Processes of formation mechanisms of national security in leading EU countries
The system of security agencies in Germany, its structure and the relationship of individual components. Research and analysis of the main principles of ensuring national security by federal bodies, as well as by large companies of non-state ownership.
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Central military education department of the general staff of the armed forces
Processes of formation mechanisms of national security in leading EU countries
Kyrylenko Volodymyr Anatoliyovych,
doctor of military sciences, professor, honored worker of science and technology of Ukraine, head of the department of organization of higher education in the armed forces
Murashko Vitaly Serhiyovych,
candidate of sciences in public administration
It is determined that the current geopolitical situation dictates to the member states of the European Union new rules, according to which they should start moving away from the declarative form of cooperation and, in a broad sense, intensify the development of a common foreign policy in the field of security.
The low effectiveness of achieving the set common goals implemented in such areas of foreign policy as the Black Sea Synergy and the Eastern Partnership is manifested in the inability to meet public expectations at the pan-European level. The cornerstone in the context of unifying the direction of foreign policies of European states is the dissatisfaction of large countries with the need to give up their own political power in the field of security. This suspends the process of establishing the status of the European Union as an integral player in the international political arena and balancing global and national interests.
It is proven that due to the inevitable modifications of the security sphere, the government's considerations regarding the permissible limits, consequences, forms, conditions and purposes of the use of armed violence are significantly changing in Germany. All official instructions in this regard are recorded in the doctrines of military assignment.
The system of security agencies in Germany includes:
- the federal intelligence service together with the intelligence agency of the Bundeswehr;
- counterintelligence bodies, which include:
- military counterintelligence;
- the Department for the Protection of the Constitution (together with the Department for the Protection of the Constitution in the Land);
- special divisions of the Criminal Police Department in the federation and territories;
- special border guard formations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- security services of the Ministry of Economy and other ministries, large enterprises, firms and companies.
The factor that makes the German national security system interesting for consideration is that, in addition to the federal bodies authorized to guarantee national security, the security bodies of large non-state-owned German companies can also provide such functions.
Key words: counterintelligence agencies, use of armed violence, guarantee of national security, internal state of emergency, sphere of foreign policy of the state.
Кириленко Володимир Анатолійович доктор військових наук, професор, Заслужений діяч науки і техніки України, начальник відділу організації вищої освіти в ЗСУ, Центральне управління військової освіти Генерального штабу ЗСУ, полковник, Київ, Україна
Мурашко Віталій Сергійович кандидат наук з державного управління,
Процеси формування механізмів національної безпеки в провідних країнах ЄС
Визначено, що геополітична ситуація сьогодення диктує країнам-членам Європейського Союзу нові правила, за якими вони мають розпочати відхід від декларативної форми співробітництва та, у широкому сенсі, активізувати розробку спільної зовнішньої політики у сфері безпеки.
Низька ефективність досягнення поставлених спільних цілей, впроваджених у такі напрями зовнішньої політики, як Чорноморська синергія, Східне партнерство, має свій прояв у нездатності відповідати очікуванням громадськості на загальноєвропейському рівні. Наріжним каменем у контексті об'єднання напряму зовнішніх політик європейських держав є незадоволення великих країн потребою відмови від їх власної політичної міці у сфері безпеки. Це призупиняє процес закріплення статусу Європейського Союзу як цілісного гравця міжнародної політичної арени, та урівноваження глобальних і національних інтересів.
Доведено, що Унаслідок неминучих модифікацій сфери безпеки, у Німеччині суттєво змінюються міркування уряду щодо допустимих меж, наслідків, форм, умов і цілей застосування збройного насильства. Усі офіційні настанови стосовно цього фіксуються в доктринах військового призначення.
Система органів безпеки Німеччини включає:
- федеральну розвідувальну службу разом із відомством розвідки Бундесверу;
- органи контррозвідки, до яких входять:
- воєнну контррозвідку;
- відомство по охороні Конституції (разом із відомством по охороні Конституції в землях);
- особливі підрозділи Відомства кримінальної поліції у федерації і землях;
- спеціальні формування прикордонної охорони Міністерства Внутрішніх Справ;
- служби безпеки Міністерства економіки та інших міністерств, великих підприємств, фірм і компаній.
Цікавою для розгляду систему національної безпеки Німеччини робить також той фактор, що, окрім федеративних органів, уповноважених гаранту - вати національну безпеку, забезпечувати такі функції також можуть і органи безпеки великих компаній Німеччини недержавної форми власності.
Ключові слова: органи контррозвідки, застосування збройного насильства, гарантування національної безпеки, внутрішній надзвичайний стан, сфера зовнішньої політики держави.
Main part
Formulation of the problem. The unwillingness of the great powers to revise their national policy and the traditional authority of such countries as: Germany, France, Great Britain do not allow ambitious, but not so influential countries, such as Poland or the Czech Republic, to lobby their initiatives, which in the long term would affect the political situation in Europe in favor of Ukraine. In addition, challenges of a new format appear, such as information wars, terrorism, foreign economic influence. They demand the forcing of the integration process of the countries of the European Union for the joint protection and promotion of collective values, and the use of not only soft power.
Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of world governance, the foundation of which is peaceful coexistence and public security, is very relevant today. A significant number of scientific works are devoted to the problem of implementing a common foreign policy in the field of ensuring the security of the European Union [1, c. 226-227].
Among the scientists who studied aspects of this topic at different times, it is worth highlighting S. Brezerton and D. Vogler [2], who considered the European Union as a player in the international arena. Also, we can mention J. Manners [3], who studied the directions of foreign policies of various European countries, focusing on issues of normative support of the common foreign and security policies of the countries of the European Union, and who examines international relations through the prism of globalization challenges.
The development of the foreign policy of the European Union, the evolution of its institutional aspects was considered in the studies of: H. Magoni [4], H. Mackenstein [5], S. Marsh and M. Smith [6]. The scientific work of M. Pollak [7] was devoted to the issue of «militarization» and security policy.
Among the Ukrainian scientists who paid attention to the general analysis of the foreign policy of the European Union, we can name Y. Kovbasyuk [8], O. Shapovalova [9], O. Shnyrkov [10] and others.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the institutionalization of the processes of formation of national security mechanisms in the leading EU countries.
Presenting main material. Recently, Germany has started an active transformation of the national security system in accordance with new challenges and tasks [11, c. 2]. The national security system in Germany includes the provision of freedom, peace and independence of the state and is based on historical experience, national interests and ideals, and also takes into account circumstances and changes in the world. The Federal Security Council is engaged in ensuring the national security of the Federal Republic of Germany [12, c. 188].
The tool most often used by the country's leadership to ensure national interests and implement the security of the state and citizens is the Armed Forces of Germany - the Bundeswehr.
As a result of the inevitable changes in the security sphere, the government's considerations regarding the permissible limits, consequences, forms, conditions and purposes of the use of armed violence are significantly changing in Germany. All official instructions in this regard are recorded in the doctrines of military assignment [13, c. 88-89].
The system of security agencies in Germany includes [12, c. 188]:
- the federal intelligence service together with the intelligence agency of the Bundeswehr;
- counterintelligence bodies, which include:
- military counterintelligence;
- the Department for the Protection of the Constitution (together with the Department for the Protection of the Constitution in the Land);
- special divisions of the Criminal Police Department in the federation and territories;
- special border guard formations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- security services of the Ministry of Economy and other ministries, large enterprises, firms and companies.
The factor that makes the German national security system interesting for consideration is that, in addition to the federal bodies authorized to guarantee national security, the security bodies of large non-state-owned German companies can also provide such functions.
Monitoring and control of the activities of the services that have the authority to perform the functions of protecting the country are carried out [12]:
- parliament and commissions of the Bundestag;
- government control (which includes the Federal Chancellor, the Office of the Federal Chancellor, the Federal Security Council, the Committee of State Secretaries for Secret Services and Security, authorized to coordinate the activities of special services);
- permanent interdepartmental committee on security issues in special services, as well as departments and committees in the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- Federal Commissioner for the Protection of Personal Data of Citizens.
Regarding the German Constitution, it includes the main conceptual
provisions of Germany's national security policy [13, c. 88]. Conceptual provisions regarding the guarantee of Germany's national security and the prospects for the development of the Bundeswehr were formed in the White Book of Germany.
Observing the transformations of the content of the most dangerous threats, we can assume that Germany is moving in the direction of the broadest understanding of defense and security, which includes not only the threats of military actions, but also factors of an informational, ecological, economic, social and ethnic nature that can lead to the emergence conflicts and crises.
The main idea of Germany's military and political activity, in the official discourse, is defined as reliable defense of the state's territory. The political aspect of national security lies in the existing cooperation mechanism between the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The White Papers of National Security and the Defense Policy Directives of the German Ministry of Defense are fundamental documents in the field of defense.
Ensuring national security in Germany has such a characteristic feature that not only the state itself creates security for the population, but also individual citizens. For example, the Constitution allows the citizens of this country to resist anyone who intends to remove the established state system in the event that other means cannot be applied.
At the same time, Art. 18 of the German Constitution indicates that citizens who engage in activities against the foundations of the constitutional system lose their rights to freedom of expression, to the creation of associations, the organization of meetings, according to the decision of the Federal Constitutional Court.
Also, interesting is the fact that in the event of a threat to the foundations of the constitutional system of the entire country, or one of its lands, an internal state of emergency is introduced in the state. As examples of such threats, Germany considers: threats to state law and order and national security, existence, or free democratic system of the entire country or one of its lands.
A necessary condition for the declaration of a state of emergency is the case when the threat cannot be neutralized by the German police authorities.
As for the threats to the foundations of the constitutional system, Germany considers them to be: a violation of the territorial integrity of the state, a threat to the safety of citizens, ensuring the independence of the country, the ability of state authorities to carry out full-fledged external or internal activities, a threat to the independence of the judiciary, the legality of management, the principle of the distribution of power, ensuring multipartyism and a real opportunity to participate in elections, etc. One of the most likely consequences of the introduction of such a state is the complete centralization of state power [12, c. 189].
The activity of Germany's national security system is also expressed in the strengthening of ties with the United States of America, in the international cooperation of the transatlantic partnership, in active participation in the activities of the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, in participation in policy implementation defense and security of the European Union to stabilize the security sphere in Europe.
The German government believes that the time has come to deploy a renewed security strategy. According to his representatives, the latest «2006 White Paper on German Security Policy and the Future of the Bundeswehr» is already outdated and requires a deep update. Germany's updated defense policy has become less restrained and more aggressive. In other words, Germany no longer adheres to the traditional post-war prohibitions that were applied to this area of the state's foreign policy. This state of affairs suggests that Germany's renewed security strategy bypasses geographical, political, economic or other «taboos» for military intervention outside the country.
Conclusions. Using the example of Germany, five main institutional foundations for the formation of national security mechanisms have been defined and substantiated for a broader understanding of modern factors of state security management in the face of various challenges and threats, among which:
- the existence of a system of governmental and parliamentary control over the work of special-purpose services, which helps verify the legality of their actions and ensure that external security is implemented by intelligence agencies, and internal security by counterintelligence and police agencies;
- implementation of a mechanism to ensure the coordination of all bodies responsible for the security of the state and the existence of special-purpose bodies with the provision of their regulatory and legal framework;
- each body has functions and tasks defined by law, as well as operational tools and methods by which it is guided in performing tasks;
- execution of intelligence and counter-intelligence measures separately from operative-investigative actions;
- clear division of powers of police, intelligence and counter-intelligence units.
security national federal
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