Libraries activities in countering the threats to the national information space
Intellectual information resource as an important component of the affirmation of a person and human society. Problems of library activity in neutralizing threats to the national information space. Possibilities of electronic information technologies.
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V.I. Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, Kyiv
Libraries activities in countering the threats to the national information space
Svitlana Horova, Dr. Sci. (Social Communications),
Psychologist, Senior Researcher
Global informatization and Internet technologies have caused not only new qualitative level of development of society, but also generated numerous problems of growth, the solution of which requires the realities of a new information society. These realities are based on the need to implement the fundamental principles of modern society: increasing labor productivity in the information sphere, improving the efficiency of the use of information resources. At the same time, according to the experience, library institutions acquire appropriate practical possibilities, expand their range of functions based on the capabilities of electronic information technologies and help to neutralize the threats to the national information space.
Keywords: national information space, library activity, information, security, information resources, library institutions, global informatization.
Світлана Горова, доктор наук із соціальних комунікацій, психолог, старший науковий співробітник, Національна бібліотека України імені В.І. Вернадського Київ
Діяльність бібліотек щодо нейтралізації загроз національному інформаційному простору
Інтелектуальний інформаційний ресурс став важливою складовою утвердження людини, людського суспільства як домінуючого, життєздатного біологічного виду в сучасній дійсності, що має зберегти життєздатність своєї планети. У той же час зміни навколишньої дійсності, нові й нові виклики, що постають перед суспільством, диктують темпи еволюції самого суспільства.
Масштаб загрозливих для людства проблем на нинішньому етапі його розвитку потребує вже не локального згуртування людей, а консолідації загальноцивілізаційних зусиль для їх упередження. На необхідність такої консолідації сучасна цивілізація реагує насамперед активізацією глобалізаційних процесів, що, у свою чергу, базуються на глобальній інформатизації, вдосконаленні інформаційних обмінів у системі соціальних структур сучасного суспільства. Останнє стало можливим при рівні розвитку науково-технічного прогресу, характерному для постіндустріального етапу розвитку людства, масовому впровадженню електронних інформаційних технологій.
Ці технології, ставши найпродуктивнішим з усіх відомих до цього часу інструментів введення в суспільну практику необхідних і нформаційних ресурсів і, технологічно будучи найближчими до мозкової діяльності з обробки інформації, активізували, прискорили темпи процесу виробництва матеріальних і духовних благ, сприяли піднесенню до вимог сьогодення еволюції самої людини, розкриттю її можливостей і здібностей, обумовили творення нових і нових, необхідних для вирішення наявних проблем соціальних спільностей.
Сучасна інформатизація, заснована на впровадженні електронних інформаційних технологій, сприяла стрімкій активізації глобалізаційних процесів, трансформації нашої цивілізації в єдиний суспільний організм, що все чіткіше набуває внутрішньої координації. Разом з тим інформатизація обумовила докорінну реконструкцію світогляду кожної, охопленої її процесами людини.
Глобальна інформатизація та інтернет-технології обумовили не лише новий якісний рівень розвитку суспільства, а й породили численні проблеми зростання, вирішення яких вимагають реалії нового і нформаційного суспільства. Ці реалії базуються на необхідності реалізації основоположних принципів сучасного суспільства: підвищення продуктивності праці в інформаційній сфері, удосконалення ефективності використання інформаційних ресурсів. При цьому в новій своїй якості, як про це вже свідчить наявний досвід, бібліотечні установи набувають відповідних практичних можливостей, розширюють спектр своїх функцій, виходячи з можливостей електронних інформаційних технологій та сприяють нейтралізації загроз національному інформаційному простору.
Ключові слова: національний інформаційний простір, бібліотечна діяльність, інформація, безпека, інформаційні ресурси, бібліотечні установи, глобальна інформатизація.
library threat national information
Analysis of recent research and publications
Ukrainian and foreign scholars, namely O. Onyshchenko, L. Dubrovina, V. Horovyi, T Dobko, and others, are engaged in the analysis of issues related to the one which is discussed in the study, but the modern rapid development of the information society constantly provides new material for scientific practical generalizations.
The goal of the study is to consider library activities in the context of the development of electronic information resources with the aim of neutralizing threats to the national information space.
Today, operating a system of modern information resources is associated with a number of difficult-to-solve problems.
The first of them is related precisely to the absence of the practice of productive work with large volumes of information in modern society. In the middle of the last century, society faced difficulties in finding the necessary information in the rapidly growing system of resources, distributed, as already noted above, in libraries, archives, scientific and other information centers, when solving current problems. At the same time, the labor costs associated with conducting the search, the real time limits of its implementation quite often became commensurate with the expenditure of relevant resources to solve existing problems by re-creating the necessary information products. Duplication in the creation of a significant part of innovative resources significantly reduced the efficiency of information used in the most important areas of innovative development.
The development and implementation of modern technologies for processing large amounts of information, primarily electronic, has led to a significant reduction in duplication and losses, which were talked about so much in publications during the so-called “information explosion” of the 50s and 60s of the last century. However, the rapid increase in the production of new information in the world due to the development of global informatization processes does not remove the problem of processing its growing arrays from the agenda. And the matter in this case is not only the constant need to improve search tools and try to use them to replace time-consuming operations which information workers have to make to select and process information resources quested by customers.
It is also about the need to respond to the growing factor of multilingualism on the Internet, and, considering modernity needs, slow development of the quality of the text translation from one language to another, bringing the specificity of the presentation of information to the general level of civilization in the “growing unity, integrity of humanity, the establishment of collectivity as its organic properties, which are one of the main trends of the general civilizational process” [1]. At the same time, conveying the mentioned specificity to user, the guarantee of the most productive information creation and presentation in native languages, is an important circumstance of modern information exchanges, the value of which, with the realization of opportunities for national development and integration in solving general societal problems, is constantly increasing.
The selection of the necessary information from global resources is complicated also due to the development of market relations in the information sphere and the growing segment of information products and services that are sold as commodity products with increasing value.
In the total volume of produced resources, with their constant growth, it is increasingly difficult to find highly specialized information or simply information that thematically corresponds user' requests.
“The irregularity, spontaneity and extensiveness of the development of the Internet encourages every researcher to independently examine the information environment or to use the services of information companies and information brokers. After all, the Internet is an illegible storehouse of information, a large part of which is inaccurate, duplicated or advertising... when the question arises of access to high-quality and reliable, peer-reviewed, scientific information, many users find themselves in difficult situations” [2]. At the same time, we are talking about qualitative information. However, at the current stage of the production of information resources, the global information space is full of low-quality information, and information that is harmful, used for the purpose of achieving one or another political, economic and other goals, suggestive technologies, which makes it very difficult to find quality resources.
Volumes of low-quality information are significant because of:
- unprofessionalism, or insufficient professionalism, of producers of new information who entered this field of production at an unprofessional level in the context of the development of informatization, ensuring wide access to both the use and production of new information;
- non-compliant (for one reason or another) international standards for information production;
- the low technical level of the equipment on which the production of new information is carried out, which causes the emergence of low quality products, the introduction of technological noise into the information space, etc.;
- the presence of harmful and hostile to Ukrainian society information in the information space, the introduction of disinformation and information related to cyber terrorism into it.
It should also be borne in mind that global information resources are divided into operational and reserve ones. The latter are not used constantly, but from time to time. Accordingly, the level of access to them can be complicated. In modern practice, backup information resources can often be on paper or other non-electronic carriers, and it impedes for users access to them. At the same time, the importance of backup information in certain critical circumstances for society may become more relevant.
Today, global information resources are characterized by a wide variety, in particular, of fixation methods. In this case, it is important that each of the methods, - on electronic media, and on paper, on film or in magnetic recording, etc., - has its own technology of creation and use of the resource. Bringing these technologies to a common, electronic denominator, although it happens sometime, however, requires significant expenditure of money and time and cannot yet satisfy public demands. The majority of potential users do not yet possess the necessary, very diverse technologies in a sufficient extent.
Separately, it is necessary to focus on the development of search systems and other navigation mechanisms, which are primarily characteristics of electronic information resources. They became a way out in solving the problems of thematic search for information, measuring its quantitative characteristics, tracking some of its other parameters. And at the initial stage of informatization, until the end of the last century and the beginning of the current one, these solutions in principle satisfied the emerging needs.
However, since the problem of harmful, manipulative information came to the forefront, and respectively, the need for prompt, effective use of new quality information to promote modern society development became pressing one, as well as neutralization of the problems that arise before it, with the growing need to accelerate the implementation of new information energy in social activity, technological solutions which have been found in the field of processing information arrays, are already insufficient. At the same time, we are talking about the need to improve the meaningful analysis of available resources, the analysis of the quality of the preparation of information products, the study of the possibilities of their development and planning based on the use of these possibilities of future social activities.
Modern search systems, unfortunately, are unable to perform an effective search for information in the interdisciplinary field of its development, in case of the need to analyze the content of non-identical terminology, to draw analogies in similar processes, but terminologically displayed in different ways. At the same time, directions of interdisciplinary research are currently very productive in solving modern social problems in various spheres of activity.
Similar problems also arise if one tries to use for one's own social development the cultural heritage of other nations and peoples, i.e. information resources created within the conditions of another cultural tradition, marked with the distinctive morphological construction of language structures. As rightly noted by modern researchers, the important and still not fully realized interest in the development of national languages i n the general civilization dimension, in addition to cultural, general democratic, humanistic, political motives, will also acquire a certain pragmatic significance. It will be associated with the growing importance of creative work, which, as social practice shows, is always most effective in the national cultural environment using the expressive means of the native language.
Modern search systems cannot also take into account the necessary level of generalization of information resources, the distribution of resources according to the scope of use for specific purposes. Thus, when solving specific problems, for example, the purification of water used by a sugar factory, the company's employees need to receive information about the most effective, cost-effective technologies, and there are no relevant solutions from international organizations on this issue at all.
A problematic issue in the selection from the system of global resources is also the distinction in its general volumes of the necessary information and one that is harmful, false, especially specially disguised as useful and innovative information. This circumstance is significant in view of the spread of information wars and cyber terrorism. However, it is also of significant importance in the process of developing market-based information exchanges.
This circumstance is particularly important given the fact that the weakness of the main subjects of the Ukrainian information market (and especially when considering it as the Ukrainian segment of the international information market) leads to the active entry of foreign participants into this market, who have much stronger material and technical base, technological and financial opportunities, an ideology of influence on social processes in Ukraine, based on one's own interests. The importance of the ideological component of foreign influence not only on the internal structure of the Ukrainian market, but also on the mechanisms of development of our society as a whole, creating comfortable conditions in it for the promotion of all types of own goods and ensuring favorable conditions for the purchase of Ukrainian products - the importance of this component of foreign influence in the current conditions is growing.
Despite, however, all existing problems in the process of using global information resources, this source of replenishment of national information bases is gaining more and more importance in enriching national information bases. This circumstance is explained by the fact that:
- today, no country can afford the production of new information in all areas of social development. Thus, in all world countries, users are forced to develop methods to attract foreign resources in the interests of their own development. This process, in turn, necessitates the formation of an appropriate legal framework;
- the establishment of international information exchanges contributes to the saving of domestic resources in areas of information production that are not constantly in demand, for which the formation of a special infrastructure for information creation is economically unjustified;
- the formation of international information markets as the most effective form of information exchange in modern times determines both the sale of own information products on these markets and the purchase of those products abroad that ensure innovative development, are useful for the state and the nation, and the production of which in the conditions of our country, in comparison with foreign samples is unprofitable.
At the same time, national interests dictate the need to observe one's own interests in information exchanges. So, from all the multifaceted discussions among researchers regarding the sphere of informational influences, one conclusion can be drawn today, namely: the influence of global processes on any information base is positive only as long as it contributes to the creation of new information in the traditions of a given human community, information that reflects the surrounding reality and promotes its development in the interests of this community [3].
Thus, the formation of the Ukrainian market of information services, and all other mechanisms of information exchanges practiced today, should be developed taking into account the necessary measures that ensure the information security of our society. They must neutralize possible threats to the existence and development of Ukraine, ensure the protection of economic and political sovereignty, own socio-cultural identity. At the same time, external information is assimilated and transformed into internal one, as a result the internal diversity of the system expands, which, in turn, makes it suitable for perceiving even greater external diversity [4, p. 117].
It is also important within the framework of the development of the democratic process to maintain a balance between openness of information and socially necessary restrictions on its distribution. In the system of these threats, the most significant today are those aimed at subordinating the interests of nations and states to the interests of transnational companies, international terrorist groups, and other problem-oriented supranational associations with global ambitions.
Another noticeable component of these threats is the threat of national- cultural unification, which neutralizes national, professional or other distinctiveness of development and self-identification. Such neutralization contributes to the elimination of possible resistance to the achievement of certain tactical goals of the leading foreign globalizers and harms the general development of society as a whole. Today, this is particularly evident in the processes of the spread of mass culture, the latest religious currents, the cult of power on the television screen, etc. According to the researchers, “the birth of a new world order is based not so much on economic transformations as on radical shifts in the spiritual sphere. These shifts are based on a whole complex of problems, often quite far from the direct information processes, but they are necessarily reflected in these processes and, in general, if perceived uncritically, can create a danger for Ukrainian national development” [5].
According to the system of traditional objects of impression, from the point of view of a nation or state, the most vulnerable components of information security are: national, economic, political, informational, technical, physical, social, military, ecological, resource, food, energy, financial and monetary, price, demographic, fire, medical, psychological, mental, criminal security [6,pp. 10-11].
As we can see, the complex influence of information resources produced in the world on the domestic information basis of the development of society determines the need for a complex corresponding response. Thus, an appropriate hierarchy of tasks is being formed in the field of organizing a modern domestic response to the development of the global information space. At the same time, at the national level, national informational interests must be consistent with those that correspond to the interests of international development and take into account the subordinate interests of the system of its own social structures.
The development of informatization in Ukraine and the strengthening of global information pressure on national information resources, the specification of threats associated with the use of electronic information technologies, the need, in the end, to improve the processes necessary to increase the efficiency of the use of information resources as the basis of innovative development, today determine the need for high-quality improving the information saturation of the domestic information space, establishing effective mechanisms for replenishing the national information resource.
Modern information interests of Ukraine, in view of the strengthening of global influences, are increasingly connected with the organization of the preservation in the national interests of products and technologies of specific economic significance, with the protection of new socially significant information of the scientific level of the organization, as information of the highest level of quality, which accumulates intellectual mastering new facts and processes of public life, necessary for social development, solving the entire system of problems related to the organization of information security of Ukraine [7, 8, 9]. And if at the level of law-making and norm-making, the legal basis for the development of the appropriate policy is being formed, albeit not with sufficient efficiency, then there is still no proper coordination in the system of information structures of Ukrainian society.
Thus, we come to the conclusion that, firstly, in the conditions of growing global influences, the formation of a broad nationwide system of information structures that would satisfy society's requests for information relevant for development, would contribute to its effective use in the country and in the system of international exchanges, would satisfy the necessary needs for the organization of modern information security and, secondly, the establishment of centralized control and the development of a clear national policy regarding the organization of socially useful information activities in Ukraine. At the same time, a very important task in the current conditions is the establishment of wide access to information resources for all categories of users and the organization of informing them about the content of available resources.
Meeting these needs of society is carried out in three main ways:
- the production of new information that corresponds to the directions of social development, its introduction into public circulation through the system of national information communications, its presentation through the system of international communications to international information markets, as well as directing the completion of domestic information bases, including library funds;
- the introduction into wide public circulation of information resources contained in the funds of library institutions, archival institutions, and other information bases and constituting the national-cultural spiritual value created by previous generations of the Ukrainian people and a system of important landmarks in modern national development;
- selection of information necessary for the development of the Ukrainian people from the resources of the global information space.
At the same time, if the delivery of new information and information from information bases available in Ukraine takes place through the domestic communications system and is carried out by relevant information workers focused on quality information service (librarians, employees of archival institutions, employees of analytical centers or foundations), then the resources of the global information space, with the exception of the fulfillment of certain contractual obligations within the framework of business projects and the exercise of deliberate influence on the information space and databases of Ukraine, unauthorized by it, these resources are simply presented to the user. And the selection of information depends on him.
The complexity of this selection in the conditions of a shortage of time, available huge amounts of information resources, their structural diversity and different quality makes scientists, businessmen, and political figures in the modern information space, regardless of even a hypothetically clear idea of what they are trying to find, increasingly amateurs. Work in modern information arrays, with the involvement of modern technologies, requires specific professional skills and, in the end, to be distinguished among new information professions - operators of information resources. Their help increases the efficiency of using information resources, the productivity of all categories of users.
The economic situation in the country does not favor the creation of new highly productive information centers. And at the same time, library and archival institutions, traditional information centers of our past, remained out of public attention for a long time during the formation of the new Ukrainian state in the process of the development of society's informatization.
In their optimal version, these mechanisms should be, obviously, in our country, connected with the development of library activities. This development, however, should be based on a modern technological basis while improving the activities of library institutions as public information centers, in which qualified information workers should work, mediators between producers and users of information, between information resources available in society and social structures, which is based on it. At the same time, library institutions will meet today's requirements and successfully fulfill the role of the main infrastructure elements for managing society's information resources under the following conditions:
1) when their technical and technological base will provide the possibility to manage electronic information flows;
2) when they will be able to work effectively in the global information space, selecting information necessary for our society;
3) when they will become centers of reliable storage of structured and reliably managed information both the new electronic and converted from other media into electronic information;
4) when the information from library funds transferred into electronic form will be introduced into active circulation, creating single arrays with a new one, confirming the traditions of information creation developed over generations;
5) when, due to the planned replenishment of funds with new information, internal inter-branch connections will be restored and strengthened, which will contribute to the improvement of the entire system of society's information bases;
6) when library institutions, on their part, will intensify the work on remote user service, they will develop technologies that will ensure an increase in the efficiency of information use, including one through adaptation to customers needs, taking into account the specifics of one's perception, by analogy with communication processes;
7) when library institutions will start the process of entering the information markets as full-fledged subjects, which may be of not only financial significance for them. After all, the market is a good indicator of any activity;
8) when library institutions as public information centers will also become centers of best experience, scientific thought, enlightenment and education for those categories of citizens who join modern information technologies and introduce them into their own lifestyle [10, pp. 220-221].
It is also worth noting that in their new capacity, as the experience already shows, library institutions acquire new practical opportunities, expand the range of their functions, based on the capabilities of electronic information technologies.
Thus, the computerization of libraries has become a favorable factor in improving the quality of already traditional areas of activity related to serving readers in library halls, correcting information about available resources, reducing the time for new literature processing time, etc.
Along with this, the development of electronic resource services with the help of library websites has developed. “The current stage of development and distribution of IT in Ukraine allow us to consider the website as the main and extremely effective tool for remote IO of library users of all types. And it's not just about informing website visitors about libraries structure, opening hours, contact information and location, etc. For a modern library, it is the norm to keep an EC of new arrivals and promptly update the latter on its own website, to form and present thematic lists of literature and full-text documents, to offer information about book and art exhibitions, and cultural and mass events, to present a systematized list of web references (links) with annotations, provision of ordered background social or scientific information, etc.” [11].
Service with the help of remote address delivery of documents to users also received the corresponding development. Full-text electronic libraries are being developed and social networks are being filled with quality information.
A characteristic feature of the modern library activity is the production of their own information and analytical resources in the “information about information” mode, which reveals the content of library funds on current problems of social activity, the content of new global information resources related to socially useful issues. Such publications tell in a concentrated form about new information developments, and are equipped with rich reference material, so could contribute to the improvement of the use of information resources.
1. Kremin, V. H., Binko, I. F., Holovashchenko, S. I. (1998). Politychna bezpeka Ukrainy: kontseptualni zasoby ta systema zabezpechennia: monohrafiia [Political security of Ukraine: conceptual means and support system]. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
2. Dobko, T. (2013). Dovidkovo-bibliohrafichna diialnist naukovykh bibliotek Natsionalnoi akademii nauk Ukrainy: stanovlennia ta rozvytok (XX st. - pershe desiatylittia XXI st.) [Reference and bibliographic activity of scientific libraries of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: formation and development (XX century - first decade of XXI century)]. Kyiv: NBUV [in Ukrainian].
3. Horovyi, V M. (2005). Osoblyvosti rozvytku sotsialnykh informatsiinykh baz suchasnoho ukrainskoho suspilstva [Features of the development of social information bases of modern Ukrainian society]. Kyiv: NBUV [in Ukrainian].
4. Afanasev, V G. (2013). Sotsialnaya informatsiya i upravlenie obschestvom [Social information and community management]. 408 p. [in Russian].
5. Onyshchenko, O. S., Dubrovina, L. A., Horovyi, V. M. et al. (2011). Inteh- ratsiia Ukrainy u svitove spivtovarystvo v konteksti rozvytku bibliotechnykh informatsiinykh tekhnolohii [Integration of Ukraine into the world community in the context of the development of library information technologies]. Kyiv: NBUV [in Ukrainian].
6. Tardaskina, T. M. (2011). Menedzhment informatsiinoi bezpeky v haluzi zviazku [Management of information security in the field of communication]. Odesa [in Ukrainian].
7. Oliinyk, O. V. Polityko-pravovi aspekty formuvannia informatsiinoho suspilstva suverennoi i nezalezhnoi derzhavy [Political and legal aspects of the formation of the information society of a sovereign and independent state] [in Ukrainian].
8. Natsionalnyi informatsiinyi suverenitet u konteksti rozvytku novitnikh informatsiinykh tekhnolohii: monohrafiia / [O. S. Onyshchenko, V. M. Horovyi, V. I. Popyk ta in.]; NAN Ukrainy, Nats. b-ka Ukrainy im. V I. Vernadskoho. Kyiv: NBUV, 2011. 191 p. [in Ukrainian].
9. Marutian, R. (2010). Natsionalni informatsiini resursy yak pershoosnova informatsiinoho suverenitetu Ukrainy. Aktualni problemy mizhnarodnoi bezpeky: ukrainskyi vymir. Kyiv: Stylos. [in Ukrainian].
10. Horovyi, V. (2010). Sotsialni informatsiini komunikatsii,ikh napovnennia i resurs [Social information communications, their content and resources]. Kyiv: NBUV [in Ukrainian].
11. Isaienko, O. (2011). Innovatsiini bibliotechni tekhnolohii informatsi- inoho obsluhovuvannia: monohrafiia [Innovative library information service technologies]. Kyiv: NBUV [in Ukrainian].
Список бібліографічних посилань
1. Кремінь В. Г., Бінько І. Ф., Головащенко С. І. Політична безпека України: концептуальні засоби та система забезпечення: монографія. Київ: МАУП, 1998. С. 8.
2. Добко Т Довідково -бібліографічна діяльність наукових бібліотек Національної академії наук України: становлення та розвиток (XX ст. - перше десятиліття ХХІ ст.) / відп. ред. О. С. Онищенко; НАН України, Нац. б-ка України ім. В. І. Вернадського. Київ, 2013. С. 257.
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