Specific issues regarding compliance with gender equality by employees of the National Police of Ukraine

A comprehensive review of individual provisions regarding the phenomenon of gender equality in Ukrainian society. Analysis of the position of women serving in the National Police of Ukraine and the observance of the rights of female police officers.

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Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affair, Dnipro city, Ukraine

Specific issues regarding compliance with gender equality by employees of the National police of Ukraine

Volodymyr Tymofieiev


Anatoliy Natochiy


Анатолій Наточій, Володимир Тимофеев.

Окремі питання щодо дотримання ґендерної рівності працівниками Національної поліції України


В оглядовій статті розглянуто окремі положення щодо явища ґендерної рівності в українському суспільстві. Проаналізовано становище жінок, які служать в органах Національної поліції України, та дотримання прав жінок-поліцейських. Визначено певні явища ґендерної нерівності в органах Національної поліції України. Досліджені питання дотримання принципів ґендерної рівності працівниками правоохоронних органів. Основним полем розгляду сучасної ґендерної теорії є нерівність положення жінки та чоловіка, адже наразі місце й роль жінки в суспільстві найчастіше окреслюється певними межами, за які вона не може переступати, точніше, їй не дозволяють це робити суспільна думка, традиції, культура тощо. Надано Ґрунтовні пропозиції щодо поліпшення становища жінок під час добору на службу та безпосередньо під час несення служби в правоохоронних органах.

Досягнення ґендерної рівності є не лише міжнародно-правовим зобов'язанням, це також необхідно для досягнення цілей національного розвитку. Врахування ґендерної рівності в поліцейській діяльності є основоположним фактором захисту прав на робочому місці, а також покращення правоохоронної діяльності, побудови більш безпечного суспільства та зміцнення верховенства права, оскільки досягнення Ґендерної рівності врешті-решт запобігає насильству, захищає права всіх і надає змогу всім зробити вагомий внесок у суспільне життя.

Діяльність поліції, яка сприяє ґендерній рівності, спрямована на потреби громадян. Вона служить інтересам і потребам суспільства в цілому, зосереджуючись на традиційно уразливих групах, таких як жінки, дівчата та представники ЛГЕН-спільноти. Здійснення правоохоронної діяльності забезпечує представницька та авторитетна поліцейська служба, яка культивує культурне та етнічне різноманіття, рівність і толерантність до представників різних верств суспільства.

Ключові слова: ґендерна рівність, ґендерна стратифікація, Національна поліція України, служба в поліції, професійна підготовка, суспільні відносини, відпустка, ґендерна політика, рівність, жінки та чоловіки.


The review article considers some provisions on the phenomenon of gender equality in Ukrainian society. The situation of women serving in the National Police of Ukraine and the observance of the rights of women police officers are analyzed. Certain phenomena of gender inequality in the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine have been identified. The issues of observance of the principles of gender equality by law enforcement officers have been studied. The main field of consideration of modern gender theory is the inequality of women and men, because now the place and role of women in society is often defined by certain limits beyond which she cannot transcend, or rather she is not allowed to do so public opinion, traditions, culture and more. Thorough proposals have been made to improve the situation of women during the selection process and directly during the service in law enforcement agencies.

Keywords: Gender equality, gender stratification, National Police of Ukraine, police service, training, public relations, gender policy, equality, women and men.


gender equality female police

Achieving gender equality is not only an international legal obligation, it is also necessary to achieve national development goals. In policing, gender mainstreaming is a fundamental factor in protecting rights in the workplace, as well as improving law enforcement, building a safer society and strengthening the rule of law, as achieving gender equality ultimately prevents violence, protects the rights of all and empowers all. people to make a meaningful contribution to public life.

The purpose of the article is to study the issue of gender equality in the National Police of Ukraine.

Basic content

The concept of «gender» implies that the vast majority of differences between the genders, especially in terms of professional qualities, skills and traits, are not of natural origin, but rather a consequence of education, socialization, cultural and social influences.

An important stereotype that needs to be addressed at this stage of gender policy is the belief that women can hold leadership positions. This problem exists due to the practice of vertical occupational segregation as a disproportionate distribution of women by position in the occupational hierarchy, known as the «glass ceiling effect». These are informal, artificial barriers that prevent skilled workers from reaching higher levels of professional activity and moving up the career ladder. [1, p. 9].

According to Yu. Ivchenko, «to confirm their ability to hold positions, women police officers must prove their knowledge and skills and work at least twice as effectively as men».

When a woman occupies a high position in the service, it is perceived not as her own achievement, but as an accidental, undeserved advancement on the ladder and sometimes leads to excessive masculinization of women.

A woman is invited to develop purely masculine qualities - toughness, perseverance, authoritarianism, propensity for impersonal control, emotional asceticism. Women's career models often do not fit into the «male» model of professional development, which violates the principle of gender equality.

In a such situation, a woman is faced with a choice: either to accept the existing model of behavior, or to make an effort to defend their right to women's style of behavior in the team.

Despite the active efforts of women to reduce the negative impact of external and internal barriers to career growth, hinder opportunities and reduce negative trends in certain areas of self-realization, academic and professional achievements of gifted women point to their significant untapped potential.

Women police officers are primarily victims of discriminatory practices by colleagues. They are struggling to adapt to the conditions in the police force, a predominantly male environment and the police subculture, with the rejection of their male counterparts as full-fledged workers. They are more likely to suffer from prejudices about professionalism, have less mobility in career growth, are subject to a certain role of women in the team and become victims of sexual harassment and the like.

People's experience of security is inextricably linked to gender as a social construct. The most obvious evidence of the link between gender and security is the prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV), including sexual violence, domestic violence, human trafficking, forced/early marriages and pernicious traditional practices such as female genital mutilation. lead to disabilities and murder for honor. It is estimated that 35% of women worldwide experience lifelong GBV. Men and boys also suffer from some of these forms of GBV. Moreover, other forms of violence experienced by men and boys are increasingly seen as belonging to socially ascribed gender differences. Violence against LGBTI and other people of different sexual orientation, gender identity and self-expression is also a form of GBV in the sense that it is violence against people who are perceived as challenging the prevailing heterosexual gender norms [2].

Integrating a gender perspective into policing contributes to a more effective safe environment and access to justice for all. Men, women, boys and girls face different security challenges because they are subjected to different crimes, in different places, they are committed by different offenders.

The police, which is made up of people from all walks of life, including those from a gender perspective, are more accessible and more trusted. Reports of crime and community cooperation with the police are likely to increase if both men and women feel comfortable interacting with the police, for example, when a woman who has been sexually abused can report it to a female police officer. A diverse police force has a deeper understanding of the needs of the community and can therefore build stronger ties with the community. This situation contributes to more effective law enforcement.

A diverse police force, including one with a gender perspective, can benefit from a wider range of ideas, skills and experience. Evidence suggests that female police officers tend to have special qualities. For example, in certain circumstances, the work of women police officers is associated with less use of force and fewer complaints from citizens than men [4]. Police chiefs in South Africa and the United States report that female officers often have better communication skills and are perceived as more compassionate by complainants (although it is important not to project generalized stereotypes on women, assuming they all share the same skills).

Greater representation of women is also essential for law enforcement, as female police officers are more likely to successfully screen female suspects, interview women victims of crime, and search women. At the same time, women make up only a small proportion of police officers worldwide.

Over time, more gender-diverse police can help transform the organizational culture of the police service and make it more effective in responding to the security needs of all citizens. They can also work towards achieving gender equality in a broader sense: hiring more women can enhance their economic opportunities and set an example for other women and girls [3, p. 57].

Therefore, it is important to strive for gender equality in the police themselves (by making the police representative), and this work can be continued through law enforcement, which will provide opportunities for gender diversity and increase the protection and security of all citizens.

All countries have ratified international treaties and legal instruments that contain commitments on gender equality, including in the security sector. Moreover, states have committed themselves to ensuring the observance of human rights for all citizens, including LGBT people. The UN Human Rights Council emphasized this in its resolutions on «Protection from violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity» and «Human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity». Gender mainstreaming in policing is crucial for countries to make progress in their commitments.

In addition, the «Women, Peace, Security» Agenda, which consists of nine UN Security Council resolutions, reaffirms the important role of women in maintaining peace and security and emphasizes the importance of expanding their role to ensure equal and full participation in efforts to build security and build peace. A number of UN Security Council resolutions on the use of police in international peacekeeping operations also call for gender mainstreaming, call for more women in the police and recognize the urgency of gender- sensitive security needs, with a special focus on sexual violence in conflict [4, p. 43].

As the police are often the first point of interaction with the criminal justice system, they have the opportunity to provide a positive experience so that all persons - men, women, girls and boys - are treated with respect and crimes against them are investigated seriously. This aspect can play an important role in the development of a society where discrimination and gender-based violence are not allowed and where equality can be achieved.

Police activities that promote gender equality are aimed at the needs of citizens. They serve the interests and needs of society as a whole, focusing on traditionally marginalized groups such as women, girls and people in the LGBTI community. The implementation of law enforcement activities is ensured by a representative and authoritative police service, which cultivates cultural and ethnic diversity, equality and tolerance for different segments of society. Such police are subject to strict independent control and supervision in order to maintain professionalism, integrity and high standards of conduct. This section sets out a vision of what a high-quality, gender-conscious police force is.

The work of the police is in the interests of the community, not for the purpose of police oversight of the community. The police must see the community in all its diversity as a partner in ensuring the protection and security of all members of the community, including from abuse by the state and its representatives. The use of force is absolutely extreme and should be used sparingly and minimally. Police officers should be accessible to citizens and show respect in communication with all members of the community.

Statements and public image of the police, including in the media, communication with the government and recruitment campaigns, should reflect the cultural and ethnic diversity and contribution of women and people of different socio-ethnic groups. Police should not be associated with a culture of hypermasculinity, but should be seen as a service that cultivates respect for people, employs people from different walks of life and values gender diversity, as well as diversity in age, nationality, race, religion, territorial origin, class affiliation and other markers of identity.

The composition of the police should reflect the diversity of the community it serves, and the service should use the valuable contributions made by different women and men. This situation means that women and people of different socio-ethnic groups should be represented not only in the entire structure of ranks and ranks, but also in all areas of law enforcement, including operational and managerial positions in the police. Women and people from different socio-ethnic groups should not work only in services for women, children and the LGBTI community or perform ancillary functions [4, p. 62].

Personnel diversity should be ensured through policies that recruit, train, retain and promote that recognize merit and skills rather than outdated notions of policing. For this purpose, positive actions (or positive discrimination) can be used when representatives of previously discriminated groups are hired, retained or promoted. Flexible working conditions, parental leave and childcare allowance create equal opportunities. Uniform, equipment and facilities (e.g. living quarters and toilets) should be designed to take into account gender differences. Recruitment campaigns should be open to women and people from all walks of life, and recruitment and promotion commissions should also include representatives of different categories. In order to promote the diversity of staff, it is necessary to consult with women and people of different socio-ethnic groups on the rules, programs and planning of premises.


It should be emphasized that the current stage of reforming the National Police of Ukraine requires new qualities from a police officer and takes into account the gender aspect, which is based on a system of ideas and predominance of competence and professionalism regardless of gender.

Also important is the correct and clear position of law enforcement officers themselves on gender equality issues. After all, every day a member of the National Police is confronted with different segments and groups of the population, and tolerant and impartial treatment of all people without exception will significantly increase the level of public confidence in law enforcement agencies and the state as a whole.

Список використаних джерел

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