-making activities, state and public officials can be presented for awarding the honors of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, namely the Certificate of Honor and the Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine [6].
The Diploma of Honor of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is the highest award relative to the Diploma of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
A person, the labor team of an enterprise, institution or organization can be presented for awarding with an Honorary Certificate or a Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, respectively, once.
Applications for awarding the Certificate of Honor and Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are submitted to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the First Deputy and Deputy Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, parliamentary factions, committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Head of the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Human Rights Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Accounting Chamber [6].
Petitions for awarding the Certificate of Honor and the Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine to officials of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, parliamentary factions, committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Apparatus of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Accounts Chamber can be submitted in relation to: employees of ministries and other central executive bodies - heads of these bodies, heads of deputy factions (deputy groups) in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine after the adoption of a corresponding decision by the deputy faction (deputy group); military personnel, employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations formed in accordance with the laws of Ukraine, employees of the Security Service of Ukraine, internal affairs bodies, prosecutor's offices, customs service, tax police - the relevant central executive body, heads of parliamentary factions (deputy groups) in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine after the adoption of the corresponding decision by the deputy faction (deputy group) [6].
If the awarding of the Certificate of Honor or the Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is timed for jubilee dates, professional holidays, the request for awarding is made, as a rule, no later than one month before the relevant date.
The following documents are submitted together with the application for the award: information about the achievements of the awarded person; extract from the decision of the session of the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city councils or the board of the central executive body, respectively; a personnel record sheet, which also contains information about the awards of the person who is presented for the award, certified by the signature of the head of the personnel service at the main place of work for employees, indicating the full address of this person and affixed with the appropriate seal; copies of documents certifying the awarding of departmental awards.
The Decree of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on awarding the Certificate of Honor and Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is issued.
The awarding of the Certificate of Honor and Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and their badges to the recipient on behalf of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is carried out in a solemn manner, as a rule, by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. According to the decision of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the presentation of the Certificate of Honor and the Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine can be carried out in a different order.
The order of the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on awarding the Certificate of Honor and Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is published in the newspaper "Voice of Ukraine" [6].
For a significant personal contribution to ensuring the implementation of state policy in professional activities, high achievements, conscientious work, and exemplary performance of official duties, civil servants are awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - the highest Government award, on the occasion of state, professional holidays, commemorative and jubilee dates for assistance in the implementation of state policy in the economic, scientific, sociocultural, military, state, public and other spheres [7].
Applications for the awarding of the Certificate of Honor are submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by central executive bodies, other state and judicial bodies, the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations, regional councils, the National and branch academies of sciences, the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine.
The submission of the central bodies of executive power and other state bodies on awarding the employees and collectives of enterprises, institutions, and organizations belonging to the sphere of their management with Certificates of Honor shall be agreed with the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional, Kyiv, or Sevastopol city state administrations, on the territory of which they are located [7].
Petitions for the awarding of the Certificate of Honor can be brought before the authorities, the governing bodies of creative unions, societies, associations of citizens, enterprises, institutions, organizations that are legal entities, regardless of the form of ownership and management, in agreement with the local executive body.
The petition is prepared based on the results of discussions in the labor groups of enterprises, institutions, and organizations where such person's work.
The following documents are attached to the submission: a biographical certificate of the prescribed format, certified by the signature of the head of the personnel management service and sealed with an appropriate seal, in which information about the candidate's state awards and departmental honors is indicated; extract from the decision of the board of the central body of the executive power, the regional, Kyiv and Sevastopol city state administrations (in case of its formation), the decision of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, regional council or its executive body, collegial body of another state body, institution, organization that has the right to submit a submission; an archival certificate issued by an archival institution - in the case of submission of proposals for awarding the labor team of the enterprise (institution, organization) on the occasion of the anniversary date [7].
In case of submission to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine marked "Secretly" or "For official use", the materials are processed by the structural unit of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine together with the Department of Personnel Support and the Regime-Secret Directorate. In the protocol of the meeting of the Commission regarding the candidate whose materials are submitted with the stamp "Confidential" or "For official use", his surname, first name and patronymic and the name of the state body are indicated. Materials labeled "Secret" are stored in the Regime-Secret Office, and materials labeled "For official use" are stored in the Department of Personnel Support [2; 7].
The Commission prepares proposals for awarding or refusing to award the Certificate of Honor, which the head of the Commission informs about at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for its adoption of a protocol decision. The certificate of honor is signed by the Prime Minister of Ukraine.
The certificate of honor with a commemorative badge is presented in a solemn atmosphere by members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the heads of regional and city state administrations or, on the instructions of the Prime Minister of Ukraine, the heads of central executive bodies, other bodies and institutions that submitted a proposal for awarding an Honorary Certificate.
A one-time reward of five thousand hryvnias is paid to the employees of the executive authorities and other state bodies, whose terms of payment are determined by acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, awarded with the Certificate of Honor.
Deprivation of the Certificate of Honor can be applied only in the case of an intentional crime committed by the awarded person.
A person who has been awarded a state award may be presented before the next awarding with a state award or an award of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine no earlier than three years after the previous awarding, with the exception of presentation for the awarding for demonstrated personal courage and heroism [7].
Information about awards and incentives is entered into the labor book of a civil servant in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for keeping employee labor books, which states that all entries in the labor book about awards and incentives are made by the owner or a body authorized by him after the issuance of an order (order), but no later weekly period, and in case of dismissal - on the day of dismissal and must exactly correspond to the text of the order (order) [8].
We believe that it is necessary to raise the authority of state awards and strengthen their positive influence on the formation of legal awareness. It is necessary to more clearly indicate the personal merit of the awardee, to increase attention to the award statutes, to make available the lists of awardees. The presentation of high state awards can become the subject of television shows and be reflected in systematic social advertising. Receiving a state award should not be a formal procedure, but a truly significant recognition of the merits of public servants and receiving benefits when receiving such awards. Rewards should act as an incentive in the performance of one's duties.
1. «Pro derzhavni nahorody Ukrainy» [On State Awards of Ukraine]: Zakon Ukrainy vid 16.03.2000. Holos Ukrainy vid 18.04.2000. [in Ukrainian].
2. Bukhtiiarova I.H., Strelchenko O.H. (2019). Osoblyvosti zaokhochuvalnoho provadzhennia v Natsionalnii politsii. [Peculiarities of incentive proceedings in the National Police]. Filosofski ta metodolohichni problemy prava. №2 (18). - 128 s. S. 100-108. [in Ukrainian].
3. «Pro Poriadok predstavlennia do nahorodzhennia ta vruchennia derzhavnykh nahorod Ukrainy» [On the Procedure for Presentation to Awarding and Presentation of State Awards of Ukraine]: Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 19 liutoho 2003. Uriadovyi kurier vid 26.02.2003 r. №37 [in Ukrainian].
4. «Pro zasnuvannia vidznaky «Imenna vohnepalna zbroia» [On the establishment of the award «Named Firearm»]: Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 29 kvitnia 1995 roku. URL: https://zakon. [in Ukrainian].
5. «Pro zvannia Heroi Ukrainy» [On the title of Hero of Ukraine]: Ukaz Prezydenta Ukrainy vid 02 hrudnia 2002 r. Uriadovyi kurier vid 25.12.2002 r. №241 [in Ukrainian].
6. «Pro Pochesnu hramotu ta Hramotu Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy» [On the Certificate of Honor and Certificate of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine]: Postanova Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy vid 05 lypnia 2001 roku. Holos Ukrainy vid 29.08.2001 r., №153 [in Ukrainian].
7. «Pro Pochesnu hramotu Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy» [On the Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine]: Postanova Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 20 serpnia 2008 roku. Uriadovyi kurier vid 03.09.2008 r., №162 [in Ukrainian].
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10. «Про орден Данила Галицького»: Указ Президента України від 30 липня 2003 року. Урядовий кур'єр від 02.08.2003 р. №142
11. «Про встановлення відзнаки Президента України «Орден княгині Ольги»: Указ Президента України від 15 серпня 1997 року. Урядовий кур'єр від 19.08.1997 р. Размещено на Allbest.Ru
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