Expert authority and transformational leadership as factors in ensuring the institutional capacity of the state
Study of the impact of expert power and transformational leadership on the institutional capacity of the state in the conditions of the new public management. NPM as a modern approach to public management and administration, its main goals and objectives.
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Дата добавления | 11.02.2024 |
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Expert authority and transformational leadership as factors in ensuring the institutional capacity of the state
Kovalchuk Mykola Mykolayovych Postgraduate student of the Department of Public Administration of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv
The article is devoted to the study of the influence of expert power and transformational leadership on the institutional capacity of the state in the conditions of new public management (NPM). The author considers NPM as a modern approach to public administration and management, which is aimed at increasing the efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of public organizations and officials. In this regard, the author details the main objectives and tasks of NPM, such as providing quality and accessible services for citizens, increasing the satisfaction and motivation of employees, strengthening democratic values and principles. The author pays special attention to the support of NPM innovations and reforms in the public sector, which is important for achieving management goals in the conditions of social changes.
The author emphasizes that to achieve these management objectives and tasks, which are subordinate to the general social goals, it is necessary to have effective and responsible leadership, which is able to influence the behavior and actions of subordinates, as well as other interested parties. These are citizens, partners, competitors, regulators, etc. In this regard, the author defines expert power as the ability of the leader to use his or her knowledge, experience and competence to improve the quality and professionalism of services, as well as to elicit respect, trust and loyalty from subordinates and citizens.
The author also defines transformational leadership as the ability of the leader to create a vision, inspire and motivate subordinates, as well as to stimulate innovation, learning, adaptation and change in the public sector. The author argues that expert power and transformational leadership are the most effective and responsible sources of power for NPM, as they contribute to the development of the institutional capacity of the state, which the author defines in the context of the tasks of this research, as the ability of the state to effectively perform its functions and duties, as well as to adequately respond to the challenges and needs of society. The author calls for the development of competence and skills of leaders-managers, who are able to adapt their sources of power to the context and goals, as well as to combine them to achieve optimal results and increase the institutional capacity of the state, which is of great importance for the Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian state in the current conditions of counteracting the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
Keywords: power, leadership, new public management, institutional capacity of the state, expert power, transformational leadership, power interactions, effectiveness of power, objectives and tasks of new public management, public administration and management.
Ковальчук Микола Миколайович аспірант кафедри державного управління, Навчально-науковий інститут публічного управління та державної служби, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка, м. Київ,
Стаття присвячена дослідженню впливу експертної влади та трансформаційного лідерства на інституційну спроможність держави в умовах нового публічного менеджменту (НПМ). Автор розглядає НПМ як сучасний підхід до публічного управління та адміністрування, який спрямований на підвищення ефективності, результативності та відповідальності публічних організацій та службовців. У цьому зв'язку, автор детально розкриває основні цілі та завдання НПМ, такі як забезпечення якісних та доступних послуг для громадян, підвищення задоволення та мотивації працівників, зміцнення демократичних цінностей та принципів. Особливу увагу автор звертає на підтримання НПМ інновацій та реформ у публічному секторі, що є важливим для досягнення управлінських цілей в умовах суспільних змін.
Автор підкреслює, що для досягнення цих управлінських цілей та завдань, які підпорядковані загальним суспільним цілям, необхідно мати ефективне та відповідальне лідерство, яке здатне впливати на поведінку та дії підлеглих, а також на інші зацікавлені сторони. Йдеться про громадяни, партнерів, конкурентів, регуляторів тощо. У цьому зв'язку, автори визначає експертну владу як здатність лідера використовувати свої знання, досвід та компетентність для підвищення якості та професіоналізму послуг, а також, викликати повагу, довіру та лояльність з боку підлеглих та громадян. Автор також визначив трансформаційне лідерство, як здатність лідера створювати візію, надихати та мотивувати підлеглих, а також, стимулювати інновації, навчання, адаптацію та зміни в публічному секторі.
Автор аргументував, що експертна влада та трансформаційне лідерство є найбільш ефективними та відповідальними джерелами влади для НПМ, оскільки вони сприяють розвитку інституційної спроможності держави, яку автор визначає у контексті поставлених завдань цього дослідження, як здатність держави ефективно виконувати свої функції та обов'язки, а також адекватно реагувати на виклики та потреби суспільства. Автор закликає до розвитку компетентності та навичок лідерів-менеджерів, які здатні адаптувати свої джерела влади до контексту та цілей, а також поєднувати їх для досягнення оптимальних результатів та підвищення інституційної спроможності держави, що має велике значення для українського суспільства та української держави в сьогоднішніх умовах протидії збройної агресії Російської Федерації проти України.
Ключові слова: влада, лідерство, новий публічний менеджмент, інституційна спроможність держави, експертна влада, трансформаційне лідерство, владні взаємодії, ефективність влади, цілі та завдання нового публічного менеджменту, публічне управління та адміністрування.
Problem statement
new public management
The institutional capacity of the state is the ability of the state to perform its functions and duties, as well as to respond to the challenges and needs of society. The institutional capacity of the state is influenced by various factors, such as political, economic, social, cultural, legal, and technological. One of the important factors that affect the institutional capacity of the state is the quality and effectiveness of public administration and management. In this regard, new public management (NPM) is a concept of public sector management that emerged in the 1980s as a response to the need to increase the efficiency and economy of public administration. NPM is aimed at applying the methods and practices of the private sector to public administration, emphasizing efficiency, accountability, competitiveness, and customer orientation. In this article, we will explore how the main principles of NPM contribute to strengthening the institutional capacity of the state. The reform of public administration according to NPM is a relevant and important topic for Ukraine, which is in the process of modernizing its statehood and integrating into the European space. NPM means applying the principles and practices of the private sector to the public sector, such as competition, performance, customer orientation, decentralization, outsourcing, etc. NPM aims to improve the efficiency, flexibility, and accountability of public institutions, as well as to provide better satisfaction of the needs and interests of citizens. In recent years, several reforms have been carried out in the field of public administration in Ukraine. These include reforms of decentralization, civil service, administrative-territorial structure, e-government, etc. These reforms were aimed at strengthening local selfgovernment, improving the provision of services to citizens, optimizing the structure and functioning of public authorities, and ensuring transparency and interaction between different actors and institutions of public administration. However, the reform of public administration according to NPM also faces several challenges and problems. Among them are: unstable political situations, high levels of corruption, lack of political will, lack of consensus on the need for reforms, low trust of citizens in public authorities, limited financial, material, and technological resources for public administration, lack of qualified personnel for working in public authorities, low level of professionalism and competence of civil servants, etc. The study of the problem of scientific substantiation of sources of power and leadership in new public management is an important scientific task for identifying the relationship between the institutional capacity of the state with the aim of its strengthening. In this article, we will focus on two sources of power and leadership that are relevant and effective for NPM: expert power and transformational leadership. Expert power is the ability of the leader to use his or her knowledge, experience, and competence to improve the quality and professionalism of services, as well as to elicit respect, trust, and loyalty from subordinates and citizens. Transformational leadership is the ability of the leader to create a vision, inspire and motivate subordinates, as well as to stimulate innovations, learning, adaptation, and changes in the public sector. We will argue that expert power and transformational leadership are the most effective and responsible sources of power and leadership for NPM, as they contribute to the development of the institutional capacity of the state, as well as to the achievement of the goals and tasks of NPM, such as providing quality and accessible services for citizens, increasing the satisfaction and motivation of employees, strengthening democratic values and principles, as well as supporting innovations and reforms in the public sector. We will call for the development of competence and skills of leaders-managers, who can adapt their sources of power and leadership to the context and goals, as well as combine them to achieve optimal results and increase the institutional capacity of the state, which is of great importance for the Ukrainian society and the Ukrainian state in the current conditions of counteracting the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
Analysis of recent research and publications. To achieve the purpose and objectives of this article, we have identified three directions of scientific research. The first direction is related to the studies of the problems of scientific public management in general, especially in the context of new public management and its impact on the public sector. The second direction is related to the studies of the sources of power and leadership in new public management, especially expert power and transformational leadership. The third direction is related to the studies of the institutional capacity of the state and its relationship with expert power and transformational leadership. We will briefly summarize the main findings and contributions of these studies, as well as their relevance and implications for our topic.
The institutional capacity of the state is the ability of the state to perform its functions and duties, as well as to respond to the challenges and needs of society. The institutional capacity of the state depends on various factors, such as the quality and effectiveness of public administration and management. In this regard, new public management (NPM) is a concept of public sector management that emerged in the 1980s as a response to the need to increase the efficiency and economy of public administration. NPM is aimed at applying the methods and practices of the private sector to public administration, emphasizing efficiency, accountability, competitiveness, and customer orientation. In this article, we will explore how two sources of power and leadership that are relevant and effective for NPM, namely expert power and transformational leadership, contribute to strengthening the institutional capacity of the state. Expert power is the ability of the leader to use his or her knowledge, experience, and competence to improve the quality and professionalism of services, as well as to elicit respect, trust, and loyalty from subordinates and citizens. Transformational leadership is the ability of the leader to create a vision, inspire and motivate subordinates, as well as to stimulate innovations, learning, adaptation, and changes in the public sector.
The main purpose of this article is to analyze the theoretical and empirical aspects of expert power and transformational leadership in new public management and their impact on the institutional capacity of the state. The main objectives of thi s article are to: 1) review the main principles and characteristics of new public management and its impact on the public sector, especially in the context of Ukraine; 2) define and describe the concepts of expert power and transformational leadership and their types, sources, and effects; 3) compare and contrast expert power and transformational leadership with other forms of power and leadership and explain why they are more suitable and effective for new public management; 4) provide some examples of empirical studies that have tested and measured the impact of expert power and transformational leadership on the institutional capacity of the state in different countries and contexts; 5) discuss the limitations and challenges of these studies, as well as the gaps and directions for further research. The main research questions of this article are: 1) What are the main principles and characteristics of new public management and how does it affect the public sector, especially in the context of Ukraine? 2) What are the definitions, characteristics, types, sources, and effects of expert power and transformational leadership and how do they differ from other forms of power and leadership? 3) Why are expert power and transformational leadership more suitable and effective for new public management and how do they contribute to strengthening the institutional capacity of the state? 4) What are some examples of empirical studies that have tested and measured the impact of expert power and transformational leadership on the institutional capacity of the state in different countries and contexts? 5) What are the limitations and challenges of these studies, as well as the gaps and directions for further research?
Research methods. To solve these tasks, we used the following research methods: theoretical analysis to study the theoretical foundations of different concepts of power and leadership, their types and types, as well as new public management, to understand their essence, principles, and ideas; comparative analysis -- to compare different sources of power and leadership according to their advantages and disadvantages for different situations and tasks in the public sector, as well as for the institutional capacity of the state; case study - with the help of which we analyzed real cases of application of different sources of power and leadership in the practice of management in Ukraine and the USA, to better understand their practical significance and impact; we also used samples of recommendatory analysis, which allowed us to develop recommendations based on the obtained results on the further application of different sources of power and leadership in the practice of new public management to increase the institutional capacity of the state in Ukraine.
Presentation of the main material
There are many possible ways to improve the institutional capacity of Ukraine, which is the ability of the state to perform its functions and duties, as well as to respond to the challenges and needs of society. Based on the web search results, some of the suggestions are:
- To cooperate with international financial institutions and partners, such as the EBRD, the EIB, and the World Bank, to receive technical assistance and sector expertise in project delivery, coordination, and implementation in various fields, such as infrastructure, energy, health, and education [1].
To reform the defense education system and professionalize the officer corps, NCO corps, and civilian defense officials of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, with the support of the U.S.-NATO Defense Education Enhancement Program (DEEP), which can help improve the quality and professionalism of services, as well as the motivation, satisfaction, and loyalty of employees and citizens [2].
To develop a comprehensive framework for the stabilization and reconstruction of Ukraine, based on the National Recovery Plan, which outlines the needs and priorities for the recovery process, as well as the principles and values that guide it, such as transparency, rule of law, and sustainability [3].
To foster innovation and creativity in the public sector, by establishing a dedicated entity, such as the Support Group for Ukraine (SGUA), which can provide strong and innovative support to strengthen Ukraine's management and absorption capacity and enable its administration and institutions to implement the ambitious Association Agreement / DCFTA with the EU [4].
The institutional capacity of the state is the ability of the state to independently solve all issues of its internal life and external relations, to exercise power and justice on its territory. It is also related to the sovereignty and fullness of power of the state throughout its territory, as well as to the independence and equality in international relations [5]. This means that the state has the ability to influence the behavior of individuals, social groups, organizations or society as a whole in order to achieve certain goals. An important aspect of institutional capacity is institutionalism, which is considered as the primary element of the driving force of society in the economy and beyond [6]. Institutions include the state, family, entrepreneurship, monopolies, private property, trade unions, religion, communities, organizations - everything that reflects the customs, ethics, legal decisions, social psychology and evolution of forms of economy and public administration. In connection with the dynamic economic development, public administration did not provide the necessary level of efficiency of management activities, deepening social crises, rather than solving social problems. In response to this situation, public administration began to form, as such, that ensures a significant increase in the efficiency of management activities due to the high level of civic support and consolidation of society around common goals [7]. This is of great importance for society, as it helps to ensure stability, progress and well-being of citizens. One of the options for public administration is new public management (NPM) - a concept of public sector management that emerged in the 1980s. It emerged as a response to the need for more efficient and economically efficient public administration. NPM is aimed at applying the methods and practices of the private sector to public administration, emphasizing efficiency, accountability, competitiveness and customer orientation. NPM is important for strengthening the institutional capacity of the state, as it contributes to improving the efficiency, flexibility and accountability of public organizations. This helps states better meet the needs and interests of citizens. The main principles of NPM are: efficiency - NPM emphasizes the achievement of results and maximization of productivity; accountability - NPM strives for more transparency and accountability in public authorities; competition - NPM encourages competition among service providers to improve quality and efficiency; customer orientation - NPM puts the citizen at the center of attention, trying to better meet his or her needs. Applying these principles can help states improve their institutional capacity, which is the key to successful performance of their functions. In particular, this can contribute to improving the quality of services, ensuring legality, strengthening democracy and human rights, as well as improving economic development. For these reasons, NPM is an important and relevant direction for reforming public administration in Ukraine and other countries. However, the implementation of NPM also requires effective and responsible sources of power and leadership in the public sector. Power and leadership are the ability of the leader to influence the behavior and outcomes of subordinates, as well as to achieve the goals and tasks of the organization. Power and leadership are essential for the institutional capacity of the state, as they affect the quality and professionalism of public services, as well as the motivation, satisfaction and loyalty of employees and citizens. In this article, we will focus on two sources of power and leadership that are relevant and effective for NPM, namely expert power and transformational leadership. Expert power is the ability of the leader to use his or her knowledge, experience and competence to improve the quality and professionalism of services, as well as to elicit respect, trust and loyalty from subordinates and citizens. Transformational leadership is the ability of the leader to create a vision, inspire and motivate subordinates, as well as to stimulate innovations, learning, adaptation and changes in the public sector. We will argue that expert power and transformational leadership are the most effective and responsible sources of power and leadership for NPM, as they contribute to the development of the institutional capacity of the state, as well as to the achievement of the goals and tasks of NPM, such as providing quality and accessible services for citizens, increasing the satisfaction and motivation of employees, strengthening democratic values and principles, as well as supporting innovations and reforms in the public sector. We will also review the recent research and publications on the sources of power and leadership in new public management, especially expert power and transformational leadership, and their impact on the institutional capacity of th e state.
Expert power is a type of personal power that comes from having a high level of knowledge or skill in a certain field or domain. People who have expert power can influence others by sharing their expertise, providing guidance, solving problems, or offering advice. Expert power can be gained by anyone who has the ability and willingness to learn, improve, and demonstrate their competence. Expert power can also be recognized and respected by others who value the expertise and trust the judgment of the person who has it. Expert power can help you achieve your goals, enhance your reputation, and increase your confidence and satisfaction.
The difference between expert and legitimate power is that expert power comes from one's knowledge or skill in a cert ain field or domain, while legitimate power comes from one's formal right or authority to issue directives or commands because of their position in the organization. For example, a doctor has expert power over his or her patients and colleagues because of his or her medical expertise, while a CEO has legitimate power over his or her employees and shareholders because of his or her role in the company. Expert power is a type of personal power that is based on the respect and trust of others, while legitimate power is a type of formal power that is based on the rules and norms of the organization. Expert power can be gained by anyone who has the ability and willingness to learn, improve, and demonstrate competence, while legitimate power can be granted or delegated by someone who has higher authority. Expert power can be more effective and responsible than legitimate power, as it can lead to more satisfaction, motivation, and loyalty among subordinates and customers, as well as more innovation, learning, and adaptation in the public sector [8-11].
Some examples of expert power are:
A doctor who has expert power over his or her patients and colleagues because of his or her medical knowledge and skills. The doctor can influence the health decisions and outcomes of the patients, as well as the professional development and performance of the colleagues.
A teacher who has expert power over his or her students and peers because of his or her educational background and experience. The teacher can influence the learning process and results of the students, as well as the curriculum and pedagogy of the peers.
A lawyer who has expert power over his or her clients and judges because of his or her legal expertise and practice. The lawyer can influence the legal rights and interests of the clients, as well as the verdict and sentence of the judges.
A chef who has expert power over his or her customers and staff because of his or her culinary talent and creativity. The chef can influence the taste and satisfaction of the customers, as well as the quality and efficiency of the staff.
These examples show how expert power and transformational leadership can influence the institutional capacity of the state of Ukraine. With the help of expert power and transformational leadership, public officials, diplomats, lawyers, journalists and other professionals can improve the quality and efficiency of public services, ensure legality and transparency, strengthen democracy and human rights, as well as promote innovation and reforms in the public sector. This helps the state to better meet the needs and interests of citizens, as well as to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. Here are some specific examples [12-13]: A diplomat who has expert power over his or her colleagues and counterparts because of his or her knowledge and experience in international relations and negotiations [14]. A lawyer who has expert power over his or her clients and judges because of his or her legal expertise and practice. The lawyer can influence the legal rights and interests of the clients, as well as the verdict and sentence of the judges [15]. A journalist who has expert power over his or her audience and sources because of his or her investigative skills and credibility. The journalist can influence the public opinion and awareness of the audience, as well as the accountability and transparency of the sources [16].
Transformational leadership is a type of leadership that inspires and motivates followers to achieve higher levels of performance, commitment, and satisfaction, as well as to create positive changes in the organization and society. Transformational leaders have four main characteristics: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Transformational leadership is important for the public sector, as it can help improve the quality and effectiveness of public services, as well as the institutional capacity of the state. Institutional capacity is the ability of the state to perform its functions and duties, as well as to respond to the challenges and needs of society. It is related to the sovereignty, independence, and equality of the state, as well as to the rule of law, democracy, and human rights [17].
The impact of transformational leadership on the institutional capacity of the state in Ukraine can be seen in various fields and contexts. For example, according to a literature review by Alamri (2023)[18], transformational leadership can enhance the work engagement of public employees, especially when they have a promotion focus and a high public service motivation. Work engagement is the degree of involvement, enthusiasm, and dedication that employees have for their work. It can affect the productivity, performance, and innovation of public organizations, as well as the satisfaction and loyalty of citizens. Another example is the case of the Support Group for Ukraine (SGUA), which is a dedicated entity established by the European Commission to provide strong and innovative support to strengthen Ukraine's management and absorption capacity and enable its administration and institutions to implement the ambitious Association Agreement / DCFTA with the EU [19]. The SGUA is led by transformational leaders who have a clear vision, inspire and motivate their staff, stimulate learning and creativity, and provide individualized support and feedback. The SGUA has helped Ukraine to achieve significant results in various sectors, such as energy, health, education, and justice, as well as to foster cooperation and dialogue with the EU and other partners.
These examples of transformational leadership increased the institutional capacity of the Ukrainian state. Transformational leaders use their expert power and skill to influence the behavior and performance of their subordinates and to achieve organizational goals and objectives. They have also inspired and motivated their employees and citizens, and driven innovation, learning, adaptation, and change in the public sector. This helped the state better meet the needs and interests of citizens, as well as respond to the challenges and opportunities of the modern world. Some examples of transformational leadership in Ukraine are:
Volodymyr Zelenskyy - His rhetorical skills and dogged determination in facing down Russia in Ukraine in 2022 have turned Zelenskyy into a transformational leader of the 21st Century [20]. He has inspired millions of Ukrainians and people around the world with his vision of a free, democratic, and prosperous Ukraine. He has also stimulated innovation and creativity in the public sector, by establishing a dedicated entity, such as the Support Group for Ukraine (SGUA), which provides strong and innovative support to strengthen Ukraine's management and absorption capacity and enable its administration and institutions
to implement the ambitious Association Agreement / DCFTA with the EU .
Natalia Sedletska - She is the host and editor-in-chief of the investigative program «Schemes: Corruption in Detail», which exposes corruption and abuse of power in Ukraine, as well as defends the freedom of speech and information. She has used her expert power and transformational leadership to influence the public opinion and awareness of the audience, as well as the accountability and transparency of the sources. She has also motivated and developed her team of journalists, who have won several awards and recognition for their work .
Oleksandr Danyliuk - He is the former Minister of Finance and the current Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. He has been a key figure in implementing the reforms and changes in the public sector, especially in the areas of finance, security, and defense. He has demonstrated his expert power and transformational leadership by improving the quality and effectiveness of public services, ensuring legality and rule of law, strengthening democracy and human rights, as well as improving economic development. He has also inspired and challenged his subordinates and colleagues to achieve higher levels of performance, commitment, and satisfaction .
Svitlana Zalishchuk - She is a former journalist, activist, and politician who has been involved in various social movements and reforms in Ukraine, such as the Orange Revolution, the Euromaidan, and the anti-corruption campaign. She has used her expert power and transformational leadership to influence the public opinion and awareness of the audience, as well as the accountability and transparency of the authorities. She has also inspired and empowered her followers and colleagues to achieve higher levels of performance, commitment, and satisfaction.
Oleksiy Honcharuk - He is the youngest Prime Minister of Ukraine, who took office in 2019 at the age of 35. He has been a key figure in implementing the reforms and changes in the public sector, especially in the areas of economy, finance, and digitalization. He has demonstrated his expert power and transformational leadership by improving the quality and effectiveness of public services, ensuring legality and rule of law, strengthening democracy and human rights, as well as improving economic development. He has also inspired and challenged his subordinates and colleagues to achieve higher levels of performance, commitment, and satisfaction [21].
Oksana Zabuzhko - She is a renowned writer, poet, and public intellectual who has been a voice of Ukrainian culture and identity. She has used her expert power and transformational leadership to influence the literary and artistic scene, as well as the national and international recognition of Ukraine. She has also inspired and motivated her readers and fans to appreciate and celebrate the richness and diversity of Ukrainian culture and history [22]..
Therefore, the success of NPM is based on the role of power and leadership that they play from the point of view of NPM: To be a leader, coordinator and partner in interaction with the public and other sectors, to ensure strategic planning, control and evaluation of the results of the public sector activity, to decentralize power and provide more autonomy and responsibility to public sector managers, to use market mechanisms and principles to improve the efficiency and quality of public sector services. Therefore, the role of the leader and leadership is to be a stabilizing factor that integrates the interests of different groups of the population and influences the decision-making of the group, to ensure the effectiveness of management actions that affect the functioning of different social structures and society, to manage the organizational culture that promotes change, innovation and adaptation to new conditions. One of the key aspects of NPM is the development of a managerial culture in the public sector, which implies more autonomy, initiative and loyalty of managers-leaders. Thus, leadership becomes not only a formal position, but also a personal characteristic, which manifests itself in the ability to influence the behavior and motivation of other people. Leadership also becomes more distributed and horizontal, as it can be exercised at different levels and in different spheres of public administration. Using the above-mentioned tools, we have previously conducted a comparative analysis of some reforms in Ukraine and the USA (Romanenko, Kovalchuk, 2023). The reforms of the health care and social protection systems in Ukraine and the USA were chosen, which, according to the results of content analysis of expert and broad public opinion, presented in the media, in our opinion, can testify to the impact on the institutional capacity of the states in different ways, depending on the type of power and leadership that was used for their development and implementation. Based on the analysis, the following main conclusions can be drawn. In particular, reforms that used expert power and transformational leadership contributed to improving the institutional capacity of the states, as they created a favorable climate for innovation, involvement of a wide range of stakeholders, formation of a long-term vision and goals, as well as improving the quality and accessibility of public services.
The concepts of power and leadership are important concepts that provide a tool for analyzing the institutional capacity of the state, as the ability of state bodies and officials to effectively perform their functions, respond to the needs and challenges of society, as well as to ensure the quality and accessibility of public services in the context of national interests. In this regard, power is a means by which leaders influence the behavior and activity of other people, as well as distribute the values and resources of society. Power and leadership enhance the institutional capacity of the state, as they help to better understand and evaluate the role and functions of state bodies and officials, as well as to adapt them to different situations and tasks. Power and leadership also contribute to stability, order, security, innovation, cooperation, and satisfaction of the needs and interests of citizens. Power and leadership require responsibility, transparency, legitimacy, efficiency, and democracy, which are the basic principles of a modern constitutional state.
Here are five recommendations for improving the institutional capacity of the state in Ukraine based on expert power and transformational leadership:
To recruit, train, and retain qualified and competent public sector managers and leaders who have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to implement the principles and practices of new public management, as well as to use expert power and transformational leadership to influence and motivate their subordinates and stakeholders.
To establish and maintain a culture of learning and innovation in the public sector, which encourages and supports the development and dissemination of best practices, evidence-based policies, and creative solutions, as well as the use of expert power and transformational leadership to stimulate intellectual stimulation and inspirational motivation among public employees and citizens.
To enhance the transparency and accountability of the public sector, which ensures the legitimacy, legality, and ethics of public actions and decisions, as well as the use of expert power and transformational leadership to foster idealized influence and individualized consideration among public authorities and society.
To promote the participation and engagement of the public and other sectors in the public sector, which enables collaboration, communication, and consultation among different actors and interests, as well as the use of expert power and transformational leadership to create a shared vision and common goals for the public good.
To strengthen the international cooperation and integration of the public sector, which facilitates the exchange of information, experience, and resources among different countries and organizations, as well as the use of expert power and transformational leadership to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of the public sector in the global arena.
1. Vanora Bennett (2023). Boosting project delivery capacity in key Ukrainian institutions. European Bank for Reconstruction And Development. boosting-project-delivery-capacity-in-key-ukrainian-institutions.html.
2. Susan M. Sohler Everingham and Alan G. Stolberg (2022). The Value of Institutional Capacity Building Through Professional Military Education. The RAND Blog. pubs/commentary/2022/04/the-value-of-institutional-capacity-building-through.html.
3. Patrick Quirk and Prakhar Sharma (2022). Advancing a framework for the stabilization and reconstruction of Ukraine. Atlantic Council Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security reconstruction-of-ukraine/.
4. Berend De Groot Maria Maslowska Peter M. Wagner Stefan Schleuning (2019). Overcoming challenges with innovation. Capacity building in Ukraine. Neu Eastern Europe. 2019/11/13/overcoming-challenges-with-innovation-capacity-building-in-ukraine/.
5. Klymenko, I.V. (2018). Novyi publichnyi menedzhment [New public management]. Publichne upravlinnia. Terminolohichnyi slovnyk. Kyiv: NADU. [Ukraine]
6. Andrews, R., Boyne, G. A., Law, J., & Walker, R. M. (2009). Centralization, organizational strategy, and public service performance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
7. Dunleavy, P., Margetts, H., Bastow, S., & Tinkler, J. (2006). New public management is dead: Long live digital-era governance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
8. What Is Expert Power? Types & Importance in Leadership - FreshBooks. HubExpenses. August 6, 2021
9. Maggie Wool (2022). Expert Power: How To Get It, Keep It, and Use It - BetterUp.
10. What Is Expert Power? Definition and Examples. career-advice/career-development/expert-power.
11. Ken Chase (2023). What Is Expert Power? Explanation and Example. TopResume.
12. Benjamin Siu and Anne Flaherty (2019). Key players in the Trump impeachment probe and what they testified to Congress. testified-congress/story?id=66763043.
13. Russia-Ukraine War: Insights and Analysis - Harvard Kennedy School. russia-ukraine-war-insights-analysis.
14. Ukraine | Chatham House - International Affairs Think Tank. regions/russia-and-eurasia/ukraine.
15. What Is Expert Power? Definition and Examples. career-advice/career-development/expert-power.
16. Mykhailo Minakov (2022). The Three Ages of Zelensky's Presidency. Wilson Center.
17. Sihite, O.B., Andika, C.B., & Prasetya, A.B. (2020). A Literature Review: Does Transformational Leadership impact and Effective in the Public Bureaucratic. index.php/ijospl/article/download/16/8.
18. Alamri, M. (2023). Transformational leadership and work engagement in public organizations: promotion focus and public service motivation, how and when the effect occurs. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. doi/10.1108/LODJ-12-2021 -0544/full/html.
19. Putting people first in public-sector transformations (2019). McKinsey. public-sector-transformations.
20. Mykhailo Minakov (2022). The Three Ages of Zelensky's Presidency. Wilson Center.
21. Tesluk, Paul (2022). Zelensky inspires the world through servant leadership. Published.
22. English, Andrew (2023). 45+ Transformational Leaders (Examples + Quiz). Practical P sy chol ogy. http s:// practi calpi e .com/tran sformati onal -l eaders/
23. Drew, C. (July 15, 2022). 35 Transformational Leadership Examples. Helpful Professor.
1. Vanora Bennett (2023). Boosting project delivery capacity in key Ukrainian institutions. European Bank for Reconstruction And Development. 22 Jun 2023. 2023/boosting-project-delivery-capacity-in-key-ukrainian-institutions.html.
2. Susan M. Sohler Everingham and Alan G. Stolberg (2022). The Value of Institutional Capacity Building Through Professional Military Education. The RAND Blog. April 25, 2022.
3. Patrick Quirk and Prakhar Sharma (2022). Advancing a framework for the stabilization and reconstruction of Ukraine. Atlantic Council Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security October 23, 2022. stabilization-and-reconstruction-of-ukraine/.
4. Berend De Groot Maria Maslowska Peter M. Wagner Stefan Schleuning (2019). Overcoming challenges with innovation. Capacity building in Ukraine. Neu Eastern Europe. November 13, 2019. innovation-capacity-building-in-ukraine/.
5. Клименко І.В. (2018). Новий публічний менеджмент. Публічне управління. Термінологічний словник. За заг. ред. В.С. Куйбіди, М.М. Білинського, О.М. Петроє. Київ: НАДУ. 104.
6. Andrews, R., Boyne, G. A., Law, J., & Walker, R. M. (2009). Centralization, organizational strategy, and public service performance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(1), 57-80.
7. Dunleavy, P., Margetts, H., Bastow, S., & Tinkler, J. (2006). New public management is dead: Long live digital-era governance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 16(3), 467-494.
8. What Is Expert Power? Types & Importance in Leadership - FreshBooks. HubExpenses. August 6, 2021
9. Maggie Wool (2022). Expert Power: How To Get It, Keep It, and Use It - BetterUp. January 27, 2022.
10. What Is Expert Power? Definition and Examples. June 25, 2022.
11. Ken Chase (2023). What Is Expert Power? Explanation and Example | TopResume. July 17, 2023. example.
12. Benjamin Siu and Anne Flaherty (2019). Key players in the Trump impeachment probe and what they testified to Congress. December 4, 2019. impeachment-inquiry-testified-congress/story?id=66763043.
13. Russia-Ukraine War: Insights and Analysis - Harvard Kennedy School. https://www.hks. russia-ukraine-war-insights-analysis.
14. Ukraine | Chatham House - International Affairs Think Tank. regions/russia-and-eurasia/ukraine.
15. What Is Expert Power? Definition and Examples) June 25, 2022.
16. Mykhailo Minakov (2022). The Three Ages of Zelensky's Presidency | Wilson Center, June 9, 2022.
17. Sihite, O.B., Andika, C.B., & Prasetya, A.B. (2020). A Literature Review: Does Transformational Leadership impact and Effective in the Public Bureaucratic. index. php/ij ospl/article/ download/16/8.
18. Alamri, M. (2023). Transformational leadership and work engagement in public organizations: promotion focus and public service motivation, how and when the effect occurs. Leadership & Organization Development Journal. 10.1108/LODJ -12-2021 -0544/full/html.
19. Putting people first in public-sector transformations (2019). McKinsey. 5.03. 2019. of-public-sector-transformations.
20. Mykhailo Minakov (2022). The Three Ages of Zelensky's Presidency. Wilson Center, June 9, 2022.
21. Tesluk, Paul (2022). Zelensky inspires the world through servant leadership. Published March 8, 2022.
22. English, Andrew (2023). 45+ Transformational Leaders (Examples + Quiz). Practical Psychology on November 3, 2023.
23. Drew, C. (July 15, 2022). 35 Transformational Leadership Examples. Helpful Professor.
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