State policy of staffing for physical culture and sports in Ukraine

Discloses personnel support as a component of the personnel policy of the industry. Human resources processes are characterized by increased dynamics, instability, spontaneity, imbalance, there is an increase in the influence of traditions and customs.

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Дата добавления 09.01.2024
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Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

State policy of staffing for physical culture and sports in Ukraine

Suray Inna Gennadiyevna Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Business Administration


The article discloses personnel support as a component of the personnel policy of the industry, which in its essence is a multifunctional concept that defines the content of the legal, organizational, substantive, and operational components of the system of basic professional training of industry specialists in the relevant areas, the system of postgraduate education, professional development, as conditions for permanent improvement of professional competence of physical culture and sports workers.

The state of staffing of the industry, according to the analysis of the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative indicators, requires taking measures of a regulatory, legal and socio-economic nature aimed at achieving structural balance and optimization, both for the industry as a whole and for its individual subsystems. Staffing is accumulated by the internal potential and ability to effectively perform job duties, stability and balance of the personnel corps of the industry, which is a decisive and main prerequisite for the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine.

Personnel processes should be understood as objectively determined, socially significant changes, the development of the state of personnel relations and connections, quantitative and qualitative parameters of the personnel corps, the result of the action of objective and subjective factors, both inside the organization and outside it. The field of physical culture and sports is fully characterized by such personnel processes as: mastering the profession, including the individual in the field of professional activity, further professional training and professional development, becoming a professional, professional growth, generalization, systematization and transfer of the acquired advanced professional experience, the creative genesis of a specialist - professional. Human resources processes are characterized by increased dynamics, instability, spontaneity, imbalance, there is an increase in the influence of traditions and customs, mostly with negative consequences.

Keywords: state policy, physical culture and sports, personnel support, sociometric research, personnel policy.


Сурай Інна Генадіївна доктор наук з державного управління, професор кафедри управління та бізнес-адміністрування, Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника


У статті розкрито кадрове забезпечення як складову кадрової політики галузі, що за своєю сутністю є поліфункціональним поняттям, яке визначає зміст правового, організаційного, змістового, діяльнісного компонентів системи базової фахової підготовки спеціалістів галузі за відповідними напрямами, системи післядипломної освіти, підвищення кваліфікації, як умови перманентного удосконалення фахової компетенції працівників фізичної культури і спорту.

Стан кадрового забезпечення галузі, за даними аналізу динаміки кількісних та якісних показників, вимагає вжиття заходів нормативноправового та соціально-економічного характеру спрямованих на досягнення структурної збалансованості та оптимізації, як по галузі в цілому, так і за окремими її підсистемами. Кадрове забезпечення акумульовано внутрішнім потенціалом і здатністю до ефективного виконання посадових обов'язків, стабільністю й збалансованістю кадрового корпусу галузі, що є вирішальною та головною передумовою розвитку фізичної культури і спорту в Україні.

Під кадровими процесами слід розуміти об'єктивно зумовлені, соціально значущі зміни, розгортання стану кадрових відносин і зв'язків, кількісних та якісних параметрів кадрового корпусу, результат дії об'єктивних та суб'єктивних факторів, причому як у середині організації так і поза нею. Галузі фізичної культури і спорту в повній мірі притаманні такі кадрові процеси як: оволодіння професією, включення особистості у сферу професійної діяльності, подальше професійне навчання та підвищення кваліфікації, становлення професіонала, посадове зростання, узагальнення, систематизація та передача набутого передового професійного досвіду, творчий генезис фахівця-професіонала. Кадровим процесам притаманні підвищена динаміка, нестабільність, стихійність, неврівноваженість, спостерігається посилення впливу традицій та звичаїв, здебільшого з негативними наслідками.

Ключові слова: державна політика, фізична культура і спорт, кадрове забезпечення, соціометричне дослідження, кадрова політика.


Problem statement. The Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports" states that the state provides training and retraining of personnel in the field of physical culture and sports, and pays special attention to their training for work in rural areas. The legislator granted the exclusive right to conduct pedagogical, educational and health work to citizens who have special education or training confirmed by a diploma, certificate (certificate) issued by accredited educational institutions. The implementation of a complex of tasks and the achievement of the strategic goal of the functioning of the industry as a whole, as well as its individual subsystems, is possible only under the condition of proper staffing of physical culture and sports, creation of sufficient and optimal conditions for the growth of its personnel potential [1, 2].

Analysis of recent research and publications. At the moment, the research of the modern level of development of human resources for physical culture and sports in the sociometric dimension is relevant.

The purpose of the article is the state policy of personnel provision of physical culture and sports in Ukraine.

Presenting main material

In the broadest sense, the concept of "personnel policy" in the field of physical culture and sports should be understood as the systematic activity of state authorities aimed at the formation, improvement, and implementation of a set of standards, professional requirements for employees, teachers and other workers in the field, criteria for their selection, training and retraining, raising the level of qualifications, rational use of personnel potential and its preservation on the basis of quantitative and qualitative forecasts and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. Currently, the priority directions of the state personnel policy in the field of physical culture and sports are defined in the national doctrine of the development of physical culture and sports, the content of which is reduced to the following [1, 2]:

firstly, personnel policy in the industry should be based on the use of scientifically based approaches to predicting and meeting the real needs of society in relevant specialists (both in terms of quantity and quality of training);

secondly, the state takes measures to increase the level of protection of the interests of industry specialists, improve the system of their moral and material stimulation, standardize wages, strengthen personal responsibility for the final result of professional activity;

thirdly, professional level, work experience and the ability to work in new socio-economic conditions should be the determining factors in personnel selection;

fourth, improvement and systematic attestation of physical culture and sports workers, updating the regulatory framework on the classification of professions in the field.

Personnel support, as a component of the personnel policy of the industry, is inherently a multifunctional concept that defines the content of the legal, organizational, substantive, and operational components of the system of basic professional training of industry specialists in the relevant areas, the system of postgraduate education, professional development, as conditions for the permanent improvement of professional competence workers of physical culture and sports [2].

At the current stage, the main tasks of improving the personnel support system of the industry are [1, 3]: personnel policy spontaneity

> development and approval of personnel support standards in the field of physical culture and sports for the formation of a state order for the training of relevant specialists;

> optimization of the number of higher educational institutions that train such specialists; improvement of the procedure for licensing and accreditation of higher educational institutions that train specialists in the field;

> improvement of the mechanism of attraction, training and use of volunteers in the field of physical culture and sports;

> creation of educational, scientific and sports complexes on the basis of universities, which belong to the sphere of administration of the Ministry of Family and Youth Sports;

> publication in the state language of textbooks, training manuals and methodical recommendations on physical education and sports;

> through the standardization of education, to improve the requirements for the content, volume and quality of higher education, which are determined by the general goal of educational and professional training of personnel for the field of physical culture and sports [3].

Understanding the essence of the concept of "personnel processes" and the general principles of management, which must be adequate to the existing management situation, is extremely important for optimizing the personnel support mechanism of the industry. In our opinion, a more complete and comprehensive definition is given and the main features of the above concept are outlined in the works of V. Oluyko [1, 2]. The state of staffing of the industry, according to the analysis of the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative indicators, requires taking measures of a regulatory, legal and socio-economic nature aimed at achieving structural balance and optimization, both for the industry as a whole and for its individual subsystems.

Personnel processes should be understood as objectively determined, socially significant changes, the development of the state of personnel relations and connections, quantitative and qualitative parameters of the personnel corps, the result of the action of objective and subjective factors, both inside the organization and outside it. The field of physical culture and sports is fully characterized by such personnel processes as: mastering the profession, including the individual in the field of professional activity, further professional training and professional development, becoming a professional, professional growth, generalization, systematization and transfer of the acquired advanced professional experience, the creative genesis of a specialist - professional. HR processes are characterized by increased dynamics, instability, spontaneity, imbalance, there is an increase in the influence of traditions and customs, mostly with negative consequences [3].

Management of personnel processes is a purposeful, planned, coordinating and consciously organizing influence of personnel management subjects on quantitative and qualitative changes in the personnel composition in time and space by determining the need for personnel and implementing corrective actions so that the personnel meets their needs with the goal achievement of the set goals by the organization [2, 3].

Personnel, their general level of professional competence, accumulated internal potential and ability to effectively perform job duties, stability and balance of the industry's personnel corps are the decisive and main prerequisites for the development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. Personnel is the main (permanent, full-time), as a rule, qualified staff of organizations, institutions, enterprises of the industry. Personnel in the field of physical culture and sports are characterized by such features as: professional training; the permanent nature of service-labour, teaching, teaching-coaching, managerial activities, which is the main source of financial income; the activity is aimed at the actual implementation or ensuring the fulfillment of the tasks, functions of the field of physical culture and sports [1, 3].

Therefore, in order to hold a certain position, it is necessary first of all to master a profession that provides the ability to perform professional tasks in the field of physical culture and sports.

An analysis of the dynamics of personnel support in the field of "Physical culture and sports" according to annual statistical reports [2, 3] revealed that in general, the number of full-time employees in Ukraine, excluding paid instructors and trainers, increased by 13.7%, and amounted to 2022 76,125 people in 2012, against 66,963 thousand people in 2012. It should be noted the multidirectionality and ambiguity of the dynamics of the studied indicators of personnel support for different categories of employees. Thus, in the period from 2012 to 2022, there was a decrease in the number of physical education instructors in rural and settlement councils by almost 20 times, if in 2012 there were 15,256 physical education workers in the village, then in 2022 their number was only 787 people. Such a massive reduction of employees in the "Mass sports among the rural population" subsystem is due to a change in the state political course regarding the activities of the agricultural sector, which primarily envisaged a transition to market mechanisms of management, a decrease in the amount of state funding of the social sphere of the village, ineffective application and use of the existing administrative the resource of a certain territory, as well as the inability, and in some cases, the clear unwillingness of the new owners to invest in the development of the social infrastructure of the village, and primarily in the development of physical culture and sports.

During the studied period, the number of methodical instructors in physical culture decreased (-46.3%), managers and teachers of physical education of vocational and technical educational institutions (-14.8%).

The quantitative composition of managers of various levels in the field of physical culture and sports was characterized by positive changes. The number of employees of sports clubs, enterprises, institutions, and educational institutions increased more than twice (122.5%); by 85.4% - employees of "Invasport" units; employees of sports schools - 51.6%; employees of sports committees, youth and sports management committees (civil servants): oblast - 24.6%, district and city - 27.2%; employees of sports associations: regional - an increase of 34.3%, and at the same time in the primary district and city centers there is a decrease of employees by 11.1%. Thus, it should be noted that with a relatively constant number of teachers of secondary schools, secondary schools, sports trainers, and specialists in physical education of preschool institutions, the number of management staff in the field is increasing.

Another interesting indicator of staffing of the industry is the number of paid instructors and trainers. So, in 2012 there were 1,923 people, in 2018 - 7,619, in 2020 and 2021 - 12,192 and 15,380 people. As of 2022, there are 2,252 paid instructors and trainers, which is 7 times less than in 2018. Such negative trends can be explained by the onset of crisis phenomena in the state's economy, a decline in production, a decrease in solvent demand for services produced by the industry, a decrease in citizens' incomes, and, accordingly, a decrease in the share spent on physical exercises.

As of 2022, 71.6% of specialists in the industry have relevant basic and full higher specialized education, 11.8% have graduated from higher educational institutions of 1-2 levels of accreditation, and 12,602 people, or 16.5% of the total number of employees, do not have education of physical culture and sports profile (Table 1.).

Table 1. The structure and indicators of the supply of physical education personnel in the industry as of 2023 Indicators of the industry's staffing structure


Special education 1-2 r.a. ZVO

Special education 3-4 r.a. ZVO

the total number of

the total number of


in %


in %






Full-time employees





Workers of physical culture n.z.





Instructors from F.C. DNZ





Secondary school teachers





Heads and teachers of technical vocational schools





Heads and teachers of ZVO 1-2 r.a.





Heads and teachers of ZVO 3-4 yr.a.





Instructors from F.C. village and settlement councils





Methodist trainers, sports

2 544


12 579


The analysis of the structure of the distribution of employment of employees in the field of physical education and sports showed that of the total number, 52.1% of physical education personnel are engaged in teaching work in preschool educational institutions, comprehensive schools, higher educational institutions of 1-4 levels of accreditation, vocational and technical schools; 23.9% - work as sports coaches, instructors; 4.6% hold the positions of methodologists and instructors in physical culture and sports; 15.8% of specialists of various physical culture and sports profile carry out organizational and managerial activities; 2% are employees of physical culture and sports in state authorities (civil servants). The absolute indicator of the industry's supply of specialists in physical rehabilitation, specialists in physical culture rehabilitation and sports work with people with special needs, doctors of sports medicine is extremely low, their share in the total number of employees is only 0.7%, it should also be noted that physical education instructors and sports at village and settlement councils, only 1% of specialists work (Table 1).

Another informative indicator of the quality of personnel support in the industry is the number of employees whose professional activity is related to the provision of physical culture and health and sports services, and at the same time, who do not have proper professional education. Thus, among physical education workers in educational institutions, their share is 7.5%; among methodologists and physical culture instructors - 23.9%; physical culture instructors of village and settlement councils - 55.3%; specialists in physical education and sports work with people with special needs - 17.3%; physical rehabilitation specialists - 7.6%. The fact that there are 33.3% of physical culture and sports workers of the state executive authorities, who manage the industry within the limits of their powers without having a professional education, deserves special attention.

The analysis of personnel provision of the industry by subsystems and areas of work for 2022 showed that 36,630 specialists are engaged in sports work. The best staffing indices of 25.3 and 25.4 characterize the areas of work on training athletes from winter Olympic sports and sports for people with disabilities of hearing, vision, locomotor apparatus, and mental development, respectively. This indicator is worse for non-Olympic sports (41.6) and summer Olympic sports - 35.3. The staffing index reflects the proportional inverse relationship between the number of those engaged in sports and the number of physical culture and sports personnel. Thus, the number of sportsmen engaged in sports that are included in the Summer Olympic Games to the total number of all involved in sports work is 73%, and the share of employees, from the total number of coaching staff, in this direction is 74.4%.

Thus, in the general structure, the optimal percentage ratio of staffing of a certain direction, which quantitatively and in terms of composition corresponds to the number of those engaged. In this context, it can be stated that there is a certain shortage of personnel in the area of work in sports that are not included in the program of the Olympic Games, and accordingly, optimization of the personnel structure for specific sports is necessary.


The sphere of physical culture and sports, as a branch of the production of physical culture and sports services, is an environment in which a living space is created for the realization of specially applied knowledge by its employees in order to meet the various needs of the physical culture and health, sports nature of society, the state, certain strata of society, and an individual. . An extremely wide range of social needs and high requirements for the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the industry's product are the factors that determine the target direction of the activity of the "Physical culture and sport" industry system, with the isolation of its subsystems with specific tasks inherent only to them, which allows to systematize and to classify the entire profile range of personnel that ensures the functioning of the industry as a whole, as well as its individual subsystems.


1. Luts', L. (2002). The main measures and methods of European legal integration [Main measures and methods of European legal integration]. Pravo Ukrainy, 5, 142-151 [in Ukrainian].

2. Ministerstvo molodi ta sportu Ukrainy: Masovyi sport [Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine: Mass sport]. Mizhnarodnyi dosvid. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

3. Zakon Ukrainy "Pro fizychnu kulturu i sportu" [Law of Ukraine "On Physical Culture and Sports"]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].

4. Zakonodavcha baza fizychnoi kultury ta sportu v Ukraini [Legislative basis of physical culture and sports in Ukraine]. Retrieved from: [in Ukrainian].


1. Закон України "Про фізичну культуру і спорту" [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

2. Законодавча база фізичної культури та спорту в Україні [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

3. Луць Л. Основні заходи та способи європейської правової інтеграції. Право України. 2002. № 5. С. 142-151.

4. Міністерство молоді та спорту України: Масовий спорт. Міжнародний досвід [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу:

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