Information security of public sphere bodies

The tasks of information provision of public authorities. Role in securing the state apparatus of information management for the adoption and resolution of state, local and district current issues. Legal and informational aspects of the indicated issues.

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Дата добавления 04.12.2023
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Simon Kuznets Kharkiv national university of economics

Information security of public sphere bodies

Tabatskyi Maksym Hariyovych,

postgraduate student, department of public administration and economic policy

Rudenko Alyon aValeriivna,

postgraduate student, department of public administration and economic policy



The article examines the features of information support of public authorities to increase the state activity efficiency as one of the important systemic elements in the structure of the country in modern conditions. The issues of theoretical substantiation for the purpose of realization of information support of public authorities should be analyzed and the main tasks of information support of public authorities need investigation. The importance of the organization of information support of public authorities in the insurance of the state apparatus of information management for the adoption and resolution of state, local and district current issues is studied. The research, conducted using traditional methods of collecting and analyzing information (content analysis, bibliosemantic, systematic approach). Information support issues of public authorities are considered. The legal and informational aspects of the mentioned issues need to be analyzed, and the ways of improving the current legislation in the field of information support of public authorities determined. The system of information support for the functioning of public administration should also be studied as well as the importance of information support in the activities of this institute, as information support is a reserve for involving large sections of the population in solving local issues. Some new challenges concerning the organization of information support of public authorities and its technical support are considered. A number of benefits from the implementation of an effective process of applying information support of public administration to ensure the efficiency of public authorities of Ukraine are revealed. The work of state bodies of public power of Ukraine in relation to information support of public relations are analyzed and the problems of e-government development are determined. It is therefore proposed, to create a "Department of Self-Government Information Support" as a modern unit to improve the management decision-making process, which will allow an accumulated process of analysis, and as a result, get the desired effect in the form of balanced management conclusions, by the public authorities of Ukraine. The work of state bodies of public power of Ukraine in relation to information support of public relations are analyzed and the problems of e-government development are determined. It is therefore proposed, to create a "Department of Self-Government Information Support" as a modern unit to improve the management decision-making process, which will allow an accumulated process of analysis, and as a result, get the desired effect in the form of balanced management conclusions, by the public authorities of Ukraine. The work of state bodies of public power of Ukraine in relation to information support of public relations are analyzed and the problems of e-government development are determined. It is therefore proposed, to create a "Department of Self-Government Information Support" as a modern unit to improve the management decision-making process, which will allow an accumulated process of analysis, and as a result, get the desired effect in the form of balanced management conclusions, by the public authorities of Ukraine.

Keywords: Information support, public authorities, public administration, information environment, e-government.


Табацький Максим Гарійовичаспірант кафедри державного управління, публічного адміністрування та економічної політики, Харківський національний економічний університет ім. С. Кузнеця, м. Харків

Руденко Альона Валеріївна аспірант кафедри державного управління, публічного адміністрування та економічної політики, Харківський національний економічний університет ім. С. Кузнеця, м. Харків

Інформаційне забезпечення органів публічної сфери

У статті досліджується особливості інформаційного забезпечення органів публічної влади для підвищення ефективності державної діяльності як один із важливих системних елементів у структурі функціонування країни в сучасних умовах. Проаналізовано питання теоретичного обгрунтування з метою реалізації інформаційного забезпечення органів публічної влади. Досліджено головні завдання інформаційного забезпечення органів публічної влади. Досліджено значимість організації інформаційного забезпечення органів публічної влади в асекурації державного апарату управління інформацією для прийняття та вирішення державних, місцевих та районних поточних питань. Дослідження проводилось із використанням традиційних методів збору та аналізу інформація (аналіз змісту, бібліосемантичний, системний підхід. У статті розглядаються питання інформаційного забезпечення органів публічної влади. Аналізуються правовий і інформаційний аспекти позначеної проблематики та визначаються шляхи поліпшення чинного законодавства у сфері інформаційного забезпечення органів публічної влади. Досліджується система інформаційного забезпечення функціонування органів публічного адміністрування, а також важливість інформаційного забезпечення в діяльності цього інституту, оскільки інформаційне забезпечення являється резервом для залучення широких верств населення до вирішення питань місцевого значення. Розглянуто окремі нові виклики стосовно організації інформаційного забезпечення органів публічної влади та його технічного забезпечення. Розкрито ряд вигод від реалізації ефективного процесу застосування інформаційного забезпечення державного управління для забезпечення підвищення ефективності діяльності органів публічної влади України. Проаналізовано роботу державних органів публічної влади України стосовно інформаційного забезпечення зв'язків із громадськістю та визначено проблеми розвитку електронного урядування. Запропоновано створення "Відділу інформаційного забезпечення самоврядування" як сучасного підрозділу задля покращення процесу прийняття управлінських рішень, що надасть можливість накопичувати, обробляти, аналізувати, та як результат, отримувати очікуваний ефект у вигляді виважених управлінських рішень органами публічної влади України.

Ключові слова: інформаційне забезпечення, органи публічної влади, державне управління, інформаційне середовище, електронне урядування.

Main part

Formulation of the problem. Among the urgent tasks in the construction of the rule of law, which are currently facing the country and society, the priority direction is the development of public administration, in particular its historical, political, economic and social components. In the light of the implementation of the specified tasks, further research is required on the issues related to the methods and forms of information provision. In modern journalistic literature, there are increasingly common opinions that there are no universal methods of building and managing this or that state.

The terms of the development of a legal, democratic state with a socially oriented market economy, actively operating institutions of public power and management depend on various factors that require legal guarantees, regulation of rule-making by subjects of public administration and which are one of the decisive conditions in the implementation of publicity, i.e. the use of effective information support of management activities. It should be emphasized that information provision itself is essential in solving issues of local importance, as well as in implementing the principle of people's rule.

In recent years, there has been a trend of general computerization, which applies to all types of activities. With the help of information support, it is possible to present information in a form convenient for a specific user, to speed up and simplify the operations of its input and processing, and to increase the visibility and simplicity of the necessary reports. Today, in the process of management, the use of information support in public authorities provides a promising chance to reduce the time spent on implementation by employees and save financial resources, and the main task is to provide the state apparatus with the necessary information in a timely manner, therefore consideration of the information support of public authorities is relevant.

Analysis of recent research and publications. A significant number of scientists research the topic of information provision of public authorities. In particular, the scientific works of A. Blynov, A.V. Chernoivanenko, V.V. Galunko, V.V. Hodin, V.V. Hrytsenko, V.D. Havlovskyi, V.I. Kravets, V.S. Tsymbalyuk, I.K. Korneev, I.M. Tokhtarova, K.V. Lazareva, L.V. Balabanova, L.V. Naboka, M.O. Durman, O.E. Nikitenko, P. Makushev, R.A. Koval, S.M. Petrenko, T.V. Slisarenko, T.I. Alacheva is devoted to the analysis of some aspects and features of information provision of public authorities in modern conditions within the framework of globalization processes, which influenced the genesis and formation of the activity of state authorities in the adoption of important state issues.

The purpose and objectives of the article. The purpose of the work is to study the information provision of public authorities in the conditions of the functioning of state authorities for the purpose of forming an effective state policy. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are defined: 1) define the essence and describe the main tasks of information support; 2) describe the features of information provision of public authorities; 3) analyze the information provision of public authorities to increase the efficiency of state activity. During the research, general scientific and special research methods were used, including analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, system-structural analysis.

Presentation of the main research material. At the current stage, one of the most powerful tools for the functioning of public authorities is the implementation of modern information support, which enables the use of innovative tools for quality service to citizens; contributing to the improvement of work efficiency and the formation of optimization, formalization, and description of current processes; processing of documentation; automation of organizational processes of public authorities, as well as implementation and support of software products [1, p. 136-137].

The increase in the volume of information relations in the public sphere over the last decade prompted the scientific community to adjust the vector of research in this direction, which led to the emergence of a significant number of scientific concepts and approaches to understanding the term "information provision" [2]. There are many interpretations of information support in domestic and international scientific opinion. Among them, the most appropriate, in our opinion, are:-- assurance of the management system of a set of ideas, concepts, data and as an activity related to the means of collecting, registering, transmitting, storing, processing and presenting information [5];

-- the most important element of information systems, which is designed to display information that characterizes the state of the managed object and is the basis for making management decisions [4, p. 247];

--management information service, as actions to provide information required for management activities in the necessary place based on certain procedures with a given frequency, as well as measures to create an information management environment [3, p. 37];

--a part of the state activity for the analysis, planning and preparation of management decisions, which is a seamless process of processing and applying information regarding the current state of the state executive service system, which is implemented with the help of information tools and methods, and is focused on ensuring the appropriate functioning of the state executive service system of Ukraine [6, p. 335];

--a set of actions to provide information necessary for state activity in public authorities on the basis of appropriate procedures with a given frequency [7, p. 9];

--a set of implemented solutions regarding the amount of information, its qualitative and quantitative composition, location and forms of organization, where the general goal of information provision is the timely presentation of necessary and appropriate information for the adoption of state decisions [8, p. 20].

So, it can be concluded that mainly scientists consider the concept of "information provision" from two points of view: as an activity related to the processing of information at all stages of its passage up to the final result, and as a system of indicators that are needed to determine the state management system or the basis for determining the best alternative in the process of making a management decision [9, p. 120].

The above indicates the lack of unity of the scientific community regarding the content of the term "information provision", which defines a field for reflection in order to highlight its generalizing features. From the given interpretations of the concept of "information provision", the following general features can be distinguished:

1) the goal is to satisfy information needs and ensure the implementation of information rights of public authorities;

2) a resource is information, type, quality, volume, structure, form, term and means of use, which are determined by the informational needs and rights of public authorities;

3) the content is a continuous process consisting of various types of information activities in the system of public authorities;

4) methods include the creation, use, research, storage, protection, transfer, processing, destruction of information in the activity of the system of public authorities;

5) financial investments provide public authorities with information systems, networks, resources and information technologies, which are built on the basis of the use of modern computing and communication technology;

6) measures for the implementation of information support consist of a complex of normative-legal, organizational-management, scientific-technical and other measures; The management information environment includes sources of information, the organization's information system, management bodies as users of the information system [3, p. 38].

The functions of information support for the functioning of public authorities should include:

--information support -- carrying out a set of informational and propaganda or ideological events;

--information protection -- providing support to high-ranking officials and state authorities in obtaining confidential information (resources and means) needed for the implementation of political management;

--information service -- operation of special services and structures to identify and meet the current information needs of regional authorities;

--informational assistance -- provision of actual and qualified assistance to political leaders, authorities in accessing the necessary informational resources and tools in connection with the solution of complex tasks or the emergence of new challenges in the implementation of state policy;

--information influence -- an organized process of activity, dissemination and application of special information that has a positive or negative impact on various social, economic, political, and military objects, processes and phenomena to achieve the political goals of the state;

--informational struggle -- a configuration of political rivalry or conflictual interaction in the form of a set of activities agreed on goals, place and time, carried out with the help of special methods and technologies and aimed at obtaining informational prerogative;

--information consulting -- provision of consulting services, expert assessments, formation of recommendations and proposals for solving emerging problems in the processes of information and communication interaction of subjects and objects of the state by relevant bodies and official departments;

--information logistics -- management of information flows in the processes of ensuring the implementation of the political activity of the state with material and technical means, financial, information and other services with the aim of their optimization.

The effectiveness and efficiency of information assurance of public authorities strengthens the effect of global policy for the state in the creation of international information policy, establishes the importance of countries in the world hierarchy, is a factor of international influences, a tool of diplomacy and global strategy of the world order [10, p. 105--106].

A.V. Tsymbalyuk, V. Havlovskyi, V. Hrytsenko and others. group the functions of information provision of public authorities according to the main directions of work with management information (Fig. 1.) [11, p. 137].

Fig. 1. The main functions of information provision of public authorities according to the main areas of work with management information

Source: formed on the basis of the source: [11, p. 138]

information legal public authority

These functions are performed in practice by most units of public authorities. However, for more detailed work with information related to informing about the activities of authorities, forming their image, interacting with the public, special units have been created in the power structures, which can have different organizational forms, for example: press services, information management services and public relations, information and information-analytical management, consultants' apparatuses; departments of informatization and computerization, etc. The main stages of the process of information provision of the activity of authorities are shown in Figure 2 [12].

The Ukrainian state continues to implement European standards of openness and transparency in the activities of public authorities. Where the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Access to Public Information" dated January 13, 2011 No. 2939-VI [13] was a cardinal step in this movement vector. Ensuring the transparency of access to public information cannot be implemented without the use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT). In the 19th century ICT, as a result of such global changes, there is a progressive movement towards an information society, where a significant role belongs to information and knowledge.

Fig. 2. The main stages of the process of information support for the activities of public authorities

Source: formed on the basis of the source: [12]

Meanwhile, the information society is changing the modern political reality and management process by changing their role and functions. Ukraine's efforts to join the European governance culture cannot ignore the main direction of the administrative reform of the countries of the European Community and their global experience in this field, which provided not only positive results, but also negative ones, however, comparing the public sector with the private sector, which does not always demonstrate a modern level service, quality and high efficiency. Since public administration is a political process of achieving public consensus, reconciling mutually conflicting values, in order to achieve freedom and equality, justice and efficiency [14].

Therefore, first, at the state level, taking into account national interests and the possibilities of their implementation by the authorities, it is necessary to formulate political goals, which further define tasks, the implementation of which requires the adoption of management decisions by the heads of state institutions and organizations or the provision of relevant state services to citizens, businesses, other state organizations and institutions. Therefore, at the stage of modern transformational processes and the available opportunities of ICT, the question of finding effective tools for the formation of open and transparent government remains. An example of such tools is e-government [15], which ensures new forms of communication between citizens, business and government, unhindered access to public information and promotes citizen participation in the development and implementation of state policy.

The modern state should no longer manage society from the standpoint of a command-administrative system, but should provide services to it as an ordinary business organization. Citizens in relations with public authorities are consumers of state information services and state information resources [16].

One of the ways to improve electronic information support is the order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On approval of the Concept of the development of electronic government in Ukraine". The concept [17] clearly spells out the goals, in particular: regarding the modernization of public services and the development of interaction between authorities, citizens and businesses using information and communication technologies; modernization of public administration with the help of information and communication technologies and management of the development of electronic government. In order to ensure the openness of the government, there is a rather important tool -- mass media (mass media), which act as an intermediary between the state and society.

The reliability of the information covered, the real level of openness of the government, etc., largely depend on the quality of the functioning of the mass media. Currently, the provision of information to citizens, according to the current legislation, is carried out by the press centers of public authorities through the publication of press releases, notifications about the activities of public authorities, holding press conferences and briefings, establishing permanent contact with mass media, etc. [18, p. 215].

At the current stage of activity of public authorities, there is a lack of centralization regarding the organization of information provision, as the main tasks and functions of this sector are distributed among several structural divisions. In general, in the structure of public authorities, such a sector includes: the general department, the press service, the department for dealing with citizens' appeals, the control sector, and the organizational department.

The procedure of finding, analyzing information and preparing materials for the implementation of an effective management decision is implemented by almost all structural divisions of public authorities. In our opinion, the effectiveness of the information provision of the councils and their executive bodies will significantly increase as a result of the creation of the "Department of Information Provision of Self-Government".

The main areas of activity of the new structural unit will be [17]:

--information and document assurance of councils and their executive bodies (receiving, applying, broadcasting and storing information, routing documents, forming and structuring information flows, monitoring the implementation of management decisions, etc.);

--information and analytical assurance of councils and their executive bodies (search and analysis of information, identification of sources of information, preparation of alternative options for management decisions, determination of information needs of management and forms of their satisfaction);

--organization of information interaction with the territorial community (ensuring feedback and dialogue between the public authority and the population of the administrative-territorial unit);

--informatization of councils and their executive bodies (introduction of information technologies, their technical support, creation of information products, provision of information services, organization and coordination of work on information protection).

In accordance with these directions, the organizational structure of the selfgovernment information support department will have the following composition: information and documentation assurance sector; information and analytical sector; press service; sector of informatization and information protection and archive.

The main tasks of the information support department of public authorities include the following:

--development and implementation of the information policy of public authorities;

--informing the population through mass media about the activities of public authorities, legal acts adopted by them, statements, speeches, meetings of the head of the council, his deputies and heads of departments, and other events;

--creation, together with other structural divisions of public authorities, of socio-economic and organizational conditions for the functioning of the information services market on the territory of the community;

--analysis and monitoring of public opinion of the population of the administrative-territorial unit;

--informational and analytical support for the activity of the head and public authorities;

--complex protection of information;

--informatization of council departments; -- provision of information and documentation technologies in council departments on the basis of modern software and technical complexes for preparation and processing of documents;

--collection of primary information and others.

The main aspects of the organization of the department's activities should be specified in the provision on this department, in particular, it will be appropriate to develop and adopt at the state level a standard provision on the department of information support of public authorities.

In the conditions of the transition to the information society, the active use of the latest technologies becomes relevant for public authorities. Computerization of workplaces, constant updating of information presented on its own website, activities of the electronic reception desk, implementation of electronic document management systems should be perceived by the councils and their executive bodies as mandatory performance of current tasks.

Strengthening the state of openness and transparency of the functioning of public authorities, their connection with the territorial community is possible at the expense of providing electronic administrative services through its own website, organizing and conducting Internet conferences, online forums, and online surveys. The successful implementation of these tasks requires an appropriate level of computer and information literacy of employees of the council's executive bodies [18, p. 46-47].

Therefore, the implementation of these measures will help increase the level of information provision of local self-government bodies, which, in turn, will affect the reproduction of a more flexible and effective management system.

Conclusions from the conducted research. Thus, as a result of the conducted research, it was confirmed the fact that the concept of "information provision" is variant and there is no clear interpretation. There is no doubt that information provision is the basis for the implementation of management activities, which contains information necessary for the effective process of information activity of public authorities, which in turn implies the productive activity of a state institution.

Since the activity of public authorities depends on the completeness and quality of information resources that they use when solving the relevant tasks. Informatization of public authorities is a complex multifaceted mechanism, the implementation of which consists in activating its key functions: information logistics, information support, information support, etc.

In general, the prospect of improving the information provision of the functioning of the local self-government system in Ukraine is connected with the solution of a whole set of issues of a legal, organizational, and methodological nature. And above all, this is the need to centralize information based on the creation of a single information system for all local self-government structures.

It is also important to unify the websites of local self-government bodies from the point of view of providing information that allows the population to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of public authorities. A promising direction of further research on this issue is the evaluation of the effectiveness of the process of information support of the state management procedure in public authorities, which represents both scientific and applied value, and the development of optimal methods that will allow in the long term and with targeted costs to introduce the elements of information support of bodies state power.


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